Lesson Three of the Self Defense Mini Clinic

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Welcome to Lesson 3 of your Self Defense Mini Clinic. If you’ve made it this far you are leaps and bounds ahead of most guys. Believe it or not most guys can’t even make it through my Self Defense Mini Clinic let alone a real life street fight.

In this lesson we are going to talk about picking the right target and technique for every situation, and you’ll learn why total commitment is crucial if you want to win a fight.

But before we get into that here is a quick video lesson that’ll teach you something you can use right away. Please click play on the video below and let decorated Counter-Terrorism Expert (and respected hand to hand combat expert) Glen Boodry take it from there.

Target Awareness vs. Technique Focus

Understanding the difference between “target” and “tool” (technique) is an important concept that confuses many fighters and gets them hurt. Knowing where to strike (the “target”) is the key. How to strike that target is simply a matter of which “tools” you’ll choose.

The bottom line is recognizing an open target is much more important than having the best technique. Because, a sloppy punch to the side of the neck is far better than a beautifully executed high reverse round-house kick that misses the target.

You must throw away the idea that a certain punch or kick will solve your fight problem and instead embrace the concept that hitting certain “high value” targets (by ANY means), is what WINS fights quickly.

But don’t get me wrong – technique is crucial. You want that “bag o nasty tricks” in your arsenal. It’s actually comforting when you realize you’ve got BOTH bases covered – that is, you’ve got a solid understanding of an opponent’s most vulnerable targets AND an arsenal of highly effective techniques to take advantage of them. Suddenly you’re the guy walking the streets in total confidence knowing you can “take care of business” if the situation arises.

The idea is to concentrate on first things first. And the first step is to choose a target – the second is to choose which tool or technique you’ll use.

We already went over some of the best targets back in Day 1, but today I’m going to list some more of them before we talk about techniques.

Great street fighting targets: Eyes, ears, jaw, throat, solar plexus (just below the sternum), groin, inside and outside of the knee.

Those are the big ones, a well-trained fighter will look for many other targets.

What Makes A Good Fighting Technique

First off a good technique has a high damage potential. In other words if it hits its target it will cause a lot of pain or damage your attackers body. This is just common sense.

The other consideration is probability of success. This is the real kicker, because many fancy martial arts moves are devastating if they hit their target, but the chances of that happening in a street fight are slim. Let me tell you why.

You will lose fine motor skills in a fight. Only very experienced fighters are able to use fine motor skills during a conflict (were talking about Navy SEALs and other special ops soldiers).

MMA fighters are able to use fine motor skills because although the threat of getting hurt is real their chances of dying in the ring are very small. It’s the fear of death not a scuffle that gets you pumped with so much adrenaline that fine motor skills go out the window.

If you aren’t familiar with fine motor skills the following explanation will get you up to speed:

fine motor skill fight moveFine Motor Skills: These are typically complex moves that require a high degree of training to learn and continual training to maintain. Your typical martial arts class will teach you these skills. By the time you’re a black belt (which may take ten years) you’ll know all sorts of fine motor skill techniques, including flying round house kicks, flying knees, spinning back kicks, and a lot more.

When your adrenaline dumps during an attack (the “fight or flight” response hits), higher thinking processes begin to degrade and fine motor skills deteriorate big time. It’s how the sympathetic nervous system works. As heart rate goes up, fine motor skills decrease, there’s simply nothing you can do about it.

Because fine motor skills are out the window you are going to want to focus on Gross Motor Skill to take out your attacker. These are movements that utilize the larger more powerful muscles of your body.

Gross Motor Skills: These do not require a lot of complex bio-mechanical skills. Nail down a few simple kicks, head-butt, elbows, knee work, and ground moves and you’ll be on your way.

They’re based on natural movements that don’t require years to learn and they’ll stick with you even when the adrenaline is pumping.

In fact, most fights are won with these simple (but well executed) skills – mainly because you’re simply tapping into your body’s own natural movement patterns instead of forcing some overly-complex process that will often fall apart in a real fight.

Before we get into total commitment and the fighting mindset I want you to take a look at the video below. This technique is all about gross motor skills and is simple and easy to remember.

Total Commitment:

Total commitment is the mindset you must have if you are going to win a fight. And it all starts with the internal question, “am I willing to hurt this guy?”

First, it’s important that you understand that street fighting is a zero sum game. That means there’s no such thing as a “win-win” outcome. You either win or you lose… period. And losing can mean hospitalization, permanent injury or death.

Even “friendly” fights that start with a couple buddies wrestling for fun can quickly turn serious and become lethal. I’ve seen the police reports.

The smart fighters – even experienced match fighters — avoid personal combat on the streets whenever possible because they know that the “rules” are different. How? Well, unlike the ring, there are NO rules. They understand that even a “little guy” can use an improvised weapon, or get in a lucky strike for an instant knock out.

You should never resign yourself to taking a beating under the assumption that you’ll take a couple shots then lick your wounds and go home. My research has shown that one of the most popular “gang-banger” moves is “stomping” your head once you’re down. There’s no guarantee you’ll live through something like that, and if you do, that you won’t be drooling from a wheelchair for the rest of your life.

Here are some assumptions you’ve got to keep in mind for any fight that’ll help you stay totally committed in a confrontation:

    1. Zero Sum Game – There is NO potential win-win. There are thousands of “let’s step outside” kinda fights that end in permanent injury or death every year.
    2. Defeat is not a temporary set back – and it’s NOT an option. Because keeping the option open that it may be “okay” if you get a good ass beating means that you’re also okay with the possibility of permanent injury or death – or that the people you’re supposed to be protecting will be left to the mercy of your adversary.Never get comfortable with the idea that if you simply let this guy beat you up a little it’ll be better than really pissing him off by fighting back. This is why getting the first question right in your head is so important. “am I willing to hurt this person?” Not, “am I willing to fight this person?” you must be 100% committed to victory.
    3. Your adversary has NO rules. Let me tell you about an “underground” match fight I witnessed between a baby-faced “tough guy” and a hardened tattooed ex-con.This videotaped fight was supposed to require bamboo sticks and “Baby face” said, in private, he’d use his stick to break his opponent’s fingers.The ex-con (on the other hand) said, in private, his goal was to “kill” the guy. That’s it… didn’t even mention the sticks.Guess what?When the fight started and the ex-con simply threw down the stick, leaped on his opponent, and tore half his face off with his teeth. In those seconds of terror, baby-face could only scream “he’s biting me… he’s biting me… he’s not using the stick… he’s not using the stick.”Certainly an ugly… brutal… and shocking way to make my point, but unfortunately it’s all true. A real fight means NO rules. You cannot expect your adversary to show mercy or fight “honorably.”
    4. Always leave immediately. Don’t stand around “waiting to see what happens”… because winning the fight is as good as it gets – it’s all downhill from there. Get you and your family the hell out. Hanging around means there’s a good possibility you’ll be caught up in the next round of drama from friends or from citizens who might perceive you as the “bad guy” or even from the police.That doesn’t mean you’re necessarily running from the law – it’s just that you want to talk to the cops on YOUR terms – without the extra drama and confusion. Bottom line – as Navy SEAL trainer Paul Vunak points out… “Get out while you can.”


Dominate larger attackers with a simple (and innocent looking) “bare-handed” strike. Click here to find out how.

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337 thoughts on “Lesson Three of the Self Defense Mini Clinic”

  1. Wow, 3 days and you’ve destroyed everything I thought about fighting, and highlighted every reason I’ve lost a fight. Amazing series.

  2. hi, thnx for your very effective advice. I’m thoroughly excited to read everything you say. my mind works overtime on the various possible fight scenarios that your brilliant mind expounds and it evokes in my mind the countless battles that have occurred thruout history. if only some of the antagonists could have learned from you the various principles, techniques, leaving the fight scene quickly for the innocent observers, etc., it might have changed some of the history thruout the world. by the way, I’m a positively minded pacifist and due to a tragic accident, I’m also a quad needing 24/7/365 days care by my 8 pals taking diff shifts.
    mahalo and aloha, mike okumura

  3. I’ve learned a lot of things that will help me protect myself n my family I’m disabled n walk with a cane a lot I would like to get you offer of a free cane n pay for the video if u could offer it to me after the 3rd of November I don’t get paid till then I’m still learning n thanks I order one of ur videos n it is great I even got my fiense learning again thank you for the time u have put n to this it helps a lot. TJ

  4. I’ve studied Martial arts for 40 years. The last 20 I’ve been unlearning what I learned the first twenty. I’ve always received excellent information from your website. Keep up the good work. For all you new to this kind of information, this stuff does work effectively, you DO need to practice. And its best you practice with a partner. Start slow and build your ability, targeting is crucial. Have fun. Thanks Bob Pierce!

  5. Thanks again Bob, for your instructions. I feel stronger more. Some tactic I like to use if I had a choke in the streets is punch to the solar plexus. It works.
    Thanks again for making these tip available


  6. My question is what if there are multiple opponents, what would we do? These maybe effective against one person, but what if 5 people are engaging you at one time, holding and punching you?

  7. 100% correct that holding the target (head when throwing the elbow will increase the striking force) but with that said i do think it would be hard to do on someone who is still viable (not injured and fresh) opening strikes would be much better going for the throat, groin etc. ounce weaken i believe holding the head and throwing elbow would be easier to do. i like the fact that you do say about target acquisition, if throat not available a point kick to shin or groin to open up then attack the more lethal targets. i have to wonder how your attacker would have gotten this close in the first place, i do realize that it happens, but many things would have happen before this point. i would use my long range weapons first then follow up with more devastating attacks. which would be a point kick or side kick depending on the case. again being aware of your surroundings is key. but i like the attacks you showed. i have witnessed several times a palm strike to groin like that with very little effect. his left armed dropped a web of hand to the larynx maybe more appropriate in this case. but again if you are going to strike the groin better going up with like a reverse edge of hand(thumb facing up)rotating the wrist and grabbing and pulling the testicles. keep up the good work… hey Peter you have to remember it wont matter if there are 10 attackers only about 3 can attack with any efficiency, the rest will only get in each others way, always be aware of your surroundings and look for escape route. and always try to keep only one in front of you so thats means having to move and pivot. do not put yourself in a corner. attack with eye attacks, throat most cases the others will not want any part ounce you attack viscous at the first and second. if attackers have got this close to you what has happen up to this point? they can only attack if they get close ( unless with a gun) there is only 3 ways they can accomplish this 1 they walk up to you 2 you walk up to them, 3 they use their environment ex; hiding behind park vehicle or alley etc…..

  8. great clips. i am an old fart now, but have been in a few fights in my time. there is no fair except a bus fair or a state fair in love or war. a street fight is war. give no breaks, never give up, make sure he does not get up. the older i get the dirtier fighting i will do. as was said leave as soon as you can. watch around you for any of his friends, i have been put down twice because of that from behind. try to access the situation before any contact. concussions are not fun. great videos, even the odds they are called bad guys for a reason. after words the police can be your enemy. best to leave if you can. as my dad taught me win or lose if you hurt someone they will never bother you again. it rings true. bullies beware. fights are not timed rounds and most are over in a matter of seconds, there is no wearing down in most street fights. i always try to keep distance but this is great stuff for when it gets close. if someone is in touching distance you have let them get to close, if they touch you the fight is on and that is assault. show no mercy, never give up, leave after.

  9. Thank you so very much for the informative lessons.I have already Mr.Clugston’s Camrac Bas VHS video’s from a long time ago.Still comes in handy to know.I recommend all of your fight video’s as I know that they contain only the best knowledge of how to win a fight if you are ever in one.You must have the brutal mentality of winning the fight or you are going to lose it and could potentially be messed up for life as a result.I love watching all of your video’s.I currently live in the Phillippines(In a very safe and secure area,although this is the only area that is safe.)The rest of the Phillippines can be VERY dangerous.Size doesn’t matter,it’s what you know.Some of the people that live here can be extremely dangerous,if you don’t know what,or who, you are dealing with.I intend to teach my children(Ages 12 and 13)how to deal with any situations they may come across using your techniques.GOD bless you for the information.Happy Thanksgiving to you and to all of your instructors,and a VERY MERRY CHRISTMAS to you all.Thanks,once again.

  10. Thankx for the free info. Some of the information was already known but, the refresher was very welcomed.

  11. Very thankful for the additional instructions. Can’t wait to see the upcoming tutorials. Knowledge really give one a chance to defend oneself or win a fight.

  12. i am very glad to get this information,being 3/4 centry old,i have no funds i can spend on information like this.might not be able to get my big brother out (1911-A1) which i usally carry back north american arms is small but is a back up. THANKS

  13. very straight forward and concise moves, awesome techniques to practice and keep as the element[s] of surprise.I have a good amount of experience from decades ago, but as I am over 50 now, the new young street punks have watched and practiced so much marshall arts, video games and bullying, these DVD lessons, will give me some additional, right now moves to take control of the fools that gang-bang or set an old guy up, I am in some of the best shape I have ever been and even as a roofer, tree thinner, dry waller [20 to 35 years ago], I did not have the strength my current day job brings. wisdom and a sense of urgency help too.

  14. thanks guys for the videos of all the right moves to make. im not a person for fighting but if im ever in that situation at least i have more ideas of how to take the other person down or knock them senseless to be able to restrike again and again if id have too. thanks again! good info guys!

  15. I was taught that if you throw the elbow and are right handed size the throw with the left to bthe oppanents shoulder so he doesnt return the favor when you are stepping in.

  16. Very impressive. Like i learned in the military. Kiss, keep it simple, soldier. And that is exactly what your videos teach. Thank you for the simple but effective, and powerful techniques.

  17. MMA is very popular and beware if your opponent ” taps out ” odds are as soon as you let up he’ll take the advantage and resume his attack before you can regain control again.

  18. It is especially critical for women to learn these simple moves. Men think they have a definite advantage because of their strength and the simple fact that they are the aggressor and the initiator of the attack. True, but they can very quickly be overtaken and put on the defensive through your speed and technique. Once the attacker is off balance and falls to the ground, you definitely will have time to run to safety. Again, speed and technique catching the attacker off guard can give you the best personal protection. These videos are crucial to watch. Thanks so much …

  19. I am amazed on how simple the information is and the structure that it is given in. It has increased my self defense abilities even further without ever leaving my home. Thank you sooo very much for the wonderful gifts. May God continually bless you all for the work you all do!

  20. Wow does this ever bring back memories , I would not want to ever mess with this lady she is one tough one…30 years ago before my severe back injury I was very involved in the martial arts…. keep up the great posts.

  21. This is the best thing I have ever came across. Please keep me on the mailing list. It has taught me a lot of great ways to protect me & my wife. Thanks sooooooooooo much. Keep up the great work.✊✊✊✊✊✊✊✊✊✊✊✊✊✊✊✊

  22. Techniques demonstrated appear to be administered by the person with the larger body mass with the exception of the pant leg take down and even he was well built. Do these techniques work effectively when you are up against a foe with a greater body mass than yourself?

  23. I am somewhat diabled going on 60 average joe law abiding citizen I live alone and when out of my home ,the percentage of the time, I am by myself. So getting the picture it is soley the responsibility in protecting myself if an ugly situation should arise. I take your vieo clips seriously and would like to express my gratitude to you in providing easy to do self defense clips Not only do they provide education but also self confidence that I stand a better chance in escaping a dangerous and possible life threatening situation. Please keep information like that coming and I would be interested in anything that would teach myself what to do to defend myself and loved ones serious harm Again thank you

  24. This training is refreshing things that i havent used but needing to.I was raised just out side Detroit.at my age now this traing to protect my wife and family.zI learned in VietNam to kill or be killed.

  25. I have not watched any video as of yet due to illness. What I have looked is interesting, and my prove to be of great value in a confrontation. Thanks

  26. This is good information for someone who is cool head. I am retired NYPD. 1500 Arrest, 11 Accommendations, 3 citations. I have no fear of anything.

  27. Great read and I don’t like to read..I have red two books in my life Rich dad poor dad and a lady i met wrote it about investing in real estate from centrelink to 30 houses or something of that nature… I have done three days in one hit about to do four..

  28. I showed my wife the groin grab neck strike move so she could protect herself if attacked. I am happy to have learned it too, good for anyone that is threatened.

  29. Just finished watching day three videos, demonstrations are done exceptionally well, theory of moves and results explained, these techniques are awesome, simple and very effective, I hope Fight Fast sends me new video instructions Forever !

    Kathy Long is So Hot !

    OSOK Pink Mist

  30. It’s good to have multiple moves, because what if the opponent covers up. you have to be able to work your way in. Point blank. The y could strike first, as in many fights, then the desperate cover up from you, but then it’s still on to fight. so these are some good tactics to come out with the advantage. And practice, practice, practice.