Lesson Four of the Self Defense Mini Clinic

Click here to see Lesson 3.

Welcome to Lesson 4 of the Self Defense Mini Clinic. This lesson is about the 4 D’s of personal combat. It’s an easy to remember acronym for the most important principles of winning a fight.

Before we get into the lesson check out this video. One of the 4 D’s stands for Distraction, and this video teaches you some of the classic (but still effective) distraction techniques used by experienced fighters.

The “Four Ds” Of Personal Combat:

These “Four D’s” were one of my own biggest “ah-ha” experiences because they explain why some guys — even little guys (who may look like they’d have trouble winning a fight at a quilter’s convention), consistently WON real-world street fights against larger more aggressive opponents.

It boiled down to this. These guys were consistently good in four specific skills:

  • Deception
  • Distraction
  • Disruption
  • Destruction

This is exciting “meat and potatoes” stuff about actually winning a street-fight. The best part is, unlike “sport fighting,” these skills have very little to do with size, strength, and physical skill. Let’s take a look:


Deception is not some wishy-washy theory, it actually WORKS in the real world.

Deception plays on simple human psychology. The idea is to trick your adversary into thinking one thing, then suddenly turn the tables on him. The result is confusion, hesitation, and panic.

Here are a few classic deceptions techniques that really work.

  • Verbal Deception:The idea is to deceive your opponent by verbally expressing the exact OPPOSITE of your real intentions. A LOT of guys commit the mistake of announcing their real intentions. Do NOT tell someone you’re about to “kick their ass” and make threatening movements if that’s what you’re really planning to do.A better plan is to tell him that you’re “not looking for a fight,” or “don’t want trouble,” or even that you’re “injured and can’t fight.” Say anything that’ll lull him into the comfortable belief that he is indeed master of the universe.The more he has settled into this mindset, the greater will be his surprise and panic when HE is suddenly under attack. Here are a couple of methods of verbal deception:

    Begging: “Please, don’t hurt me.” The more you can get him to believe he’s the guy in control, the more effective this deception stuff will be. The idea is to set him up for the “big surprise.” Then, put him on the defense, and “back on his heels.”

    Comply: At the very least you should act like you’re complying with his wishes. For example, if some guy asks you to “step outside,” you already know what’s up. So I ask you, is it really necessary to “step outside” and “put up your dukes”? No. A better strategy would be to act like you’re going along with it, then launch into an attack or simply escape.

    Sound unfair? Good… This is your life, use whatever dirty tricks you can muster to end the fight before you end up in the hospital or the morgue. The concept of “total commitment” means you are NOT fighting fair.


This principle hinges on another quirk of the human brain, its inability to completely focus on more than one thing at a time.

The good news is that you can take advantage of this human limitation by redirecting, or “distracting” your opponent’s attention away from you so you can catch him off-guard.

The bad news is that distractions are often only effective for a split second or so, which means that unless you have an immediate follow-up plan, the distraction is futile.

Here are some highly effective PROVEN distractions that’ll give you an opening to launch attack…

    • Cigarette: Flicking a lit cigarette into your adversary’s face will definitely distract him for a moment. The key phrase here is for a moment.If you flick the cigarette into your opponent’s face, then use the time to enjoy a good snicker while watching him dance around brushing off the sparks, well… your sense of humor will get the better of you. Deception and distraction tricks are to be used only as simple mechanisms to give you one or (at most) two seconds to launch your attack or escape.But when a typical fight only lasts up to 8 seconds, a second or two is a huge amount of time.
    • Throw loose change on the ground. Believe it or not, reaction to the sound of coins hitting the ground is practically hardwired into the brain and creates a major distraction. I expect the more of a tight-wad your opponent is, the better this works.This is mainly an audible distraction — so unless you’re fighting a stripper — tossing dollar bills (even twenties) won’t work. Oh… and don’t expect to see that 73 cents again. Consider it money well spent.
    • Spill or throw your drink. This is one Hollywood trick that actually works. First, there’s the shock of ice cubes and cold liquid hitting the face… and second, there’s the instant (and temporary) blinding effect. This can be the most effective method in giving you a couple seconds to do what you gotta do.

I’m sure you can probably think of a dozen more simple distractions off the top of your head. But you’ll need to keep an open mind and use what’s available to you at the time.


This is any tactic or technique that messes with your opponent’s plan of attack. Regardless of who your attacker is he’s threatening you because he “envisions” in his mind’s eye everything ending up okay for him. The movie in his head doesn’t show him being hurt or killed.

The point of “Disruption” is to make it clear to him that his plans of easy victory are nothing but a fantasy. You need to screw up his little plans, take away his options, and “convince” him as quickly as possible that this could end very badly for him.

Here are a few ways to “disrupt” his plans:

  • Surprise: The quickest and most effective method to surprising your adversary is to initiate the attack – i.e. “hit first.”As one world-class street-fighter put it, “you need to demonstrate, to your adversary, that you have a total disregard for his well-being.” This is a nice way of saying that you should try to hurt him. Why? Because the psychological effect is to strip away his will to fight, and get his “internal chatter” going.
  • Close the distance: If there’s no escape and you’ve determined that a fight is imminent, you should move-in (as long as he doesn’t have a knife).In a hand-to-hand situation, “moving-in” is a very effective tool to convince him he’s made a terrible mistake.You do NOT want to close-in, then pause and do nothing. You should move in with the 100% intention of attacking.By closing the gap, you effectively neutralize the attacker’s two main weapons, the left and right haymaker. This is a major disruption to his strategy and he’s forced to stop and consider a new strategy, while you’re busy attacking.
  • Forward pressure: My research has PROVEN that the guy who puts continued forward pressure against his opponent most often wins. You do NOT want to let up.Keep yourself in a fluid state and fire continuous shots at open targets, never “letting up” your attack until he’s been removed as a threat or you’ve had the chance to escape effectively.

Before we get into Destruction I want to share the following video lesson with you. This video comes from James Painter’s Rock and Roll Prison Fighting System. This move was designed to work in close quarters and cause lots of…you guessed it…Destruction.


This involves breaking down your opponent physically to remove him from the fight. This is not as simple as “kicking his ass.” The better you understand his vulnerable targets and the specific striking techniques to attack those targets, the more effective a fighter you’ll be.

The two most critical elements for effective Destruction are, 1) target selection and, 2) how you’ll strike that target. The key is to attack the targets that’ll give you the most bang for the buck (i.e. targets that’ll produce instant results with high-damage potential).

Even an unsuccessful attack on a high damage target “disrupts” your opponent’s evil plans.

For example, Fight-Fast instructor Tom Cruse points out that the “elbow snap” technique does not always break the elbow. But, the horrid reality that you attempted to bust his arm like a twig is so disturbing to your opponent that his “internal dialog” can turn him into a deer in the headlights, shutting down his ability to vigorously fight back as he unconsciously switches to a more defensive mode.

If you succeed (break his elbow for example) in most cases the fight’s over. On the other hand if you don’t succeed, the “Surprise and Shock” value usually triggers negative internal dialogue.

Want to Learn The Super Secret (& Blood Proven)
“Humiliate, Dominate or Kill” Tactics?

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237 thoughts on “Lesson Four of the Self Defense Mini Clinic”

  1. I don’t mind fighting dirty if it saves my life, or gives me the opportunity to get away and not be injured. I used to play in a band that performed in clubs. I had the opportunity to see several fights, and was involed in a few of them. Seeing many altercations, it gave me the opportunity to think in my head what I would do as a victim to get away from an assailant. good stuff, keep them coming.

  2. These are the best self defense techniques I’ve ever heard of. I will watch them over and over until they sink into my head.

  3. One more great move……And something to learn….Know all you can about this………
    Keep in mind. You are on your own….
    The Cops come after the fact….

  4. I would have never thought of using stuff in my pockets. Very good. I have always thought of the groin area, but I really like this technique they show. ..the slap, grab, and twist. Great maneuvers. Thanks

  5. Good stuff to add to my tool box. I wish you would have gone into take downs and strikes after you have disorientated the person with the first strike though. Thanks for the intell.

  6. many years ago wehn i still had both legs and arems working since i have had both shoulders operated on and my hip and knee on right side are dodgy at best,from foorball and industrial accident.
    i guy attacked me from behind i saw his moving in the nmirror and was able to counter hid bottle strike with my left hand grabbing his wrist as i i applied an arm break to his elbow. then in the same position i hammered down on his collarbone[breaking it] then as i was ssitll torqued i kneed him above his hip [to the kidney and spleen area] as hard as i could. told beertender to call EMs cos this guy is toast

  7. we should get together on a much better line-up of youtubes; i’ve been cruzin youtube for yrs collecting super- selfdef stuff, realdeal bouncers, top specops, LEA, etc trainers, long-term high credibility guys

  8. The deception and distraction phases are critical to a successful neutralizing aka destruction of a physical enemy. Disruption, however, presents most problems, cause in reality is only the beginning of destruction.

  9. I like these I have used the cig in the eyes a Man came up on me I was in my car and he reached in to grab me so he could rob me I took My cigrett and Jamed it into his eye and he jumped back screeming and I was able to drive off

  10. I must agree on the distraction technique whole idea is element of surprise finally when confronted with a bully or large individuals striking first can prove to be vital ps matter of life or death

  11. Amazing how these simple techniques can hurt any opponent ( BIG or Small )by surprising them.
    Looking forward to next video.
    Thanks Nico.

  12. Gotta look at those again!! I’ve gotta go through all of them and get em ingrained. Once again,great info. So much appreciated!!

  13. That technic would work as a distraction method. Because when you went to slap the groin people automatically pull back and lean forward. This would set them up for a forearm or other technics

  14. Great moves i didn’t realize that change in ones pocket could be used as a weapon to distract a bully. A Senior Citizen at a young age of 67. US Navy veteran 65 71.USCCA, NRA NAFGR Member.

  15. These are some of the best tactics I have ever seen and I have shared some with my wife to make sure that she will be safe even if I am not with her. Keep up the great work.

  16. Many years ago, i was attacked by a much larger and younger man. He went maybe 260 to my 190. I struck his groin repeatly with a ridge hand, and them grabbed and twisted his package with great force- this caused him considerable pain and body shock. I suggest that i was able to attack his nads due to iniial face strikes, prior to the nad attack. The video stuff works.

  17. I appreciate you sharing this kind of wisdom. To a woman, just talking about it, can evoke emotion.
    I would like to learn that latter ? posed to us…

  18. Great Fighting ideas.I am a wrestler at heart because i am a small frame person.If /when i get them to the ground. they don”t have much of a chance of getting up.That was back in the day when i was not disabled.hings are different for me now but not by much.i would hurt myself but the other person might not get up for a while.Nothing puts you in survival mode than already being at a disadvantage.Your different techniques wil be all the more helpful.Thanks,Gary

  19. Love the help I’m getting in learning to protect myself and others. Over my many years there were times I really needed this kind of training. More so now that I am disabled Makes a big difference to be able to go where and when I want..

  20. Dear Bob Pierce,
    In my early life I was a street kid and did seven years of street fighting.
    If I had known what you now teach I would might still have most of my teeth in tact.
    Thank you.
    Regards James Booth.

  21. Dear Bob Pierce
    I would like to thank you for your teachings,I really like it and it helps me alot of gaining my fighting experience,please keep on teaching us.

  22. These [Rock and Roll] moves are brutal and effective.I have never seen any of these styles, other than the eye gouge,on the streets or in any martial arts studies.Not sure if speed and distance would be the only defence not to get bitten or genitals twisted.Wow,Scary!

  23. This just boost my fighting spirit!I would want more of your instruction manuel oif that will be okay. I am compelled to say thanks for work so far and hope you will do more.

  24. who said you can’t teach an old dog new trick another great video. now a days and i hope they become more rare, but had to throw up my guard just a couple of weeks ago. seems i use a wide guard to stop hooks and round house kicks to the head. straight punches does not take much movement to get out of the way. the last 2 times i did it resulted in the attacker not going any further. nothing is perfect and because of the law i am hesitant to strike first, but i will never stop, never give up and if i get the chance he will never get up. as a security guard at the concerts many many years ago i walked up to a guy to tell him he could not dance in the isle, he immediately jump up and tried to kick me in the head, i block and kick him in the groin. he took off. i would never chase anyone who knows what would happen next. great stuff, truly a real life saver. keep up the good work. legally i try to keep someone at over legs length. if they close the distance the fight is on. only kicked someone in the groin twice in my life, both times the fight ended. i do need this close encounter stuff. thanks again, i am too old to run and too proud.