Lesson Four of the Self Defense Mini Clinic

Click here to see Lesson 3.

Welcome to Lesson 4 of the Self Defense Mini Clinic. This lesson is about the 4 D’s of personal combat. It’s an easy to remember acronym for the most important principles of winning a fight.

Before we get into the lesson check out this video. One of the 4 D’s stands for Distraction, and this video teaches you some of the classic (but still effective) distraction techniques used by experienced fighters.

The “Four Ds” Of Personal Combat:

These “Four D’s” were one of my own biggest “ah-ha” experiences because they explain why some guys — even little guys (who may look like they’d have trouble winning a fight at a quilter’s convention), consistently WON real-world street fights against larger more aggressive opponents.

It boiled down to this. These guys were consistently good in four specific skills:

  • Deception
  • Distraction
  • Disruption
  • Destruction

This is exciting “meat and potatoes” stuff about actually winning a street-fight. The best part is, unlike “sport fighting,” these skills have very little to do with size, strength, and physical skill. Let’s take a look:


Deception is not some wishy-washy theory, it actually WORKS in the real world.

Deception plays on simple human psychology. The idea is to trick your adversary into thinking one thing, then suddenly turn the tables on him. The result is confusion, hesitation, and panic.

Here are a few classic deceptions techniques that really work.

  • Verbal Deception:The idea is to deceive your opponent by verbally expressing the exact OPPOSITE of your real intentions. A LOT of guys commit the mistake of announcing their real intentions. Do NOT tell someone you’re about to “kick their ass” and make threatening movements if that’s what you’re really planning to do.A better plan is to tell him that you’re “not looking for a fight,” or “don’t want trouble,” or even that you’re “injured and can’t fight.” Say anything that’ll lull him into the comfortable belief that he is indeed master of the universe.The more he has settled into this mindset, the greater will be his surprise and panic when HE is suddenly under attack. Here are a couple of methods of verbal deception:

    Begging: “Please, don’t hurt me.” The more you can get him to believe he’s the guy in control, the more effective this deception stuff will be. The idea is to set him up for the “big surprise.” Then, put him on the defense, and “back on his heels.”

    Comply: At the very least you should act like you’re complying with his wishes. For example, if some guy asks you to “step outside,” you already know what’s up. So I ask you, is it really necessary to “step outside” and “put up your dukes”? No. A better strategy would be to act like you’re going along with it, then launch into an attack or simply escape.

    Sound unfair? Good… This is your life, use whatever dirty tricks you can muster to end the fight before you end up in the hospital or the morgue. The concept of “total commitment” means you are NOT fighting fair.


This principle hinges on another quirk of the human brain, its inability to completely focus on more than one thing at a time.

The good news is that you can take advantage of this human limitation by redirecting, or “distracting” your opponent’s attention away from you so you can catch him off-guard.

The bad news is that distractions are often only effective for a split second or so, which means that unless you have an immediate follow-up plan, the distraction is futile.

Here are some highly effective PROVEN distractions that’ll give you an opening to launch attack…

    • Cigarette: Flicking a lit cigarette into your adversary’s face will definitely distract him for a moment. The key phrase here is for a moment.If you flick the cigarette into your opponent’s face, then use the time to enjoy a good snicker while watching him dance around brushing off the sparks, well… your sense of humor will get the better of you. Deception and distraction tricks are to be used only as simple mechanisms to give you one or (at most) two seconds to launch your attack or escape.But when a typical fight only lasts up to 8 seconds, a second or two is a huge amount of time.
    • Throw loose change on the ground. Believe it or not, reaction to the sound of coins hitting the ground is practically hardwired into the brain and creates a major distraction. I expect the more of a tight-wad your opponent is, the better this works.This is mainly an audible distraction — so unless you’re fighting a stripper — tossing dollar bills (even twenties) won’t work. Oh… and don’t expect to see that 73 cents again. Consider it money well spent.
    • Spill or throw your drink. This is one Hollywood trick that actually works. First, there’s the shock of ice cubes and cold liquid hitting the face… and second, there’s the instant (and temporary) blinding effect. This can be the most effective method in giving you a couple seconds to do what you gotta do.

I’m sure you can probably think of a dozen more simple distractions off the top of your head. But you’ll need to keep an open mind and use what’s available to you at the time.


This is any tactic or technique that messes with your opponent’s plan of attack. Regardless of who your attacker is he’s threatening you because he “envisions” in his mind’s eye everything ending up okay for him. The movie in his head doesn’t show him being hurt or killed.

The point of “Disruption” is to make it clear to him that his plans of easy victory are nothing but a fantasy. You need to screw up his little plans, take away his options, and “convince” him as quickly as possible that this could end very badly for him.

Here are a few ways to “disrupt” his plans:

  • Surprise: The quickest and most effective method to surprising your adversary is to initiate the attack – i.e. “hit first.”As one world-class street-fighter put it, “you need to demonstrate, to your adversary, that you have a total disregard for his well-being.” This is a nice way of saying that you should try to hurt him. Why? Because the psychological effect is to strip away his will to fight, and get his “internal chatter” going.
  • Close the distance: If there’s no escape and you’ve determined that a fight is imminent, you should move-in (as long as he doesn’t have a knife).In a hand-to-hand situation, “moving-in” is a very effective tool to convince him he’s made a terrible mistake.You do NOT want to close-in, then pause and do nothing. You should move in with the 100% intention of attacking.By closing the gap, you effectively neutralize the attacker’s two main weapons, the left and right haymaker. This is a major disruption to his strategy and he’s forced to stop and consider a new strategy, while you’re busy attacking.
  • Forward pressure: My research has PROVEN that the guy who puts continued forward pressure against his opponent most often wins. You do NOT want to let up.Keep yourself in a fluid state and fire continuous shots at open targets, never “letting up” your attack until he’s been removed as a threat or you’ve had the chance to escape effectively.

Before we get into Destruction I want to share the following video lesson with you. This video comes from James Painter’s Rock and Roll Prison Fighting System. This move was designed to work in close quarters and cause lots of…you guessed it…Destruction.


This involves breaking down your opponent physically to remove him from the fight. This is not as simple as “kicking his ass.” The better you understand his vulnerable targets and the specific striking techniques to attack those targets, the more effective a fighter you’ll be.

The two most critical elements for effective Destruction are, 1) target selection and, 2) how you’ll strike that target. The key is to attack the targets that’ll give you the most bang for the buck (i.e. targets that’ll produce instant results with high-damage potential).

Even an unsuccessful attack on a high damage target “disrupts” your opponent’s evil plans.

For example, Fight-Fast instructor Tom Cruse points out that the “elbow snap” technique does not always break the elbow. But, the horrid reality that you attempted to bust his arm like a twig is so disturbing to your opponent that his “internal dialog” can turn him into a deer in the headlights, shutting down his ability to vigorously fight back as he unconsciously switches to a more defensive mode.

If you succeed (break his elbow for example) in most cases the fight’s over. On the other hand if you don’t succeed, the “Surprise and Shock” value usually triggers negative internal dialogue.

Want to Learn The Super Secret (& Blood Proven)
“Humiliate, Dominate or Kill” Tactics?

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237 thoughts on “Lesson Four of the Self Defense Mini Clinic”

  1. GREAT info in this series so far.

    I was a bouncer/doorman at a friend’s bar and restaurant (in England) when I was only 17 years old…

    My first altercation (on the first night of working there) lasted a while and I got a chance to “try out my stuff” on this coked up fool, who wouldn’t pay his bill. By the time the Police arrived he had a fractured jaw, a broken nose, three cracked ribs and one ruptured testicle.

    My point is that the (drink and coke fueled) guy was still coming at me and I lacked the tools to put him away properly. The only good shot he landed on me, by the way, was when he broke free from the two officers and smacked me on the nose! A real life lesson – just when you think the danger is over, it’s actually the most dangerous time of all!

    He was put in the van and taken away and mercifully no charges were brought against me. I hasten to add that this was 30 years ago and times have changed.

    Looking back on things, I was a kid, 140 lbs soaking wet, doing a man’s job and things could have gone badly wrong for me, in so many ways. The place was packed with customers and staff and not one offered me any assistance, despite most coming out to watch the fight…

    If I’d have had access to the info that Bob Pierce and his team put out, I could have handled things a lot better, a lot quicker and a lot more professionally. It was my first proper all out brawl and made me realise that I had much more to learn about facing violence!

    I’m not particularly proud of this tale but hope the points and mistakes I’ve made can serve to save somebody’s hide in the future.

    Many thanks to Bob Pierce for all his work and selfless release of this information.

    Stay safe guys and keep your ego in check. Life’s more fun that way!

  2. The groin is often thought of as one of the prime targets. We should keep in mind that most “gang-bangers” wear their pants low which would actually protect their groin from being a target. If the crotch of their pants is eight, ten or more inches from their groin, it becomes much harder to target. Even a swift kick or stomp will be hindered by this let alone any move with the hand, such as this example of the slap, grab and twist.

  3. The distraction technique is VERY effective . street thugs employ this technique all the time . They look around before striking , they avoid looking you in the eyes . this takes the average person off guard . Most people don’t recognize the threat until after it’s too late . Pre emptive action is always best in these cases . If they are in your face , they have invaded your personel space . this alone represents imminent danger .

  4. The diversion video is excellent. Another
    good one is, many wear bill hats, such as
    baseball caps. There is a metal piece object
    in the back of cap that adjusts it for a
    proper fit. One can quickly grab his own
    bill of the cap and hit the would be attacker
    in the face with the metal piece of his/her
    cap. – The ‘rock and roll’ individual has
    lightning speed with his hands. He is also
    something else. When he demonstrates this
    technique, it reminds me of Tai Chi exercises.
    Thank you for this helpful video.

  5. Another great video I’ve been in a few fights will alot an always attack first ask no questions.and I’ll tell you now don’t trust your friends bc they’ll never help only pick there nose and watch like the rest.I’ll tell ya I learnt to have no mercy or pity for people trying to hurt you.you get a hold of someone’s ear an rip down it’ll come off like loose wallpaper.

  6. First time i heard of rock n roll fighting was from a comic book the punisher comic it very deadly arts one of bested style it also called 52 block method it like keyis fighting methods dangerous.

  7. Bob’s video on distraction was helpful, I’m a lightweight and more often it’s a larger person who is trying to intimidate.
    Rock & Roll is interesting.

  8. I am going on 60 disabled man I am not confined to a chair however have troubles with my legs As you know it is at times a violent even vicious world we live in I am a survivor and am very interested in learning any technique that may end an encounter in my favor and / or prevent myself serious harm or even save my life as well as my loved ones. I am a law abiding citizen and dont send off body language that I have a chip on my shoulder or anything to prove. Send anything that I may learn to fend off an aggressor to save myself and my loved ones from bodily harm or god forbid even death. Thank you

  9. I am an ex law enforcement officer off the Colville reservation from 30 yrs ago, I’m on disability now on a tighter than tight budget I gotta damn near eat dog food to get through the month.
    But I’ll tell you what, those free fight tactics make me feel a hell of a lot more confident taken a walk at night or just sitting on a park bench.
    I’ve been legally blind for 15 yrs. due to diabetic and I have neuropathy pretty bad, but I can do these fight moves quickly and efficiently just like my old Kempo days.
    Thank you.

  10. As I said before, I am an 81 yr. old with some handicaps, and wouldn’t last more than a few seconds anyway, so anything that can turn things “My Way” are greatly appreciated.
    THANKS !!! ————- MKS

  11. gota love this/////the presentation is excelent and humorus also…..being a phys disabled senior, this brings me back to what i was able to do on two good feet, and helps now while sitting in a chair/////all that’s needed is the perp must get close enough for me to strike/////beyond that, i need a gum, amen

  12. thisll is basically what I taught m kids 40 years ago get the first blow throut-eyes-a slap over the ear and then maybe a heel of the hand to the nose hurt them as much as you can as quickly as you can and then get out of dodge

  13. i want to ask a brief question what if someone throw something at you lets say an object or some sort wouldn’t that be an assault?
    What approach would be best to take against someone who continues to be childish and want to provoke a fight? Most objects can hurt you .

  14. this is all well and good, but are the principles the same against a female attacker? This mini series show only males being the aggressor. Just a new persective from someone w/ a big imagination.

  15. Good concepts, thanks for sharing. Throwing or spitting something at the face often times causes the eyes to blink and the head to shift back, which causes the opponents weight to shift back as well giving a good opportunity to strike and/or shoot for a quick take down. Another simple technique that would go well with the distraction concept you shared is to step on their closest foot with your foot and pin it as you strike them and/or close in for a clinch. By pinning their foot you disrupt their balance and if you knock them or throw them off balance and have their foot pinned, they may end up with torn ligaments in their ankle as the weight of their body falls to the ground. Pinning the foot also eliminates the opportunity they have to try to knee or kick you. It doesn’t take years of training to step on someones foot and pin; not fancy but it is very effective.

  16. These techniques are simple but very effective. Practicing on a store dummy to get the muscle memory which will let me be better prepared I hope. Won’t n know until it happens. Thanks

  17. Every thing you have been showing me has been a wake up call I’ve been to complacent for the last 10 yrs as I’m a ex ? Can’t say thanks for the wake up call I all ready know most of it but u got some good insights especially about the body lauguge but I was never a one to start a fight but I won’t back down especially if cornered I only weigh 140lbs but piss me off look out

  18. Greetings while I am a beginner in this survivalist thing you guys make me wanna order every dam item you present!!! if I had the financing to do so. This stuff is amazing I’ve learned so much already thank you guy’s and gals very much for your time and services.

  19. Here is a twist added to Kathy’s strategy, literally. Once again the instructors were instrumental in their instructional videos. the simple attack strategies can make amateurs appear as seasoned pros with enough practice of motions that are simple yet direct and effective.

  20. Long ago i worked as a stunt man and we had to learn how to hit and not hurt. Good film fights do not make for good self defense. that was long ago and now I am unable to breathe very well . I have very little ability to fight more than a few seconds. So I was want ing some Ideas as to what can be done. Thank you for the video

  21. I truly like watching all of the different techniques that the different instructors have , There was one that grabbed the hand and did a spread and bent the fingers and breaking bones. Then grabbing the elbow close and bending the fingers and leading the person out. I was wondering , what the person was doing with the other arm and hand. I mean if someone who knows all the things that you teach. And you are trying these same moves. I am only wondering because I am old , and not very strong . However I do practice as many as I can. Then I feel very proud of myself, just for doing them.. I thank you very much Bob for showing this little old lady that there are ways to defend your self . Janet

  22. I am thankful for these instructive videos. I have dozens of street fights under me belt as well as some wrestling and boxing background. That was decades ago. I’m a senor citizen now. Anything I could do before in a fight required agility and endurance and I just don’t have that option anymore. I feel confident that these simple techniques will allow me to protect myself and my family. I shudder to think what would happen if I had to rely on yesteryears experience to survive today’s street culture.

  23. I want to thank you guys, it’s a dangerous would today and the kids are so dangerous that it’s good that you all have seen the error of your ways and come to the light. Your skills are going to be used for good, thank you in Christ name,im sorry what some of you had to go through to be who you are but I praise God for you and I prey that you do too. Saddly love just isn’t enough today. Thank you.

  24. Now I am 76 but keeps a good health. I was a national sportsman in body building and weight lifting. I was in the field of martial arts for a long time. Now I feel the time I spent on Martial arts was a waste. I never learned any such quick explosive techniques. Your techniques are such, not even any training is required. Any ladies and girls can execute easily surprisingly. You can escape from any situation hurting the opponent very badly. Opponent will always remember you. Does not require physical strength and awesome training hours together year after year. The opponent who had experience from any of your student, will escape by seeing him at a distance.
    I wish you all the success in all the fields

  25. I want to thanks you guys for this impotence training, it’s most help at the movement i fell confidence on my way of self defense without Guns in my hand i

  26. Mr James painter great defense I can see how this can be effective along with being painfully successful thanks

  27. I believe in these techniques. Have been threatened with bottles thown and broken at my feet. Aggressor only appeared to have knife and broken bottle. I slowly and obviously put both hands in pants pockets threw some coins vBulletin and said this what you want… drank the rest (lie) .. but kept righy hand in front pocket cupped as if holding something… pistol… he told me to take hand from pocket to which I replied. Only when you get close enough so I cannot miss.This stopped his advance as I ever so slowly retreated to point I was safe to turn and run. Could run 100 in 9.9, quarter mile in 50.0 flat and mile in 4; 37 so knew small
    % could catch me once I made my turn.
    But never threatened or antagonized. I got my space lost afew coins and mafe my escape.
    In another situation I took friend to get money from his brother at a plaza restaurant. It got too hot in car so left third f riend in car and went to lesn on trunk. Noticed 6-7 bikers… they noticed me looking. Could not keep all in viiew as surrounded.. no sound from “friend” in car. One got drop on me from brhind anf put old on me with knife at throat in hold I did not know escape grom safaly. So I calmly started talking about how I admired their motorcycles explaining how I could never afford anything but cheap Japanese rice rockets. Never knowledged hold or knife. Gaining biker commonality and my plight of economic state. Stayed cordial and even complimentitive. They got bored by my lack of acknowlegement of threat and points scored with calm complimentive conversation and walked away. I got back in car and waited for f riend to come back to car with no jelp in back seat tellinge what ice man I was…. while I now sat and shook like a leaf
    .. but safe by using my greatest weapon my brain!

  28. Great stuff. Confirmation that I have been on the right path for 30 some-odd years. I was fortunate to have an instructor who knew the difference between street fighting and point competition. That proved helpful many times. Keep up the good work.