Lesson One of the Self Defense Mini Clinic

Each lesson of this course includes videos of highly effective, street proven fighting moves that are easy to learn and simple to use.

Each installment will also include some seriously important fighting information that has taken 20 years of interviews and research with dozens of the world’s most notorious street fighters, bar bouncers, law enforcement officers, and soldiers to put together.

This stuff is solid gold. These lessons are boiled down from a 100 page book I wrote on how to fight and win. I’ve taken the most valuable life-saving lessons from it at put it into 5 short lessons.

You don’t want to miss any of this critical information.

Below is your first video, the other two videos are further down the page (my little trick to get you to read this stuff). The following technique is extremely simple and can be used by anyone with little practice.

*Note: Feel free to leave a comment at the bottom of the page. I enjoy the feedback and others may learn from your insights & thoughts. Enjoy.

Know When The Fight Is On:

Today’s lesson is meant to get you up to speed quickly. It includes the most important things you need to know to win a street fight.

The best way to win a fight is to recognize it before it has happened. Countless guys get taken out by some punk without even knowing they were in a fight (they either didn’t see it coming or didn’t want to believe they were in a fight). Don’t let this happen to you.

There are three ways to recognize a fight (other than someone punching you). There are non-verbal body language cues, verbal cues, and previous behavior (aka common sense).

Aside from getting hit there are 5 main non-verbal cues that you are about to be in a fight:

  1. The “Look Away:” During an argument the other guy suddenly looks away from you off to one side. An experienced street fighter and special ops soldier Jim West uses this cue all the time. He once told me, “If I’m in a confrontation with someone and they look to the side, it means they’re about to hit me – so I hit first.” It may seem odd but looking away is a very common, almost reflex like, reaction for many aggressors. So take Jim’s advice and hit first because if you don’t his haymaker will be sailing towards your temple.
  2. The “Finger Jab:” Someone poking you in the chest is also a big red flag. It’s a way that your opponent “tests the water” to see if you are an easy target. He’s building up his confidence and resolve, by violating your personal space. If you stand by and do nothing, it tells him, “the water’s fine… go ahead and attack this guy.” A poke in the chest, or any violation of your personal space at the initial stages of a confrontation should trigger some kind of immediate response from you.
  3. The “Shove:” Yet another classic example of violating your personal space, except this move is almost always immediately followed by a punch. You should expect very little time between the shove and the incoming blow, which of course means you need to act fast in this situation. People typically don’t push, then walk away.
  4. The “Target Gaze:” An opponent will naturally look at what he’s about to strike. Watch out for an adversary who changes his gaze from your eyes to your chin or some other obvious target. This is another one of those gifts from human nature, he can’t help but look where he is going to strike, so use that information to gain the upper hand.
  5. The “Chin Drop:” Another involuntary move that should prompt you into a decision is seeing your opponent drop his chin. This is a fairly consistent, and subconscious act of protecting the neck, it almost always means trouble.

Verbal Cues:

  1. The Threat: “I’m gonna zyx@%# you up!” This may seem so obvious that it’s not worth mentioning. And I wouldn’t mention it if my research didn’t show that MOST inexperienced fighters do nothing in the face of serious verbal threats. They often stand by and take NO action.
  2. The “Sudden Silent Treatment:” If your opponent has been talking, talking, and talking, then suddenly becomes quiet, it means he’s entered into an internal dialog on what he’s about to do to you. As FightFast instructor Demi Barbitos says: “Fighters don’t talk and swing at the same time.” In other words he is probably about to hit you.

Previous Behavior:

This one is painfully simple. If you are around someone who is known to be violent it’s pretty likely they may start a fight. Don’t play with fire. Also intoxicated men are trouble, intoxicated men with women around are even more trouble. If you get into an argument or scuffle with a drunk guy and his girlfriend or other women are around he is very likely to fight.

I’ve worked with almost a dozen bar bouncers from some of the roughest bars and nightclubs and they all know that saving face is one of the biggest causes of fights. In other words if you somehow manage to bump into, slight, or irritate a drunk guy or his girlfriend a fight is pretty likely, so be ready for it.

Now that you know how to recognize a fight before it happens I’ve got another fight move for you. This one is from professional fighter and notorious “cooler” Mike Serr. Go ahead and watch the video before moving onto the next section.

Dealing with Fear:

When it comes to fighting and learning how to fight fear is the 800 lb. gorilla in the room. Everybody knows it’s there but nobody want to talk about it.

Well like it or not I’m going to talk about it. After 20 years of working with Special Ops soldiers, SWAT cops, Cage-Fighters, Ex-Gang Enforcers, and bar bouncers, I’ve learned that all of them feel fear before a fight.

Wow, what a shocker. Fear is normal and healthy. The thing is none of these guys are scared, because they have learned to deal with that fear and make it work for them.

They have learned to harness that adrenaline dump and make it work for them, not against them.

The average guy on the street, when confronted with a life threatening fight will quickly realize the danger and the voice inside his mind will start talking a mile a minute, “Why is this happening to me? Am I going to die? What did I do to piss him off? Should I run? Should I stay and fight?” and on and on.

Letting this internal dialogue turn your fear into panic will get you hurt. Instead you have to use that fear and adrenaline to help you identify targets and take action.

The first step is to control your breathing. Slowing the pace of your breaths (inhale deeply and exhale slowly) sends a direct message to your brain that calms you down, lowers your heart rate, and lowers your blood pressure.

The next step is target awareness described below. But before we get to that here’s another video for you.

Target Awareness:

Once you know a fight is eminent you need to look for open targets to strike. To do this you must be aware of certain “high value” targets on the human body, so that when they are exposed or unprotected you know when and how to strike them for maximum damage.

Target awareness is a continuous process because as an attacker moves closer or further away from you the targets you can strike change. Below is an example of what your internal dialogue should be like once you realize a fight is coming:

“He’s approaching me — is he in range?”…
“Is there anything in his hands?”…
“What targets are open?”…
“Are there any friends around?”…
“Now… what targets are open?”…
“Is anyone behind me?”…
“What targets are open now?”…

Finally you need some basic info about what targets to strike and why, some are common sense some may surprise you:

Neck: the side of the neck is a “knock out” area. The good news is that the shoulder and head offer a natural “funnel” that’ll guide your hand directly into his neck – which means it’s a “high percentage” shot. People rarely protect their neck properly so even a poorly executed shot can often mean instant knock out.

Groin: believe it or not, research shows that most guys do NOT protect their groin. They are so “indoctrinated” with the idea that they’ll be punched in the face that they leave themselves wide open for one of the most devastating strikes. So forget about focusing so much on getting in that right hook to the head, (which he’ll be expecting), and start looking for an OPEN target.

Inside knee: very vulnerable. One good kick to the inside of the knee can end a fight instantly.

Outside thigh: a favorite target of Muay Thai fighters is the nerve running down the outside of your leg. Even a well conditioned fighter can’t stand more than a couple good shin kicks to this nerve before buckling.

Eyes: Striking the eyes is a great distraction technique. They are the main sense used during a fight, take them away for even a second and you have gained a huge advantage. An eye strike causes a person to blink involuntarily, and if scratched the eyes will water blurring vision.

There are many more targets these are just a few to get you thinking like a fighter.

Keep your eyes peeled for more free videos, in the next lesson I’ll take you inside the world of a real street fight. This is something most guys have no idea about, thanks to myths and misconceptions that often get guys hurt or killed.

Knowing what a real fight is actually like is a huge advantage.

Interested in learning “dirty fight tricks” right now?
Click here to find out how!

Next Lesson >>

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2,694 thoughts on “Lesson One of the Self Defense Mini Clinic”

  1. Excellent techniques, very easy to understand and apply. I’m a L.E. O. and they do not teach us these techniques. Thank You for your time.

  2. I am an 8 year veteran of the US Military and a 30+ year veteran of security work. I have no formal martial arts training and received none in the military. Security work is becoming more dangerous every day. And the industry offers little if any instruction of officer survival and protection and no CQB. If we expect to survive an attack it’s left up to us, alone. To make matters worse, if we get into a fight and win, we will probably loose our jobs. However, FightFast and Bob, I applaud these training videos. They have reminded me of some of the things I had learned from friends over the years. The only thing I would like to add is something my dad told me when I was a youth. “Always fight like your life is at stake!” Thanks for the information, keep it comming.

  3. Hi Bob:
    Your videos are great. I would purchase all of them,unfortunately, I can’t purchase even one. Perhaps you will make this fantastic offer again. I have watched the free
    videos you sent by e-mail they are very imformative, easy and I beleive they will work.

    I am a small woman only 5’1″, I dare say, I can master these tecniques and protect myself when necesary. Futhermore, I am going to teach my daughter, seven grand daughters and eight great grand daughters. My boys can learn them too.

    Keep up the good work in the next few years we are going to need all the training we can get.

    Thank you sincerely.


  4. Hi,
    I’m an 88 year old WWII Veteran. I am not, anymore, a fighter! Reason: I have severely atrophied muscles in both arms & legs, & painful arthritis in all joints as well! My right hip joint was replaced in June of 2007, & since then, I can’t empty my bladder without a catheter. Happens in 1 out of 100 surgeries, the Surgeon said, no
    reason has yet been found!
    I have had 3 blood clots in my legs, starting in 1994, 1996, ending in 1998. Since Coumadin didn’t work during those years, I was given Lovenox to inject daily. The cost is high. Why tell you this: because my anti-coagulant factor 3 was shut down by an antibiotic named Floxacin, in 1994, & ever since then, I bleed too readily while using
    these drugs, just to stay alive, but they also cause atrophy in muscles & joints.
    That’s why I will not be ordering your DVDs.
    Thanks for the offer though, & keep up the good work, someone will benefit!

  5. Hi, Bob,

    Some years ago I began to collect self-defence techniques that could be used both by young people, around 20, and older citizens, around 80, as well.

    In these introductory videos I’ve found those same good techniques. Even better, the teachers are known to me, as I bought their courses in the 90’s – besides what I had learned from live instructors, in my country.

    So, wrapping up this comment, the material is certainly good (not just fair) and people will get what they could be expecting right now or even more than the usual.

    That’s it Bob.

    Best wishes to you and Team,


  6. I was in Army Intelligence for 8 years and all by the finger strike was all new to me!! These techniques are great and I can pass them on to my sons to help them.

    Thank you very much,

  7. Thank you! I honestly thought this wasn’t going to be useful and just a fake site. I appreciate it, I can’t afford the product so I appreciate it greatly.

  8. No talking & strike 1st, fast, accurate & as hard as you can. Use any & everything around you if out. In numbered as a weapon. Don’t b affraid to use moves or weapons as LETHAL strikes. Never try to impress someone (girls) in a street fight. You do your job the right way, they won’t remember what you did to win the fight anyway. Accurate speed kills. Thats how i stay ahead of the fight at all times, learning new moves to add to your arsenal is always a good move. I like what you showed so far, you have my intrest. Looking forward to tomorrow’s lesson, i will b buying your dvd’s on the 3rd of dec when i get paid. Thank you & your skilled team of warriors.

  9. awesome im 54 years old freevideo excellent istill play basketball on weekends and hav been learning tricks from watchen street ballers on lineand hav impressed guys half my age they wonder howi playso well at 54 years old your probally thinken what does that hav to do with street fighting well i hav learn to exploit whatever the defense gives me thanks to the free videos i feel confident enough if put in a bad postion i will concentrate on the targets the bad guys give me and gain the edge i need to end the fight quickly cant wait for rest of the free videos and to order videos im definitely hooked your never to old to learn i recently read about a 94 year old body builder who started at 90 years old thanks in advance for puttin this training out there god bless the bible says buy the truth sellit not i will definitly will be buying your products thanks again

  10. Thank u ask much!! I’m a seventeen yr old
    “cute& lil ” girl!!! This info will make me say bring it on!!!!

  11. I wish i could afford the set but i have to wait til after Christmas. These are very useful, easy to remember, life savinf techniques! I loved the free vids!! Thank u. Ill be ordering in january!! :)) thank u so much!!

  12. Thank you for eliminating the theatrics of over complicated techniques and getting down to the “Real Nitty Gritty” of defense/attack methodology. This undoubtly is going prove invaluable for those whom understand where our world is heading and will save many lives and, “if you will allow!” The powers that be, cannot confiscate this weapon. LMFAO 😎

  13. I am 69 and have always felt that in a bad situation I would not be able to defend myself let alone my loved ones. I am beginning to feel that need not be true. All I can say is THANK YOU for giving me a bit more self confidence.

  14. I have been a martial Artist for some years now and have been studying Ju-Jitsu for 8 yrs now. Whereas i did allready know the three techniques shown here. I did like the way they were taught. Simple and too the point and easy to learn and also the other text descriptions about fight cues and body language. like it stated in one of the videos martial training with the art stripped away. The pure tools for what you need and no complex waffle about standing on a hill staring into the distance and being like water etc, etc. great stuff and a must have for anyone who wants to learn self defence quick and effectively.

  15. Very interesting videos. I have used the finger to the base of the neck for over 25 years.It works great in crowd control situations as well. My ,cousin a former Navy Seal taught to me. Enjoyed the ground defense video.

  16. Hopefully I’ll never have to use these techniques, but I believe they would be very helpful if I ever did. These are insecure times for a lot of folks, (me included), and I’m disabled as well, so I really appreciate you allowing us to access these moves. I’m pretty sure if I got into a bad situation, I would be able to defend myself. Thank you so much for making this available to us “Po Folks”. lol God bless you for your kindness and selflessness.

  17. Thanks for your video I’m a self taught,(mostly) fighter but constant student. My biggest foe was myself,you’ve bestowed upon me a confidence without measure. Thanks you and your team are great!
    Thank You,

  18. Thanks so much. I am a 74yr. old lady who lives alone. I work out of my home and often have hundreds/even thousands in cash from receipts in the house before I can make a bank deposit. Some people are aware of this. Some of these moves are simple enough that I am sure I could use them in an emergency. It certainly takes away some of my fears and gives me confidence that I could master someone who gets too agressive. And the feds can’t confiscate my hands. Thanks again. Mary

  19. Good stuff.

    In unsure economic times when things can get somewhat chaotic or even dangerous, it’s important to learn some self defense techniques.

    You guys are life savers.

  20. I am a smaller woman and have been looking for simple techniques that would help me in a pinch. I am right now not able to purchase because I am unemployed but when I get up the money I sure will be buying. Thank you for the samples it really helps!


  22. I studied Tae-Kwon-Do many years ago, and I used to compete in tournaments. It was very structured, and not really much use in a street fight. Later however, I studied “pressure points” and learned many techniques by experts. I used to practice my strikes on a full size maniquine. In all my studies however, I never learned or saw demonstrated the “finger point” and I imagine a very devastating and painful technique, I am now 70 years old and I need to employ easier techniques that use less energy. I will be watching the following video clips with interest to see if I can add to my tool kit.

    Thanks, Don

  23. Thanks for the freebies. I’ve ordered the free and the first set of fight instructions for $97.00. I’ve had some instruction in jeet kun do (Bruce Lee), but I’m always looking for easier techniques to learn. I also have the Close Combat series by Chris, which is very good. I think this is going to be a very good and easy to learn system that will be very effective, which I’m looking for. I’m 72 and if something happens I need to end it quickly, as I am not going to depend on “youthful” stamina anymore whhich I could when younger. Thanks for the information and I would like all the series, but money is tight right now. Later on when it’s more available I want to get all the program. I would like to become a lean mean fighting machine and never have to use it. I would like to teach others to defend themselves also, and I believe that would be a good thing as there are a lot of crazies out there today. I’m looking forward to my lessons. Thanks. floyd

  24. First of all I’d like to thank you for these free confidence improving techniques,few people are so generous, THANK YOU!
    Being a disabled vet thats near the age of 60 my confidence is not what it once was.I had a major aorta-femur bypass some years ago and can’t afford to (please excuse the phrase)”pussy foot around”.My now 8yr old grandson was asualted by what is now his step-dad, left his right cheek purple with bruises,I now have custody.Recently this *%#*%# has been getting aggressive.Just a matter of time before he grows the balls to follow-up with his threats.My pride won’t let me run.
    I want to order Jim West’s DVDs but I do not have a credit card.I see that if I order within the next 3 days I’ll get 3 free bonuses included.I doubt my order can get from Ohio to Ca.Within this time frame.But like I said-Thank-you for what you’ve shown for free.

  25. Thanks for the first video. As a youngster I survived many confrontations using some of these methods. Now at 68 this info. comes as a great refresher course. We do forget some things that once came naturally. My father was a great teacher but has been gone for many years. Thanks again for showing me that we sometimes know more than we think. Looking foward to the next minute.

  26. This is great!,will take a look at the rest of it,if the movie is like the previews, is gonna be excellent, and seems easy too

  27. I was 1/146/75 from 65 thru 73, and attached to the military thru 81, but since I came home to civilian life have not had to use anything learned. Have used the submissive techniques was taught – recognition, evasion, and walk away – but I would like to thank you for the reminder and the refresher that you’re site and videos and commentary provide to others, including myself.
    Am now 66 and so far out-of-shape that it is pathetic, so Have made a promise to myself that as soon as the new year comes around, will appropriate the funds from what little social security i get from this (excuse me for the way this is said)pseudo-socialist government in office right now to get your videos, and other training you have.
    Will share whenever possible in anyway possible to others known.
    J Michael (TEQUILA)

  28. I’m on a two-year assignment in Mexico City, which is not the safest place in the world. Neither residents nor citizens are allowed to own or keep firearms. These techniques will definitely help keep scum away from me and my familiy. I’m very grateful to you and feel very fortunate to have found your website. If you’ve ever considered having your videos dubbed into Spanish, let me know. They will sell like pancakes throughout Latin America.

  29. I am a disabled veteran and I think I would be able to use your techniques. Thank you so much. I just get by on my fixed monthly payment or I would definately buy your offer.
    Thanks again and merry Christmas.

  30. I used to box, wrestle for sport. Haven’t done so in years. Your ideas are bringing up techniques that I have seemed to have forgotten. Thank you for the 1st. lesson, I’ll be practicing these techniques and waiting for your further instruction

  31. Ordered your 15 fight enders and just got in the mail also got day one of free videos in email, thanks for info, definitely looks effective.

  32. TKS,For #1,I’m 73 years old and have fought many street fights,some fights against several opponents.I have had the crap beat out of me,but sent several to the hospital with broken bones & wounds.I,m always open to more defensive & offensive tactives.TKs for the info!!

  33. Thanks for generously sharing this very good combat training material, for me, and by me, these things get sort of ‘filtered'(if necessary) and included, in my version of a ‘holistic’ approach. I am very sure nothing is to be filtered out of your contributions. Unfortunately I am very short of both time and money,(strange I’m sure), but I greatly value the sort of things you are sharing,
    So thank you again.
    Robert. (ps. don’t worry,’I never ever take advantage’)

  34. This stuff is pure gold!

    There is an active gang around my area and they all try to copy the gangs from L.A, Bloods and Crips. They are always harrassing people and even myself. That will soon end however I am hoping not to use the Throat trick but I will use it if I read a dangerous body langauge. And for the one where you may get knocked on the ground to protect yourself — I will definitley be practicing that as-well as the others tonight.

    I am a fast learner in things I am interested in so this should be easy for me to learn if I put enough effort into it. Thank you so much, I will be sharing this with my friends who are in need of this.

  35. very simple and straight forward. Fighters get so busy trying to show boat fancy they forget about the basics.

  36. FIRST, I have to say,”SOME of you people need to find NEW places to hang out!!” (o;

    But, on the serious side, As a Marine, I was taught at least enough so I don’t have quite as high of a ‘fear’ response. But NO ONE can avoid the adrenaline rush of apprehension! I honestly think THIS RUSH is part of the MOTIVATION for most of the people who START fights! Combined with the drive to feel “dominant” over others, and to demonstrate that dominance, it gives them an almost erotic inner-emotion, and flood of endorphin.

    And it is IMPORTANT to understand the DIFFERENCE in the SPORT of Martial Arts and FIGHTING FOR YOUR LIFE on the streets! Even when I trained and competed in Martial Arts, I and my Instructors followed the “Tom Laundry” style of DO the BASICS well-enough, and you don’t give the opponent the chance to attack! “Fancy moves” are good for entertaining the spectators…but leave you open to FAILURE and BIG LOSES!

    HIT FAST, HARD, and OFTEN!! (o:

  37. These basics are real. I have used them for years. look forward to viewing some new techniques from videos.

  38. I was amazed at the three training video that was shown. I was hesitant of the free ad. I am glad I responded. I never seen these technics before. Thank you.

  39. Thank you Bob. The free videos you sent me were very informative. I am a 77 year old man with very serious health problems. The demonstrations you show can be very useful. Like so many others I can not afford to purchase your program. Unfortunately my income consist only of my Social Security check. After the Doctors, Hospitals, Drugstores, Rent, Utilities, Groceries ETC there isn’t anything left. Again thank you and God Bless You.
    Don P.
    Akron, Ohio

  40. There seems to be three common threads in a lot of these comments: Disabled people, Elderly people, and Women in general. I fall in the Disabled group and know from experience I am considered an easy or easily dismissed target as I walk with a cane. I am thankful for these videos and text. Hoping to never again find myself in a position to use any form of self-defense but if I am, I feel these teaching will be useful. I believe these techniques should be reviewed over and over, because when an irate person comes at you it is easy to forget something you read or watched only once.
    Thank You!

  41. Hi.
    I find everything so simple and natural to do. The ear slap is fantastic. The defense against a frontal choke is awesome, i never knew it was that effective. I let my kids practice on me and despite my size and weight advantage, its damn effective and hurts when they got to excited.
    I recommend these teachings/moves for anyone.
    You guys rock.

  42. I am a former kickboxing champion and martial artist and am very impressed with what I saw, wasted a lot of years compared to what I’ve seen in the videos. Only if we had this kind of knowledge when I started could’ve accomplished more in a short time, keep up the good work. Cant wait til my next session.