Lesson One of the Self Defense Mini Clinic

Each lesson of this course includes videos of highly effective, street proven fighting moves that are easy to learn and simple to use.

Each installment will also include some seriously important fighting information that has taken 20 years of interviews and research with dozens of the world’s most notorious street fighters, bar bouncers, law enforcement officers, and soldiers to put together.

This stuff is solid gold. These lessons are boiled down from a 100 page book I wrote on how to fight and win. I’ve taken the most valuable life-saving lessons from it at put it into 5 short lessons.

You don’t want to miss any of this critical information.

Below is your first video, the other two videos are further down the page (my little trick to get you to read this stuff). The following technique is extremely simple and can be used by anyone with little practice.

*Note: Feel free to leave a comment at the bottom of the page. I enjoy the feedback and others may learn from your insights & thoughts. Enjoy.

Know When The Fight Is On:

Today’s lesson is meant to get you up to speed quickly. It includes the most important things you need to know to win a street fight.

The best way to win a fight is to recognize it before it has happened. Countless guys get taken out by some punk without even knowing they were in a fight (they either didn’t see it coming or didn’t want to believe they were in a fight). Don’t let this happen to you.

There are three ways to recognize a fight (other than someone punching you). There are non-verbal body language cues, verbal cues, and previous behavior (aka common sense).

Aside from getting hit there are 5 main non-verbal cues that you are about to be in a fight:

  1. The “Look Away:” During an argument the other guy suddenly looks away from you off to one side. An experienced street fighter and special ops soldier Jim West uses this cue all the time. He once told me, “If I’m in a confrontation with someone and they look to the side, it means they’re about to hit me – so I hit first.” It may seem odd but looking away is a very common, almost reflex like, reaction for many aggressors. So take Jim’s advice and hit first because if you don’t his haymaker will be sailing towards your temple.
  2. The “Finger Jab:” Someone poking you in the chest is also a big red flag. It’s a way that your opponent “tests the water” to see if you are an easy target. He’s building up his confidence and resolve, by violating your personal space. If you stand by and do nothing, it tells him, “the water’s fine… go ahead and attack this guy.” A poke in the chest, or any violation of your personal space at the initial stages of a confrontation should trigger some kind of immediate response from you.
  3. The “Shove:” Yet another classic example of violating your personal space, except this move is almost always immediately followed by a punch. You should expect very little time between the shove and the incoming blow, which of course means you need to act fast in this situation. People typically don’t push, then walk away.
  4. The “Target Gaze:” An opponent will naturally look at what he’s about to strike. Watch out for an adversary who changes his gaze from your eyes to your chin or some other obvious target. This is another one of those gifts from human nature, he can’t help but look where he is going to strike, so use that information to gain the upper hand.
  5. The “Chin Drop:” Another involuntary move that should prompt you into a decision is seeing your opponent drop his chin. This is a fairly consistent, and subconscious act of protecting the neck, it almost always means trouble.

Verbal Cues:

  1. The Threat: “I’m gonna zyx@%# you up!” This may seem so obvious that it’s not worth mentioning. And I wouldn’t mention it if my research didn’t show that MOST inexperienced fighters do nothing in the face of serious verbal threats. They often stand by and take NO action.
  2. The “Sudden Silent Treatment:” If your opponent has been talking, talking, and talking, then suddenly becomes quiet, it means he’s entered into an internal dialog on what he’s about to do to you. As FightFast instructor Demi Barbitos says: “Fighters don’t talk and swing at the same time.” In other words he is probably about to hit you.

Previous Behavior:

This one is painfully simple. If you are around someone who is known to be violent it’s pretty likely they may start a fight. Don’t play with fire. Also intoxicated men are trouble, intoxicated men with women around are even more trouble. If you get into an argument or scuffle with a drunk guy and his girlfriend or other women are around he is very likely to fight.

I’ve worked with almost a dozen bar bouncers from some of the roughest bars and nightclubs and they all know that saving face is one of the biggest causes of fights. In other words if you somehow manage to bump into, slight, or irritate a drunk guy or his girlfriend a fight is pretty likely, so be ready for it.

Now that you know how to recognize a fight before it happens I’ve got another fight move for you. This one is from professional fighter and notorious “cooler” Mike Serr. Go ahead and watch the video before moving onto the next section.

Dealing with Fear:

When it comes to fighting and learning how to fight fear is the 800 lb. gorilla in the room. Everybody knows it’s there but nobody want to talk about it.

Well like it or not I’m going to talk about it. After 20 years of working with Special Ops soldiers, SWAT cops, Cage-Fighters, Ex-Gang Enforcers, and bar bouncers, I’ve learned that all of them feel fear before a fight.

Wow, what a shocker. Fear is normal and healthy. The thing is none of these guys are scared, because they have learned to deal with that fear and make it work for them.

They have learned to harness that adrenaline dump and make it work for them, not against them.

The average guy on the street, when confronted with a life threatening fight will quickly realize the danger and the voice inside his mind will start talking a mile a minute, “Why is this happening to me? Am I going to die? What did I do to piss him off? Should I run? Should I stay and fight?” and on and on.

Letting this internal dialogue turn your fear into panic will get you hurt. Instead you have to use that fear and adrenaline to help you identify targets and take action.

The first step is to control your breathing. Slowing the pace of your breaths (inhale deeply and exhale slowly) sends a direct message to your brain that calms you down, lowers your heart rate, and lowers your blood pressure.

The next step is target awareness described below. But before we get to that here’s another video for you.

Target Awareness:

Once you know a fight is eminent you need to look for open targets to strike. To do this you must be aware of certain “high value” targets on the human body, so that when they are exposed or unprotected you know when and how to strike them for maximum damage.

Target awareness is a continuous process because as an attacker moves closer or further away from you the targets you can strike change. Below is an example of what your internal dialogue should be like once you realize a fight is coming:

“He’s approaching me — is he in range?”…
“Is there anything in his hands?”…
“What targets are open?”…
“Are there any friends around?”…
“Now… what targets are open?”…
“Is anyone behind me?”…
“What targets are open now?”…

Finally you need some basic info about what targets to strike and why, some are common sense some may surprise you:

Neck: the side of the neck is a “knock out” area. The good news is that the shoulder and head offer a natural “funnel” that’ll guide your hand directly into his neck – which means it’s a “high percentage” shot. People rarely protect their neck properly so even a poorly executed shot can often mean instant knock out.

Groin: believe it or not, research shows that most guys do NOT protect their groin. They are so “indoctrinated” with the idea that they’ll be punched in the face that they leave themselves wide open for one of the most devastating strikes. So forget about focusing so much on getting in that right hook to the head, (which he’ll be expecting), and start looking for an OPEN target.

Inside knee: very vulnerable. One good kick to the inside of the knee can end a fight instantly.

Outside thigh: a favorite target of Muay Thai fighters is the nerve running down the outside of your leg. Even a well conditioned fighter can’t stand more than a couple good shin kicks to this nerve before buckling.

Eyes: Striking the eyes is a great distraction technique. They are the main sense used during a fight, take them away for even a second and you have gained a huge advantage. An eye strike causes a person to blink involuntarily, and if scratched the eyes will water blurring vision.

There are many more targets these are just a few to get you thinking like a fighter.

Keep your eyes peeled for more free videos, in the next lesson I’ll take you inside the world of a real street fight. This is something most guys have no idea about, thanks to myths and misconceptions that often get guys hurt or killed.

Knowing what a real fight is actually like is a huge advantage.

Interested in learning “dirty fight tricks” right now?
Click here to find out how!

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2,694 thoughts on “Lesson One of the Self Defense Mini Clinic”

  1. Bob,this great stuff my son goes to a school where you need to know how to fight. I have been able to teach him a lot from your free fight lessons it’s great that you offer these for free because there are so many people that can’t afford to pay for the things that you offer for free and it helps people to be able to service in these tough times. I personally would like to thank you for these fighting techniques that you offer.

  2. Thanks Bob, very insightful lessons. We were taught hand-to-hand self defense in the military, but nothing to this caliber. I travel a lot by myself. i am a disabled Veteran and use a mobility scooter to walk. I’m often terrified when I go out in a city to grab some chow in the evenings. Do you have any connections that can help us? I know my wheel chair friends would love any advice too. Keep up the great work!

  3. Extremely informative. I have looked for this type of instruction for a very long time.

    Thank you,

    Robert San-Claire

  4. Great quick tips for anyone out and about. Danger can be around the corner, at the grocery store, or at the park during the day. These quick tips will help in a situation you never thought you would be in. Since I have been a member, I take the time to go over these and it has increased my confidence that I can protect myself. Also, with confidence, I guess you get a look because lately, people seem scared when they approach me or have something bad to tell me. Weird because I don’t try to be mean at all. I guess I am good at projecting. Thanks Bob and all the videos and survival stuff and information you provide us. These short takes remind me I have to stay in practice as well. I will be taking out the other videos again to refresh myself. My friends are always willing to help so they can learn a few things too. I am afraid to teach my wife too much because I am afraid she will use it on me when she gets pissed off! (Only half joking).

  5. First self defense class I’ve ever viewed that you didn’t have to be a big guy or an expert to learn to defend yourself. Easy techniques for anyone to learn but effective. I feel much safer for myself and my wife, thank you!!!

  6. Good stuff here , though I do not have the internet capabilities for video. I am glad that you wrote it in easy to read and straight forward prose. If I get into town I may be able to view the video at a wifi connection somewhere next week… Thx

  7. BOB
    Over a 4 year period I have bought 10 DVD’S I enjoy the info. of self-defense Technics’s I now am retired an have time to watch an learn from ur people that u have chosen an trusted to give people a knowledge of awareness to protect self an loved ones.

  8. My husband will think twice before he hit’s me again! Thank you for the courage to stand up and say enough is enough! God Bless You!

  9. Awesome ,I like the technique to take out someone that’s started up especially the slap really sounds effective and breaking fingers will deff. Slow em down

  10. Every time I watch your videos It blows my mind how simple, easy, and effective they are. Very good input. You have my total attention!J

  11. Great, great, great videos. Thanks for the memory shaker. Some techniques I had learned in the military, like the comes alongs. As a disabled veteran I appreciate what your teaching to us. Please keep it up. Perhaps you could even put together something for disabled individuals. A noticeably disabled person is a screaming target for any street punk and his/her gang of knuckleheads. Again thanks for the free videos and the descriptions that accompany them.

  12. The neck I already knew about, do it right and it’s awesome, do it wrong and say goodbye. I didn’t know aboutthe outside thigh which would be perfect for me (justthe rigt height).

  13. Thanks for the fight techniques because I’m a disabled person but I am able to punch and get a little kick in and these demonstrations I know I could do so thanks for those and I hope to see more in the future. Another thing is I’m only five foot five 145 pounds so any advantage I can get I’ll take it. Thanks again

  14. Michael D Breck thanks for the comment about disabled people because I’m one of them and I learned a lot from these videos so please keep them coming

  15. First moff my name is Brion and I am 64 years old and to be totally honest with you I have never been in a fight in my life. Anyway, I am so greatful for you to present this information and trust me I will practice this by myself until it becomes second nature where I do not think what to do next but just do it by reflex.

    Thanks again

  16. Hi found these useful. In line with the training I’m doing at the moment.
    The finger splits as a pre emptive is something of great value.

  17. Good info, I knew the fingers are a “weak point”, but I wasn’t sure about the mechanics of the moves to drop the opponent immediately. This looks like a way to control the situation before you land on your back

  18. Thank you, I learned a lot in only a few moments. I’ve never been in a street fight, but thanks to you I can now defend myself. I hope I never have to use it.

  19. Thank you, your videos are amazing. I’m not a drinker, don’t go to bars or clubs, but I like to know that I will have a chance. I don’t see myself throwing my 5 pound yorkie at an intruder, and I’m sure as hell not a screamer. I will keep my distance, but just in case some clown gets too close, I’ll be ready. Thank you!

  20. Have been enlightened by this Technics. Have used a few finger magic figure tricks before in the past ( by accident) but not thinking how effective these moves are in neutralising the situation. Setting up and being ready to use these magic tricks is the trick.


  22. That is sure good information. I am 81 years old and find these moves would be hard for me to

    make. I have purchased all sorts of good stuff from you & others. I have a combat knife, neat

    flashlight. credit card folding knife plus all sorts of stuff. Thanks for giving us such good info.

  23. You raise some very good and often overlooked points in this article. It is both to the point and straightforward without the sugarcoating bs that seems to go on with alot of “styles” nowadays.

  24. These were great lessons i will learn these as best i can and try to show my sons also but my question is after i hit the bad guy with one of these punches do i countuie to take him out cause i know one punch is not going to finish him

  25. I’ve heard of the slap before but this was a good video showing other places to slap besides the ears and now I can practice striking at other parts of the body knowing that it will work. I’m disabled so these videos help me because of limited movements that I can do to take care of bullies or just someone trying to hurt my family. Thanks and I couldn’t get the other two videos hope they will work next time

  26. I worked with persons with mental illnesses, many were violent when off meds. Having special forces re!atives, I was taught some helpful moves… Not martial arts. Incapacitate aggressor so I can run type. I appreciate refresher course with moves I can do as a short widowed grandma with physical limitations. Thank you.

  27. Bob thank you for this info the step by step is great. It’s opened my eyes in my mistakes from the past. I’ve been put down before and if I would have known what to look for and what to do I’d have been the one walking away. Very helpful thanks again.

  28. Thank you great info.
    Obviously you do not want to be in that situation in the first place. From studing the martial arts the quick blow to a vital area and getting the heck out of dodge is a smart move.

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