Lesson Two of the Self Defense Mini Clinic

If you missed Lesson 1 you can find it here.

When it comes to street fights (any fight that happens without a referee) there are too many misconception to count, many of them can get you seriously injured or killed. Lesson Two is all about calling out the B.S. and setting the story straight.

Knowing the truth about street fights will take you a long way towards winning any fight. But first here’s a quick video tip from ex-gang enforcer Diallo Frazier showing you a technique that was designed to turn the tables on an attacker. Pay close attention to the interview at the end of the video where Diallo sets the record straight on one of the biggest fight myths of all.

Top 10 Fighting Myths

  1. Martial Artists Win Streetfights: Listen, I don’t like to “knock” the martial arts. They all have something valuable to offer. We owe them a debt of gratitude for getting us where we are today, and they’re better than nothing. BUT…unfortunately, many of the arts being widely taught today are ancient arts, developed for another time and place in history, for specific conditions and circumstances that simply do not exist in the world you’ll be fighting in today.Statistics show that your average “store front” black belt does not have a much better chance at winning a street fight than any other average guy.Shocked? Well don’t be. Most martial arts concentrate on discipline and complicated “fine motor” techniques that go straight out the window when the “adrenaline dump” hits.
  2. The 5-Minute Fist Fight: This is a big one and it’s important that you get this Hollywood version of fighting out of your head. We’ve all been exposed to movies where the hero is endlessly fist-fighting. Yes, one big-gulp and a large popcorn later, he’s still going at it.But here’s a reality check for you. Nearly every actual street fight lasts for no more than 3 to 8 seconds! That’s right. It’s all over with in less time than it took for you to read this paragraph. Once you understand this, you can appreciate just how little time you have to recognize what’s going on and take decisive action to win. The key is what you do in the time leading up to that 3-8 seconds burst.
  3. Two men fighting street fight

  4. The Man-To-Man Fight: Another grand illusion. Most guys imagine (and train for) a fight against one man. Well you can’t depend on that. Stats prove that more times than not your opponent will have “back up,” friends willing to help take you down and kick in your head. This is why it’s critical that you first make quick and effective decisions early on to end the as fight quickly as possible and prepare for more than one adversary.
  5. The Convenient Fighting Environment: Dojo training often lulls one into the sense that you’ll always have plenty of fighting room… that your opponent will calmly approach you, bow, and ask if you’re ready… and that the ground will always be nicely padded. The reality is different.I’ve found that most fights occur in tight quarters (a bathroom, between cars, etc), with little or no room for flying kicks or fancy moves. There will be little or no light, furniture will be in the way, and rough concrete floors to strip meat off your bones. Ouch!
  6. Most Fights Go To The Ground: Most guys are surprised to discover that this is a myth, but it is. In fact, most street fights and personal combat situations do NOT end up on the ground.
    Yes, someone ends up on the ground alright, and it’s the loser – with the winner (or winners) standing over him stomping on his head. So why is this myth so common? Well, it comes from the study of police reports. You see, most cops who struggle with an adversary end up on the ground.Now hold on – doesn’t that contradict what I just said? No, it doesn’t. Because the goal of law enforcement is to “contain, control, comply” (also known as the 3 C’s) – which, by the way, requires more skill than simply winning a street fight. In other words a cop can’t simply eye jab, ear slap, then move in for a knock-out head butt because a dangerous criminal is resisting him. No, an officer’s goal is NOT to end a fight in 3 seconds, but instead to use “reasonable and proportionate escalation of force” to control and contain his subject.I’m not suggesting you totally ignore ground fighting, but you should spend 80% of your time training to fight on your feet.
  7. Before we go on here’s another video, this one from weapons expert and security consultant Bob Taylor:

  8. Your friends will back you up: Ha! I’m sad to say this is not true. We’d all like to believe our buddies will back us up, but research shows that they’re more likely to pick their noses than pick a fight. In fact, crowd behavior studies show that the more friends and bystanders are hanging around, the less likely it is that you’ll get help in a fight.Now, on the other hand, if you have just ONE friend and no crowd of bystanders, you actually may get some help. But the facts have shown over and over that individuals inside a crowd are less likely to act.
    A “gang” mentality is different. They will back each other up because it’s part of their “job.”
  9. Ignore them and they’ll go away: This is a common tactic, especially with women who feel they’re being followed. They simply put on the blinders and hope for the best. “Oh goodness, I hope that bad man goes away.” Bad tactic. Don’t ignore a predator you suspect is “scoping” you. Believe it or not, your best bet is to let him know that you ARE aware of him.Look at him directly. Watch him. Let him know you’re aware of his presence. Once a predator suspects you know his real intentions, it strips away much of the motivation to attack since the element of surprise has been taken away – and surprise is one of the predator’s most powerful tools. He knows he can’t surprise you, and now you’re perceived as less of an easy mark.Of course eyeballing a bully will have the opposite effect and will probably result in the “what are YOU looking at?” response. So this tactic is to be used when you suspect a predator.
  10. All You Need Is One (Or Two) Fighting Techniques: This is a common theory that has some truth to it. But I want to dispel the foolish notion that knowing less is better than knowing more. This just isn’t true. Because following this kind of logic would indicate that, for example, you’d be better off using an uneducated bag-lady as your investment broker than a guy with a Master’s Degree in Finance. I’d put my money on the Master’s degree, but that’s just me.Well, the same is true with fighting techniques. You’re better off knowing more than less, as it gives you the flexibility of using multiple methods to attack specific targets. Remember… one of the most crucial keys to fighting and winning is proper target acquisition. In other words, you’ll be far more effective with a crudely executed, but accurate, kick to your opponent’s nut-sack than you’d be with a really pretty roundhouse kick that missed the mark.
  11. All Military Fight Systems Can Be Trusted: Let me tell you a “dirty little secret” about some military combat systems being sold today. Recently there’s been a rash of “experts” who’ve “trained” the military in their secret system.Here’s the scoop. They’ve offered a few military guys some free training in their system. That’s it. Free seminars or workshops to military personnel is almost always a marketing ploy and a “resume building” exercise. They can now turn around and advertise that their system is used by “military experts.” Keep your eyes open for this nonsense. Just because someone trained military personnel does NOT make their system special.Another thing, most soldiers will admit that much of the hand to hand stuff is absolutely worthless to them because 100% of their job is to fight at a distance using hi-tech weaponry — NOT hand-to-hand systems.This is exactly why I’ve personally sought out special military units that indeed depend heavily on hand-to-hand fighting.And believe me, these guys exist. I even got some of them to talk. They sneak around behind enemy lines quietly “taking care of business” without firing weapons and drawing a bunch of attention to themselves. Real live bad-asses that’d make Rambo look like a pussy.
  12. sport fighting vs self defense

  13. Sport Fighting Is Just Like Personal Combat: Many think that a trained boxer, cage fighter, Mixed Martial Artist, or kickboxer is the same as being a trained street fighter.Not true. Let me ask… who do YOU think would win a spontaneous street fight — a champion MMA fighter or some ex-con street-brawler raised in the toughest area of east LA?I’d put my money on the ex-con. Because as brutal as it may appear, an MMA fight really IS different than a street fight.First, a pay-per-view “cage” fight (also called a mixed-martial-arts or MMA fight) is about making money for the promoters. They can’t allow every fight to be over within 3-8 seconds. They’d lose their audience — and advertisers — fast. So, in an MMA fight there’s no quick “fight ending” moves allowed — which is what a street fight is ALL about.Also, promoters have got to take some effort to protect the fighters. They wouldn’t be “sanctioned” for long with a continuous stream of dead bodies being hauled out of the ring.So, here’s 16 moves that are outlawed in most sanctioned MMA fights – which also happen to be some of the most effective moves in street fights:
  1. Eye gouging.
  2. Groin strikes (the ever popular “sack-attack”)
  3. Throat strikes (which can easily be lethal).
  4. Grabbing the trachea
  5. Biting (alright… Tyson DID try this once).
  6. Clawing, twisting, or pinching the flesh.
  7. Stomping, kneeing or kicking a grounded opponent
  8. Strikes to spine or back of head (also easily lethal).
  9. Striking downward, using the point of the elbow.
  10. Head butt (think of a “bowling ball in the face”).
  11. Hair pulling.
  12. Kicking the kidney with the heel.
  13. Grabbing the clavicle
  14. Small joint manipulations (such as fingers)
  15. Weapons and improvised weapons.
  16. Multiple attackers (except in WWF).

In Lesson Three there’ll be two more videos for you and a lesson on picking the best fight moves and why total commitment is the only policy when it comes to winning a street fight. You don’t want to miss it.

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491 thoughts on “Lesson Two of the Self Defense Mini Clinic”

  1. amazingly simple. When you do the foot stomp, run the edge of you shoe down his shims also. I don’t see anyone mentioning this either?

  2. Another good Video(s). As a retired Police Officer from Chicago’s North Shore, I can tell you that there are a lot of things we couldn’t do to a Drunk or trouble maker. I can recall a lot of situations where I wish I had know about the “Take Downs” shown in these Videos in Lesson 2.

  3. I really enjoyed the front and rear head lock and full Nelson especially the hair pull from behind great move

  4. Wooow 2nd video great ta watch also noin the pant drop helpfull. People come up ta me an always put head lock on i not very big in size must mean ima easy target huh but c-in how ta get out will help ta let them no ima tired of it. O BUDDYBADASS dont no how old u R dont really care but ima nearin 60 an with 2crushed disks in back ima on disability not able ta lift much only common sents noes bout takin them back is way ta solve it duuugh but videos R great an gona order more keep info comin hope ta learn more later days Mr. Pierce thank-you fer sendin me E-mail how u no I needed help

  5. Thank you for the information. I may be an older lady, but I still like to know how to defend myself. I moved from a large city to a small town, but as a former truck driver,I’ve also learned to be somewhat aware of my surroundings. I did take some judo many years ago.I’ve never had the occasion to need it. Keep up the good work.

  6. Good stuff!! I got into a jam with a few big girls that were trying to jack me for my Chinese carry out a few nights ago and used the pants trip move, but they were not wearing pants so grabbing rolls of fat worked just as well. Needless to say, I enjoyed my Chinese that night and walked away unscathed thanks to that move!!

  7. Already learnt every one of these moves in my jiu jitsu class.
    The pant maneuver will get you a slap to the nose or worse, I Know, having had this happen over and over. People in the street can have training too. I prefer the hook sweep into mount.It Keeps you fully protected during the takedown, during which time you can achieve full mount, or do a technical stand up.
    Paul Vanak got me fighting a decade ago.
    It works but witnesses will get you in trouble with the police.

  8. I still need to know how to break a head lock when you don’t see him coming, he grabs you from behind in a head lock turning your head and his full body weight is on you while being bent over a table. I still have not solved that one.

  9. As a ret Leo, I have been in numerous fights, and you are dead on in that Leo have to react as opposed to simply finishing business right now. The last fight I was in( which ended my career after 20 yrs) was with a violent escaped HIV pos. mental patient. The fight lasted 10 minutes, and resulted in shattering my spine, two torn rotator cuffs, and two detached bi cep tendons. I ultimately subdued the shithead, but have paid the price physically since. I will never fight that way again. Now it’s hard, fast, and brutal. Thanks for the info

  10. More great stuff. I hope I don’t need it,but it’s great to have this info. in memory if needed. Much appreciated!! It’s great to have confidence, knowing you have alternatives!!

  11. Those are some really great technics, I’m working with my grandsons showing them some of your great moves. In just a short period of time, watching your technics givin me some added arsenal if I’m ever attacked on the street. I live in a pretty bad neighborhood. Thank for the instructions you have given.

  12. Good stuff..also women..if some one grabs you from behind…if you have high heels on drive them into his ankle, shin or the top of his foot..drive that heel right through his foot. When he is doubled over screaming in pain drive your knee full force into his face..smashing his nose..this is no game..fight to win..

  13. On the single or double pant leg pull what if the bad guys are wearing shorts? Do I grab the ankle? Their
    socks? Just wondering- good to know- real good stuff
    to know Thanks

  14. Grabbing Pant Leg (1/2): Element of surprise and being fast is probably important. You’re leaving your (head and neck in vulnerable position). If opponent pushes you down, you’re vertebrae in general, is exposed.
    Head Lock: If opponent is skilled, you could be in big trouble, I.E. (broken neck etc). Opponent could take you to the ground etc.

  15. I have reservations about the head lock and full nelson. The ridge hand to the groin without grabbing can result in pissing someone off more than making them let go. If they fall with you head under their arm you are out of it. “They can fall even after the groin strike without letting go.” The full nelson can be prevented much easier than defended against tho you can do either. Have someone try it at different stages before they actually have their hands locked behind your head. Simply pressing your arms down to your sides will prevent it and allow for a good counter attack.

  16. I am an older small frame guy, w prior neck surgery, so would not be able to withstand any assult or blow to the head. So a quik take down would allow me to hopefully get away. Thx

  17. Hi my name is Barbara I like your learning defenses deadly attacks if it would be possible can you send me some more I like those moves. I’m a woman and I be out sometimes late night I do need some of those moves. Teach me more or send me something I don’t have any money rite now because I lost my job.

  18. these comments are true I take American Kenpo and we are taught to end a fight in less than 10 seconds if not we did something wrong. all other martial arts and cage fighting has rule and regulations and the way you train is the way you will fight when you have to react and not have time to think

  19. With the goal of a Police Officer being to use ‘reasonable and proportionate escalation of force’, to control and contain his subject. If my partner needed help, (i would help him)…

  20. Iam impressed with your program. I am 78 years old and haven’t been in a street fight in many-many years. when I was younger it was commound practice that I had situation where I had to defend my self. Many of your tactics I had figured out years ago. Don’t get in my face or you are gonna get hit. Most fights only last for one blow.

  21. Once again, clear, concise and invaluable info. Between these lesson and the 15 Brutal Fight Enders video that I just received from you, I feel more confident when I go out. I’m 71 and live in the “no-so-good” section of Utica, NY. I, apparently, do not have the “look” of a victim as I can go anywhere around here without worrying about being molested. Plus I’m in good shape. Last year I did have a fellow approach me and, after looking at me for less than 20 seconds, decided that I was not what he was looking for, even tho’ I have white hair and beard. Two days later he was arrested for robbing old people. After watching your videos, I realize that much of what you have been saying is already instilled in me. Your videos have made me realize also what I have been missng. Thank you, again!

  22. I’m a small, female black belt in karate, and I teach “reality” self defense at a university. You’re 100% right in that ANY “disciplined” fight training won’t win a street fight. I proved that to one of my 20 adult students last night. He was a wrestler (totally useless in street fighting), had some martial arts training, and had done some MMA fighting. I told him to grab me however he wanted to, and not let go. I broke the hold and had control of him in less than a second with every “attack” he came at me with, from grabbing my hair from behind to a front choke hold. Explode with whatever move you do, fight dirty, and be brutal. It not only showed HIM that his wrestling techniques were useless, but the rest of the class saw exactly how speed, committing to a move with power, and fighting dirty is what wins the fight on the street. (A 5’5″, 120 lb woman winning every attack from a 5’10”, 180 lb male wrestler/MMA fighter…) Your videos and advice are excellent, and I hope everyone who sees them adds them to their arsenal.

  23. I like that way of fighting because I have never been payed a dollar to fight. I’ve learned a lot in watching n reading this. I walk with a cane wished I knew a site that I could learn with a cane thank u for working with me

  24. Bob;
    This stuff is down to earth, ass-whooppin stuff! Like you said man, theres too much crap out there! Keep this stuff coming. I think that in the days, months, years to come; we are gonna need it, and the dirtier and quicker we can put someone down or put them out of commission long enough to get away, the better off we are gonna be. Keep the dirt coming! and thanks! Tom Hill

  25. The thing I like is you don’t have to remember everything because in some situations it can be just that one thing that ends it all.

  26. Thanks for the free info.It all makes good sense.
    I’ll b looking for dvds to buy.to get in ground in so it’ll come naturally without thinking too much
    ,,just reacting.Really gr8 advice.

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