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Scott Pilkinton’s “Trachea Hold” Video Post

Hey, Gang!

Our most recent instructor is a Golden Gloves Champion U.S. Marine Corps boxer with serious street credibility working as an executive protection specialist and nightclub bouncer in some of the most gang-infested cities in CA. He’s earned serious respect because he knows how to both kill, and/or control crazed lunatics with his bare hands. Instead of me talking him up, I’m just gonna let Scott speak for himself as he demonstrates to you how to make this work.

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It even comes with a video showing you exactly how to draw this folder from your pocket (one-handed) so that it snaps open and is ready for action in the blink of an eye. (Your buddies are going to be sooo freaked out when they see this).

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Be careful! This is not a hold you go throwing on your 12-year-old or—heaven forbid—your wife so you can test whether or not it really works. Hope you enjoyed this short, albeit painful, lesson from Pilkinton.

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367 thoughts on “Scott Pilkinton’s “Trachea Hold” Video Post”

  1. I just want to say thanks to everyone who shares their defense advise! with all the restrictions being forced on us with firearms and stand your ground, we have very little to rely on to protect ourselves and our families. Keep up the great work!

  2. I have enjoyed all your fighting tips, and made a few mods to my own as a result. My Grand daughter is taking some martial arts courses and I’m saving your e-mails videos to show her how this is done, so that she may be able to defend herself and others around her from these creeps. Thank you for the advice and course materials

  3. Very educational and I love the positive attitude(behind the scenes)of those under duress. They definitely know who is in control at all times.
    Thanks B/A

  4. The trachea move looks cool, but how does this work for somebody 5’6″ against a larger opponent?

  5. I used this move in 1983 against a drunk who had been terrorizing my neighborhood, speeding and driving recklessly while our kids were playing ON THIS DEAD-END CULDE-SAC. After the drunk got out of the car, he took a swing at me. I didn’t give him a second chance, I used the throat maneuver and subdued him until the law arrived. He never attempted to get free!

  6. I am over 60 years old and learned this hold in the Army. I was faced by a kid in his early 20’s and twice my size. He made the error of getting in my face to threaten me and all I needed was a 1/2 second to grab him and introduce him to a wall and door frame which gave me time to get out of dodge

  7. Very effective. As I prepped my mind for dealing with tracker dogs my last line of defense was this move combined with a hip through smashing the head to the ground.

  8. Yes, this absolutely works … Every-Time. I have used it with disruptive, and combative persons. It is a very quick attention getter, and very effective physical control technique.

    ONE CAVEAT: MAKE DOUBLE SURE, IF more than one is assaulting you … DOUBLE your speed of defense, and control the situation … BEFORE … their partners in crime have a chance to attempt the primary aggressor’s rescue.

    When they realize their continued aggressive tactics create more discomfort, pain, and difficulty breathing to their accomplice &/or primary assailant, they will withdraw and cease their aggressive behavior to you.

  9. I found this video to be very informative and to the point whereas I have lost a very good business becauseof my inability to reasonably stop an attack; regardless of my situation this video is a must for even a secure records destruction team. in the wake of September 11 and the Storms that have followed; there needs a team with capabilities like this. please accept my Awesome tag for this one.

  10. I have used a modified hold of this sort when during an altercation with multiple degenerates i had a younger man jump on my back while trying to get a rear naked choke on me , i promptly put both of us in the air with him hitting the ground under me , i used just my thumbs and pointer along with my middle finger of both hands to wrap up his trachea but i felt my fingers through his skin, needless to say i only held on for three or four seconds before he was sleeping but i believe i may have damaged his throat as he damn well deserved. Thank you very much for yet another way to change the minds of the soulless degenerates we share this world with

  11. Simple and Direct A Need to memory Practice in a Knife Fight ! if you get your weapon knocked out of your grip ( Adrenalin dump ) and a back up hand to hand .

  12. I was in the Army and was taught nearly the same thing. My father was in the Golden Gloves before entering the Navy where he was a Boxer, now what is the cruiser weight. He also showed me a lot of things and anything else is just a benifit for I am much older now. Don’t need to get beat by a much younger man who is wrong. Thank you.

  13. Keep in mind: this is not a “one size fits all” solution for every confrontation. Nor is it the entire picture of the confrontation. A bouncer uses it and effectively walks the guy out of the bar. He isn’t permitted reentry. That is a controlled environment. On the street, once you have him by the throat, what’s your next move(s)? You have a tiger by the tail and you better have more in your toolbox than just a couple of techniques. You need to be thinking 3-4 moves ahead or you’ll be facing one very mad guy with a sore throat seeking immediate payback.

  14. This is very effective. I used this once and it works but I would not use it again unless it was a lethal force situation. I say this because initially the person I used it on was subdued but then started to fight back. So now what do you do? Sink it in deeper and possibly cause permanent injury? I let go. I wan’t in fear for my life.Also, what if the person had access to a weapon with their free hand? It is one of my few go to moves but I reserve it for injuring and stopping the threat not subduing. I’ll leave that to bouncers and those who like to get in pissing matches.

  15. Works well when it’s time to move a guy from point a to point b. I like the straight forward approach.

  16. Used it before. It works great to get someone away from you quick but yo7 need to have a counter ready before he regains his footing and thought process!

  17. Thank you much! I’m prepping for oncoming violence in this country and need this info to protect myself and my family. Keep it up. I’ll try to order stuff! Thanks

  18. Looks like a good move but,unless the other guy is in serious pain whats to keep him from slapping the shit out of you with his other hand or fist?

  19. I tried that move after watching the video, works real well. Causes a lot of pain. I can see how that would be an effective move. Again great instructions. And for all of you who has not tried out the DVD fighting chance, you really need to order it. I have it and it is fantastic. You would not believe the simple technics, that would give you the advantage in certain situations. I have watched it and practice the moves since I got it.

  20. I first seen the video clip on YouTube & thought this would really help my son who has been bullied at school lately. He is a very passive person & wouldn’t try the moves at first, until the day his younger sister was punched by one of the bullies. That was the day his school life changed, the moment he put the bully on the ground & had him in a arm bar the bullying stopped. This is the GREATEST purchase I ha ever made
    Thanks so much. Jim

  21. I used that same move when i was a body guard for the number1 radio station in the 80s KISS FM 102.7 in Los Angeles.I went on personal appearances with the DJs Paul Freeman big Ron Obrine, Tim Kelly, Rachel donahue, liz Fulton and some times Rick our favorite stunts was the HOT & BOTHERD.i WOULD GO OUT AND FIND 3 SINGLE WOMEN AND, ONE HANDSOME MAN.THE dJ say like Paul freeman would tell me to blind fold the and hand cuff the guy. Then the guy would tell Paul which woman turned him on the most. The women could do any thing they wanted except depants the guy. Take off his shirt, and suck on his nipples, any thing was aloud above his belt. I had a great time with that stunt.Other places like Mr. Jays in Elmonte we ddo a thing called lushes legs contest.Those 10 years were the best of my life. I always had my Walther PPK 32, and my 50 thousand volts Stun gun at all times.Good times Gary

  22. I teach that one to my class. Even the smallest girls can do it but we are not interested in controlling. I teach it as a violent counter attack to finish an opponent and as a lever handle to take them down or finish them while they stand. I can see the advantages when handling someone you don’t want to destroy however. Good job.

  23. These are ‘common sense’moves that even I, as a cripple, can master and fill me full of confidence. Thank you.
    P.S. I still haven’t received lesson # 2 !!

  24. That move is very effective I have used this move on my son. Now I know you are wondering why my son. Well we love each other but we were at a family gathering when he was 21 he is 34 now but I at the time weighed about 145 pounds he was about 200 plus pounds. At the time I was hard as a rock but he had been drinking and he told my brother-n lAw he thought he could take old dad. We got in the front yard he got me from behind and pick me up and said I got ya now that is when I grabbed his throat and he went down. Great leson!!!!

  25. Hey, Bob I use this one
    personally, I have to say I have never tucked my other arm under their arm pit as I am using it to inflict an understanding.
    Good move.

  26. I want to thank you for the time you are taking to help me to survive in this world. I am an 86 year old former Marine with 6 years service and 3 years overseas, one year in the Korean war in 5 battles. I only wish I had the resources to purchase more of your DVD’s. Thank you again Sir.