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Scott Pilkinton’s “Trachea Hold” Video Post

Hey, Gang!

Our most recent instructor is a Golden Gloves Champion U.S. Marine Corps boxer with serious street credibility working as an executive protection specialist and nightclub bouncer in some of the most gang-infested cities in CA. He’s earned serious respect because he knows how to both kill, and/or control crazed lunatics with his bare hands. Instead of me talking him up, I’m just gonna let Scott speak for himself as he demonstrates to you how to make this work.

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Be careful! This is not a hold you go throwing on your 12-year-old or—heaven forbid—your wife so you can test whether or not it really works. Hope you enjoyed this short, albeit painful, lesson from Pilkinton.

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367 thoughts on “Scott Pilkinton’s “Trachea Hold” Video Post”

  1. I’m a teeny tiny woman. I’m 107 lbs and 5 ft tall n have used this move from an awkward position, like on someone’s back. Now, I know you’re probably thinking I’m exaggerating or lying but I’m not. I’ve had husbands(now ex’s) manhandle me and toss me around like a rag doll and they were notorious for trying to throw me from over their heads and I grabbed ahold of them using the trachea hold n they lost their grip on me n the fight ended quickly. I got a few eye gouges in and a nasty nasal hold (tiny fingers rammed up their noses)which brings most anyone to their knees and makes them wonder what just happened. I get “yes ma’am” now and earned the nickname fireball along with respect. So thanks again for your tips


    Randy Martin

  3. Love ’em, please keep them coming. Been teaching them to my two NYC college granddaughters. (NYU and ST. Johns) They
    use the NYC subway systems frequently!!!
    That’s why your self-defense methods are
    great for them. Additionally they’re both D-1 athletes,so I pity any ‘perv’ that tries to take them on.
    Thanks, again, Tom Quinn

  4. As a senior citizen with severe arthritis in the my back and shoulders, I need techniques that are simple, effective and don’t require a lot of strength. This one hits the mark. Great stuff. Keep ’em coming.

  5. This is a very affective technique. I remember learning this when I trained Hapkido. I know what it feels like to be on both sides of this technique. It’s definitely no fun being on the receiving end of this. Thank you for sharing this.

  6. Learned this move long time ago in my teens. Never had to use it till one night when my now ex-husband was wailing on me and I knew I had to make him stop or he was either going to kill me or permanently injure me. It caused him to stop hitting and gave me an opening to clock him a couple times. As a result, I knocked him out cold and was able to get away. Shortly after filed for divorce, and what is done is done. SWEET move. Use caution though as it could go horribly wrong, as I was also taught.

  7. Thank You! I am 59Years old. what i have watched from you is amazing for me! I was in a one auto accident. i recived a broke neck, spinal injury, and a TBI brain injury . i have worked hard to get better. my grown son helps do exactly what you show me. No thug will take me down easy!

  8. Believe what you are doing is great. I will be 73 in August I can only order things on the 3rd since I am on a fixed income as you give a short time on some things I have to take a chance on getting items from you. I have to send money orders I don’t have a credit card. Am getting a money order today for free 15 brutal fight enders.will have to get another kit on 3rd of April
    Thanks Bob hope you have some things left when I CAN order have agreatday

  9. I think this is a great defensive move. The attacker will have no doubt you mean business. Thanks fight fast yall have definitely taught this old pecked wood a couple things thanx

  10. Use only as a last result. I Am opening up a training facility open to the public for those who would like to train. 559-804-6289 is my phone number.

  11. I completely agree and am going to show this hold to my older grand-daughter as soon as I can make that happen, as she has been bullied in the past by a group of girls at school in Tulsa, Oklahoma. I instructed her to keep that encounter as non-violent as possible. I instructed her that when she challenged the girl/girls, they would probably throwback their shoulders and stick that chest out, to resist/challenge her to do something about it. They did and she did exactly what I told her to do: Take the muscular portion of her hands, below her thumbs, and shove up and out, from a distance of 2 feet, as hard as possible. The girl in question flew backward 10 feet and landed on her BUTT, flat on top of the blacktop!! Said girls studiously avoided her from that time on, even to the point of avoiding crossing her path, and even placing their back-sides against the opposite wall in the hallway at school!!! LOL I couldn’t have been more proud of my beginning martial arts student grand-daughter!! Even 6 months after this incident, their behavior like this remains the same. I told her that you HAVE TO, more or less beat down the bully to get them to leave you alone. She is still taking and asking for more advice on this kind and other subjects.

  12. You never know when that one tool you just put into my tool box will save my life, or that of some one else. Thanks guys !!

    *** John ***

  13. That! is a good move, I have never seen it before, tried the move, and it will make one stop real fast. Good move, good move.

  14. I learned that very move a few years ago and have used it very successfully. The first time I was scard that it wouldn’t work because the guy threatening me was so much bigger than me, but when I grabbed the hand and twisted it over and got my thumbs in place I found that I was totally in control. while holding the hand with my right hand I struck hard to the extended elbow of my attacker. I didn’t dislocate his elbow but I did put enough hurt on his are that I managed to get well away before he could recover and thinking about coming after me.

    I have needed to use the move on two other occasions and I was very glad that I knew how to use it.

  15. I hope that I never have to use something like that, but, it’s good to know that IF it comes down to it I could use it to get out of trouble. THANKS !!! M. K. S.

  16. Like it but Scott looks like a pretty big guy with some big cannons will this work for smaller somewhat out of shape guy . Thanks Mike

  17. I am 73 and live out the Balto. area. Was a little timid at times going certain places but watching and learning from your videos I dont worry as much and am more watchful of my surroundings.
    Great work! I love it

  18. Good move; strong. But a move someone else might try to pull on you. It’s hectic these days, so fight moves are extravagant all over the place. Be first to act. Win the fight.

  19. I always admire someone that doesn’t expose himself by showing his abilities off. Just don’t like showboaters. Thanks for the tips!

  20. The trachea hold is for sure a offensive move. My question is if the trachea hold is put on you what counter move could you do to get out of it. Thank you for all the fightfast moves you’ve blessed me with

  21. True it will really work but you must realize there is a bone there called the hyoid bone, that looks like a chicken wishbone that can be broken very easily. If you break that he is dead, period,nothing you can do. I’m a retired doctor and I have seen some cases with just that. As a matter of fact I know of one doctor who went to prison over that for killing his wife.

  22. I thought this particular hold was dynamite stops a possible attacker cold in his tracks and most important I feel this is all you would need to end situation thanks Joe Liguori

  23. Cheers for the insight. I enjoy these simple blogs as I am not able to buy anything right now. I will in the future but right now, its just not possible. Thanks.

  24. our judges in this country are piss week its getting so you have to proctect yourself, i have learnt so much from you. great stuff. thankyou

  25. Very nice!! I have used that my self bouncing in bars. I like the information on how his right arm was immobilized. .

  26. This is a great hold! I’ve used it myself in NY
    where I was a cop. Literally takes the fight out of the individual.