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Scott Pilkinton’s “Trachea Hold” Video Post

Hey, Gang!

Our most recent instructor is a Golden Gloves Champion U.S. Marine Corps boxer with serious street credibility working as an executive protection specialist and nightclub bouncer in some of the most gang-infested cities in CA. He’s earned serious respect because he knows how to both kill, and/or control crazed lunatics with his bare hands. Instead of me talking him up, I’m just gonna let Scott speak for himself as he demonstrates to you how to make this work.

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It even comes with a video showing you exactly how to draw this folder from your pocket (one-handed) so that it snaps open and is ready for action in the blink of an eye. (Your buddies are going to be sooo freaked out when they see this).

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Be careful! This is not a hold you go throwing on your 12-year-old or—heaven forbid—your wife so you can test whether or not it really works. Hope you enjoyed this short, albeit painful, lesson from Pilkinton.

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367 thoughts on “Scott Pilkinton’s “Trachea Hold” Video Post”

  1. This is a lethal move ! I was at a bar when this giant of a man for some reason wanted to fight he started to swing I blocked his left arm out to his left did this move and squeezed his throat to the point his eyes bulged out and asked “NOW WHAT” this promptly ended the fight. After word I met him outside thought here we go again he wanted to apologize !

  2. Great move- used it – note-don’t let up on force or the person will sense it and fight back- the upward drive is critical- in a lethal encounter rip and crush asap and look for the next target to destroy-unless you are built like the guy in the video you wont be able to hold this till the cops come

  3. Excellent knowledge for a busted up ol guy like me… Don’t wanna hafta fight… everything I’ve seen here always makes short,quick work of otherwise stupidity…Love It !!!

  4. Heck, put this hold on me and I’d be subdued in an instant too! Thank you for your service Pilkinton, I’m grateful.

  5. As a police officer in the 70’s I had an occasion where I applied this technique to a perp. who was high on drugs. I was assisting two rookies to get this perp. contained & loaded into the back of a police car. I was administering a forearm elbow crook “choke” hold to subdue him (the choke hold was “ok”) at that time. The perp. was cuffed with hands behind him & he wasn’t enjoying the situation at all. I was 6’2″ & he was about 6’7″, long & lean & young & strong. I was trying to get the 2 rookies to lift up on perp’s legs so it would lower his body mass as I was about to loose my hold on him. They were not being successful so I used my left hand to squeeze his throat & retain a choke on him. Perp went into a gyration with his body trying to get away from my “throat lock” on him & in the process I sustained a broken thumb & tore a ligament in my hand right out of the bone. It was extremely painful so I had to release my “throat lock” with left hand & my forearm choke with right arm & let the rookies take over & they were able to force the perp into police car sustaining a blow to his forehead on the lower car panel which served to put the perp into a temporary unconscious state & they got him loaded…I subsequently received surgery for my left thumb to reattach a ligament & tendon…I urge that one take extreme care in this technique as a young, strong, drugged perp. becomes a very strong adversary…take care…

  6. This is a great move , I learned of it more than 15yrs. Ago got some video tapes from master ty. Have had to use this move before and with just the one hold it will immediately subdue the biggest of assailants . I’m only 165lb man and used it on a much larger person works very well ! Thanks so much for the information you provide regularly.

  7. A Quick & Outstanding Move , I’m sure it’s Shocks an Assailant & out the Door he goes. Thank You Bob , a recommended Video . A Cop friend of Mind used that once and as prescribed apply more Pressure if the assailant persues !

  8. I find that it is a good idea to pause the video and check the grip on yourself. Doing this you get a feel of the effect of the hold and how much actual force you have to use for the move to be effective. Also using yourself prevents you from hurting some one else even by accident.

  9. This was excellent! Simple and easy to use! I have not tested it as of yet, but I’m confident that, should the need arise, I can utilize this maneuver effectively, even without having practiced! Keep up the awesomeness.

  10. That’s a move I’ve used for years now. But I use my left hand to keep my right hand free. That way I have more strength to lift them off the ground which for me seem’s to work better. Thank for sending this to me.

  11. This move works! As a retired LEO with both corrections and street experience I have used it a number of times and had no failure from it. A variation of it is in close quarters while applying the hold also reaching around and gripping the back of the head at the base of the skull allows for a lift and slam. For me it has been 100% effective.

  12. I Think Scotts Demonstration was excellent and does Scott have any other Fighting DVD Sets besides the DVD Knock Out Boxing Skills. Thank you . Ronny Romano

  13. I’ve used it. Over 20 years ago I got jumped at a party by two guys and and thrown on the hood of a car. The beat down on me started but I was able to slide off the hood. My bad. I landed on my knees. I instinctively reached up, grabbed one of them by the trac right under the jaw bone and dug in. There were so many people fighting I don’t know who took out the other guy but the guy I grabbed became totally compliant to me. I’m sure there was pain but I also believe it scared the fight right out of him.

  14. I found this clip interesting. This technique is not something to do without practice. The area Mr.Pilkinton, seems to be indicating is the soft tissue area of the hyoid bone aka lingual bone. Its psychological functions are, breathing, swallowing, and speech. Be Careful in practice, too much pressure can cause strangulation.

    I’m 72 and hav e ankylosing spondylitis ( greatly diminished mobility in upper torso). However, the trachea hold is a keeper,
    due to the fact that is a move that can be quickly implemented. KEEP up the great stuff your team is sharing with us out in the
    field, that might have to to resort to controlling the unknown out there! ~~~Rob~~~

  16. Thanks moves like that never interested me before I got disabled physically , now I’m very interested and appreciate the fact that with very little effort I can still protect myself and especially my wife who also benefits from these moves God only knows with what’s going on in the world today kids have no respect for elders anymore and will kill you for a $5.00 Bill or a pair of shoes at least these moves are not lethal but can be if the problem escalates..thanks Mr. Pilkinton!!!!!

  17. As a 25 year plus Police Officer I fully agree that this hold takes the fight out of the bad guy. Had to be at least 40 years ago, I was detailed security at a local supermarket that was having large scale problems with shoplifting. I was alerted to a guy who had a full shopping cart full of merchandise and had left the store without paying. While placing him under arrest he began to struggle with me, trying to get away. We end up on the ground with him really struggling to get away. Once I grabbed him by the trachea all the fight left him and he complied to my requests. It does work…

  18. Very very knowledgeable in a quickening to a quick advantage as a defensible move in special needs tactics..thx u

  19. Looks good. Would not want to be on the other end of this move. Will practice this for some time before using. Thank you.

    Gary Mcleod

  20. In my youth a lesson I learned was a person immediately comes to your way of thinking when they are not in control of their own airway !?♉✅

  21. If it’s the same move I’ve used, the beauty is it takes little practice, but yeah never use it on a kid or your wife, it can be a killer.
    Semper Fi to you bro

  22. I would never use this move unless it is life or death now days. Please use this move with extreme Caution. Scottie Pilkinton.

  23. That is a great move. We learned that maneuver in our hand to hand combat training. I will admit that I forgot about that hold. Thank You for the Awesome refresher course!

  24. I Thank You for taking of your time to demonstrate and refresh the point of control on a situation ….Very useful (around the bar here).

  25. Thanks alot!…I am also disabled and believe this move will be a great help if it’s ever necessary to use. I appreciate your service.

  26. Yea for sure that is one nasty move combinded with the under arm lock, anybody is going to submit.