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Scott Pilkinton’s “Trachea Hold” Video Post

Hey, Gang!

Our most recent instructor is a Golden Gloves Champion U.S. Marine Corps boxer with serious street credibility working as an executive protection specialist and nightclub bouncer in some of the most gang-infested cities in CA. He’s earned serious respect because he knows how to both kill, and/or control crazed lunatics with his bare hands. Instead of me talking him up, I’m just gonna let Scott speak for himself as he demonstrates to you how to make this work.

How To Pick Locks. (Who Needs Keys?)

You may find this shocking, but picking open a standard "tumbler" lock, (like the one on your front door), is pretty damn easy when you know how it's done.

And in a "meltdown" survival situation, (once the smash-n-grab crowd has stolen everything not tied-down), the food and water and secure shelter will all be behind locked doors, (which explains why Special Forces are often trained in lock picking... and why they carry a set of lock pics with them).

It's a lot of fun learning this skill, (it doesn't take long)... and kinda nice to help out that buddy locked out of his house after the wife discovered what really happened on that "no money down" real estate seminar in Vegas.

>> Check Out "Lock Picking Kit" Here. <<


Be careful! This is not a hold you go throwing on your 12-year-old or—heaven forbid—your wife so you can test whether or not it really works. Hope you enjoyed this short, albeit painful, lesson from Pilkinton.

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367 thoughts on “Scott Pilkinton’s “Trachea Hold” Video Post”

  1. I like the trachea hold move, I used it some years ago but didn’t know what it was called, I just called it “grabbing the throat.”

  2. This was part , a very small part of my q course at brag! It is very affective , but be warned ,they teach it to kill not hurt or stop! It can and will kill you if your a tiny bit off ,I find a none fallow through neck chops a good stopper! But grabbing and crushing the trachea is easy and fast if you want to plant em on their ass! For good!

  3. Thanks tried on myself. Not comfortable.Can imagine using more pressure. Good move.Most people would never see it coming.

  4. This is helpful information. I am a petite woman,only 90lbs,and 4’8 inches tall. Not sure if this would work for me. I really appreciate all the self defense videos from your site. Thank you.

  5. THANKYOU. Great demonstration for visual learners… A very helpful video for my daughter…or anyone. It’s simplified, descriptive, and thorough.

  6. In my condition it wouldn’t work for me but it is a great hold for the majority. Keep up the great work!

  7. Brutal and manageable. Love the removal of the ability of the attacker to use his right arm. Keep it up!

  8. Nice one gonna have to test itout on my friends im the shorest of my buddys so i have to try extra hard lol

  9. In my condition it won’t work for me but it is a very good move for the majority. Keep up the good work.

  10. Bought the 15 brutal fight enders and loving it! I’m planning on getting the tac knife w/DVD 9.95 and the lock pick set w/DVD 9.95 when I get my check on the 3rd of June. You will be getting that order on that day. Thanks for your time and help! Can’t beat the value. Thanks

  11. If you’re stealthful, you can have the other guy on the ground in seconds wondering what happened.It works and you don’t have to squeeze hard.

  12. That is nothing new béen using it for close to 50 years and I’m not a bouncer or bodyguard.

  13. Never thought about using this technique to subdue or stop a threat. So smart and simple, now that I’ve been shown just what to do and the proper technique, this move will never leave me if ever confronted.

    Thank You!!

  14. I would say the man know’s his business and I am 67 year’s young now and I sure wouldn’t want to get on his bad side,but back in my day,my first reaction would to be block the hand coming and advance forward with a counter punch or one of my own secret moves,I was a Military Police in Saigon in 69 and 70,had to deal with Marines,Army,Navy,Airforce, you name it we hauled there ass in and it was not always pretty,my nickname back then was “Bull Dog Barnett”,because I never backed up or failed making an arrest!When dealing with more than one person,you have to hurt as many as you have to,to get thing’s under control and even the odds for yourself and your partner. Be Safe and Think Fast

  15. Well that would damn sure take the fight out of you quick. I gabbed myself there and it don’t take much to hurt like hell.

  16. This is the very same move used in that movie “Scent of a Woman”. The character Colonel Slade was visiting his brother during Christmas. When a guest pissed off the Colonel and he deployed the “Trachea Choke” move.

  17. Excellent technique. I tried on myself. it hurts. If only I knew about this technique on June 27. I was pinned down and brutally assaulted by a Lunatic relative of mine in my Mother’s House. I was hit in the left eye about 20 times + The Lunatic clenched his teeth on the little finger of my right hand. My youngest brother arrived just in time. The Lunatic relative is one of my brothers from South Africa.
    The Cops were called and they did nothing about arresting this savage.

    If only I could upload the photos of the damage to my eye, then you can see the extent of the damage. Im not using my real name of obvious reasons.

  18. I’ve seen this and it works. I tried it on myself and it sure would take the fight out of you.

  19. The biggest problem I see with this is he still has one loose hand to put couple of ear slaps on him and he will let loose.

  20. I’ve been using that hold for over 30 years and it’s always worked well for me too I’m not a bouncer I’m just a normal street guy

  21. I know human anatomy and he is not kidding. if you make a mistake you will kill the person, they will need a trake right away so it’s a good way to be charged with manslaughter. the hold is applied high under the jaw and the trake is almost like a funnel to clasp and get your fingers around the back 2/3 of the way. you will also open yourself up to a serious response from your opponent if you fumble.

  22. Please make the videos available for downloading so that I can practice the moves more efficiently without error.

  23. The biggest problem with this, I think, is he still has his left arm free and he could put some of those slap moves on his ear. That might even it up a little.

  24. Thanks, but would you film your lessons with more lighting, it is awful dark and we can miss important positioning of the hands and body during the move.

  25. I see the same problem many others are mentioning here. This move is definitely used in self defence, in a situation where you truly fear your life. I’ve used this myself taking a threat out of my home. He gave out and got the floor before we even made it to the door. He was in some serious pain he was vomiting and he was choking. It quickly turned from self defence to assisting him while still maintaining restraint and control.

    Along with that other hand being free your opening yourself up for a counter attack if your up against anyone with any training. Before you put this move on them you should be ready for that and ready for the possibility that he’s going to counter attack with a weapon. Then you have a split second to decide if you want to take a life or not. Personally I’m here to protect myself by any means necessary but I’d rather not live with knowing I killed someone if I don’t have to.

  26. basic Martial arts Technique No matter what the opponents size the eyes the throat the knees All targets that will disable without a lot of strength needed even if the technique is not perfect can still cause a considerable amount of damage