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Self Defense Tactic: Target the Nose


The nose is a little overused as a target in fighting (and targeting it is even a little cliché), but it is a very effective self-defense target if you know how to use it. I’m not talking about a right cross to the nose. That is what your opponent is expecting and it is too easy to block or avoid.

However, the nose can be an effective target if you use a different technique (which I’ll get into next week). For now I’m going to explain exactly why the nose is such a vulnerable target.

Why the Nose?

The nose is extremely sensitive because the end of the nose is made of cartilage and not bone. So, it is not hard enough to resist force, but is also not soft enough to absorb force easily (like a poke to the cheek).

Try it yourself

  • Make a fist and hit yourself in the cheek bone a couple times.
  • Now use the same force on your nose

It hurts more. Now, just imagine applying a whole lot more pressure.

Yeah it’s going to hurt a lot, that’s what makes the nose such a great target for self-defense.

An Easily Accessible Target

The nose is also a good target because it sticks out, making it easy to grab hold of.

In fact, one of the best uses of this target is as a control lever for an attackers head. It’s especially vulnerable when you strike or torque it in an upward motion, bending it back on itself.

This is very painful because the cartilage is bending back and smashing up against the nose bone, yet another reason why it should be a part of your self defense arsenal!

This is especially useful in a self-defense situation where you are up close and personal with an attacker. The nose is often open if you are grappling or on the ground with an attacker.

Quick To Bleed

Lastly, the nose bleeds easily. It has a ton of small blood vessels in it and they rupture easily. This will often distract your opponent long enough for you to escape. The bottom line is that the nose is a weak and vulnerable target which you should always have in mind when you find yourself in a self-defense situation.

Tune in for the next post where I will show you exactly how to use a nose strike to devastate an opponent.

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245 thoughts on “Self Defense Tactic: Target the Nose”

  1. I am 50 yrs old and I have only been in one fight in my life and I didnt even start it but I have watched self defence videos to teach my kids and this is good info thank you for your time to share this.

  2. You have sent me so manny choices I do not know which one to pick to start? Keep in mind I am 80 years young I cant duke it out like a YOUNG MAN so thay have to go down fast so I can stomp on there eye ball


  4. In all my years in martial arts, including web content that is sent to me, I have yet to come across a tactic that addresses the following:
    1. On an airline standing behind a high hacker that has a stewardess in a rear neck hold, holding a knife to her throat … What is the recommended technique concerning the disarming of the perp without harming the stewardess?
    2. Same as above, only facing the stewardess that has the perp doing same from behind stewardess.

  5. Holding the nose with an upward pressure between forefinger and thumb while applying equal pressure with the other hand to the back of the head is the most instant pacifier I know, works every time.

  6. I am 60 years old myself, but don’t plan to give up easily. I have purchased several of these self-defense videos to pick up techniques of different styles of fighting to have an arsenal of tricks. Even though I took karate in my teens and twenties, the information in these videos was never taught in a formal class. There were some street fighting techiniques that were taught, but nothing like these DVDs. They are extremely helpful for older people that don’t have the elasticity they had when they were younger. I think it is important to have a varied knowledge of combat firearms training as well as combat fighting.

  7. I think all information is good to fit the style and effectiveness is like buy pants need to try them on see if they fit properly and then if they are a right fit not that difficult to wear out into the real world…

    So I have used many of these styles in real world situations but find the ones I am most comfortable in using or the ones I always tend to use in the heat of the moment..

    Still learning and hope to keep my tools to defend myself updated and well used a tool unused is a waisted one..
    Good luck to the 50 and older crowed.

  8. Let me join the seniors and put my two cents in. At 73 and out of shape I need a system that doesn’t require a lot of agility and fast moves. Maybe something involing nerve or pressure point targets. What’s your advice?

  9. Loved the Video showing the female on male self defense. But, these vicious villians both men and women, are not going to be just standing there waiting to be hit. Need
    to see a real attempt by a man to injure both a male and a female and see a quick
    way to take them out. For those reading, a simple sharp pointed writing pen used
    as a weapon will help. Stab at the eyes, throat, ears, any soft tissue. Works like
    a knife, but is something you can carry in the hand at all times. Tip was given to
    me by a homicide detective. Also, take what is coming to you right where you are.
    Do not let the Perp take you to a secondary location. For sure you will never come back and what will happen out in the boonies will be a lot worse than taking your medicine on the street. Women, stop being afraid of blood and don’t give in when they threaten to cut your face. Think about taking their blood, do not give in. We all have to die. Die fighting!

  10. Hi Bob. I have watched your vids and read the documents and saved them. So far, most of the moves and tactics you and your crew have shown are almost identecal to what I learned in Tai Kwon Do. I did not attent the “one year black belt” dojo. It is a real, self defense style. When we spar, we street spar. I mean all out beat ’em up or get beat, within limitations due to insurance purposes.

  11. I use to grapple with an olympic alternite and he showed me a few cheat moves and one of them was the nose. I was also taught to use it to get out of a head lock in my kung-fu selfdefense class.

  12. Although every thing said above is correct, one must be careful. An uppercut to the nose, or any action like that could cause death to the recipient of the move.

    If that is OK, I am ok with it, but just thought that people should know. One must descern between life and death situation, and a drunk brother-in-law.

  13. sitting on bar stool and a little tipsy ass hole comes up from behind and puts choke hold on you hes got a death grip on you and a sudden move might break your own do you get out of that one and kick his fn ass.

  14. Bob,
    First, thank you for having the courage to make this information available. I attempted to study martial arts for years with varying degrees of success. I am a short man with strong legs and poor hearing and poor eyesight and I’m getting old. I have laser sights on most of my handguns because I can’t see the front sight at night.
    My answer to most of the above comments is this: You guys may never have to use any of the stuff you learn here, at our age we’ll probably just get beat up anyway. Pick ONE target that you believe you can reach (Nose, Balls, Eyeball, Ear, Knee) and study all you can find about that ONE target. I chose the balls followed by the throat because old men don’t fight, we just Kill.

  15. I am a 55 yr old man who has had some major surgeries in the last few years. Carpal tunnel both hands, hip replacement,knee replacement (not on same leg), rotator cuff, all 4 muscles torn completly, riddled with arthritis and scar tissue. Needless to say I am not a stranger to pain. These things happening to me were not part of an easy lifestyle. These tactics are the greatest moves to be able to master even if you are a broken up middle aged man. I will continue to use as much info you can offer me. Thanks Bob, for everything. J.D.

  16. Unless of course the gut who attacks you is an ex boxer – he wont have much of a nose to hit!

  17. While it is true the olsaying “never bring a knife to a gunfight” Many need to know, there are many situations, where you will not have a firearm.And even if ustrapped, before you can unstrap, ur hurtbad ordead. The Mantis, is one Martial art, that is for confined spaces. In my mind, Bob is doin us all a favor. Armed with knowledge, and consentration, any man within 5 ft of a person, that raises his pistol, better not hesitate, should you encounter a man thats holds the knowledge of hand to hand. Ive seen 6 men with weapons, hurt real bad, by such men. I still like a .45…but ya gotta get to it first. The aware man, “feels” ur heartbeat, ive been fortunate, to be shown how helpless I was, by en far more bad ass than I. And thankfully, these arts also teach a man…no inocents,no kids. And by the mental increase, the disipline , that comes with the knowledge, those that master them, master theirselves, and hold back. Thanks to Jodo Mission. And thank you Bob.

  18. I think you need a video on how 60 year olds and older can protect theirself.

    What we use to know or what we use to could do is not the same as we are at 65 years olkd or 70 years old

  19. Basically what I think you might have wanted say is, “A palm strike to the nose can be a devastating blow.”

  20. I am 68 years young, and teach 7 Private classes each week to men and women who are 15 to 30 years my junior. My classes consist of Hapkido, Kali and Silat combined. I have been in Martial Arts since 1963. My best tools are a slap (backhand or forehand) and my elbows. Muscle destruction on the arms, legs and neck are my targets. With so many STD’s, I do not want to come close to any of my attackers bodily fluids, such as blood, saliva or nose fluids.

  21. Guys………… at near 58 years young………. with over a 100+ years in mileage..
    As many of you have stated.. I too, have a titanium knee, as well, other parts. Due to my ‘rodeo’ days of real motocross, racing anything I could get me hands on.
    Have broken my neck, back, x times, and on infinitum……..
    Sooooo…… As has been shared here, and elsewhere. When I was recently assaulted..
    Key one, is to decide if it’s and ‘Uncle Bob’, situation, that one can negotiate, decelerate out of….. if not.. And your decision is survival, flight not an option..
    FOCUS…….. Pick that one target…. Throw your initiated first strike ‘finger dart’…. Nose, eye, throat….. and the follow with as many gross, multiple, target blows moving forward, and through your opponent to put him down, with what skills you’ve mastered……….. then….. get the heck out of dodge…….
    You… determine, if your taking his head to the ground is a permanent end, on only a stunning end………… and LEAVE…….
    Best have your key knowledge in hand, as well, your coverage for the muzzle flash option……. or kiss goodbye your life and assets…. and family….. Fight Fast…and leave the scene………..

  22. The nose is also a good spot if the person has experienced past trauma with it…like a broken nose. My daughter broke her nose as a child on the playground. I noticed after it had healed (and still to this day) she gets real “twitchy” if anyone gets close to her nose leading me to believe the subconscious brain remembers that pain all to well and tries to avoid it. This could be used to anyones advantage I believe.

  23. My Husband was a military man, one of his favorite sayings to those ” young whippersnappers was” Boys I’m too old to fight ya I’m just gonna have to kill ya” Well, that sunk into those kids. He was well respected and admired for what he taught them and they knew he cared about each of them. They may have tried to harrass” the old man” but They didn’t get very far. When they returned from deployment, they said Sarge, We thank you for all you taught us, because of you we returned alive!” I’m very proud of him. He has taught me so much as well. Keep on keeping on with your tips and teachings, as a 66 y.o. I appreciate your common sense advice and now feel safer in my community!

  24. I have learned that you can get out of most body holds and bear hugs simply by putting your thumb under the nose where the nostril openings are and applying upward presure. And they will instantly and volentarily let go of you. And if you simultaneously grab and pull his belt or pants waist line, you can slam them right to the floor.

  25. I believe there are just as many good ideas offered in the answers as there are in your blog post. I learned most of my tricks in CLEET Academy, but you really have some of the best and nastiest ideas. Thank you all.

  26. Allen Myers: Your scenario is too unpredictable for anyone to recommend anything. If the hijacker is willing to die rather than face prison, he’ll kill her anyway. In fact, he’s willing to crash the plane and kill all of you if he deems it necessary. If he’s not committed to dying, then you can simply outwait him. The plane HAS to land before it runs out of fuel. If you wait until the plane lands, professionals on the ground will be best able to handle it, using psychology to talk him into giving up. Worst case scenario, he kills the stewardess, and then becomes nothing more than an idiot with a knife. Any technique you’ve mastered should enable you to take him out. Otherwise, there may nothing more to do than follow the example of Jean Claude Van Damme, and lay on your side and fly horizontally through the air for a distance of 30-40 feet, firing two Beretta pistols at the same time at the bad guy…

  27. It has been my understanding for many years that a hard upward blow with the palm at the bottom of the nose will drive the nose bone into the brain. This causing extreme injury or death. I feel very fortunate to have never been put in a position to do this. I’am 67 and got through the war without too many violent encounters.

  28. As a law enforcement officer and defensive tactics instructor I’ve used & taught nose control holds for pain compliance, break-aways and striking targets for over 40yrs. These (nose techniques) are extremely effective, low profile and have never let me down on the street. I’ve used the pressure point below the nose to open the mouth of biters and to breakout of headlocks, without causing significant injuries (low profile). It should become an automatic go-to target of opportunity.

  29. I had to laugh at Robinson Caruso II’s comment about using the boxer’s nose as a target. Having had over 226 bouts (amateur & pro) my friends get a kick outta teasing me about my plyable nose. With hardly any pressure it can be flattened against my skull. However, grabbed or “heeled” upwards, that’s still effective.
    At 62yo I still train ( weights alternated w/boxing) 5 days a week, I have learned A LOT from your website and feel much more confident “on the street”. At this age I have to end it fast and that’s exactally what you teach. Even after having all of those fights I never realized what a target rich opportunity the body is. They probably do now but when I was in the Marines even they didn’t teach the things you do. Keep up the good work and congratulations on a website well done as well as providing an outstanding service to us!

  30. I remember as a teenager having a fight in defense and as I was a green belt in Judo, I fliped him fast to the ground where he hit his head on the sidewalk…result…he did not remember even his parents. Since he went to the same school as I, it did not take long for me to realise how serious an outcome of a fight could result.By luck, he found his memory 2 days later without any consequences… The moral of this is: Avoid a fight at all cost BUT if you are at SERIOUS risks…then do no hesitate a second…and go all out !

  31. I am 65+!!! Student of Krav Maga & other seld defense skills!! Anybody can learn Krav Maga!!!! Your age,sex,size,condition,does not matter!! You do what you can do!! You MUST spar with a trainer!! DVD,TV,movies, cannot teach hands on skills!! Fingers in nose, rip up,out, will stop most attackers!! Grab ear,rip down,out, that works well!! You must be willing to hurt the attacker bad!!! God bless all old people with desire to fight Back HARD!!M

  32. I had first hand experience that taught me that the end of the nose is extremely sensitive. Many years ago I was holding my two year old nephew on my lap and he wanted to get down and run someplace really fast. His legs shot out and he suddenly threw his head back, he hit the bottom of my nose upwards. WOW WOW it was so painful that I almost passed out… Yes…that would be a self-defense move that would work, I am sure of that. I still remember that pain and it was 40 years ago…

  33. Thanks guys. How about: if a intruder has a woman in a rear neck hold, she turns her face toward his shoulder, bows out, (he surprised) she wherals around & grabs his balls, squeeze, twists, & pulls , and knees his nose and push him on his back and stomp his eyes??? Would any of this work? s

  34. Hey I’m 46 years young I was with my mom and a group of thugs tried to rob both of us as it was happening I thought about what I was taught here man this stuff works as I was taking them down someone called police they told me good job witnesses stayed around thank god because they all told police just what was going on but you know not one person came to help till police got there unreal but see its up to us to save our own as thank you for all you’ve been teaching me and tapes I bought I owe a great gratitude to this company thank you a million keep sending this stuff and new tapes to train too

  35. Connie
    If the attacker’s got a decent “rear neck hold” (such as a rear naked choke)on someone,and is intent on hurting them, whether the victim is male or female, it’s not likely that they’ll be able to turn their face toward the perps shoulder and bow out”, but if both the attackers arms are around the victims neck, & the attacker’s a guy, you can usually reach behind you & grab the balls etc & do what you mentioned. It’s VERY unlikely that a guy would be still trying to hold onto your neck if you’re doing that to him.

    If the attacker’s a female, or you can’t get to the guys groin, for ex. if they’e gone to their back, pulled you on top of them & wrapped their legs around you (like in MMA), you could still usually reach back with both hands & dig into the eyes or nose (not legal in MMA).

    Whatever you’re going to do you must do it fast because it only takes less than a minute to lose consiousness in a rear naked choke.

    I’ve trained in a lot of martial arts & had a lot of street fights & what I’ve trained myself to do is anytime I see someones hand or arm coming around from behind my head, I “tuck my chin” like a boxer, ie I put my chin on my chest & raise my shoulders, that makes them unable to get their hands on my throat or arm around my neck, the lowest they can get is my head from my cheekbones up, still painful, but no vital arteries or veins there. It only takes a split second to do, then I go to work with my elbows, hands,feet etc.

    If you’re standing up,here’s also a real easy throw to do when someone reaches around like that, I’ve taught it to teen agers & they could do it well, but it’s difficult to explain.

    I suggest some practical self defense classes. There’s also a lot of good effective stuff that you could learn from the videos Bob sells.

    Of course videos aren’t going to be as good as classes from a good teacher, but anyone that says you can’t learn some effective self defense moves from a video is full of baloney.

  36. Expendable article, just beautifully to the point.
    And not only that, a hurtful nose impairs your respiration. Now you have to open your mouth which robs energy, besides adding a constant pain, a plainly disadvantage.

  37. Being 80 yrs of age and a bit slow having
    the self defense ideas you have presented
    makes me feel a bit more secure should the need arise to defend myself or family.I see
    some difficult times ahead for this country
    so being prepared for anything is a comfort.


  39. this is a good alternative to the video pitches. they get tiresome sometimes and this is a slower moving data sharing way to communicate instead of always throwing the hard sell at us. i will see how this goes and see if it motivates me to buy courses in a more ‘intelligent’ fashion rather than feeling the pressure to buy something ‘right now before it’s gone forever.” i realize you have a business to run but i see this blog as a lower key way to interest a person like myself. thanks for that! regards, steve

  40. You, it can be very painful, and be a fight ender….unless the guy is on drugs …or pain insensitive! ;0)

  41. Thanks bob for your continued blogs and videos. I read and watch them all. They are very informative And helpful. The videos I bought from you are great instructional pieces and will be purchasing more in the future. Thanks again!

  42. Nose techniques are great. 35 years ago master H U Lee told me the best single self defense move is a punch to the nose. it hurts, eye’s Water, disoriented. Gives you opportunity to administer additional pain or run. But if you are being held onto, you can also grab a piece of lip and rip it. Up,down, sideways. That can take the fight out of them quickly also. And If they have freinds intending on getting in on the action, it might make them think twice too!

  43. By accident I hit my nose and in doing so I know the pain you are referring to. It took a while to be normal.

  44. I had some young punk try to intimadate me by sticking his face in mine (Me 73 he 30 ) I gave him a head butt that smashed his snot-locker flat . End of argument .

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