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Self Defense Tactic: Target the Nose


The nose is a little overused as a target in fighting (and targeting it is even a little cliché), but it is a very effective self-defense target if you know how to use it. I’m not talking about a right cross to the nose. That is what your opponent is expecting and it is too easy to block or avoid.

However, the nose can be an effective target if you use a different technique (which I’ll get into next week). For now I’m going to explain exactly why the nose is such a vulnerable target.

Why the Nose?

The nose is extremely sensitive because the end of the nose is made of cartilage and not bone. So, it is not hard enough to resist force, but is also not soft enough to absorb force easily (like a poke to the cheek).

Try it yourself

  • Make a fist and hit yourself in the cheek bone a couple times.
  • Now use the same force on your nose

It hurts more. Now, just imagine applying a whole lot more pressure.

Yeah it’s going to hurt a lot, that’s what makes the nose such a great target for self-defense.

An Easily Accessible Target

The nose is also a good target because it sticks out, making it easy to grab hold of.

In fact, one of the best uses of this target is as a control lever for an attackers head. It’s especially vulnerable when you strike or torque it in an upward motion, bending it back on itself.

This is very painful because the cartilage is bending back and smashing up against the nose bone, yet another reason why it should be a part of your self defense arsenal!

This is especially useful in a self-defense situation where you are up close and personal with an attacker. The nose is often open if you are grappling or on the ground with an attacker.

Quick To Bleed

Lastly, the nose bleeds easily. It has a ton of small blood vessels in it and they rupture easily. This will often distract your opponent long enough for you to escape. The bottom line is that the nose is a weak and vulnerable target which you should always have in mind when you find yourself in a self-defense situation.

Tune in for the next post where I will show you exactly how to use a nose strike to devastate an opponent.

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245 thoughts on “Self Defense Tactic: Target the Nose”

  1. Thank you (Bob) Fight Fast,
    I have been a customer of yours for a while and I wish I could afford all of the great products that you offer. I am a disabled Veteran and Patriot that loves America, but I want to be able to defend and take care of my family. The information and products that you have are awesome and again I wish I could get them all.

  2. Being short and light, my strategy has often been to let him swing, block it and get inside his guard applying a palm to the nose then ducking under an arm and into an elbow lock, putting him on the ground with force until he passes out.

  3. Bob, Thanks for all your Training/advice. My Father was a Boxer (several times Lt. Heavyweight Champ of Newark Athletic Club in the early 1930’s, and retired as Chief of Police, Westhampton Beach, NY. He taught me how to box, several Come-a-long methods and several other tricks of the trade. You have supplemented this capability with your handy methods as well. Keep up the good work. I purchase some of your offers when they meet a need.

  4. Hey Bob, always appreciate your advise. In the last couple of years I’ve had both shoulders operated on, 2 finger and right wrist. Because of that I carry the 3255 tactical knife. . Like my guns I practice with it every day. I’ve found that just having it closed in my hand it makes a great weapon. With the knife blade against my palm, I can make a very firm fist for a straight punch, or using the case, especially the window breaker end. Appreciate the advice.

  5. Used this defense move many times. I have learned the old cliche, that where the head goes the body will follow. Torque the nose immediately when your opponent gets close enough and the grab that nose and pull it downwards after you have broken it. I can guarantee the body will follow.

  6. Carl Zink (at No 12) says grab the ear. There is a special way to hold the ear that is very difficult to break the grip, between the thumb and first finger but you bend the thumb and trap the ear between the first knuckle of the thumb, with the first finger wrapped around the thumb. This gives a really tight hold. You then twist the ear backwards which takes the head back and exposes the throat to a sharp rap then finger and thumb grip high up on the throat. Continuing twisting the ear and forcing the guy towards the ground but not right down. Meanwhile you’ve moved your lower body away to stop a grab of your groin. This puts you in the perfect position to bite onto his nose. I’ve used this move in the past but only had to threaten to bite the nose!
    Unfortunately, now at 77 with arthritic hands (and other joints), my grip is now not as effective.

  7. R U tryin to tell us something new? c’mon my friend, every fighter is taught this early in their training. I was taught at the age of 9 about the nose and it’s vulnerabilities. I have had my nose broken 4 times as of this date, and have taken many an opponent out with strikes and blows to the nose.

  8. Thank you for the great advice. This is a great target. I always had a problem when I would get hit in the nose and all the blood would start. Even though the pain is very manageable, it is very unnerving seeing it. I always target a couple first hits there. Once you strike the nose, it gives you time to either escape, or continue and take your opponent out.

  9. When struck the nose will not only bleed, causing issues for breathing it can and will cause the eyes to water impairing vision as well. Let us not forget also that the flow of fresh blood causes you and everything it covers to become slippery and harder to hold onto. All useful outcomes from a single target area!

  10. I love these tips. I am a small female and disabled, so anything I can do to help me in self-defense situations helps. Please keep them coming.

  11. I’ve used the nose quite often in a conflict. I’ll bust their shit (nose) open first them finish them off with punches to the face and body.Thanks for this useful tip.

  12. Great info! In close quarters we often think of body blows and knees, but this reminder points out the obvious – how to get away! Thank you for that reminder!!

  13. I have used the ancle i broke a mans ancle buy kicking out my foot sidways tourds the side of his ancle and i broke it so bad he had to get three pins in it !he came running at me 3 times my size and thinking fast all i could do is slide out and kick at his ancle while he hit the /ree behind me and it almost (nocked him out he didnt know what hit him

  14. I once got an accidental glancing blow to my cheekbone during Karate sparring. In effect it was a knockout, leaving me dizzy and unable to continue for several minutes. It suggested an instant way of putting an aggressor out of action using minimal force, as most legal systems want. Another time I got an accidental poke in the Solar Plexus which left me doubled over and again out of action for several minutes. That’s another instant solution if the guy’s tall and leaves himself open there.

  15. This is something I’ve always wanted know if you strike someone in the nose with the palm of your hand you can kill them at least that’s what I’ve heard if you strike them the right way. I hope you show this technique and it’s not so I can kill someone but you never know the situation you will find yourself in. Thanks for the info and the videos you send out

  16. You are right. I know from experience the nose is very tender. Even more fun getting it reset if you wait too long.

  17. Love all the information. Wish i had the money to afford all your gear. Keep up the good work. I am a long proponent of a Chineese fighting cane and several knives.

  18. I know exactly what you are saying. I have had mine broken a few times. Resetting it feels good too.

  19. The Nose is also a Great Target for sticking your Spike through both sides and putting your finger over the point while holding the handle in the same hand . This allows you to twist right or left and easily control your attacker . You can lead them anywhere or take them to the ground ! ! !

  20. I guess that’s where the phrase” keep your nose out of others business” came from.

  21. I don’t know but I have had my nose broken a few times and to me it was worse than any cheek bone hit I ever got.