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Self Defense Tactic: Target the Nose


The nose is a little overused as a target in fighting (and targeting it is even a little cliché), but it is a very effective self-defense target if you know how to use it. I’m not talking about a right cross to the nose. That is what your opponent is expecting and it is too easy to block or avoid.

However, the nose can be an effective target if you use a different technique (which I’ll get into next week). For now I’m going to explain exactly why the nose is such a vulnerable target.

Why the Nose?

The nose is extremely sensitive because the end of the nose is made of cartilage and not bone. So, it is not hard enough to resist force, but is also not soft enough to absorb force easily (like a poke to the cheek).

Try it yourself

  • Make a fist and hit yourself in the cheek bone a couple times.
  • Now use the same force on your nose

It hurts more. Now, just imagine applying a whole lot more pressure.

Yeah it’s going to hurt a lot, that’s what makes the nose such a great target for self-defense.

An Easily Accessible Target

The nose is also a good target because it sticks out, making it easy to grab hold of.

In fact, one of the best uses of this target is as a control lever for an attackers head. It’s especially vulnerable when you strike or torque it in an upward motion, bending it back on itself.

This is very painful because the cartilage is bending back and smashing up against the nose bone, yet another reason why it should be a part of your self defense arsenal!

This is especially useful in a self-defense situation where you are up close and personal with an attacker. The nose is often open if you are grappling or on the ground with an attacker.

Quick To Bleed

Lastly, the nose bleeds easily. It has a ton of small blood vessels in it and they rupture easily. This will often distract your opponent long enough for you to escape. The bottom line is that the nose is a weak and vulnerable target which you should always have in mind when you find yourself in a self-defense situation.

Tune in for the next post where I will show you exactly how to use a nose strike to devastate an opponent.

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245 thoughts on “Self Defense Tactic: Target the Nose”

  1. I was Taught a long time a go that the nose was a sensitive spot to hit. If you strike the nose in a upward position with force you can actually kill your assailant that way! Never use full force unless there is no other way to get out of an attack.

  2. It’s true the nose is a very large Target. Especially when you have someone in a headlock. Stick two of your fingers in the nose from a headlock position you’ll be pulling from behind. Tear upward toward the hairline as quickly and as hard as you can and it will actually rip the nose clear off the face if you apply too much pressure. With the right amount of force you’ll be able to disable your opponent enough said.

  3. I love your posts. How well will these techniques work for a 68 yr old guy with arthritis? It’s been many years since I learned and used the martial arts at the Air Force Security Police Academy.

  4. You forgot one major thing striking or manipulating the nose does. It causes their eyes to tear up making it hard to see clearly. Even wrapping your arm around their face from behind and smashing the nose into the face with your forearm and sqeazing is incapacitating causing extreme pain. Also sir your blogs have had several spelling errors lately sometimes making it hard to understand. Please use spell check more. However,Thank you for the information.

  5. I personally don’t like to attack the eyes or nose (Don’t want to jam my fingers into another human or tear away flesh) and permanently damage them, but even just a focused slap to the face would cause a reaction and hopefully make your opponent hesitate for a second as he/she reevaluates their actions and maybe consider the idea of discontinuing the fight. If you have a technique to apply some pressure to these or other areas that would be great to learn.

    I think that just the threat of breaking bones, gouging eyes or a strike to the throat should deter wise guys who allow their ego to get the best of them. Out of control mach types, low life criminal types and those willing to kill us are a different story. And anger mixed with adrenaline would probably over ride our concerns for the attacker.
    Generally, the idea of someone popping out an eye or tearing up a nose (And being disfigured) is gruesome to most people and the fear of loosing sight is, shall we say understatedly sobering.

  6. Your right I use the nose as a wsy to temporarily blind a person. A swift palm up striking blow not only hurts like hell, it will blind a person momentarily. Leaving them vulnerable to another strike to the throut, or solarplexus. Which will leave your opponent unable to catch his breath. Thus an opportunity to escape or administers more sever trauma. Like a swift kick to the knee
    Strong enough to break it. No matter how big he is take out the knee he will go down.

  7. Yes the nose is a great striking area in order to disable your attacker especially if you want to get away. If you can even strike the bridge of the nose where it meets the forehead it breaks very easy and will make your opponents eye tear up so they can’t see. There are to many moves in using the nose as a target to list but if you want to get away that’s the place to hit.
    Mark A Putman you made the comment that I have heard many years as a martial artist and it is false. The nasal bones are much to weak and flimsy, soft to break back to the brain to kill your attacker. It is a hollywood favorite for the hero to kill his opponent it a dramatic fashion. That is why you will see boxers who have been hit in the nose and broken one to many times and there are no nasal bones left to even hold the nose in the shape it is suppose to be in. I have a friend who use to box turned trained he even trained roberto duran and he could flaten his nose against his face it was you might say gross lmao!!!
    So if that was in fact a kill punch we would have a lot of dead boxers !

  8. I am a Green Belt in a cross between Ishinru and Kung-Fu. My Sensei’s name was Clifton Green. His was Go Shin Yamaguchi. I’m always open to new tactics having been a Marine Corps GySgt and Indianapolis Police Officer.

  9. I did know about the vulnerability of the nose.
    However, this is a well described and worthwhile reminder.
    Thank you.

  10. It is a quick way to defend yourself or someone else. your right it is a target that’s often open during a fight. Ty for these fight tips. I pray I don’t have to ever use them but glad I have knowledge of them. Ty

  11. The heel of your palm gives a great striking force to the nose and hard to miss. I was once taught “Where the nose goes the head goes” and you can control someone with a finger across the bottom of their nose.

    Good tips to know….

  12. I look forward to to these emails every morning thank you I live in Philadelphia where u have to be on ur toes all the time but now I can walk with my fily n feel safe.

  13. This has some good truth in it. However, if you’re dealing with a trained and experienced fighter this will NOT work. We’re used to being hit. We’ve been cut and had broken noses, so, it’s something that we’re relatively used to. This may work fine with a common mortal but do NOT expect this to work with an experienced fighter.

  14. To Mark A Putman, your comment about hitting the nose is an upward motion can kill someone id totally FALSE! I heard that & believed it to be true until 1985 when my Karate teacher told us that’s not true.That part of the nose is cartilage & will not go into the brain & kill a person.Best hope is to break the nose,cheek bones,& orbital bones which can & will cause a lot of pain & other issues. But you can’t kill somebody with the open palm upward strike to the nose. Just to let you all know.

  15. I’m a retired Marine of 22 years, I was a MARSOC RAIDER for 18 of those 22 years. Your blog course and all of your technical and tactical fight stopper’s are right on spot.
    Thank You

  16. This is good information. I plan to share it with my wife and family. Look forward to the next segment.

  17. I have bought almost everything you sell , I love fight fast knives, bootlegger, hitchhiker 2 swords dimond sharpens, and the stone and made 2bootlegger my self..there are alot of other goodies. As far as my selfdefence and confidence are slot stronger with the skills in the DVDs. I’m not a bully but deal with a lot of jerks becouse I’m part of the recovery community. Some just got out of jail guys with load mouths but theydontwanntto go back so they won’t fight,that’s your advantage

  18. We blow up more ordinance & targets by nine a.m. than most people do their entire lifetime! Hoorah! I’ve had my schnauz broken three times during a simple fracas and domestic disputes. Hard to stay focused choking on the blood, snot, tears, bile and anger from the shock. You blow it out, spit, vomit and keep on and feel good you’re still conscious and alive! Shake it off! Keep those hands up, breathe! Stick n move! A reed in the wind…

  19. I’m only twelve and I e learned so much me and my daddy spar and I slapped him on the arm and it left a giant bruise

  20. Thanks for all of your valuable info!!
    Glad I can learn so much from you. I’ll never be a fighter but knowing more about defense makes me safer & more confident.

  21. I prefer a head butt to the nose , does a lot of damage . I don t believe in hitting someone in the nose or face with my fist , simply because you can break your hand ! But striking once is Not enough ! Contniuos striking is the best way . it s like going hunting & carrying one bullet , what if you miss ! what if one bullet does n t finish the job. Me , I m carrying a LOT of bullets ! I enjoy the info you send on these topics , this being one of my favorite subjects to discuss . I ve been in the martial arts for over 35 years , I ve studied 7 different martial arts & I m still learning . Keeping a open mind & listening is a key to learning . I enjoy exchanging information with others , because this helps me to learn more . When you learn , you grow . When you stop learning , you stop growing .

  22. If need be you can also use the palm of your hand to drive upwards on a nose and drive it into the brain killing your attacker.

  23. So I’d hate to rip someone’s nose off their face, but the attacker should of thought about that. I love your blog. It could save someone’s life.

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