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Nasty Thumb Lock Takedown

We’ve All Been There

Nearly all of us have been in a situation where a guy has grabbed our upper arm to try to gain control of us or assert his dominance. Grabbing the arm is a common way for someone to escalate a conflict without throwing a punch. Because this is so common, no self-defense system is complete without having a way to deal with this kind of attack.

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Regain Control

More often than not, when a guy is grabbing your arm this way a fight is eminent, and the last thing you want is to start a fight with the attacker already in control of you. A grab like this is also a common setup for multiple attackers. One guy grabs and restrains you while another guy starts laying down the beating. Not a good place to be.

Fortunately, there is a really easy way to take down a guy who has grabbed your arm, even if he is bigger and stronger than you. This technique relies on a thumb lock that the attacker is literally handing you when he grabs hold of your arm.

Breaking It Down

As you can see in the video, this technique doesn’t rely on size or strength. Like any good self-defense move it relies on you being smart and using any advantages you have.

The great thing about this move is that when you drop your weight you will be able to take down guys who are way heavier than you are (even if you are only 150 pounds). In fact, this self-defense move actually works better if you are shorter than your attacker because when you drop down to your knees you will be pulling him further off balance.

Go ahead and practice this move with a training partner or friend. You should practice this technique with floor pads so you can really practice taking the attacker down to the ground, but be careful. This thumb lock can break the thumb so be smart when you practice it. This is just one more great self-defense tool to add to your arsenal.

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249 thoughts on “Nasty Thumb Lock Takedown”

  1. thanks for the great info as always the info is extremely helpful and well presented. keep up the great work

  2. Great move. I will definitely work this into my practices. How do we get out of double arm grab from behind. As in hooked in double chi ken wing.

  3. Another move to store away for potential use. In my opinion, learn this and should a time come when you get into a situation like the above maybe this move will pop up instantly as well as any one of the others you may have practiced to handle this circumstance. In, my opinion it is probably better to have more than one defense available for any given offensive move. Any learned move for a particular offensive move is better than not knowing any at all.

  4. Hi!Bob

    This is agreat techniqeu to bring your attacker down . The tips that you have given me so far are all helpful as I am currently practising them hard. I really wish I can have your video’s but the exchange rate between a Rand and a Dollar is reaaly going to affect me so much. I have also watched a number of cage fighters involving US Millitary personnel and have learnt a number of techiniques .

    So , I really enjoy this not because the rationale is to go out and cause trouble but for self defense as you might be aware that South Africa has the highest number of crime statistics in the World.

    I just hope that you will continue helping people around the world to learn the techniques of defending themselves .


    May God Bless you and your team.

    Andreas Mkhize

  5. Bob, thank you for this free video lesson. I always appreciate your teachings to help me protect myself from harm and the hatred of mean, gutsey criminals. THANKS

    Sincerely, Ray

    P.S. Yes I have been a vitim (more than once) here in crime ridden San Francisco, CA

  6. I really like this one. Simple but effective. For the most part, simple is better. Thanks Bob.

  7. Thanks Bob,

    Taught this to my tenants/room mates last week. All three paid the remainder of their rent and the house even got cleaned!!

  8. Thank you for all the great tips and demonstrations. Haven’t had to use them yet.Im a lover,and detest hurting anyone unless absolutely necessary!

  9. I have used this move when I was cop, and found it very effective in taking down an aggressor to put them in a handcuff position. Also, you may have already covered in a previous post I may have missed; but if the aggressor grabs with (in this case) your right arm with their left hand, a quick reach with your right hand over the left forearm will break the hold, leaving your right hand in position for a counter strike.

  10. This is a really great move, and I’ll work at making it a ‘natural reaction’. But I’m wondering … what if grabbed OVERHAND – like a ‘pat on the shoulder, slid down to a “pat & grab of the upper arm / bicep area?”

    Your stuff is really great in current day America – THANX!

    As for ‘Lee Sutherland’ – I would guess he’s an old PC user using an old browser – Suggest that he take his PC to a reputable repair facility, and have them “update” his machine – there are MANY video formats, and his does not ‘get’ what is sent.

  11. Alright guys this is functional stupidity. First off, unless the man’s fingers are so long that they can wrap completely around your arm-such as a human hand versus a small child-the actual ability to grab a hold someone in this manner is imaginary. By leaning toward the inside of the attacker you can actually punch forward into his eyes or throat. Without leaning at all you can execute a ridge hand. Breaking the hold is simply the process of moving your arm away from his palm! Same can be said of grabbing the arm from behind. The defense may be functional big man to big man but is slower than simply striking the attacker with your soon to be untrapped arm. Come on guys! Keep it simple and direct. I don’t blame the instructor for keeping his face covered. I would be embarrassed too.

  12. The defender is lucky the aggressor does not kick him in the groin…he is wide open on several occasions. Also, why not, after grabbing the aggressors arm to start the take-down, boot or knee-to-groin kick or foot stomp his leading foot as the aggressor grabs you, then as he reacts top forward and groin away, complete execution of the thumb lock take-down?

  13. I like this move, quick and easy. I’m so grateful that I could learn these moves, Bob, and share with my kids. Thank you!