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Simple Knife Disarming Technique

The Wait Is Over

As promised, here is the knife disarming video. Pay close attention because this is the real deal. These are not showy, difficult-to-master martial arts moves. These are the simplest, most effective knife disarming techniques known to man. With that said, let’s get started.

Breaking It Down

As you saw in the video, you never want to attempt a disarm technique until your attacker has committed himself by stepping forward with his back foot (if the knife is in his right hand, the right foot is the back foot). Once he commits he has lost much of his thrusting power and maneuverability. This is the most crucial part of the technique.

When he commits to the stab you need to throw the cross block while simultaneously stepping back. The cross block redirects the stab downward and stepping back moves your body away from the blade.

This combination ensures that you don’t get stabbed. The cross block is great because, like Randy says in the video, it doesn’t have to be aimed perfectly to work. You have a wide range where you will still deflect and redirect the knife.

Some Advice

This is one of the most important knife disarming techniques you can learn. It is crucial to practice this technique to get it right. You will need a training partner and a dummy knife. If you don’t have a dummy knife you can simply use a wooden dowel or some other safe item that resembles a knife.

Practice slow at first to make sure you understand the joint lock and gradually speed up the motion. The goal is to be able to use this technique at full speed without letting the blade touch you. Randy and Bob make this technique look easy (and in truth it is a simple technique) but don’t be fooled.

They have years of experience. It will take some time to master, but it is well worth it. And even if you don’t have the time to spend to master it, simply being good enough can save your life.

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144 thoughts on “Simple Knife Disarming Technique”

  1. Reminds of some the jui jitsu moves my dad taught me when i was a kid, combined with some marine corp close combat learned manyyears ago, except they stopped a little short of finishing the fight. But easier to learn.

  2. I like to thank you for this promo great job might come in handy one day hopefully not you guys are true professionals

  3. Holy Smoke-em! BOB and RANDY! I thought these guys were dead! Last i heard many years ago they were private contractors training mercs somewhere in the Middle East!

    I have all their original videos and training courses from when i was training police officers some years ago.

    They are by far, the best weapons disarmament/retention instructors I’ve even seen. And believe me, i’ve known, trained, and have been instructed by many going way back.

    I was in a robbery ‘attempt’ at night in the New Town nightclub area on Clark St. in Chicago a while back and used one of these guys’ gun disarmament moves that I’d been teaching to my students. Worked so well it SCARED me more than the robber! You could hear the snap louder than his screams when i broke his wrist after making him kiss the pavement in less than a second! The responding officers were impressed and this Moron was a known rapist. Even though i was carrying, he got on us so fast that there would be no time to reach back and pull my gun. Before we knew it This asshole had his finger on the trigger already with the pistol in my face. I had know other choice that to bust a hand to hand move. I was so fast and successful that even I was surprised!

    Their training Really is good.

  4. Great moves!
    I am somewhat disabled and walk home to change do you have a move for the use of the cane beside using them as in two stick combat? My canes are wooden with shepherds hooks. I know some moves using the hooks or hook but was wondering if you might have something additional?
    I really appreciate your free videos thanks a bunch.

  5. I really do appreciate these free videos and these guys really do make the techniques look easy. They show and explain these techniques so anyone can understand how to do this with a little practice. I believe this technique will work on a overhead stabbing technique. Thanks guys.

  6. I was trained in a similar technique back when I practiced Martial arts using one arm to block and the other to strike. I can see how this is an effective technique and it reminded me what one instructor told me, he said one strong block in the beginning could actually stop a fight before it actually turn into a fight. Thanks guys and keep them coming.

  7. Very nice Thanks! I was wondering what I would see and after guessing for a little while I had to take a look and it was different and better than what I expected, nice!

  8. Please read all comments about the danger of a pull back cut when attempting to block a knife thrust. The block-grab-jointlock must be nearly one, silmultaneous action. In addition, while extending arms to block, pull stomach back to increase distance from the blade. An excellent explanation of a hazardous technique.

  9. Good techniques,I actually used this 1st one against a broken bottle 30 yrs ago in a bar fight…..Thanks!! Bill

  10. I love all your videos on hand to hand selfdefence for able bodies. Do you have any for someone that is confined to a wheel or power chair. BTW I carry all the time and am a proud member of USCCA.

    Thank you
    Dave Scott

  11. Nice simple technique. Basic priciples as best, and this one will work for small weak elderly people, and easily remembered.

    I guess that it will also work well against a downward strike, although the victim will probably be cut; but then you’ve got to expect to be cut if you get involved in a knife fight.

  12. Thank you.
    Appears to be a excellent move.
    Your advice to practice this slowly with a partner is good advice.
    As with ANY technique the key is to practice moves slowly at first so it becomes conditioned into muscle memory.
    If one does that it becomes a automatic response.

  13. Nice and simple technique bro got to keep on practicing it until it automatically dwells in me and know how to use in life and death circumstances and prevail in the end

  14. Love the idea, and drive behind your site. Just wish I was financially able to do more right now. I am sick and have been in and out of the hospital for the past two and a half years. I have been going for disability for the past year so, as soon as I can afford to I will join your site, because its a great idea and needed. Thanks.

  15. I learned these moves when I was 15, 1967. I have had the unfortunate opportunity to try them out and turn the table on would be hold-up men, on two occasions. I can testify to all that they worked then and they work now. hey, I’m still here, and I took their knifes too.

  16. I like and am experimenting with this technique to get the moves down pat so they are a “natural” reaction. I do like many of the products you offer, but as a senior on just social security I am unable to afford them. As a trained (karate) fighter, age has slowed me enough that I can’t use many of the moves I always relied on for my safety. I can use this one, the trachea move and some others I am working on from your e-mails. Keep at it so many more like me don’t have to hide behind locked doors.

  17. Hope never to use it, but it’s good to know what to do. . .
    Keep them coming, and I like to buy some of the things that are offered now and then (IF my cc is in good standing). Thanks

  18. I weild a reverse grip into upward arc slice, then thrust in, keeping center low and always moving. I’ve had people try to take the dummy knife in practice, never been done to this day, including instructors. On 2 occasion s an Inarrator got the knife but I cut him deep (or would have) first. Struck ones tendon in his wrist, the others inner bicep. Although I do have a few very good years of Krav Maga behind me. Just saying not all criminals are dumb either, some actually know how to slice you up right, your best bet without real world training is just run, or shoot (and be moving away from the offender while squeezing your trigger)

  19. Thank you!! I am glad to be part of this organization receiving informative information because for a women their are assholes out here in this world !!

  20. I appreciate what you are trying to do and I am confident the instructor in the video may be able to pull this off in a real world incident however, unless a person is committed to practicing this technique 1000’s of times and creating the necessary neural pathways (mylenation) it will fail them in combat.
    Every system
    Must be validated under real time conditions to be proven credible. Under adrenal stress your body experiences several physiological events that effect the way a person responds. Combat is fast, chaotic , and never choreographed.
    Every time you train always train like it’s for the fight of your life.

  21. Although I have had some training from the military it is good to learn new techniques for self defense. In today’s world you can never be to prepared. thank you for your site and sharing this technique.

  22. But you need to watch out for the guy hiding a knife behind his back, or behind his forearm using an ice-pick grip. It’s no use if you only realise you’ve been stabbed afterwards.

  23. No, No, all the attacker has to do is yank his knife straight back and he will deep cut both of the defenders arms -fight lost. Krav Maga has better techniques.

  24. Yea bob ; I learned a lot from ur i need to put it in pactice…i especialy liked the headbutting vid.nice

  25. This is exactly what I was about to ask for! Perfect timing! As an ex-CO, my unarmed skills are still pretty good. This will be added to my practice runs Right Now!