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Simple Secret To Disarming Bats & Clubs

Don’t Be Intimidated

There is more to stick fighting than meets the eye. Coming against an attacker with a club or bat can be pretty intimidating until you understand the physics behind it. This is especially true if your attacker doesn’t understand where the power in a club or bat is. In this video, we’ll teach you everything you need to know about easily disarming a club or bat-wielding attacker.

Breaking It Down

The key to defending yourself against an attacker with a club or bat is getting inside. By inside I mean getting close enough to your attacker that the stick is of little or no value to him.

This may sound very simple, but getting in that close can often be a difficult task.

In order to get inside, you must understand which targets on your body are dangerously weak against blunt weapons. These targets mostly consist of the bony parts of the body — the skull, shoulders, knees, elbows, ribs, shins, tops of the arms, etc.

Defending Yourself Against Blunt Weapons

Unlike defending against a knife where the inside of the arms is one of the most dangerous places to get cut, you actually want to block a club or bat with the soft tissue on the inside of your arms (if you have to).

The bat will cause much less damage to this part of the body. It will obviously still hurt and leave a nasty bruise, but it won’t break your arm. One good block and you will be able to close the distance between you and the assailant, eliminating the danger of the bat without ever disarming it.

Now, of course you should avoid taking any shots from a club or bat if you can help it, but if you have to block or take a shot, use the soft parts of your arm and make sure you don’t try to block the club or bat at the “sweet spot”. Try to block as close to the handle as possible. Your other option is to simply redirect a blow and get inside that way.

Final Thoughts

As with any self-defense situation where an attacker has a weapon, your first and best option is to flee. Techniques like this will radically increase your odds of winning, but there is still a lot of danger involved. Even if you disarm and beat your attacker, you will still likely have some bruises or cuts.

This technique is designed for situations where you cannot leave the scene without a fight (where you are trapped, must protect family, friends, or bystanders, etc). These are the types of situations where knowing how to disarm and neutralize your attacker can mean the difference between life and death.

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89 thoughts on “Simple Secret To Disarming Bats & Clubs”

  1. Mr. Pierce, Again well done, just a little technique like that can make the difference between getting out of a situation safely or not.

    Keep Up The Good Work,

    Joe Breen

  2. use to be afraid of a baseball bat attack or a crowbar once you move in the weapon is useless and its simple to remember move in.modern defendo teaches this bill wolfe you cannt freeze you got to move.

  3. your 100% right I you jump into the inside of the body and the bat loses most of its force . Most people back up afraid to get hit mistake in a fight you will get hit somewhere in the fight . For close fighting I use short 8 inch wooden dowels bored out in the whole thing filled with lead. Great for close fighting . You carry them and most people don.t even know you have it on you .

  4. I would let you close than take out your knee.My father taught me to never swing for the upper body,or head too easy to defend. Take out the wheels and their done.

  5. At 72 I still need these skills. Older men are considered easy targets and tend to not be able to resist. I have been approached and threatened.

    The skills you offer would be well to have taught to my ‘crowd’. We certainly need them. Running is usually NEVER an option.

    I appreciate your instructions and even pas them on. I really appreciate what you are doing. Especially since 60 yr’s ago, I was a ‘streetfighter’. I had to think my way in and thru every event. I rarely went unscathed, but I was always able to walk away!

  6. Back in the mid 70’s when I used to fight full-contact for Braden Steel Corp., Tulsa Ok., there were two distinct street (not competition) fighting differences that I remember, and have used thru the years on the street, between my Karate and Gung-Fu training. Karate is mostly block-punch(or kick), where Gung-Fu (remember, street) deals out Intercept-BREAK! Whatever you break will not be used again, from cripple to kill, with a quick twist-of-the-head neck break. I cannot get the videos to play for some reason, but from the two that I have just been sent from a best friend, the “comments” , the first about escaping a full nelson: from what I can gather I would choose the achilles tendon stomp from behind, and an arch stomp from facing your victim, which is what any man or woman who puts herself in this position with me, becomes, MY VICTIM. Both feet if possible. On a tangent here, this needs to be said: There are those fools who believe a REAL MAN would NEVER hit a woman, but I tell you that I AM A MAN THAT WILL TOLERATE NO-ONE TO LAY THEIR HANDS AGGRESIVELY ON ME — NO ONE !! If a woman chooses to put herself in a MANS SHOES, SUFFER THE SAME CONSEQUENCES AS A MAN — SHE MADE THE DECISION !! Probably thinking I am just another pussy who lets women get away with this disrespect. Moving on, the other video i also could not open, attack with a stick or bat, was RIGHT-ON. JAM the weapon: without hesitation! Do not stop to think about it, you WILL get hurt! Jump straight in with a sharp knee to the groin and instantly TAKE the weapon! Then you can do what you want with your victim. I have used this offence many times. My #1 rule is: the BEST defense is AGGRESSIVE OFFENCE !! ALWAYS TAKE CONTROL !! Thanks, Pete

  7. This may sound silly – but does that mean a pole a mile long is even more effective
    Only joking – but just trying to make point in a humorous way.

  8. Here’s a way to look at this. If you get hit by the end of the stick, the force you apply to the stick by getting hit has considerable mechanical advantage (think longer lever). That force applied to your attacker counters his ability to continue the motion (i.e., follow through). When he connects with the sweet spot, however, his advantage is increased by the mass of the end swinging beyond the point of contact, allowing him to follow through. (Still, if you’re going to be hit by the end of the stick, do your best to make it the end he’s holding.)
    Thanks and best wishes.

  9. I’m impressed buy the simplicity that is incorporated in these defense moves. As a disabled Veteran, I cannot “run” or escape a situation the same as a full capacity person can. If I’m ever presented with a scenario of defense, or escape, then because of my limitations, I’m forced to defend. At 65, my body is nowhere near what it was at 18. I’m disabled, move slow and have back and neck and knee issues. So for me, I must rely on past training and these videos, to learn to defend myself or my family. I do think that any of these techniques are very simple to learn and understand. One doesn’t have to take martial arts classes. SImple, quick and effective.

    Would like to see a full video of techniques for us “older” folks!

  10. Must confess to simple basic knowledge on any subject of self defensse is a deterant for safety.

  11. As you get close, you can windmill your arm over his weaponed arm and under his elbow. If you continue follow-through, you can dislocate his shoulder at the rotator cup.

    Run if you can, fight if you must!

  12. The instinctive move for most when attacked with a club would be to back away and block a hit. When you rush in at close range and surprise you can then use your tools. I guess more easily said than done.

  13. All the inclose action is most important to me . As I am 74 yr old with dis abilities.I have bought some of your courses . they are great. And this free follow up info is priceless.thank you so much
    And keep it coming.

  14. Fighting should be simple, direct, and effective on defense and offense. These videos show you just that. At 60 my bones don’t move so well, it’s refreshing to learn techniques that actually work. My favorite so far is defang the snake.

  15. Never had anyone swing a stick at me, but since I like getting up close and personal in a fight anyway, this will work for me. Thanks guys.

  16. Thanks Bob!
    Like a lot of guy’s on this page i’ve gotten older and the target on my back get’s bigger everyday but it’s good to know you have given us tools to fight back with and a chance to turn the tables on those punks who target older peopole.Would love to see a vidieo on senior defense!!!

  17. Please, keep it coming. I took Tae Kwon DO thirty seven years ago. You know as we get older those kicks as powerful as the are are hard to do.You are so good at what you do.

  18. I like the idea of both of these guys working together. I prefer a competent looking assistant to someone who is just getting beat up. I liked Bob Taylor’s lessons that have been shown before. The explanation of the stick is great. I have never seen such a well done lesson nor seen an instructor present such a detailed understanding to his students or viewers.

    I have the Fight Enders and Ultimate Fight Enders bonus DVD and they were great. I hope to see more of some of the instructors presented.

  19. I completely agree with the principle of getting well inside the swing of a bat, stick, chain etc., because the force of the weapon is minimised here, because it makes continued use of the weapon hard for the attacker and because it makes disarming and counter-attack much easier. All of that was well-explained in the video.

    Just one point I don’t get, though. Why is the force of a blow from such a weapon greater slightly in from the end? Force is a function of mass and speed. By definition, the end of the weapon is moving faster, as it describes a wider circle being at the end of the radius thereof. Can someone please explain the physics of the point made in the video?

  20. Yeah,thanks alot for this Video,but I just want to know how I can kick someone’s ass who is holding a knife in his hand,thank you

  21. THANK YOU BOB: The men I think it’s Tim & Ron? Really showed me something I never knew. Even in the ARMY,training with pugel sticks, never was explained about the “SWEET” spot. Very interesting,the longer the stick the more dangerous it is THX–

  22. Thanks for the video.years ago i was hit upside my head with a days i get inside and strike first.

  23. Thank you for another great demonstration. I have heard of the “sweet spot” on a bat. Now I know where it’s at, and how to avoid it!

  24. I was the riot instructor for the Arizona state prison I developed the method for our riot squad and it saved my life when a man attempted to cut me into with a machete, and another time when a specially trained man attempted to kick my head off who was a special body guard of a millionaire I was unarmed in both cases. Only I took it one step farther. which really makes it deadly,
    on another occasion the attacker almost killed himself when his own club struck him in the head. If he had hit me Id be dead I do agree with you thanks

  25. Thank you. Good advice. Leverage can be your ally, even with your opponent’s weapon. Timing, balance and your next move have to work together. Respect, but don’t be intimidated by the stick.
    Dale asked about the sweet spot and delivery of maximum force. In the sweet spot, you have the fulcrum of the swinging lever. The very end has weight and momentum. That means you have force on both sides of the fulcrum. Hitting with the end all the force is divided only between the pivot, or your opponent, and the end. That can still hurt, but minimizes the impact of the force. Hope that helps.

  26. Sticks, clubs ect… punching the same i believe in close proximity combat, using elbows forearms, their own leverage I have no training just been in a lot of screwed up situations

  27. You guys have taught my several news ways of defensive action against most weapons, sticks, in this occasion ! Thanks for all the advice I have received from you all ! I appreciate it, & care alot about your program ! Fellow friend ,,,,, Rodney

  28. Great info. Ive always been intimidated by someone swinging a club,this helps a whole lot. Read all you guys pointers theyre great please keep them coming. Md


  30. I love you guys, you are so informative and you explain it in an easy to understand manner. I always feel that I have gained some great knowledge and useful skill when I watch you.

  31. as always there was some good information to keep in mind. It did make sense if you think about the mechanics and everything. So I will thank you for this. Hope I never need it though.

  32. Great demo helps person if hit with stick or club absorb less impact slows you a better outcome in defending ones self thanks