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Simple Self-Defense Kick

Stop Attackers Dead In Their Tracks

Today we’re going to go over a very effective self-defense kick that will stop attackers dead in their tracks. This kick utilizes your bodyweight to deliver a powerful blow and doesn’t require any fancy skills. On top of that, there are few defenses against this kind of kick. So, without further delay, let’s get into it.

Step Into It

As Tommy says in the video, the movement of this kick is up and then out. The key here is to step into the kick so the force of the kick pushes the attacker backwards.

This is a great street fighting move because it allows you to keep some distance between you and your attacker. You can strike him with this kick before he is close enough to throw an elbow, punch, or even a kick of his own.

Shut Down Aggressors

This kick won’t get you off balance either. When you do it correctly your weight stays on your center line and only moves forward.

You can use this kick in many street fight circumstances but it is perfect for situations where an attacker is approaching you aggressively and you want to keep him back and stay out of his punching range.

This kick will stop him like a ton of bricks and allow you to take the offensive. It will reverse the situation, putting him on his heels and allowing you to close the distance on your own terms or simply escape the encounter – your choice.

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269 thoughts on “Simple Self-Defense Kick”

  1. Depending on the structure of the door and lock mechanism and (if door opens in or out). Sometimes Policeman need the aid of a ‘battering ram’…

  2. Gracias por el concepto basico de balance posicion 45 con equilibrio del centro de gravedad el objetivo y la rapidez. Saludos.

  3. I really appreciate you showing me how to defend myself from an attacker. With the rise of ISIS in the middle East and the most recent Islamic hatchet attack on the New York Police Officers and the killing of the unarmed British Military person, I feel much more able to defend myself against an attack because of your unselfish means of help in protecting myself from an attack. Thank you so very much. Colleen Mannering, Nebraska

  4. Pushing the kick generates more power but leaves the foot vulnerable to being caught.

    I still don’t understand why the side kick, in my opinion the best of them all, is still so underutilized and under-taught. It only takes a split-second longer to employ, but is far stronger than the front kick.

    If time is of the essence, you can strike with a front kick and step into a full-power side, which will knock him out of his eyeballs.

  5. Thank you for your self-defense materials; and for making a number of them available for free. I really appreciate it!

  6. Plz advise 74 yr old w/osteporsis who will have problem w/balance and somewhat brittle bones. You make it look so easy, but could the female,not so tip-top shape older generation get a demo please? Keep up the good work and thanks.

  7. Thanks a zillion..Well executed and a good lesson learnt.
    Also plz advise as the problem is that on the street the attacker does not always comes from the front but also from the rear or sides.

  8. As a former police officer who has kicked down a few doors, I did not use this technique although it is a good technique. That said no police officer kicks open a door this way as it will get you shot by who ever is inside. You stand beside the door and use a donkey type kick on the door thus protecting yourself from who ever is inside.

  9. I have always had a great deal of confidence and could avoid fights most of the time but at 55 I know the likelihood of a confrontation in todays society call for preparedness and because of these Fight fast video’s I have begun to slow train these techniques and constantly visualize myself reacting to different situations.Thank’s FightFast

  10. Extremely helpful thank you. I recently joined a combat academy and love it so much I want to train for tournaments. Teap kick is one of my many weak points. I shall incorporate “kicking down a door” when faced with an opponent

  11. Thank you for showing me this kicking strike. However, I have a question. I am disabled and one of my problems is Kinesogenic Dystonia, which means that I go into involuntary muscle spasms that are triggered by activity, noise, touch, and other stimuli. I am also left-handed. How can I adapt this move so it does not trigger my spasms? Also, will being a “lefty” give me an advantage over a person who doesn’t suspect that?

  12. I love the quick and easy techniques to potentially end a fight in less than 10 seconds, one kick or punch will not always do it but it puts you in the position to either flee or finish it. Thanks!

  13. Very nice. Makes perfect since. Ive trained in tae kwon do and they also teach alot of snap kicking. This does hold weight in battle. Thanks. Shane

  14. To the lady asking about the left foot. Yes most people expect a right front kick or punch not only could you surprise them but also leaves them open for continued strikes. About your condition. Don’t let anything hold you back try it slow and practice alot of different styles until your comfortable. I hope i could help you if even a little. Shane

  15. OneThis is a good technique. Thank you for explaining the mechanics of the kick. One of the things I’ve learned in my training, and have used, is that the kick to the stomach and groin will push them away, while doubling them over. I have also learned that when they are charging me, a kick to the chest takes them off their feet and drops them on their back.

  16. Thanx so much. This is great info. Always felt pretty confident w/ my military training
    But am getting on (67) and this stuff is do-able even for an old fart like me.



  17. Thank you so much for bringing back long forgotten self confidence. I am 64 years old. I may not have the strength of a younger person, but could give someone’s groin something to think about. Keep it coming

  18. Great move…ive always kicked at the thighs or knee caps…i will be trying this move also..thanks for the info

  19. I studied years of martial arts and boxing. My first day of one of those schools I was told in clear terms that a street fight was a radically different challenge from the class training.

    The kick advice in your short video is worth years of martial art training classes, when it comes to a street fight. I have been in both.

    Thank you for your focus, clarity, and brevity.