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Punishing Headbutt For Self-Defense

Inflict Serious Damage

The headbutt is one of the most damaging strikes you can use on an attacker in hand-to-hand combat. The crown of the head is extremely strong, and if used properly, you are putting your entire body weight into the blow. The result is crushing power that will easily break a nose, knock teeth loose, or fracture cheek bones.

Breaking It Down

The biggest thing to remember is to use the top of your head and not your forehead. Using the top of your head strengthens your blow and allows you to put your full body weight behind it. You are not slapping or whipping your forehead into your opponent, you are driving your head into his face.

The other key to this move is to grasp your attacker’s neck to pull his head into your blow. This not only makes the headbutt more powerful, but also allows you to maintain control of the attacker after the blow.

As you saw in the video, Paul Vunak’s assistant was pushed backward after the headbutt. If this were a real street fight the attacker would have had a chance to recover and continue fighting (although a really solid headbutt is more than enough to put them down most of the time).

Holding the back of his neck allows you to deliver powerful elbow strikes after the initial headbutt. Hitting him with a combination like this greatly increases your chances of success, and keeping him close prevents him from punching or kicking (the basic tools of most fighters).


As you can see in the video, the only suitable protection for this kind of punishing blow is a full-face motorcycle helmet. Due to the devastating nature of this move it should only be used in situations where you are in serious fear of someone causing you harm. That being said, here are the basics of how to use a headbutt for self-defense.

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160 thoughts on “Punishing Headbutt For Self-Defense”

  1. nice little video! it seems to me that neck bridges would seriously help your strength in this move. like a regular back bridge only on the crown of your head rather than your hands. this will help build the back and neck strength necessary to deliver power in the headbutt as well as condition the top of the head. i can do these on hard floors (tile, concrete, etc) now without any discomfort.

  2. I know head butts work thats why there not allowed innnn any combat sport I know of. to dangerous . evander holyfield illegally used them against tyson and rocman the head butts had a bad effect on both rocman and tyson . ever see two pro boxer who can really punch hitting each other for round after round? in what seems to have no averse effect on either boxer > then have a accidentle head butt and both boxer act as if the have been shot the punching usally stops then one of the boxers usally come out with a cut .

  3. I thought that the very top of the head was not a very good part of the head to hit with…Isn’t that considered a killing area?? (Top Of The Head) I believe that Muay Tai boxers use elbow strikes to the Top of the head for Killing there opponents. ??? Not knocking the technique shown…I just am not so sure is all.

    1. Hey Tony,
      Thanks for the comment. That is an excellent question. The key is that you do NOT want to use your forehead for a headbutt. I would recommend trusting Paul’s instruction because I know that he has used this move dozens of times in real fights. However if you are worried about hurting yourself while using this move focus on using the area of the skill just above the forehead and above where the hairline starts. This may feel like the top of your head at first but you will still be using the “frontal bone” which is the strongest part of the skull.

  4. Awesome that really says it all.headbutt elbow daughter is off to her first semester at college.we have been going over all your techniques.Can’t thank all of you enough.sincerely

  5. Thank you Bob.
    I was trained by Vunak. Just wanted to say that this stuff is for real and it works. Have to honestly say that the only time I have been hit was during training. In real life situations the fight is over fast!
    Once you got it, you got it. 15 years later with no training at all, I get jumped by two punks in public while sitting in a chair talking on the phone. Don’t even remember what I did but within a few seconds the punks were pinned underneath my feet on top of each other, stunned. I hung-up my phone call. An off-duty DEA officer came running up saying “Holy shit! I saw the whole thing. Let me help you. Who are you? Two guys while sitting in a chair and on the phone!”

  6. Great ! Video, I,ve always wondered about the correct way to do a ( Head Butt ! ) I pretty much knew butting an opponent with your forehead was pretty stupid. You could knock yourself out that way. So, Thanks again guys !!!

  7. I frequently watch True TV. and was watching the show today where a storage unit is opened and the contents are bid upon by a group. There was a dispute by two males, some name calling and the bigger of the two chest pushed the smaller man. Then the smaller man returned standing nose to nose and pushed the bigger guy and the host broke it up. How typical and how stupid. I can think of a half a dozen things that I have just learned that the guy should have done before he had his chops busted; and the head butt is sweet and simple. How about you? DBH

  8. Fast Fight Is the best tool I’ve seen on the web, and I have been through many sights to learn offensive and defensive moves. Fast Fight is an excellent move to cause some damage and protect our loved ones. So, MANY MANY THANKS TO FAST FIGHT! YOU ARE THE BEST! Thank You, Justin Key

    1. All of the above, just avoid hitting the crown of his head since it is just as hard as yours. Headbutt to the side of the face is a knockout move.

  9. When I was young; my dad taught a version of this, yet a slightly different application of this… In a clinch situation- a stomp the instep while pinning the foot (while sliding down the shin to the instep; raking the shin, if possible): then instead of coming up with an traditional boxing uppercut- come up with a headbutt under the chin snapping the head back of your attacker and exposing their throat for a strike…or whatever…ie-
    “military dirty boxing”
    PS – I appreciate the videos…Yet; also I must say since I am now at peace with my Maker, I look to God for courage and strength…for now; I know who has the last say at the grave…
    and it is not any ones ego- But, if one must battle and perhaps die; be at peace with Him…

  10. Sweet video. I like that he explains it in depth. Personally i always thought it was done with the forehead. Thanks Bob! Looking forward to more tips and tricks.

    Huge fan,

  11. Hi Paul dont know if you remember me we met at the united states martial arts hall of fame in Texas or the universal Hall of fame, love your video nice to see a martial arts video that gets away from traditional techniques.
    Tale care lets see more of your videos
    Don Harries
    United international martial arts federation

  12. Really, it isn’t entirely necesary to grab the back of his neck or head and pull them into the crown of your head in order to do major damage. That could tellegraph to your opponent that something is coming and allow him to counter it. You also have to remember that you have to be close in in order to execute a good head butt.

  13. I did this to a guy who was harassing my girlfriend and I outside a bar. He was at least 5 inches taller than me (I’m 5’6″). He took the nestea plunge onto the concrete. I kicked him but he was out cold. I left, but my friend who was still at the bar said the guy woke up swinging at the EMT’s. He described it as ” a bloody murder mess “. I guess having neck tattoos doesn’t make you a bad ass. This really works!

  14. I am a retired MMA fighter, the video is exactly how i teach clients . the force of a PROPERLY done head butt is over 2800 pounds per square in . Imagine the damage done . Greta video , and people this is how its done !!!

  15. Thanks, Bob. I’m getting to be an old man and I live in a semi-dangerous area. With the “knockout game” in full swing these days, I am a likely target. Anything I can learn to quickly save my butt and inflict the most damage on one of these punks is greatly appreciated.

  16. question
    what’s the bad guy doing while you put both hands behind his head? if he’s that open, he’s not very likely in attack mode or he has a fist or two coming in at you…
    I agree that the top of the head is better to use whenever possible than a fist with all its delicate hand & wrist bones…

    1. Sam, this type of grab and control headbutt is not an opening move. Typically you will have softened him up or distracted him with an eye jab, groin strike or ear slap. Once distracted or in pain controlling the head in this fashion is very practical, remember this strike should happen very quickly.

  17. Amazing….Every system I have ever studied, indicates you should not head butt unless no other option is available….Also the top and sides of the skull are the thinnest part of the skull, so potential for skull fracture and concussion are high…

  18. this is definately not a first move particularly if your oppenant is bigger than you are. you had better soften him up with another move or you are going to get hurt and badly.kick him in the shins or farther up if you can manage it then while he hanging on to the familly jewels you can head-butt him fore arm to the back of the neck or most anything you can think of.

  19. I was once in the position to use a headbutt on a guy that I had nailed with an elbow to the jaw and figured it to be my final move before walking away. As things would have it, his buddy had jumped up and was in full fist punch at me and met the top of my head just as I was moving in for the shot. The fight was over with the first guy a broken jaw and the second a broken hand! He nailed me right above the hairline and I barely even felt it but he sure did! I learned to watch my surroundings a bit better as well as just how hard that part of the head can be. Great video and totally wonderful techniques throughout!

  20. While sitting at an outdoor cafe I saw 3 full grown men in their twenties get in front of a slight 17 year old and start insulting him with racial slurs. In the blink of an eye the teen headbutted the guy in the middle. As the struck guy went out cold, his eyes were rolling up in his head, his knees buckled and he was falling face first towards the cobble stones, his two friends grabbed him to keep him up. The teen swung a right hook into the face of the guy on his left and a left hook into the guy on his right and tore away. I don’t know who was more surprised, the 3 who got a well deserved comeuppance, or me.

    Thanks Bob, I love reading your marketing letters, they’re brilliant.

  21. This is a good video. It may save someone a lot of pain. I used to do the head butt by striking the opponents targets with my forehead as shown in the movies and “big time wrestling” but quickly learned that you did as much or if not more damage to yourself than you did your opponent. So I refrained from using the head butt. Later, I was a passenger in a car accident and my head struck the windshield very hard. The windshield broke shattered and was only held in place by the plastic that was between the glass. I hardly felt a thing…although I was cut up and spirting a little blood. I had tried to brace myself for the impact and it was the top of my head that hit the glass not the forehead. Since, I’ve often wondered about this. Now, watching the video it is all explained. Good job on explaining this. – GDH

  22. I would only use a head butt only in very close range.
    Way back in my younger days, my girlfriend and I were horsing around at very close range. She grabbed me at a sensitive spot and my head (cranium) accidentally shot forward into her face. Enough said.

    Paul Vunek is like a cobra attacking. He has a natural twitching-nerve quickness that is impressive to watch.

    Thanks, Bob, for great videos. Take care.

  23. Thanks for a great video Paul Vunak is always impressive

    One big query The top of your head is a fragile area where the bone is thin.

    The tough area is at the hairline the top of your forehead. Does Paul refer to this when he speaks of the top of your head?


    John Watson

  24. Hi Bob=Ed is back.Another good tool(arrow) for the quiver.Being able to control the dump is the key to sucess along with continued practice and re-visiting these training clips.Thanks again Ed.

  25. Thank-you Bob for this lesson. I have an enemy who has tried to ruin my son’s life so of course,he is my enemy also. He is big,and fat. So the use of a head-butt would be very effective should I run into this character.I don’t look for this confrontation, but if it occurs, I know how to approach this individual.Thanks again sir. 🙂

  26. I’ve never seen much information on the “Head Butt”. I am glad that you show the right from the wrong. I – as others- had to learn it the hard way. If you do it wrong you may cause as much or not more damage to yourself than your opponent. This needed to be shown. On T.V. they show people doing headbutts to each other with no repercussions. This simply isn’t the whole truth. I’ve used the “Head Butt” before. It can be devastating if used wrong to you but it can also be devastating if used right to your opponent and you come out relatively unscathed. This is perhaps the first video that I’ve seen talking on this subject that go into the differences. Take the time to do exactly like Paul/Bob says. I remember the first time I tried the “Head Butt” …I think I and my brother where trying it out after watching one of those big time wrestling shows. It only took once or twice to get it right. Does it hurt if you do it wrong!!! Just warning you practice this move before you use it. Get it right before you used it as a weapon or it could work against you to. Good for noses. (I like the part about grabbing behind the neck…it seems to me that this is a very good idea as it looks to be lining up his head with the part of your head you want to use to striking him with. Good, simple, straight forward technique that could save your life if you take the time to learn and apply it as shown. But learn it and get it down before taking it out for a solo sail! – GDH

  27. I love this video. to many people do ft know the proper way to do this. I’ve seen to many people mess up there face doing it wrong. I learned the proper way from a friend after watching a guy through a punch at him and he just dropped his head and broke the guys fist and then head butted the guy.
    definitely a nasty little trick but extremely useful

  28. you could also use an upside down punching bag. especially if it hasn’t been turned recently and the bottom is hard. be useful for those who ain’t got a bike helmet. many people have bags. and the bottoms are hard as a rock. hang it up buy the bottom straps. that way you can easily practice. I also like your side headbut that’s awesome never thought about doing that

  29. Great info.

    I grew up on streets of LA and survived as an underprivileged kid. Now, at 56 years of age, I’m planning to continue to survive.

    I now live in nice neighborhood where our hard work to build life and nice home might make us target of scumbags. I am NOT a target or a victim. It makes husband a bit uneasy (he grew up in safe neighborhood) but I like learning the info to protect self and family.

  30. Excellent video as usual, I have ducked my head during many fights only to watch my opponent walk away shaking out a broken hand and i came upon that by accident, I was running up a hill with my uncle when not watching where i was going and i ran into a tree which promptly fell up hill after that nobody would try headbutting me seeing how my skull seems so hard it could knock down a tree

  31. Great lesson, being 5’6″ 150# and 53 years old, this will be in my plan of defense, if ever needed when larger person feels he needs to make himself feel better by picking the smaller guy, however, I have had years of defense training when in my teens to late twenties and have been in situations where I had to defend my self and I recognize the power of surprise and just being plain old mean when you need to. How embarrassing the larger man becomes when he realizes his smaller opponent is not intimidated and strikes fast and repeatedly, how quickly the attitude changes.

  32. Wow nice move easy to follow, it’s not a move I could use as I have a previously broken neck .. How ever the instruction is easy to understand.

  33. I was taught that there is a soft spot on the very top of your head that you don’t want to be involved, so that you use the top of the front of your head which would be from the hair line back to almost the soft spot. So you would be using part of the top of the forehead to almost the soft spot, and never involve the sides of the top of the head where the part of the hair is. That’s actually a knock out zone. If I’m wrong on this please let me know ‘cos I surely would want to get this right.

  34. That technique could really come in handy. Thanks for the clear directions and demonstrations.

  35. Paul Vunak`s explanation regarding the necessary moves needed to execute an effective head butt are the best that I have seen.I have seen a few others but their indicated methodology lacked the essential simplicity required to implement this move properly.The chin on the chest,bent knees and pulling your assailant toward your head is outstanding and can be done even in a adrenalized state.

  36. I like this information i learn a lot from ur videos and appriciate the info for self defense it helps knowing the correct way to do this so i don’t get hurt

  37. The information this Web site provides is very useful and teaches me things that I thought I knew but was wrong. Thank you.

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