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Punishing Headbutt For Self-Defense

Inflict Serious Damage

The headbutt is one of the most damaging strikes you can use on an attacker in hand-to-hand combat. The crown of the head is extremely strong, and if used properly, you are putting your entire body weight into the blow. The result is crushing power that will easily break a nose, knock teeth loose, or fracture cheek bones.

Breaking It Down

The biggest thing to remember is to use the top of your head and not your forehead. Using the top of your head strengthens your blow and allows you to put your full body weight behind it. You are not slapping or whipping your forehead into your opponent, you are driving your head into his face.

The other key to this move is to grasp your attacker’s neck to pull his head into your blow. This not only makes the headbutt more powerful, but also allows you to maintain control of the attacker after the blow.

As you saw in the video, Paul Vunak’s assistant was pushed backward after the headbutt. If this were a real street fight the attacker would have had a chance to recover and continue fighting (although a really solid headbutt is more than enough to put them down most of the time).

Holding the back of his neck allows you to deliver powerful elbow strikes after the initial headbutt. Hitting him with a combination like this greatly increases your chances of success, and keeping him close prevents him from punching or kicking (the basic tools of most fighters).


As you can see in the video, the only suitable protection for this kind of punishing blow is a full-face motorcycle helmet. Due to the devastating nature of this move it should only be used in situations where you are in serious fear of someone causing you harm. That being said, here are the basics of how to use a headbutt for self-defense.

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160 thoughts on “Punishing Headbutt For Self-Defense”

  1. I am 70 years old. and worry all the time about how unsafe this world is becoming.
    There self defence veidos, have been amazing to watch.
    I have sent off and acquired a phone stun gun. This is legally bought from the US. But in the UK is not…so if I use it to defend my self, I will probably be arrested…so now I can use your moves defend my self and be legal….
    Regards AngelaNazzani

  2. Nah,,, this is good if you’re a soccer person and used to using your head like this. But then again head trauma is a thing so I’d only do this if I couldn’t do anything else. I’d rather do other moves though.

  3. I never knew this …too much Hollywood on what I thought was the way to use my head…Now by “using my head” about how to use my head, I will be using my head (correctly)! Thanks Paul!!!!

  4. Yes I really like this move for a fight when you are in close to your attacker for the damage inflicted and the second or two it will take for your attacker to be able to refocus; both attention, and vision could give you enough time to get yourself or family members to safety. But Im wondering just how do you get a chance to get ahold of a goone that is much bigger than you and trying his dambdest to f*@k you up, how am I supposed to get ahold of this guys neck to make my headbut more damaging ? Since his momentum is likely comming towards me already.
    All Ive seen and learned from your vids has been really great stuff ! And thank you for making this avalible for me ! Im not critecizing, just asking so Ill know when, and how to use this devestating move correctly should I ever need it . Thanks again for access to this info !!
    G.B. CALI

  5. If memory serves me correctly the headbutts that I have seen were done with the
    forehead to the opponent’s forehead. This video was excellent. The deomonstration
    was very good and to the point.
    Thank you.

  6. This strike may prove useful thanks on the lesson didn’t really have much respect for the headbutt into now, wouldn’t want to be on the other end of his headbutt!

  7. I reckon the final moves of Pinan Sandan include a good defence against this if you see it coming. Stick your elbow forward towards his face and he’ll break his own nose. If he’s more seriously injured than considered necessary by a Court, obviously he did it to himself.

  8. Excited learning these new techniques. Been trying to incorporate them in with my daily stretching training at home. But finding it a little difficult to understand if I’m using the proper technique by training alone . Making sure that if I ever have to use it I will be successful . thank you i creased my self-confidence if ever challenged excellent videos

  9. That was a very informative demo. In the movies it always looked to me like they were using their fore head to but with.

  10. He was showing us the wrong way as I thought was the right way. Very good info, might have saved me a very sore forehead. Good example of don’t believe everything you see in the movies.

  11. I know who Paul Vunak has trained with and it’s surprising that he comes across as so easy going. He’s very easy to listen to and learn from. Most trainers/instructors seem to exude a certain intensity as if they were ready to fight at any moment. He seems to remain so calm.

    As far as this video, I would say It’s good to have a capable instructor explain how to execute this strike and avoid self injury. Many might think they wouldn’t really use this technique, but when backed into a corner or being over powered it would be to the defenders benefit to have this in their self defense arsenal. If he’s including this in his training then it must be useful.

  12. Ju-Jitsu always works. I studied most forms of martial arts (non-competition) over 30 years.
    Moral is KEEP IT SIMPLE, QUICK and FOLLOW UP. Bang, bang, bang. THEN RUN. Don’t hang around to admire your handiwork !

  13. This is totally different than you see in the movies. I can see where it will do a lot more damage than a fist and saves your fist for other moves.

  14. I’m a little guy so any sneaky hard hitting technique is a good thing. All the fight videos you guys show are simple and easy to understand. Good stuff ?

  15. Head butt’s ate very effective!! I have
    done this a couple of time’s in the past
    I thank youfor a video on proper technique.

  16. I like the idea of a headbutt and it does look like it would be very effective I’ve seen others do it but they also came up with a bloody nose themselves so if I have to use it I know the proper way now thank you for the great video

  17. Just remember this, do NOT do too many headbutts, you may already know what I am about to say about footballers heading a case ball, but just in case you do not know, over a period of heading the football, they have injured their brain, and it is a shame that they suffer the way that they do, especially as they were entertaining their fans. So, be careful out there.

  18. The head but it’s a very effective tool but you’re right A lot of people make mistakes I made a mistake once and almost broke my nose because of it and this is about the 4th time you sent me this video Lesson and I think I’ve commented on them each time so thank you for the info on how to do it the right way

  19. Thank you for informative video. I would like to learn this defensive manuever, being a petite older woman. I tried it once upon a time and slammed into a heavy set man’s chest and DIDN’T MAKE A RIPPLE but I almost broke my neck. Technique is everything.

  20. Amazing fighter this guy, you wouldn’t want to meet him in a dark alley.

    Great training for the head butt

  21. Head butting properly is a devastating fight technique, a great finisher if you don’t want the fight to drag on. It’s kind of a signature move in Scotland, it’s also known as a Glasgow kiss and even if it’s not done properly Scottish people will still stick the nut on anyone who invades their personal space, even girls will use it if they get the chance but great video for showing the proper technique.

  22. interesting but you could end up with his teeth in your scalp from what i see in the video that would not be good

  23. Very wicked and brutal. Ty. I’m a small guy so I’d have to use a set up move before using this move. Very nice move lol hope to be able to use if I need to. Thank you

  24. Very good Move. Very effective . That will minimize your opponent and not much energy is waisted. My cousin Bill Goldberg sometimes does this against his opponents with a spear Thats why he wins 100 percent of his matches In the World wrestling Entertainment league.