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How to Deliver A Punishing Horizontal Elbow Strike For Self Defense

Crush Your Attacker

Elbow techniques like the one we’re about to show you are incredibly devastating and easy to land because of the distance between you and your opponent. On top of this, they cause the most deep tissue damage when used in a very close quarters combat situation. With that said, let’s get right into it.

Understanding Elbow Strikes

As Glenn said in the video, elbow strikes are some of the most important tools in close range combat. That’s why it is crucial that you understand how to properly use them. The most important piece of information in this video is that you must get in close and grab ahold of your attacker before you throw an elbow strike.

Maintain The Offensive

If you don’t get in close and are lucky enough to still land the elbow strike, you will just end up with an even more pissed off attacker who is able to take the offensive. By holding your attacker you are able to maintain the offensive. This requires that you either continue to deliver elbow strikes as Glenn shows in the video, or you can move on to other strikes such as knee strikes or a headbutts.

By laying down a barrage of counter attacks when you are assaulted you will be able to disorient your attacker and prevent him from regaining the offensive. If you do this right, his primary goal will be to get away from you which is exactly what you want him to do (right after you cause him enough pain to make sure he doesn’t come back for more).

Proper Form

As for the actual elbow strike technique shown in this video, you want to make sure you are using the right part of your arm. You don’t want to use the tip of your elbow. The tip of the elbow will deliver a painful strike, but you risk damaging yourself. By striking your attacker with the boney surface just below the elbow joint you will be able to strike repeatedly without risking much damage to your own body (and it’s just as hard as the tip of the elbow).

Remember to keep your hand loose (making a fist will limit your freedom of motion) and your arm bent (like you are holding something in the crook of your arm).

Finally, the key to delivering an effective elbow strike in any self-defense situation is making sure you put your body weight behind it. This means using your core and your hips to deliver the strike. Your arm plays a small role in this move. Not doing so is kind of like trying to hit a home run without pivoting when you swing the bat, which is pretty much impossible. All your power comes from the pivot, so use it.

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119 thoughts on “How to Deliver A Punishing Horizontal Elbow Strike For Self Defense”

  1. H. Honcho,
    These small clips are great! Just like the video’s, you can learn just by watching. Keep it up boss! Good work!

  2. very imp. to get the right technnique, thanks bob. appreciate it. im tried of the thugs or younger people who act disrespectful, they get this false bravado because they think they can bully or intimidate someone who feel is weaker, smaller, or cant beat them. ur stuff is worth it. thx

  3. To all you guys that are sitting on the fence about getting one or any of these packages, consider this. I’ve bought most of TRS’s items at one time or another and I can tell you this; this is one of the better values in the context of that what you get here is one of the more instructional time per unit packages. In other words, this particular set gives you some of the most time per dollar of actual real world combatives. Mr. Boodry also goes in to other items later on such as keeping your opponent between you and your opponent’s buddy’s line of fire. Yet another reason why you want your opponent close, so his friend’s never get a clear shot, None of the others said that.

    If I could remember who said it, I’d credit them; “Martial Arts is something you do with somebody, Combatives is something you do to somebody.” Heaven help you if you have to, this is what you do to somebody.

    Thank you gentlemen,

  4. Glenn Boodry is a natural born fighter. You must be insane to start messing around with him. His teaching is great. A real gain for everyone who is in this matter of relative importance.

  5. Very good video showing the refinements that make a basic up close technique effective. Many people, however, may find getting in close difficult, especially against an attacker well trained in middle distance fighting. I have always thought that the technique being demonstrated should be combined with a technique to get to proper range. Nevertheless, good stuff, keep up the good work.

  6. I,ve got Glen Boodry,s Real World Combat Package and I must say if you like that clip you have got to get the CD it is amazing!!!

  7. this is a good techniquebut i did this on somebody today and something i realised is that when you land the elbow there head moves awaay i think this needs to be made clear

  8. i did this on somebody today and the thing i didnt realise is that when you land the elbow it knocks their head to the side i think this needs to be made clear, oh and i did have hold of him

  9. This is well and good, but the other person isn’t going to just stand there and take the blows. One would think he would counter with a move that would cause the elbow attack to delatch. This is like practicing for a gun fight by shooting paper targets.

  10. As much as I enjoy the videos I would like to see larger ‘opponents,’ I find myself as focused on the little man getting slung around as I do watching Glen. I notice this on many of the (very informative) videos, which I am grateful for. Thanks.

  11. Once again,good info Bob.Boodry,Vunak,Comstock,and the Filipino fellow in your series ..not to forget Mr.Lysak..pretty Awesome ! Thanx,Darryl

  12. Great lessons in detail, thank you Bob for your heads up in fighting, keep sending all that good stuff that you always send us, so that we can protect ourselves.

  13. This is eye-opening.I never considered horizontal elbow-strikes. I was always taught the “upper-cut” elbow strikes , coming from underneath and hitting the chin. Makes a good argument for keeping your hair short, so opponent won’t have hair to grab

  14. Good stuff,I enjoy watching your videos.Never was a fighter,but feel better knowing there is something I can do. Thanks

  15. Your videos have been monumental in my confidence level. This video is right to the point and in detail on the elbow strike cant wait to practice with my docile family. Thank You!

  16. Its free. who wouldn’t want this info. i’m 57 years old and I think this will work great on older guys verses younger ones

  17. Thanks Robert. This looks like a real good one that even a woman can use. Appreciate your help. Best wishes, Barbara Wells

  18. i am 65 i am on a ftxed income can,t afford high cost of courses what you swed me is great
    but like i say i am old and only go solo so i need a course i can afford and will help sincerly desperate.thanks a million for your email Bob

  19. I am 57 years old and have always been small so I have used some of your fighting skills before. I have three grown sons I told them when they were young every one has weak points. So go for them my youngest son got in a situation when he was about ten two bigger boys at school tried to stick his head in a toilet he did what I had taught him he barriered his thumb in one of the boys eye. Needlest to say the boy was in savear pain the other boy got elbowed in the noise they both never messed with him agian !!!

  20. Love your videos – – They have given me confidence that perhaps I really can defend myself and my loved ones. I am 76 years old and not in “power house” shape anymore. Knowledge is going to have to make up the difference. Your instruction videos are excellent. Thanks.

  21. Absolutly great pointers!Sure you werent from a line of trident instructors?Keep up the great videos!

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