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Simple Ground Fighting Choke Hold

Ending A Ground Fight

As you know, I don’t advocate taking a fight to the ground. In fact, I suggest you avoid the ground in a street fight at all costs. However, sometimes you simply can’t avoid it and that’s why you need to have a few ground fighting tricks up your sleeve in case you ever wind up there. What we’re about to show you is a great technique to know.

Easy, Right?

As you saw in the video, this is a pretty simple move, and believe me, simple is good. Simple means you will remember it in the heat of the moment when your adrenaline is pumping. What’s happening here is you are essentially using your attacker’s own weight to bring him into the hold.

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Breaking It Down

  • If he is throwing punches at you while you are on your back or coming in for a choke, you simply knock his arm off of you and let his weight cause him to fall forward into the choke.
  • One key to making this work is that you must have your legs wrapped around his torso and lift your hips off the ground right when you are deflecting his arm. This will give you more control because it will move his hands away from your body momentarily (removing the support for his body).
  • After you have deflected his arm you need to let your hips come back down to the ground so that he will fall into the choke. You can also pull his arm as you saw in the video to get him into the position you need.
  • From this point you simply wrap your outside arm around the outside of your attacker’s neck, blocking off the blood supply to his head with your bicep and his opposite shoulder.
  • Remember to secure the choke by locking your hand into the crook of your arm and placing your free hand behind your neck. Locking your free hand behind your neck gives you leverage which is crucial.
  • When you lift your hips and push your legs away from your body, the added leverage of the hand behind your neck will allow you to separate the vertebrae in your attacker’s neck. This allows you to not only cut off his blood supply, but also cause a lot of pain.

Ending The Fight

As with any fight, having two ways to end the fight is better than having one. If for some reason you are not able to get the blood choke (i.e. he has a really short neck, is somehow tucking his jaw to block his shoulder, etc.) the separation of the vertebrae will give you a second chance to end the conflict.

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129 thoughts on “Simple Ground Fighting Choke Hold”

  1. Great Video, sometimes it is just simple little things like this that make all the difference, as a bouncer I have used moves like this myself, it is nice to see your staff vaildate moves like this on video. Keep up the good work.

    Joe Breen

  2. I’ve never seen this move before and as a karate practitioner, I am trying to learn as much as possible about ground fighting. Great job.


  3. Great move !!! even a 65yr out shape guy can do it . I am taking your advise to keep off the ground but just in case I have this to use

  4. Hey Bob,

    Great……These free videos are always extra little help in becoming a street fighter. I’m 67 yrs. old and you never know when this move will save your life. Keep on sending these videos.

    Thanks again,

  5. i love your stuff bob 7 cd`s wish i could learn them all but taking my time doing at slow pace keep the tips coming, stuff for old out of shape guys like me lol mike–ill keep trainning because of your cd`s

  6. Very helpful and useful thank you so much you guys rock this is relly good stuff for guys that doesn’t know how to defend them selfs keep up the good work

  7. I have never seen this great move before and if I had of know a few times in my. It would have made life a lot easier i always have had problems with grapplers


  9. I was thinking same as GEE. WHAT IF THE ATTACKER HAD A KNIFE??? I guess it would work. Same as long if u push the arm with the knife???? Seems this would be THE move in case of ATTEMPTED rape…? protec…. PLEASE ADVISE IF OTHER TACTICS???

  10. Well, I’m near 70 but it looks like I ‘could’ use this to save my life. I say ‘could’ because I have Degenerative Disc Disease and my Dr says that if I don’t get in a wreck or do the wrong thing I shouldn’t paralize myself… but I’d rather know how to fight back and risk it than to just let someone else paralize me!!!

  11. Hey Bob,Great move you’ll take the fight right out of him. Fairley simple I heard how fast he tap out. I was watching I saw a few other things that you could do
    that I have learned from a few of your other Video’s thanks Bob.

  12. Thanks for the great video,please tell me what does a blood choke do, and for how long do you have to keep your opponent down?

    1. Hello Johnny, there are two types of chokes that can cause an attacker to lose consciousness. The most commonly understood is to restrict a persons ability to breath, which starves the brain of oxygen eventually causing a loss of consciousness. A blood choke accomplishes the same task, starving the brain of oxygen, but does it by preventing the oxygen rich blood coming from the lungs from getting to the brain. A blood choke is any hold that blocks the carotid arteries or jugular veins. The choke only needs to be applied for a few second to be effective. You will know when an attacker loses consciousness. Maintaining the choke after the attacker has passed out can cause serious brain damage or death so use this technique carefully and only hold it as long as you and others need to escape to safety.

  13. These videos are great. Also though, the excerpts Bob includes from his book from time to time, and the subjects they cover, are every bit as important as the expert instruction we are getting.

  14. Good move but i took a little jujitsu and this move can be preformed standing up in which i talk a friend at the time, to let him show this move i learned , and he agree , He was a country boy , about six three 250 . Now he cough a couple of times and turn red in the face, and although he couldn’t do anything , he carried me around with my feet off the ground , I was about 185 lbs ,so it may

  15. I’ve never seen this before and it looks like a very good move to learn, but, one of my favorites is the “sleeper” or the “naked strangle”, and done correctly there is no escape for the bad guy

  16. This is indeed a great move. I learned it awhile ago and finally had to use it. I was caught off guard, and it was the only move I had to get my wife off me when I cut down her favorite rose bush.

  17. I’m 68 years old and that seems a simple technique. Especially since I am sure no one would be expecting that from an old lady! And I’ll bet when threatened, I can hang on good and tight and for a long time! Thank you for this simple tip.

  18. You can transition to the back also if you feel more comfortable on top or the guys super strong or you don’t have the strength to finish the choke. Also if you have head and arm control you can slide the hand controlling the head down his face and stick your thumb in his eyes and blast him with a up kick when he pulls away. Would also be a good supplement to know punch block/defense from the guard in case he postures.

  19. I noticed in the video that the one on bottom had his legs on the outside to perform this move any suggestions if your legs are pinned too?

  20. My Father who Wrestled Pro from 1924 till 1942. Used laugh heartley when he watched the TV bouts during the 50’s. He quit when the promoters started telling them who would win.
    When we went to the live matches, Wrestlers would come up to me and tell me stories of training and getting their Asses kicked in Matches with my Dad. He was 44 when he retired. What he got a kick out of was how they put the Sleeper Hold on. They NEVER used the Arm of the other wrestler to shut down the other side of the head. He used to Massage and Slap the other guys to wake them up after applying it.

  21. Wow! Fantastic wrestling move, Mr. Hatmaker! Sending to my 14yr old grandson! Very useful information for both men and women! Thank you so much for the life saving tips.

  22. This is excellent for anytime you end up on the ground on your back (guard). I’ve never seen this before, this could save your life, no doubt about that. Thanks Bob, I truly appreciate this.

  23. Awesome <awesome ,awesome , now that's what I'm talking about . Wish there was a place here close to train !


  24. Yep this is definitely a keeper and very effective when executed properly.When you are adrenalized the last thing you need are complicated and complex procedures which only impede your fight game.Simple is always better.

  25. Bob, I am a San Soo Kung Fu practitioner, we don’t like going to the ground . If we end up there we use similar techniques , as Kina Mutai . It is somthing we use as a last resort. I liked your vidio using the oponents arm against his carotid artery and useing the back of your neck for leverage. Thank you for posting your ground technique vidio. If you are interested in seeing San Soo techniques, go to Master Ted Sias San Soo Kung Fu Facebook. All the best .Don.

  26. Bob, all I can say is wow, you have opened my eyes with your lessons about all the fighting myths out there. My confidence level in being able to defend myself and the people I care about is getting better and I look forward to more of these mini lessons. Thank you so much for all your help!

  27. TY, I need simple ways to defend myself, I am disabled, started just mentally illness, Bipolar, panic/anxiety disorders & Agoraphobia, fear of leaving your home & being out in public around people one or two are okay but a crowd I have the panic attacks. I Need to know simple easy ways to defend myself without having to use any other protection that I have on me, no not a firearm. It’s legal to carry and not mace or pepper spray. TY again.

  28. Being a fourth degree in shotokan j.k.a.karate some of the things I’ve seen you do would not work and could result in great bodily harm much training is required to defend ones self a little knowledge is a dangerous thing .Sometimes a situation may arise when one must do anything you can do to survive so stress training at a good school it could save a life

  29. Excellent comments and suggestions on how to avoid/ end a fight. Thank you for your no BS
    approach and valuable information. We all need to be reminded from time to time.


  30. Great video Bob, thank you brother. Like you Im sure, in a real fighting event, fighting in a simple way is the most affected way of saving oneself. This move is nice and simple for ground fighting. Thanks again Bob

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