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Simple and Effective Self-Defense Trachea Strike

A Vital Target

The trachea strike is a very simple, very effective technique. Our instincts often tell us to strike the head, and while a good punch to the head can be effective, you have a much better chance of taking an attacker out if you go for a more sensitive and vital target. Let’s get right into it.

*Note: The mask and voice changer have been used in this video to protect the identity of Dr.V. Due to his sensitive position and the high level government work in which he is involved, he would only agree to share his fighting system with us if he could remain anonymous.

Breaking It Down

There are many advantages to striking the throat. One of the major ones is that it is made out of cartilage, so it’s unlikely to cause damage to your hand when you strike it.

However, you should still use a knuckle strike like Dr. V explained in the video above. There is no sense in risking damage to your hands when there is simply no need to do so. A knuckle strike to the trachea can be just as devastating as a traditional punch to the throat.

The second major point in this video (and the most valuable one in my opinion) is that to be effective you must strike while you are deflecting an assault from your attacker, not afterward. If you block an attack without taking advantage of the split second where your attacker is too busy punching you to really protect himself, you will simply be starting over at square one.

What’s worse is that if you did not at least take advantage of your ability to close the distance between you and your attacker, you will actually be worse off after the block.

Become The Aggressor

Simply blocking a strike puts you in a defensive position. Your goal in any self-defense situation is to become the aggressor as quickly as possible. Fights can only be won from the offensive position. That’s why learning how to block and strike at the same time is so important.

It teaches you to take advantage of that split second of vulnerability and go on the offensive before your attacker knows what is happening. Knowing how to close the distance and exploit that vulnerability is the difference between winning and losing a fight.

As Dr. V said in the video, be careful with this move. It can crush the throat easily, so have your partner hold a focus mitt over his throat for practice.

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108 thoughts on “Simple and Effective Self-Defense Trachea Strike”

  1. Thank you for this invaluable information. Very well presented as well!
    I have been very strong all my life and was, fortunately, always able to take care of myself and my family by just brute force – a long illness has changed that. You have given me new confidence.
    Larry Pool

  2. I love this move is it dangerous? you bet it is, but in the heat of battle and your life is been threaten you can’t think
    of a Geneva type of convention here. We are living as it were in a jungle and the only law the jungle knows is this (kill
    or be killed). I am glad that this kind of information is not known to the average criminal out there, otherwise we would
    be in a heap of mess. I am glad for this information, as a senior citizen I need this kind of self defense technique just in
    case I am confronted by some tug that fear neither God nor man.

    Thank you Bob.

  3. Thanks for the tip great move especially if attacker is larger than you try to even the playing field and save your self from harm thanks.

  4. Thank you for all your help in self defense. It is invaluable information in this day and age of people that are just flipping out over seemingly trivial things.
    Just had a co-worker flip out on me for a perceived slight, thought I threw him under the bus with our boss. He said he would put me in the hospital-I almost went at him, didn’t, but knowing I could, and how, gave me the confidence to take that mental step back and reassess the situation. Another time and it would have been blows and, at least one of us losing our jobs. Am now looking for another job as I don’t like or trust the guy, or my company for their lack of real support in the situation

  5. These animals on the street may not fear God or man as one of the writers stated, but they still fear Smith & Wesson. Thanks for all the lessons. I am a Black belt and this is very useful.

  6. Thanks for the information, I am a 64 years old DAV. And the lessons you send have helped me to defend myself self against aggressive people. Much better than just taking the punch! I can’t run. Cane defense would be very helpful.

  7. What a coincedence , my eldest son is 6.3 and 18 stonè, when he was 18 he started his National Service in Spain…two years previously he had done two years in a defence course….he has just come back from holiday with the family in Spain…this year.back in 1990 he was attacked by three men, in the town of Corinne Northern Spain..One had a knife…it took the three of them down, with the moves in your veidos and saved his life, I have been practicing with him….all I can say is Bob..that knowing these moves can with out doubt Dave people’s life.

  8. Thanks for this reminder of this area of attack. I learned about the throat attack along time ago, but only knew of the clenched fist technique, a regular straight punch. Then later on I found out about using your elbows. Now this technique is new to me, the slightly clenched fist w/ thumb pressed down on top. This is good, seeing that you are hitting soft target, and you don’t need that much force, but the force you need to use will depend on the situation you find yourself in.

  9. This is one of the dozen Dim Mach strikes that can kill with a single blow. It can be delivered as shown, or with Spear hand, Shuto or hyuto – it is one of the half-dozen hand positions used in martial arts.

  10. Bob, a trachea strike is my favorite offensive/defensive move. There is so much more you can do. For example a harmless pen, but is it harmless when you jam it into someone’s trachea? Dr. V’s move was one I learned in tai kwon do. Keep up the great work!
    Semper Fi!

  11. Effective and simple strike that can be modified to crush the larynx with a open hand strike / grab, incompacitating your opponent’s breathing, effectively ending the confrontation.

  12. I am a disabled female of 59 yrs old,,and am very afraid to be anywhere away from home,because of my disability,and all of the crazies out there! I Do believe that this device could be used by me! I think ALL women could save their own lives with this!

  13. I want to practice this because it seems it would be very easy to kill someone if you’re unpracticed. The knuckle punch seems like it would help but 3-5 lbs of pressure would not be hard to exceed if you landed right on.

  14. I found it hard to understand the words in the video because they were muffled. It would be helpful to have the words running at the bottom of the screen. Good instruction, though.

  15. Always use the knuckle strike but the technique here help bring the the full process to deliver full impact to the attacker, that results in me becoming the aggressor. Great move Luv it.

  16. Thank you for sharing this technique. It is good to know both when you want to do damage and when you don’t.

  17. Great technique. Makes goid sense and seems easy to replicate when needed. Should practice the moves every so often so it becomes 2nd nature.

  18. I wish you would show me another technique besides the trickiest drag you show me this him 3 times it’s a good technique I have used it before in the past I use just enough Force to make them wish that it had a kill them but it’s a great technique I just wish you would show something different

  19. this is a good technique thank you for showing us it’s very looks like it will be very effective and I hope I never have to use it but I will if I have to may God always be with y’all

  20. Hello Bob, this is the move I was going to use when a YOUNG MALE approached an OLD MAN WITH A WALKING STICK, I saw him leave 3 of his friends who from what I could make out at the time, did not know that he had left them to carry on in the direction they were going, Westward, I was going East, and he was heading towards me, so I headed towards him, I had had enough of Bullies in my school days, I learned a lot about bullies when I was at school, some came to regret their target when he decided enough was enough, and started to fight back, and this guy and I were about 2ft away from each other when he decided to rejoin his mates, and started back towards them, I will never know why he approached me in the first place, or what he wanted, or why he gave in so easily, but what I DO KNOW IS, he made the right choice.
    Sorry for the late entry, I have had Internet Problems, I get them too often.

  21. I drove truck for Big State Logistics back in the day. I was coming back from Prudhoe Bay and there was a man hitchhiking down the Dalton Highway. I could tell he was distressed so I stopped the semi truck and he crawled up in the cab and I noticed that he had firearms on his hips and a heavy backpack. he was a caribou Hunter and he had gotten into some trouble trying to jump over a creek 5 miles off the road north of toolik Lake. He fell in the creek with his backpack on and all of his survival gear got wet. He admitted he should have thrown his backpack across the creek first before jumping. He was a US Air Force hand to hand combat specialist and I could tell this dude was hardcore military. So I asked him a question I said what are the two most important things to know about winning a fight. He answered number one always go for the throat. Number 2 don’t ever f*** with a Navy SEAL. We had a couple hour ride together before I got him to Coldfoot where he could get a room. He was a survival Guru and his Hunting Buddies a drop them off and ended up a creek without a paddle. And he also elaborated on the throat thing. You said don’t tear up your knuckles just hit him in the throat. Shortly after that I bought my Bob punching dummy and all I did was practice quick shots to the throat and the juggler. I’m sure glad I came across fight fast because the information is so valuable to me.

  22. I love being on the vip list I have only been able to take advantage of a few offers so far butim hopiing it time I will get the things that I was’nt able to take advantage of at the time. The free videos that are semt out are awesome!

  23. What if you have arthritis and can’t get your knuckles that way how can you still make the move effective.

  24. Dear Brian Raymond.

    My best guessIf you’re hand can’t make the first then you can use any part of the body. The key is making it fit under the chin which is why a regular punch won’t work.

  25. My opening strike is similar, with the fingers extended I strike with the are between the first joint of the thumb and index finger, moving the striking hand in a rolling motion palm up. I have actually done this so many times that the ‘snuffbox’ area of my right hand is permanently damaged, I have not to my knowledge killed using this method, but I have sent people to hospital and I have certainly left a good number gasping for air and holding their throats. This was my opening strike, go to move for twenty years and the last time I used it was of all places in Church just a year ago. A basic Tai Chi move it is simple to apply and actually hard to block.

    I can testify that if you strike an opponent in the throat that they will stop being aggressive instantly, they will grab their throat, they may even drop. But once they have their hands on their own throat you can really do what you like.

    Nothing beats a smooth throat strike.

    Chris …

  26. Brian Raymond. I appreciate your comment. If you have arthritis you can use what is called a “spear hand” the hand is simply left open and the strike is done with the finger tips. If you bend the fingers just a little you will avoid a compression fracture, that said if you break a finger and save your life, it is a fair exchange. I favour the palm up thumb and index finger joint strike, but frankly any strike from the famous karate chop to just poking the enemy in the throat with anything, a thumb, finger, ballpoint pen etc will do job just fine. if you find the enemy has lowered their jaw to protect their throat, just raise the strike by three inches (15cm for the civilised world) and use the same strike to the bridge of the nose of the lower eyelid. If you aim for the lower eyelid and not the eye you will have less chance of bumping into the eye-brow ridge.