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Simple Headlock & Full Nelson Escapes

Easily Break Free

There are some very simple ways to get out of headlocks and full nelsons. The key to all of these self-defense techniques is not focusing on the headlock itself. What you really want to do is attack another part of your attacker’s body, which will either make them unstable (like a strike to the back of the knee), forcing them to release you in order to keep their balance, or distract them with so much pain that they are no longer willing to keep you in the hold.

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Escaping a Front Headlock

From the front headlock, all you need to do is collapse his leg by striking the soft part on the back of his knee while also striking his groin with a ridge hand. The combination of these two self-defense moves will simultaneously destabilize him and cause a lot of pain to sensitive areas.

Because of the amount of pain being inflicted to these two very vulnerable spots, this combination of self-defense moves will cause the attacker to almost always release you.

The key to success is escalating the violence and becoming the attacker yourself. The average attacker who puts you into a headlock expects you to try to break free. He is not expecting you to ignore the hold and viciously attack him.

Escaping a Rear Headlock

From a rear headlock you still strike the same targets, but with a different technique. Instead of using your hand, you drive your own knee into the back of his. The groin strike is essentially the same, but from a different angle.

Despite breaking the rule about not attacking the hold itself, the knuckle strike is also an effective self-defense move. It is effective because you are striking the pain-rich area between your attacker’s knuckles and not trying to muscle your way out of the hold (which is a big no no).

See for yourself. Take the knuckles of one hand and drive them in between the knuckles of your other hand. As you can see this is a pretty sensitive area even with the small amount of pressure you used on yourself.

Escaping a Full Nelson

Lastly, let’s cover defending against a full nelson. This is another very simple technique which follows the rules we established earlier and doesn’t attack the hold itself.

Once you are in the full nelson, simply stomp on the top of your attacker’s foot. This can cause excruciating pain and break the small bones in his feet, especially if you are wearing work boots or other sturdy shoes with a small heel. You can also drive the edge of the heel of your boot in between the bones of his feet, which is incredibly painful.

If for some reason the foot stomping doesn’t work (he may be wearing very sturdy boots also), your next move is to reach back and grab a fist full of his hair and pull your arm forward. He will either lose a lot of hair, or (more likely) release the hold and rotate his body towards your motion. At that point you can take him to the ground.

Wrapping Up

These self-defense techniques are so effective because of their extreme simplicity. They all rely on gross motor skills which are quick to learn, easy to remember, and simple to use. You won’t forget these in the heat of the moment, and unlike complex joint locks, these self-defense moves can become instinctual after only a few hours of practice.

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149 thoughts on “Simple Headlock & Full Nelson Escapes”

  1. Fifty some years ago I was asked by Sheriff Eugene Biscailuz to develop a course of self-defense and arrest tactics for his officers. I wanted the simoplest and quickest methods because deputies would usually face more than one opponent. My solution was to simply use the thumb to apply pressure on the nerve that crosses the small gland that sits on top of the kidney. Instantaneously the attacker plunges his stomach and chest forward from the pain and the deputy can remain standing and effect an arrest or take on more opponents. Since then the technique has been adoped by the LAPD, Secret Service. FBI, and many other agencies which I have not directly taught.
    I had occasion to use it again a few years ago when two LAPD officers and one University of California rookie had wrestled an old homeless man to the ground. He simply refused to put his hands behind his back and a crowd was forming…and I could see a flashlight coming out at any moment. So I loudly identified myself and said I was going to step over the one LAPD officer and press a nerve on his back and he would instantly comply. I did and the homeless man immediately did as I said….and I told my friend to follow me as I ran for a mile. When I stopped he asked why I ran. “You developed the technique and are an instructor…you HELPED them”. “No.” I replied…I embarrassed them and they probably would hve taken me in for interfering with an arrest and I probably would have spent the night in jail before someone who recognized me came by.”

  2. Great video! Now-a-days men have less hair so to maximze this technique you grab the back of the head, slamming the opponents nose it into the back of your head and get hold of the opposite ear and pull through to get the same results.

  3. I loved this one guys, I had not given much thought to the Head-Lock move and, ways to get out of it. Great Video !!!!

  4. For the most part ,I have been a pacifist, even though there are times violence can’t be avoided. As I age, I recognize that I may become an easy target. I really appreciate these quick, powerful, easy moves. Thanks

  5. I like these moves & the instructor has a kool mustache, but I think it muffles his voice on the video!

  6. Love these moves guys !! Great way to get out of – Head-Locks !!! You guys do great work ! Keep it up !!!!

  7. I thought this was quite useful. The techniques all use just enough force to release the victim from the hold without using excessive force. I especially liked the full nelson release-to-takedown at the end.

  8. Learned this in Tae Kwan Doe. I liked the full nelson move. Learned something new. As long as your hands are free and you don’t stop thinking, you’ll have a fighting chance.

  9. I actually used that trick one time. A friend and I were horsing around, he puts me in a rear headlock but he made the mistake of putting his left leg directly in front of me. All I had to do was take my right knee, drive it forward into the back of his left knee, it caused him to fall forward, and when you are falling forward, your instinct is to release your hold to catch your fall. Problem solved

  10. As a female teen I an a young boy were walking across a parking lot when suddenly I felt arms encircling my upper body. I guess as I was always doing gymnastics I instently threw my arms open (which broke his (almost) grib and stomped my heel into his instep and jumped around facing him. He was so stunned he just stood that so I did not know what to do as he was no longer attacking me.

  11. Just recently (will be 80 this year) a young man came to my door and demanded I owed him money; brief, I do not, I closed the door but he had stuck his foot in the door. I jerked the door open and pulled back a fist to punch him in the face but the poor guy was waving his arms all around like a sissy girl; thus he had removed his foot so I closed the door. He called the police; I was asked if there was a confrontatation and I said, I will be 80 this year and wearing high heels; do you think there was a confrontation….they left and so did the young man

  12. Simon says(no joke, one of the responders)”the techniques all use just enough force to release the victim from the hold without using excessive force”. Excuse me, but if someone attacks me, I will do anything to get out of/get away from him/them, “excessive force”, or not! These techniques are spot on. You won’t learn these moves in any kind of MMA or traditional martial arts training, as there are rules. On the street, there ARE NO RULES, and split seconds can make a difference between living and dying. Thanks, and keep up the good work….

  13. Very helpful information and good to know what to do after or while you are getting out of the head-lock. I like it.

  14. Simon, my friend, there’s no such thing as excessive force when attacked on the street. There are survivors who did what had to be done, and those who neither did what had to be done OR survived. Google: Knockout Game, and see what happens from a single punch when administered by an individual who’s motivated to become famous on Understand that many of the victims of this game were struck only once, yet suffered permanent injuries–others died, FROM ONE PUNCH. There IS NO such thing as excessive force when defending one’s self…

  15. Mr Taylor or Mr. Pierce; As a Corrections Officer in my younger years (currently now Security) The Full Nelson move is much easier to get out of (From Detainees) by quickly raising your arms straight up, step left foot forward, drop down to Rt knee, catch his arms on your way down, push backward with your left leg pushing your back into his groin and FLIPPING him over your head. Not letting go of his arms you will be able to place him into an arm bar and/or disable him with a blow to his throat. PS remember to tuck your head. Same for the Chicken wing hold from behind. Step left foot forward drop to Rt knee duck head down toward ground over your Rt knee. Result Pulling the attacker over your Rt shoulder onto his back. Again finishing him off in a Neck break or throat punch. Practice this and let me Know how your doing. Sign Mark

  16. On the full Nelson. I was taught to step or lean to either side, put the appropriate leg behind the attackers leg(knee) and stand straight up which is what they are trying to do to apply pressure. It causes lose of their center of gravity and you can follow them down when they fall backwards with a elbow strike to the face or shift your weight to your free leg to pull out and watch them hit the ground and do a finishing move now that you have the advantage. Late night review of this email on tactics from our friend, Bob Taylor. Excellent prospective and tactics, just offering a extra 2 cents to the topic.

  17. Gorgeous moves! Will work for women too! Now, you guys are showing folks how to survive real street thugs. They are there to kill, maim, rape and steal! No pretty moves come from this ruthless underclass of subhumans. They are out for a one strike control with a fist, gun, or knife or all of the above. Thank you for helping to save lives with these free, easy to remember moves for the general public, especially women and girls.

  18. Hey Guys, you have no idea how helpful these technicians are. I have had some substantial Kick Boxing experience but it seems that by the time that a situation escalates to the point of contact; I am usually so angry that every bit of training I have had goes out the window and I turned into a big Girl. A big Girl that usually gets the job done but at way to high of a personal cost. These moves are so great and simple. I can only speak for myself, but anytime I don’t allow myself to get angry, keep my head about me, eyes open, chin down and keep myself protected; then watch and counter, 80% of the time it is over that fast. For me I just have to keep my head and never lose my temper. That comes with confidence and these simple moves with give that to you. I really appreciate the series guys! Great job!

  19. I bought these tapes (VHS at the time) some time ago with Bob and Randy and are the best instructional videos by far in my opinion. Very clear and easy to follow.

  20. Hi there,
    Love this stuff, I am 61 with a 10 year old adopted daughter, I watch the videos the. Show my daughter we practice together
    We travel a lot, and it is dark when we get home most times. Having the I knowledge you impart through these videos makes us stronger knowing we can give as much as we get if do done decides to mess with us. We are stronger and have peace of mind because of your info.
    We thank you with all our hearts
    Brenda and Jasmin

  21. Dear friend, when you strike the knees whether from front or back if the person does not leave your neck and still fall down there is chance that you break your neck yourself due to a jerk. what is the other alternative for this?
    but any how in case the opponent is a non professional fighter it is a good technique.

  22. Really thank you again for sending self defense martial arts videos. seems to be helping Me with my depression.
    Thank you.

  23. Beautiful moves, Mr. Taylor! Thank you for the life saving tips. Would work for girls too! Sending this to a bunch of women and girls! Thanks again.

  24. I like these headlock-hold breaks. They look simple and quick! Looks like they would be very good for trying to pressure your attacker into letting you go long enough to give you that moment you need to try to get away, or to turn the tables on him with another technique(s)…and being a simple technique, hopefully, they will be easier to remember when and if the time should come that you would have to use them. Good techniques Bob and Friends. You may be able to work in guillotining (stomping)their toes with the back edge heel (towards/on the toenails- or first digit if possible.) of your shoe (lifting your toe up and forcing your heal down). Come down with savage intent and strike that ankle instep and or toes/toe nails and visualize it in your mind!)Hopefully it will give you even more time and slow him up a bit so he isn’t as able to chase you as well…if he can. Another target is doing the same thing and running your back of your shoe or the outside of your shoe along his shin (hard-don’t be danty!)from just below the knee to super concentrating the stomp into the opponet’s instep. Visualizing scaping the skin/meat off his shin bone as your foot goes down on him. Then catch his toes as mentioned above. You may have his attention by now. Caution: May not have effect if he is wearing steel toes shoes. From what I’ve seen so far, Bob, this seems to be really good advice. Good Job you folks. I really like some of those techniques that you had Miss Long do. She made it look like poetry in motion didn’t she and besides I think that girls, women, and kids could relate to her because of her size and sex making her a possible candidate, like them, for someone trying to make them their prey. Thanks for the videos and tips I enjoy watching them and feel that they could possibly unlock you from danger should it be forced upon you. If you keep posting these I don’t have any doubt that sooner or later that your efforts put forth here, Bob and Friends, may eventually save someone from some sort of predator/attacker! Oh, well, I talk to much. Thanks & Best Wishes…GDH (By the way I am not any expert in these things…and don’t pretend to be and I doubt if I would admit to it if I were.)

  25. This is related to my previous post. On escaping from the back headlock instead of kicking him in the back of the knee with your knee wouldn’t it be just as easy to move your target over 2 1/2 inches to the right of his back knee muscles and strike the outside of his knee facing you – the side of his leg – with your tight/stiff knee visualizing pushing through – in an attempt to break his knee/leg. I doubt if he could chase his quarry too far if he had only one good leg and the other one is dangling?

  26. Iv always Ben a quite person and never started anything guys would always start fights with me I guess a lot of ladies are attracted to me I could never fight and was always scared I’m 58 year old now and look 40 since I Been ordering and studying. Your videos it has changed I’m still quite and don’t start anything but I’m not scared any more and confident that I can disappoint you thank you for your material it has done a lot for me

  27. Very good video.Very effective moves.I’m learning so much with these videos.Definitely going to purchase one of you’re longer DVDS.
    Thank you.

  28. John Watson
    Useful advice on escaping these holds. The general point about not focusing on the hold but on attacking the attacker is invaluable.

    I liked the heel stomp solution to the full nelson Stomping on the feet is not valued enough in many martial arts

    Thanks for another great blog

    John Watson

  29. I want to thank you for all that you do and offer. I don’t know if you have noticed or not but I do not invest as much as I(& you) would like, as at 73, my wife & I exist on solely Social Security checks. What you offer is invaluable. Some stick or cane work, would be of a big help to us old farts, KISS, KISS, Keep it Simple Sweetie…….:O))))

  30. Mr. Taylor great stuff, I can see why no body wants a “second” piece of you, an order for dvd’s will follow soon. Thanks

  31. Groin strikes and hair pulling are no longer allowed in MMA (specifically the UFC) , but all the other techniques are. I have seen hundreds of MMA fights (many in person, trained with Royce Gracie for 15+ years)yet I have never seen any of those techniques effectively used. Foot stomps are painful, so the guy moves. A knuckle strike to the back of a hand? Karate-chop to the back of the leg hitting the sciatic nerve? Never seen it. It “could” work against an opponent, but not “simply do this!” as advertised here. And BTW, the bad guy might be choking you out (like a guillotine choke) in that headlock. If he’s bigger and stronger than you (likely the case or he wouldn’t have attacked you in the first place) you’re going to need more in your toolbox to escape, including taking him to the ground. I have seen no more effective escapes from a headlock than taught in Brazilian jiu-jitsu. Size and strength doesn’t matter. And yes, learn how to strike and “fight dirty” too. Find an academy who has skilled, experienced fighters who can teach that.

  32. Thank you for giving us the videos to learn how to defend ourselves. I have learned a lot from these videos. I did order some of the dvd’s how to fight. I am a woman 78 years old and need this to try and protect myself and maybe others.
    Thank you.
    Joyce Thomas

  33. good stuff keep it coming. I remember som e of this stuff from karate classes I took 40 years ago. Thanks allot is coming back.

  34. These are close but no cigar for me and the hold that was put on me. I was sitting at a bar stool when I was attacked from over my back. This planted my face into the bar surface. My legs were out of play and my hands and arms seemed useless because of his angle. I am sure there is an escape but I have not been able to figure it out on my own.

  35. Headlocks and chokes are a common hold so it pays to study and practice getting out of them.

    if the attacker is not wearing heavy clothes a real quick way they’ll release you is if give them the ‘vicious dog’ technique. Twist your face toward the side of his rib cage and bite into him as hard as you can like you you want to rip out a chunk of his body. This an immediate release if you get a good gnarly bite. It’s a natural instinctive super reversion/reaction to jump away from a bite. Especially if it hurts! Same goes for any close encounter grab. bear hug, etc. Resist the urge to ‘escape’ and struggle, and simply lean inward and bite his nose off.

    But make sure you then quickly smash him out or run before he recovers from the initial flinch shock.

    Also, the hair pull for the full nelson works for the side headlock as well, actually with better leverage because of your balance and foot plant in the headlock position. If he’s bald, you grab his face and rip him down.

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