Most Common Hand Gun Carry Mistake
This Is Critical
If you own a handgun this is some crucial information you must know. Having a gun can give you a huge advantage in a self-defense or home invasion situation. The problem is that although most gun owners know how to shoot their weapon at a range, many are lacking in close quarters shooting and weapon retention skills.
Even worse, some gun owners base their stance on what they see in movies. This can get you killed. This simple technique is one of the best ways to ensure that when you draw a weapon on an attacker, the gun stays in your hands, not his. One of the worst things you can do in any self-defense situation is to lose control of your firearm.
Breaking It Down
Like Bob said in the video, this technique will double or triple your chances of maintaining control of the weapon, even if your attacker is able to get close enough to attempt a disarm technique. The technique itself is so simple there is simply no reason not to learn and use it.
All you need to do is make sure your elbows are at your side and against your body. You don’t have to have them right up against your rib cage but they should be close. Keeping your elbows in will bring the gun closer to your body.
This stance puts your arms in a stronger position. Joints are most stable when they are right in the middle of their range of motion. This setup puts both your lower arm and upper arm roughly in the middle of their ranges of motion. Because of this, you are able to use your shoulders, pectorals, and latissimus dorsi (the big muscle in the back) to stabilize the weapon, not just your arm muscles.
If you own a firearm go and try this out. If you don’t have a dummy gun be sure to clear the weapon before practicing.

Great information that I didn’t know. Thank you and send MORE!
Great advice. Thanks again.
Very good
Very effective, I’ve try it and works .
I believe this a very interesting bit of info. I am an older person and am not as strong as I was. This little trick will help on things like protecting myself and family.
Keeping control is very important.
Thank you for these video’s. I want to learn more. Please share your knowledge with those of us that don’t have your knowledge.
Good to know…
Amazing. Now I know I’ll be alot safer thanks to this information.
When in doubt pull the trigger.
Reflex shooting is good pratice. Use the front sight. Killing a person is a hard thing to do. Don’t freeze up. Shoot from the navel area. The round will hit where you are looking if practice in the art of instinct shooting is the only hope in close range. Pratice – make perfect.
I enjoy your videos. I’ve learned a lot. Keep up the good work and thanks. Bruce
I wasn’t to thank you for the great info and video. I personally think this information in such a small move will determine you keeping your weapon or being able to move in quickly to disarm an assailant. Again many thanks! NOVA
Thank you
Good information great video very knowledgeable thanks
I just changed the way I hold my gun please keep up the good work!
Excellent advice.
All sounds & looks good!
I have had various types of formal and informal training over the years. But I can say that these videos have really been some of the best information I had seen.
Presented in a straight forward way that all can understand.
I look forward to each one!
A good tactical lesson. I have not thought of this before now. But I will definitely remember it from now on.
That’s a simple, well demonstrated, stance correction that should be taught more places. Thanks for that update, and I will practice the change while looking forward to additional updates.
I like this short video.
thanks. I didn’t think of that.
Great common sense technique thanks.
Excellent advice. Thanks!
Great advice.
Great very important advice for strengthening your defensive stance.
This technique should be taught at every firearms leason excellent.
I fully support this advice. I provide field supervision and (OJT) weapons training for newly qualified firearm certified security personnel. The state required firearms certification training focuses 100% on range qualification and 0% on close quarter combat or firearm retention. This simple technique allows you to maintain control over a weapon from an attacker within arms reach and should be a major focus for any weapons training curriculum.
Excellent advice, simple and logic…
Excellent, that’s all I will say, and thank you
Yes indeed having been there & done that excellent basis combat training ?????????
Thank you, very good advice
Good advice thanx
Small change in arm placement- big move for weapon control. Thanks
That is a great technique,, Thank you for your knowledge information
I can’t count how many times I have been through live fire CQB in a kill house! Its close to same thing except for more intense ,for sure . but average person with so so handgun training, this would be a game changer , in these times. Gov. Training the best in the world , but 90% are not able to get it , or pay tiger/ swan or blackwater large $ for weekend at the dude ranch! So great instruction. Only pet leave is if an attacker gets closer than 5ft, they should be face down on ground? On holding right handed too hands firmly close against right chest! Plant feet towards target move hips ,shoulders to point, most gun fights happen 5to10 ft !
This is proof that a little can go a long way.
Excellent information!
Awesome tip! Thanks.
I just want to say thanks for the video lessons and tips. And at no cost!! Thank you, James
Thanks very good info for home protection.
Great informative video so stay in control. ????
Thanks for another excellent video and information. God bless you all.
That is a great technique and info.
Very interesting & informative. Appreciate it.
Thank U!
I also like to read others comments and ‘M’ gave some good advice.
If I lived stateside I would be on Ur front door knocking to come in to learn.
Again thanks.
This is why we need good instructors,that is something I never thought about
Thank you, that is simple, and possibly the best tip on holding my weapon I have received!!!!
Thanks for the great tip on protecting your firearm.