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The Monkey Flip

A Lethal Defense Against A Front Tackle

A front tackle is usually used by a bigger man who is using his larger mass to take the advantage. Trying to stop him in his tracks is useless if you are smaller. That’s just basic physics. That’s why you need a move like this that doesn’t require you overpowering him.

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Breaking It Down

This move is pretty simple. Here’s the breakdown:

  1. You check him with both of your forearms against his shoulders. This ensures that he doesn’t get a tight hold on you and prevent you from getting the guillotine.
  2. Next you get the guillotine hold and drop to the ground. It’s very important that when you get the guillotine hold you have your forearm against his trachea.
  3. As you go to the ground you keep one leg bend so that your knee is into his abdomen. Next, you utilize your momentum and a push from the knee that’s into his abdomen to flip him over.
  4. This is where this self-defense technique gets lethal. If you retain control of his head in the guillotine as you flip him it will break his neck. This is not usually the goal of a self-defense technique, but there may be times when you have no choice.


Because this is a lethal technique you should NEVER practice it full speed, there are just too many things that can go wrong. In fact, I wouldn’t recommend practicing the flip part at speed unless you and your training partner are very experienced. It’s just TOO dangerous. Once his weight and momentum send him over in the flip, there is very little you can do to stop it. You’ll also want to make sure you have training mats for this one.

This is a great self-defense move, but should only be used when your life is in serious danger.

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292 thoughts on “The Monkey Flip”

  1. Bob,
    Thanks. Having survived a broken neck I know how debilitating that can be, if you live! great move when it comes to a life and death situation.
    Again. Thank you for providing so much vital info. free of charge. IT speaks volumes of your character!
    Lobo 77

  2. I have learned so much more than i knew about defending myself and family since I started reading these articles from you. Keep ‘ coming. Since I don’t get enough money from the government on my retirement I have to settle for the free articles. But thanks for making them available!!!!

  3. I appreciate all of your tips and demonstrations. I try to see them as often as possible so that I will remember what you have been teaching. Great Info. Thanks

  4. Awesome. I would like to learn your technique I am a former U.S. Marine – Vietnam Combat Duty 1968-1972. How can I get involved with your program as a student?

  5. Kind of reminds me of the DDT move used by a certain wrestler Jake The Snake Roberts where he would grab the guy like in the video and just drop him on his head. Can that move be as dangerous and lethal as this one? I would think a neck injury could result from it. Wicked move. But if your life is in danger…..

  6. Great move learned it in bootcamp in1951 had never used ,so I forgot it I was taught to back pedal to stave off most of the impact thanks for bringing back a momentos time in my life.johnson benjamin f u.s.m.c. reTIRED

  7. Good move initially, but not sure why you would want to deliberately put yourself on the ground in a self defence situation. You are now in a compromised position when his mates jump in to help him out.

  8. I am rather surprised you would even share such a move, but if after attempting to fight off or flee from someone with the intent to kill me, it’s good to know such techniques as a final option.

    I was not sure how to “hold his shoulder”, due to the camera angle, but despite that, for a short clip I was impressed. I’d love to learn more from Mr. Burke. He was smooth and his demonstration and explanation were smooth, clear and in sync.

  9. Great Idea Thank You for all your video’s!
    I ‘d use it if their going kill me or not,
    How would you know? What i know is defending front tackle with a Fight Enders!!

  10. Nice technique. The other day someone (not seriously) tackled me and I was looking for a counter. Glad I saw this video.

  11. I while in training though this is a l but dangerous. I found this very good so nice to see it been shown. Many thanks Sifu Brian Rushby

  12. This move looks so simple that most people will probably think that there isn’t any way that it will work. But if you look closely this is a very simple very effective move that will work about 95% of the time. I feel that the guy that narrated the clip should have emphasized one thing. For this to work you really need to stop his forward momentum when he is coming at you. That means when you use your forearms on his shoulders. You need to use enough force to stop him or at least slow him down a lot. If you don’t he is just going to go right thru you.



  13. Many years ago I was the heavy weight on my high school wrestling team. My natural instinct would be to not let the bull rusher get my legs. I would instinctively sprawl to keep him from my legs while choking him and possibly giving him a neck “adjustment”. If I saw his move early enough I would use a hip throw using his momentum to propel him through the air while holding his wrist to make sure he has a hard landing.

  14. a guy i know showed me how to slap the shoulders down of the tackler . the tackler hits the ground and you can counter or run

  15. I’ve been jumped before, this would be good for taking one out and probably stopping the whole thing once there buddy is screaming that his neck is broke and he needs immediate help.

  16. But, from my experience usually they seem to go for the waist with both arms straight out horizontal with their upper body, head tucked tightly to one side. I would imagine stopping an initial charge may be quick foot work, but when the arms are straight out in front how would I bring my right arm around for the head lock, and what is going on with the left arm. It was mentioned hold the shoulder? But what is my right hand doing in relation to my left? Does my right hand lock into my left elbow while my left hand is holding the armpit? I think its a great video, would love to see a little more detail. Ive been jumped many times in the past, not anymore, but I know things go down very fast.

  17. Thanks for sending this. Should be easy to use. The faster he charges the more momentum you may have as he goes over. The only thing you have to do is be fast enough to pick the moment to encircle his neck and to be co-ordinated enough to be able to position him as you sit down and put your knee up into his gut. I wonder what would happen if you could stick your knee up a little further into his solar plexis (the “V” of his rib cage.)? I always enjoy hearing from you folks. Thanks for thinking of me. Best Wishes.

  18. This is excelant.i used the flip without the gilotine.when i get the neck like that i put my weight on his head,kick my feet out,he goes face first to the forearm and his throat take the hit with full force.

  19. I’m a 76 years old male and a cashier at Wal*Mart. Your knife and video saved me from an attacker last week. Not because I cut him but because I drew it and assumed the stance. Thank you and please keep sending. Don.

  20. I have never seen that before, I was taught by my instructor when I was in the infantry to jump then bring my weight down on the person and push down to make him nose dive into the ground. That is so much better.

  21. One of the many fundamentals I was taught in high school football in the 50’s was that where you head goes, you go. So if he comes in low, you simply put your hand on the back of his head or neck and push down. It doesn’t take much pressure and he will go face first into the ground. You will need to hop back to avoid allowing him to get your legs but that requires little effort. If he’s on a full speed ahead rush, you might need to sprawl your legs back to keep him from tackling you. If he come in high, simply wrap your arm around his middle while turning sideways, bend your knees a little and the force of his rush will allow you to launch him by straightening your knees and using your hip as a fulcrum. This will allow you to stay on your feet and escape quickly.

  22. An excellent move unless the opponent produces a knife. Then this this becomes the old “suicide fall”. It may still work, but you may get badly cut. Always survey the hands before any falling back move.

  23. It looks so simple but it is all within the way that the perpetrator is handled by you! If anything is going to make it go off well, it is that you got the move as it was coming down on you. If you missed by one second, then the whole move could be very different story as to the ending. Great work, & keep it coming!!

  24. This is GREAT. Simple and quick. Couple with a nerve pinch and you will be in a position of self defense yet offensive. The Agronomy applies K.I.S.S.

  25. This is a very simple but effective trick to have if needed.Hope I never need it but now I have it.
    Thank You

  26. Thank You so much!! I’m small female and even I know I can do this!! thanks

  27. Guillotine alone is a good move when someone lowers there head and comes at you. Add the monkey flip if you are taken to the ground gives you another option.
    Good move

  28. This is a good move if there is only 50-75lbs difference in weight. Over 75lbs a simple grab of the shirt and placing a foot in the gut,straighten the leg halfway through the roll will dislodge and throw attacker. Sizing up an opponent quick will determine which move is needed. (Either one will stop the attack)

  29. Looks great but what position does your left hand and arm take during the neck hold and the flip.

  30. Last time this happened to me was by a smartass Co worker on a jobsite, I just tapped him on the jaw with the half full two quart water jug that I was drinking from. End of aggression.

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