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Tackle Stopper: Use His Head As A Handle

Take Control

The tackle is a pretty common attack that you may run into on the street, and if you don’t know how to handle it you may be in for a world of hurt. Luckily, after watching this video you’ll have one more brutal combat technique in your arsenal to help you easily dispatch anyone stupid enough to try to tackle you you.

How To Pick Locks. (Who Needs Keys?)

You may find this shocking, but picking open a standard "tumbler" lock, (like the one on your front door), is pretty damn easy when you know how it's done.

And in a "meltdown" survival situation, (once the smash-n-grab crowd has stolen everything not tied-down), the food and water and secure shelter will all be behind locked doors, (which explains why Special Forces are often trained in lock picking... and why they carry a set of lock pics with them).

It's a lot of fun learning this skill, (it doesn't take long)... and kinda nice to help out that buddy locked out of his house after the wife discovered what really happened on that "no money down" real estate seminar in Vegas.

>> Check Out "Lock Picking Kit" Here. <<

Quick Note

Before we dig into the specifics of this self-defense tackle stopper I want to quickly draw attention to Jacov’s technique of watching an attacker’s throat not his eyes. This is great advice for two reasons:

  1. Watching the throat gives you a better view of the entire person.
  2. Avoiding eye contact gives you a psychological advantage because it helps you remove emotion from the conflict and eliminates an attacker’s ability to distract you with his eyes.

Breaking It Down

Now for the meat of this self-defense move. To start, this tackle defense is meant to be used on a guy who is already standing in front of you. It’s not meant to stop a bull rush or a running tackle.

  1. If an attacker is in front of you and drops down to grab one or both of your legs, your first move should be to step backwards, lowering your center of gravity. This gives you more stability.
  2. Next, you want to put one hand on the crown of your attacker’s head while your drive your other palm forward into his face. Driving your hand forward into his face will usually stop his forward momentum, but it also serves another purpose.
  3. Once you make contact with his face you will have both hands on opposite sides of his skull. This allows you to easily manipulate his body. Using his chin as a handle, you can torque his head to the left or right which will force his body to follow.

Wrapping Up

Once you’ve gained control of his head, there are a number of self-defense moves you can use to quickly end the fight. The choice is all yours. Just keep in mind that any time you are manipulating the head and twisting it, the move can become lethal, so when training this self-defense technique, go slowly and be very careful.

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144 thoughts on “Tackle Stopper: Use His Head As A Handle”

  1. This is good. But what about the situation when your opponent charges you from farther away… at 5 feet or so. How do you keep your balance?

  2. Awesome guys keep up the great work no nonsense fighting that works .. perfect to keep the vermin in their place!

  3. Thank you so much for the free video. By virtue of this video, I am better able to take care of myself, and my loved ones. This is one helluva gift. Once I view the video, and practice the methodology, I will seriously consider buying other self defense systems. Happy holidays, and please have a wonderful New Years. (Inconsequential info: My birthday is Jan 7th. I figure if I wake up before my birthday, I didn’t have a good New Year’s).

  4. You make it simple to react with confidence to this kind of low attack.
    Just have to practice it a few times to make your reaction immediate and effective.
    Thanks for this tip.

  5. Thank you Bob. I really appreciate these tactics my son and I have learned a lot from your fight tactics these are great lessons for the novice and untrained.

  6. Good info, thank you for this important information. I always prided myself for my street fighting skills. These videos and blogs show just how vulnerable I could really be. So thanx for the eye opening and tips on how to correct some these instances.

  7. This is something that even a crippled up ‘old man’ (69) as in myself could/can use. Now all I have to do is remember it.
    THANK YOU For Your Tips & Videos.

  8. I concur with Rev. Brown, as I am currently wheelchair bound, but improving each year after 5 years injury.
    Anything to stop the threat.

  9. Excellent and clear in instruction. One of the best produced. Would like to add that one should attempt to keep a personal safety zone of 6 feet (about) to allow maneuverability and encourage attacker to commit early.

  10. I have had hand-to-hand combat training in the military and this is defiantly a great addition to that. You can take a bigger person down with ease. Thanks fightfast!!

  11. if they charge from a distance, kick them in the face. you might be amazed at how effective that is!!

  12. Hey, that could work. I once confronted an intruder in my front garden. He was a small guy, and I’m tall. His response was to crouch down, and I saw he was targeting my legs for a “shoot” attack like this. I found myself going into Karate Stance, jiggling up and down. I realised the jump in Pinan Godan was designed for this situation.

    Seeing this, he stood up and switched to his “Plan B” which was to feign friendliness. He pretended to represent a firm of Tree Surgeons. So I lead him off my property and pointed to an isolated branch high up which I’d recently lopped off myself. In other words I could handle a heavy ladder and I wasn’t afraid of heights. I call it The Art Of Threatening Without Threatening. He departed willingly, and I phoned the Police. The Police arrived around three minutes later, and they were very interested in finding him.

  13. One of the better moves by not looking in the eyes and being aware of their body movements.
    Also using the head.
    Wherever the head goes, the body will follow.

  14. Love this idea! I’m on forearm crutches, so one of the first spots they’ll go for are my legs…I know it will be over for me if I’m down and can’t reach my firearm.
    Lol and it’s the same philosophy that horse and dog trainers use with halters LMAO!! Where the head goes the body will follow. After surviving 2 abusive relationships in a row and even having my gun used at my head with a round in the chamber … I learned to wait for even the slightest split second diversion and pressure points. This is even better. I’m not going out of this world by some ruthless thug killing me or paralyzing me. Thank you for posting these moves and I have friends come at me and me at them for drills. I always watch the body of anyone around me now because it’s obvious that I have injuries…and I never speak of anything fightwise or about ccw issues in public….keep any possible advantage to yourself. And a forearm crutch is like an extended nightstick as I had a few officer friends point out. Even a wheelchair legrest can be removed quickly with a few simplistic modifications.

  15. Sounds great and I trained in Kyokyshin for 20 years, but hit by a drunk driver in H,B, Ca, I cannot do as much now from my neck and body parts. This guy killed my fiance and walked out of court a free punk from rich parents. I do tai chi and chi gong now.

  16. Like the head grab, I wonder about their forward momentum and grabbing your front leg, burying their head on the outside of your leg and turning the head crank back into a wrestling match. What do you think? My experience has been that the tackler wants to grab something and hang on. Watching the throte works well, I trained to watch the top of the sternum to detect the shoulders beginning to shift.