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Simple & Deadly Street Fighting Bum Rush

Put An Attacker On His Heels

Diallo Frazier’s bum rush is a great strategy to use in a self-defense confrontation, especially if you sense a guy is going to attack you before he throws his first punch. If you get the jump on an attacker utilizing the bum rush, it is extremely difficult for even an experienced street fighter to recover. At the very least, the confusion and panic you will create in an attacker’s mind will give you the few seconds you need to get yourself and others out of harm’s way.

How To Pick Locks. (Who Needs Keys?)

You may find this shocking, but picking open a standard "tumbler" lock, (like the one on your front door), is pretty damn easy when you know how it's done.

And in a "meltdown" survival situation, (once the smash-n-grab crowd has stolen everything not tied-down), the food and water and secure shelter will all be behind locked doors, (which explains why Special Forces are often trained in lock picking... and why they carry a set of lock pics with them).

It's a lot of fun learning this skill, (it doesn't take long)... and kinda nice to help out that buddy locked out of his house after the wife discovered what really happened on that "no money down" real estate seminar in Vegas.

>> Check Out "Lock Picking Kit" Here. <<

Breaking It Down

Awesome, right? Let’s go over some of the details that make this fight move so effective on the streets.

There are three things that make the bum rush technique powerful:

  1. It relies on basic movements everyone is familiar with (no fancy hard to master techniques)
  2. Applies forward pressure on the attacker
  3. Its violence of action and speed

It’s Super Easy

First, we have the ease of this technique. Most people have no trouble at all walking forward. We do it instinctively, without having to think. If you are older you may not run very often, but believe me, the muscle memory is still there and although you might not be running a 100m dash any time soon, you can probably run forward for 10 or 15 feet no problem.

You probably have also learned to punch or push something straight in front of you at some point in your life. This also doesn’t take much thought, and there are no fine motor skills to break down when your adrenaline dumps in a fight.

Forward Pressure

Next we have the fight winning concept of forward pressure. Chances are, if you ever use this on an attacker the last thing he thought you would do is rush him with a barrage of punches. You’ll be putting him on his heels from the very start and continuing your forward pressure until he loses his balance or trips and falls. This is a strategic advantage that’s yours for the taking.


Last, we have speed and violence of action. With this fight move you aren’t hitting him with a hay-maker and then standing around to wait for his response.

No, instead you are hitting him with 10-20 quick punches down his center line. None of these punches need to be knock-out material. If your small this will still work because the power comes from you walking or running forward, while punching, not being able to deliver a knockout punch from a boxers stance.

Wrapping Up

Even if your punches aren’t very strong the sheer number of them, combined with your forward pressure that puts him on his heels, will eventually result in him falling down. Oh, and let’s not forget violence of action.

Your attacker was probably not expecting you to fight back at all, let alone have you bring the fight to him. When you become the aggressor and demonstrate that you don’t have any regard for his well-being, you’ve take away a psychological advantage he thought he had over you.

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50 thoughts on “Simple & Deadly Street Fighting Bum Rush”

  1. G’day Fella’s & greeting’s from “down under” !!! my position is pretty simple I haven’t worked for nearly two year’s due to health issue’s & that make’s feel quite vulnerable but I just can’t afford your product’s “sorry”
    Best Wishes, Robbie Rowlands

  2. Perfect way to get your clock cleaned. When you are running forward and leaning forward, it makes it difficult if not impossible to instantly change your direction. All it takes is for your opponent to move to the side at the last second and bring in a haymaker and your forward motion adds to the impact. Even if he misses and he manages to side step you, you now have your back to him and you can’t fight when your back is turned. A good push to the back as you pass and down you go. Also a side step and drop low with a leg sweep would take you down with very little effort on your opponents part. I would say if you are that far from your opponent, you should do a 180 and run away before you get yourself into more trouble than you can get out of if this is the only tactic you feel is available.

  3. Hey Bob,

    As an almost 21 year old man now ready to enter the field of law enforcement and policing, let me just take some time to say that your fight products have changed my life. The confidence they bring me is great, but more importantly it’s the COMPETANCE that they provide you that makes them truly valuable over all else. When I quit my dojo training back in the 10th grade because I felt like what I was learning wasen’t going to mean crap on the streets, I was simply B.S’ed by the instructor into believing that if I “just gave the program more time”, I would be confident and satisfied. When I asked another instructor how she would go about dealing with a knife wielding attacker, she told me I should use my taekwondo “high block” to disarm him!!! You know as well as I do. Most “experts” don’t know a damn thing about real combat. The techniques and principles shown in your program are not only very effective, but you can learn most of them RIGHT NOW! My worst fear came true toward the end of high school and I did get into a fairly serious scrap with a bully in the hallway. But with two simple, devestating “neck shots” borrowed from Derek Smith’s Special Agent course, I knocked him down AND out. No one tried to “retaliate” against me for what I did either(a dirty tactic common in my school and many others), I was NOT messed with from then until the day I left that stupid hellhole.

    This probably isn’t the best place to put this, but I know you read the blog comments frequently and I figured after years of using and training with your products, it was high time I said thanks. The products have changed me in fundamental ways. Keep doing what you’re doing.

    1. Mike,
      I can’t tell you how nice it is to hear that, this is why I got into the self-defense business. Thanks for sharing this with me and the others who will read it and be encouraged by it. Good luck in your future career in law enforcement.

  4. Diallo,Good show,Nice way to kick but quickly.I’v been street tough all my life & this punch technique is street savvy,appreciate the info!!

  5. This is similar to Wing Chun’s elliptical punching and similar to JKD’s straight blast; nonetheless,a highly effective technique. Thanks.

  6. This is one of my favorite techniques because of the explosiveness and power and to add salt to the wound, an attack, that the ATTACKER is not expecting. I can’t begin to tell you how much I’ve learned in the short time since I’ve added Fight Fast to my arsenal. With all the years in martial art’s doesn’t compare to what I’ve learned from you guy’s,……..THANKS!!!!!!!!!!

  7. This techinque would work if you or i am the agressor , but it isn’t in my plans to be the aggressor ! My interest is how to stop someone who might bum rush me!The idea is to stop them with one pounce and then be as aggressive as necessary , my greatest fear is to be attacked by two guys one grabbing me from behind and the other one pulls a knife and starts cuting me as the did my dad , they stab him thirty two times and the only thing holding his head on was the two juggler veins !

  8. Hey Bob,

    It would be good to show us a defensive counter to the bum rush technique. Many fights are over quickly based on the bum rush and often you see a “puncher” gain the advantage fast in a street fight – I mean FAST.

    I love your training and already I notice a difference in my confidence – even though I have had years of dojo training

  9. Nice work, its a pity I can’t get your Dvd. I’ll prefer downloads cos I live in Nigeria and can’t just think of shipping your Dvd here and I want to add that I had a problem using my mastercard don’t know if its from your end or my service provider’s end, hope to get one of your dvd(s) some day. Nice video

  10. Valuable tip! Thank you, Mr Frazier, for sharing this and other life saving tips. We know you guys don’t have to clue up the clueless, like myself, in society. Most of us go about our business never thinking about an altercation. Most of us never think about someone wanting to attack us for gain or just for fun. Most of us have so many better things to think about and we are basically trusting. That is until it happens to you as it did to me. Now, I look at everyone and every situation as a potential attack situation. I hope I will be ready the next time. Even though it would be hard to win as I am much smaller and lighter, however, with these great tips, I pray that if another person decides to attack, they will at least know he/she has been in a good one. Thanks again.

  11. Excellent Post I notice Diallio uses a Wing Chun straight blast.

    Is this more effective than multiple jab crosses?


    John Watson

  12. How does one defend against this bum rush, Mr. Frazier? Most of us are never thinking about engaging someone. It is the farthest thing from the mind, so most of us would be caught off guard. How do we recognize body language of someone who might be thinking of this kind of attack? Thanks so much to everyone for demonstrating how to hopefully survive one of these attacks.

  13. great suprise to thle other guy. If he is waling toward you and you run at him with fists flying, that’s good. Keep them coming.

  14. Hmm. I’m not sure a half-trained opponent wouldn’t use my forward momentum to put me on my arse.

    I use a semi-static version of this in warm-ups. 30 seconds’ 60 seconds slower punching. I’m going to try incorporating running forward with this – starting with a 10-20 ratio and seeing how that feels.

    Thank you for posting.

  15. 18. Harold
    You have a great point. Stepping off the X will put the targeted person at an advantage.

    If there is limited space this tactic has merit, small punches distract. Rudimentary skills will use weak strikes to control you if your surprise is not that quick.

    I suggest piking the arms in a triangle and striking the shoulder will throw them off balance. If they are throwing a punch, this pike will dislocate their shoulder, if not they will spin and be vulnerable to blows, or unable to catch you running away.

    In groups of attackers, you can pivot from them and bring on the hate to the next in line.

    Thanks Diallo for this tip, I know it is effective for you and in many cases, just be aware of when it may not be the best move.

  16. WOW !
    Really great method to know learn and practice.
    I’m gonna start to get my body to learn muscle and mentally adjusted to this technique.
    Thanks for sharing

  17. Thanks for bum rush on attacker I believe it would be very effective and give me a chance to either fight or flight the situation great video.

  18. Dude, I’m sorry if this hurts anyone’s “feelings”, but, people on here are being too nice with their comments. I guess people are just afraid to say what they are really thinking, or maybe they really haven’t seen any better techniques? So, I’ll say what I KNOW, and throw in my own 2 cents… Against any decent fighter… the above technique will NOT work! If you look up any techniques for properly defending against a bull rush or bum rush, or whatever you want to call it, it will show you ways to put that guy on the ground AFTER you have complete CONTROL over him.

  19. This has it’s merits, but also weaknesses. Side step, coupled with a blocking technique will quickly turn the “bum rush” into an off balance flail, especially if the person trying the bum rush is not accustomed to fighting.

  20. I think it’s a good first reaction to turn the tables on your attacker, unfortunately now day’s most street thugs use a gun or outher weapon.
    Good to know if no weapons are involved. Thank You.

  21. In my youth I saw a few bum rushes, usually a go to of the jock or big guy. The key difference is that the move from an untrained person is more of a headlong rush, with or without punches. The technique I learned was different, and it is based on a backwards roll. If you have ever played airplane with a young child, you have the basics of this move down. You bring your hands up as you drop quickly into the position for starting a backwards roll. You can open you your hands palms up or use your forearms against the opponents torso, bringing up your knees and continuing you opponents forward momentum while pushing upward. Your opponent will sail over you and possibly flip.

    I have done this twice in my life and it worked perfectly. I have also used the technique a couple of times when I have fallen, it is great for avoiding injuries when you feet both slip out from under you such as on a wet surface, I am not sure how well this would work against a trained fighter, as in the video above you see that the forward motion is more controlled than the headlong tackle I have seen.

  22. Cool technique, I’ve seen this but nothing like your video. I like the video much better!Keep the cool tips coming.Your fellow survivor.

  23. Ya’ll have some really good products and some, not so useful. Ya’ll have some great training videos. This one is not one of them, for example see Harold’s comment, (#3): “Perfect way to get your clock cleaned.”

    As a middle linebacker in football, we see the “bum rush” come at us on most every play. Also, (besides the man assigned to initially block us), every offensive lineman, who misses his assigned block on the line, will instinctively go after the linebacker, in a second effort, to at least do something constructive. So we are trained against multiple “bum rushers” coming at us, on any play.

    Those linebackers who “get it”, earn their position and play in the games. Defensive coaches call it: shedding blockers as we just put one of the ‘Dick Butkus’ strikes on any ‘bum rusher’. IF we DO get bum rushed…coach takes us out of the game and sets us on the bench which is not any fun at all. Coach just inserts the next linebacker into the game, one who has learned and deftly deals the ‘Dick Butkus’ first strikes on anyone who comes near us.

    There are many, many…perhaps millions of X-linebackers floating around in America. This “bum rush” move, without you wearing a helmet, can actually get you killed if you try it against one of us.

  24. My dad taught me to fight when I was four, and I remember the principles that have never failed me in sixty plus years. Never brag. Never bluff. NEVER TELEGRAPH! Nobody has the right to start it. Everybody has the responsibility to finish it. It’s not finished until you can turn your back and walk away.

  25. I never throw punches, I always attack using open hands or chops. This way I do not bust a knuckle or a finger which then makes me unable to fight. When I bum rush a person using the open hand and chops then I follow up with elbows and knees. To me this is more effective for taking out the enemy and will not damage my body. The open hand hitting is actually Tai Chi hits and is very effective if not down right devastating.

  26. Really? That is straight Wing Chung, the instructor was even using the Wing Chung punch. Basic philosophy of Wing Chung hit many times replace the first hit with the second, second with the third etc, etc! You should only take your fist away when it is being replaced by your other fist! Guys got to tell ya you learn this technique your first lesson of Wing Chung. We don’t waste a students time talking mystical secrets! We teach things that are useful and you proved our point!

  27. I agree with # 3 that bum rush my work 40 % of the time. Your more apt to go head first to th e ground.