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Have a question for Dale Comstock? Get it answered!

Hey Hotlists Members!

We have Dale Comstock (retired U.S. Army Special Forces Operator) flying into our studio this week to shoot some instructional material for a very exciting new product that we’ve kept under the wraps during the research and development phase. I really can’t talk about it yet, but I think you all will be very interested in it once it is launched. And of course, you guys will be the first to hear about it.

Anyways, I wanted to give you guys a chance to ask Dale some questions while we have him at our studio for a few days. I hope we’ll have some downtime where we can do a nice interview and let him answer a few questions from the hotlist.

If you do have a question for Dale please leave it in the comments section below. We will be picking a few of our favorites and have them answered. We’ll post the answers in a future post. Looking forward to your responses.

Take Care!

P.S. Thank you for all the responses from the previous awareness/suicide post. I was a bit hesitant to share the story since this topic can be very sensitive. However, based on the overwhelmingly positive response we’ll be doing more of these real-life stories in the future. We truly appreciate our Hotlist and are very proud that we rarely have negative or trashy comments like some other sites. You guys are top-notch and we hope you feel the same about us.

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406 thoughts on “Have a question for Dale Comstock? Get it answered!”

  1. I am 73 years old, hard of hearing. I go to the grocery store, (at this age, in my area, there are wanna-be thug teen-agers, and others around).
    I am never in the “white” mode and completely understand the “situation awareness” that I must maintain; however, what do I do if attacked
    by one or more of these idiots from behind who rushes me from over 40 feet away and closes the gap, to make a “sucker” punch, a hit with a
    club, or a knife thrust when they don’t want my wallet – necessarily.? [i.e. just a “gang-initiation” ritual kind of thing]… With the results that I
    go down to the ground in the parking lot on the way to my car. I carry a spring loaded knife but no concealed carry firearm, and use a cane.
    I look like a target. However, I am ready to use my calloused knuckles to deliver a “non-open” hand strike to the neck, throat, etc. to eliminate
    a normal opponent and don’t appear to be anything dangerous to a thug. I am proficient with the knife and cane.

  2. Dale,
    In your opinion what is the easiest and quickest method use to turn average folks into the “Ultimate Weapon”, so as to be ready for any and all possible confrontations?

  3. What;s a SENIOR (Disabled) with disabled wife to do?
    Wife has MS – I’ve got fused ankles and a bad back
    MOBILITY is between limited and almost non-existant at times.
    NO MONEY so can’t buy GUNS-AMMO – my aim is probably lousy too
    NO Body Strength for “Self Defense” physical altercations.

    Defense – Survival – Invisibility – Recovery – Escape – etc…

    Ideas – Suggestions (Affordable-on a non existent budget)

  4. There has been lot of articles about Obama confiscating citizens guns & ammo, do you think the military will resist this action of his to do away with the 2nd amendment and just how will civilians react to this? I think there might be an uprising against the government, military and local law enforcement if this is done and will be a very deadly reaction which will have national security issues.

  5. Hi Dale!
    If you had to teach your favorite, slight, tiny relative a fight ending move, what would it be?
    Also, how would you secure the windows of your home, apart from having bars put on them?
    Thanks for sharing your invaluable knowledge with us!

  6. I have never fired a gun before and I plan on taking a class at my local gun store. What gun would you suggest for a beginner?

  7. How do you suggest that people who have decided to include firearms in their personal safety strategy learn enough about legal issues with respect to:
    Self defense inside the home
    Self defense outside the home
    Establishing a relationship with a gun friendly defense attorney with experience defending self defense cases
    Financial assistance after a shooting incident
    Carry restrictions
    Transporting firearms while traveling

  8. Hi Dale, My questions are:

    What pistol(s) would you suggest that can perform in the harshest environments (Salt water, Sand dust, Mud, and Excessive shooting) and require minimum maintenance and still function?

    What can be done to your knife to retain it in your blood soak hands and what liquid medium could be use to practice?

    How would you stop or confuse a tracker from tracking you in different environments?

    Do you foresee a SHTF any time soon in America?

  9. Hello Dale, thanks for all your service and your helpful videos.

    My question is…when either in public self defense or home invasion, a what point do you make the determination to use deadly force? When seconds count.

    I know laws vary per state. But my thoughts are if someone enters my home knowing my family is there, they should be aware that they could leave my home in a bag.

    Thanks again for all your service, and my GOD bless and protect you, your team/s and your family.

  10. Is there anything you can do to be prepared for a blow to the head, as in the situation of fighting multiple attackers?

  11. Dale I am 62 and in decent shape for an old man I was wondering what your advice was for good home defense weapons. I have a sig 9mm bit I prefer to use my 12 gauge with 00 buck what are your thoughts

  12. Dale,
    I come from a large family (11 total…7 brothers & 3 sisters)

    Also, for the first 10 years of my life, I was a tomboy, never knew the meaning of fear.

    Thinking at the age of 10, I made a major decision to change, no longer wanted to fight with anyone.

    Fight ? Well, let me explain, then , I stuttered then terribly…but…could say without stuttering
    (I no longer stutter…but now….I love to talk and talk.
    At this time, I made the determination to speak without stuttering.
    It took a long time tho.)
    Anyway, I made a major not to fight anyone anymore.

    Not long after, about four girls in the neighborhood, started to taunt me that “BERNI IS A FREIGHTY CAT”
    I sat on the rocker on our closed in sunporch, saying to myself, I’m not going out.

    After about 20 minutes, they did not stop….then….suddenly I snapped, ran and open the front door,
    and dove on the four taunting neighbor kids….from the top of the front door ten steps
    They scattered…never again to pick on me again.

    My question is this, I am a pretty calm person (now 84 +) , I still have no fear in me.
    Have read this web site, and is very conditioned myself to defend myself at all cost.

    I know of the few sensitive areas to strike, the eyes, a quick strike hitting the center of their throat, & between the legs,
    as I am only 5’ 1″ tall and these areas are within the striking distance for me.

    Can you suggest any other areas to protect myself easily.

    (I still can be snapped easily …to protect myself….with determination and without fear.)

    Thank you for any suggestion you might have.

    Ms Berni
    l, .

  13. Dale me again holsters for concealed carry I have not found one I like to wear I am crazy enough to just tuck it in my belt I don’t like the plastic ones any ideas

  14. Are there any specific lessons to work on to help someone develop the “Alpha Look”? I learned what I learned about “maddogging” and “Alpha-ing” potential attackers, both human and canine, the hard way: It is better to suffer the indignity of getting my butt kicked (and maybe even spending summer in traction) than adding insult to injury with a cowardly response. This came from being a military brat who went to 12 schools for 12 grades (including 2 or 3 I got kicked out of for fighting before I got smart), and being a natural “dog person” if you can call it that.

    So my question is, how do you teach someone who didn’t grow up in the school of hard knocks how to develop the confidence to handle this challenge, short of teaching the UFC long course?

    I have actually talked my way out of having to resort to lethal force on at least 3 occasions in my life when I could have, and it would have been righteous self-defense.

  15. Dale, I’m thinking of buying some fake video cameras for my home as a deterrent for break ins. Would it be worth it or are thieves smarter than that ?

  16. How about some tips on securely stashing (hiding) anything I don’t want Uncle to take (Weapons, etc)?

  17. Hi.
    My name is Langson.I run a Security and Investigations firm.
    What would you suggest is of priority importance to master in this field? Which survival skills would you advise I should concentrate on more in giving to my men?

  18. Dale, This is my question. What kind of things should I be looking for when going to places where there are large crowds of people. For instance at malls or shopping centers or sports events or when traveling in train stations,airports etc. I’m referring to situational awareness in your surroundings. I realize terrorists can strike anywhere, but when I’m in these venues how can I be more observant. I’m always thinking where’s the nearest exit, what can I hide behind or what kinds of things should I be on the lookout for when I’m in these places. These are things that never bothered me in the past, but as events unfold in the world, I find myself focused on awareness. What kind of advice can you offer all of us ?

  19. I’m curious about the best response to the type of knife attack that I’ve seen on security videos.
    Some call it the “sewing machine” attack. Basically a series of high speed stabs that rely
    on overwhelming the victim, not “artfully” slicing or accurately stabbing vital points.

  20. I’m considering a personal protection firearm. One that I might carry on a cross country motorcycle camping trip. Since I plan on it being loaded at all times, need total reliability in a compact piece, I’m considering a 5 or 6 shot .38 special snub nose revolver. I wonder if you would give me your best recommendation?

  21. I’d like to know what Dale feels is the best caliber of handgun he would recommend for personal home defense. Also does he feel a shotgun or handgun is the better choice for personal home protection.

  22. The question I have is is there a good way to invoke my second amendment rights if well F.E.M.A.we’re to show up or am I better off packing my guns and ammo in a water proof container and dropping them in a lake where I can get them at a later date if need be and thanks for serving our country wish the government cared about its people as much as they care about our country

  23. Hi Dale, my question is , I’m a 64 year old male who up until 3 years ago was a pretty good martial artist, I had my first knee replacement 3 years ago, my other knee replaced in June of 2015, and just recently a left wrist fusion, with a plate put into my wrist so I can never bend my wrist again, with three limbs down and only one to go all I have is my right hand, I can still shoot a weapon, but my VA Dr. feels “uncomfortable” giving me a letter to conceal carry even though I aced the written test and scored all 30 shots in center mass. With that being said is there fighting techniques for someone like me with handicaps that limits me to just having one hand without the risk of injury to my other limbs, I know that there are music books for piano players just having one hand as there are lessons for sword techniques for one handed, but I have three limbs down.
    Thanx in advance if you can tell or guide me in the right direction.

    John V Skorcik

  24. If you could pick any part of the United States, to create a remote, “safe” place to set up a refuge (place to live, not just bug out to), taking into consideration weather, risk of natural disasters (tornado, hurricane, flooding/flash flooding, forest/fire season, winter/cold, as well as adequate stock of game, water and other natural supplies, among just a few considerations, where would you most likely select? (Lower 48 and Alaska as options)? Thank you.

  25. besides voting for Trump-what do you feel we could do to stop the woosification of our country- am so tired of reading about college “safe” rooms and today I read where the whole soccer team got scared and left the field because folks in the stands were chanting for Trump

  26. My wife has asked, if a male is coming at me for the attack she shoots twice from her .380 what will be the response from the attacker, continue at her, drop to the floor or what??????

  27. First I want to thank you for your service! My question is what is the best self-defense/martial arts for a person 60 and older, if there is one?

  28. What weapon did you use the most when you were overseas protecting our country and it’s allies?
    Did you spend time training with one particular weapon or did you spend time training with a variety of weapons?
    What is your favorite weapon?

  29. I am curious about early warning systems … I am aware of the fish line and soda pop cans with pebbles in them … but am curious of other methods … as easy to deploy without being seen ….

  30. You are awaken and an intruder is in your home. Please provide a priority list of 3 or 4 things one should do to protect his family. I have a weapon but not sure what I need to do to ensure the safety of my family first.
    Thank you,

  31. Hi Dale
    first let me thank you for your service I am a disabled vet from Vietnam (USAF)
    I would really like to see no bull shit info on prepairing for the comming US collapse (from grid down & financial mainly) what to do to survive it what exactly to stockpile elt not the buy this or that stuff many sales people hawk who really don’t know
    – Guns, Knives, and Ammo.
    – Home Protection.
    – Survival Tactics.
    – Self Defense.
    – Early Warning signs & Systems.


  32. Dale, What advice/help, would you have for a ‘Handicapped Person’? In my case, I have Stainless Steel Rods in my Back and Neck, COPD, EMPHYSEMA, Really Bad Knees, “A-FIB” and am a bit un- steady on my feet because of “Parkinson’s Disease”. I am the kind of guy that can come up with an idea about how to solve problems or how to Fix things (Other Than Mine..LOL). I am 67, married ( My Wife is in much better Shape, both Physically, and Looking than I am) Also, would you (in a Bug out Situation), Drive an SUV, A Very Old Motorhome or a Honda GL 1800 Motorcycle with a Lehman Trike Conversion with a trailer?

  33. We often hear the expression ” Mental Preparednes” or ” Combat Mindset” these are thingst that are often overlooked while gathering supplies or getting physically prepared. Could Dale elaborate on this from a combatants point of view. Dale thanks for your service and the other great videos.

  34. Steps to protect your family and your home and survive in a urban environment for months during and after the SHTF. Assuming the worse case situation (no water, food, electricity, gas, sanitation, roving gangs, etc). The usual “survival” information not helpful (lots of guns with thousands of rounds of ammunition, solar panels, portable generators, large water storage tanks, etc.) I’m a senior citizen on a fixed income and “bugging out” not possible, however, I do not want to rollover and throw in the towel.

    Thank you for asking what we need, for your service and your continued concern for this great country of ours and those that stand behind Lady Liberty. God Bless America!

  35. assuming total chaos and it is time to head for the hills what essentials should I pack in my bug out bag?

  36. If you had to choose one weapon( pistol, one caliber), what would it be?One hand to hand fighting style, what would it be?

  37. Looking for food I can store for a long time, I,ve had mre,s meals ECT, way expensive, bulk ,beans ECT, fire starters, not lighter type,who would have fluid,,,I spent 3 years in communications, in army, know just basis stuff on that side, thanks for your service

  38. My wife doesn’t want to take self defense classes. Are there any basic self defense moves that we as men can learn and then teach our wives, daughters, children, grandchildren, when they do not believe that this is a bad world, and we need to all know at least basic self defense?

  39. Hi Dale! Thanks for your service. I was wondering what you think the best long/medium gun, and the best hand gun would be, if things go totally 180 on us and (TSHTF) (not including shotguns)? AR-15, AK-47, M-14? .40 auto, 9mm, .45? Or, something else?

  40. Do you believe in an all out civil war, can the government be overthrown by patriots. I believe it can based on gurrella warfare. But there are some who say we cannot and we must yield to the government. I do not go with that scenario.

  41. What, in your opinion, is the best weapon for a single woman living alone? I have a gun, a few knives, including a machete, a few other things. By the way, thank you for your service.