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Have a question for Dale Comstock? Get it answered!

Hey Hotlists Members!

We have Dale Comstock (retired U.S. Army Special Forces Operator) flying into our studio this week to shoot some instructional material for a very exciting new product that we’ve kept under the wraps during the research and development phase. I really can’t talk about it yet, but I think you all will be very interested in it once it is launched. And of course, you guys will be the first to hear about it.

Anyways, I wanted to give you guys a chance to ask Dale some questions while we have him at our studio for a few days. I hope we’ll have some downtime where we can do a nice interview and let him answer a few questions from the hotlist.

World's Fastest Drawing Knife.

You wanna try out the fastest drawing knife on the planet? Good. Because here's your chance to get it for FREE.

It even comes with a video showing you exactly how to draw this folder from your pocket (one-handed) so that it snaps open and is ready for action in the blink of an eye. (Your buddies are going to be sooo freaked out when they see this).

>> Your Lightning Fast “Striker” Here. <<

If you do have a question for Dale please leave it in the comments section below. We will be picking a few of our favorites and have them answered. We’ll post the answers in a future post. Looking forward to your responses.

Take Care!

P.S. Thank you for all the responses from the previous awareness/suicide post. I was a bit hesitant to share the story since this topic can be very sensitive. However, based on the overwhelmingly positive response we’ll be doing more of these real-life stories in the future. We truly appreciate our Hotlist and are very proud that we rarely have negative or trashy comments like some other sites. You guys are top-notch and we hope you feel the same about us.

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406 thoughts on “Have a question for Dale Comstock? Get it answered!”

  1. 1. Is Glock the most common hand gun to train with as most instructors in these times seem to be using Glock’ s and does it really matter if it is 9mm or 45 caliber for home self defense.

    2. If you are confronted with knife and cannot run i have watched different techniques from Wick or Boodry or others and although one instructor is a little different than another, how do you discern which system to use to train as sometimes it can be confusing.

  2. At 65 years old I’m concerned about street gangs and the younger aggressive individuals. How does an older man handle unavoidable potentially violent confrontations?

  3. If and when the U.S. Government declares “martial law” what extra legal rights does this actually give the government? Additionally, what is necessary for the government to declare martial law; in other words, what are acceptable conditions to warrant it and who must concur with the declaration i.e. Congress, President etc. Thank you!

  4. hello what is the best way to teach your family self Defense ether hand to hand or a firearm? thanks for your time

  5. I am a 100% disabled veteran of the Air Force with severe arthritis, and also have back problems from a helicopter crash while on active duty. Can you talk about ways someone like me can defend themselves from an attacker? My hands and fingers due not work properly because of my disease. Am worried that in today’s messed up world, that I am anot easy target from some dirt bag.

  6. Hi. I’d like to know what are the best things I can do to protect my home now that I do not have the physical ability of a young person! 🙂

  7. Dale With all the talk of gun control / marshal law / what is the current feeling in the military about O Bummer if he were to give the order for gun confiscation and marshal law ? Would the Generals follow thru ?

  8. I’ve been hearing rumors that the government has made gun powder manufacturers change the chemical make up of gun powder so that is has a short shelf life. Is this true? I have ammo I reloaded 20 years ago and it shoot fine for me but I’m wonder if the new gun powder will last that long?

  9. Every instructor have real background and experiences about their skills.
    Means, they don’t have problem facing any situation spontantly anytime.
    Its far different with us as civilians whose cannot spontaneously apply skills teached by instructors when attacked because our nature as civilians still run as blank, shocked and freezed mind when situation arised.And finally stuck anywhere without needed actions.
    My question Dale,
    How we as civilians fills this gap especially our difference in nature and changes civilians subconcious mind well as instructor subconcious skills when situation need us?

  10. 1. Those of us that prepare for disaster survival and then recovery never stop learning from others . We know what kills more people than any other source of danger in a disaster . Digestive infection caused by simple hygiene challenges and unclean water sources are often overlooked and kill more than any other threat in a survival situation. Chaos hedging and holding is the new investment term used for having what you will need to survive urban threats. What does he believe is the best trade materials, meds and bug out materials for the purpose to trade and squire what is needed when supplies are cut-off ?
    2. Weapon of choice for distance targets and for pre-hand to hand and closure distances?

  11. Dale, What can help the average armed citizen develop the proper mind set and situational awareness when we encounter a threat?

  12. Hi Dale,

    How do you judge whether situation is going to be life threatening by observing people around you ? Some kind of triggers to look for before fight even starts or situation worsens ? This would help civilians like me who even though trained in combat martial arts would not know since we are not spec op guys 😉


  13. Hi Dale,I’d like to thank you very much for your service to US army and to the US.I’m not a US citizen as yet nor do i live in the US but very soon i will be a US resident/citizen officially.
    I live in Jamaica and men here love to attack women with machete when there is an argument.
    In a case like that, i would love to know how to defend myself ?…i really would love to know to how to protect myself from these cowards who love to attack woman here in Jamaica with machete.To tell you the truth the men here are not quick to attack another man with machete, ONLY the women!…Hence self defense is my question.i want to know how to fight to defend myself.Am patiently awaiting your response.thank you very much with high regards.

  14. What do you think about Obama attempting to take away our gun rights and do you think he should be able to take away our second amendment ?

  15. In todays living conditions what would it be a good self defense techniques for a common “joe” in order to protect himself and his family? And what items will you recommend to carry at all times in order to survive any catastrophe?

  16. When push comes to shove or worse, how much of the military personnel ( in your opinion) would actually take up arms against the American Citizens or fire upon them if ordered?

  17. What is the best published source for small group tactics and operations? After a natural disaster or systems breakdown, it will probably be necessary to coordinate a small group to improve chances of survival, and I’d like to see information on organization, operations and best practices (the goals will suggest themselves, I suspect).

  18. Hi Dale,
    I plan on traveling mucho starting in Sept. to Central & South America, Belize, Panama, Dom Repub. & the Caribbean. My ? is what can you take with you when you travel to make it safer in your room, walking around, airports, etc. Thanks Dale,
    Terrell in Colo.

  19. Hi Dale- I have a raised ranch home with a wrap around deck on 3 sides. What’s the best strategy to defend my home in the event of an attack? BTW, thank you for your service- love my freedom!

  20. Hello Dale, I appreciate all servicemen and women. What is the best defense from a street type “bum rush” attack?

  21. Most folks aren’t in great shape and will tank early in a fight. What are the pain centers that will end the fight or give us a chance to escape?

  22. with all the hooppa about different knives, which would you say is the best in sharpness, staying sharp, the best bang for our buck/ the same for guns, for home defense, what is the best for stopping power, price range, and ability to get into action quickly??????

  23. I have been carrying concealed for decades. I have carried a 45 (too heavy and bulky), a 380 (good by is it powerful enough), and a .25 (very tiny and probably too small), my wife has a .38 special w/2″ barrel. What do you consider a sufficient caliber and size for concealed carry?

  24. Dale, first of all, thank you for your service to our country!
    My question: As a self defense issue for my daughter…… the tachtical laser flash light a good choice or is their something better for her.
    My daughter is a college student….20 years old…..I am always concerned about her saftey.

  25. Hello,Dale I would like to know if I can get on the list to tryout the products that you are promoting on
    I am disabled and I am interested in becoming a tester. Thank you

  26. Sir, Thank you. “Don’t go to war if it doesn’t say 4” is a line I learned and live by state side from a vet back from Iraq who saw our 9mm rounds not be powerful enough to stop our enemy from charging forward. Question, would you personally give a friend or soldier a 9mm handgun for self defense because the ammo is cheaper, or something that has proven to work for over 100 years like a .45 cal 1911? Thank you sir.

  27. OKI. You’re always showing how to stop someone from attacking you head on. But, to train for worst case scenario, how can you turn the tables on someone that has already taken you by surprise?

  28. Dale, hope all is well with you. I’m seriously considering purchasing a gun for family protection, so my question is, how do I get started. Thanks a million.

  29. Question: The sirens are going off. The news warnings are repeating every minute. Martial law is announced. You must get out to stay free. What is the perfect size and contents of your seven to ten day bugout bag?

  30. DALE: Thanks for your DVD self defence instruction . I view need for such services is INCREASING exponentially especially due to Illegal Government activities . Denial of anticipated Government Pension SENIOR income after decades in payment of taxes in fulfilling Promise of receipt of such income is likely to result in MASS STARVATION , RIOTS , and PROMOTION of more GOVERNMENT theft from Seniors , thus the need of Self Protection . Do you, Dale , sense a similar Government TREND that is irresponsibly developing that suggests Self Preservation is watchword for Self Education of SELF DEFENCE education ?

  31. As an Army SOF Operator, Dave is trained to be adaptable and to get the job done with whatever he has at hand, however, what I would like to know is?
    1. What knife would you want to have in your bugout bag or on your person wtshtf?
    2. What firearm would you want to have?
    3. What other weapons would you want; bow and arrow, hatchet, cross bow, slingshot, blow gun, etc?

  32. It drives me crazy all of the silly claims about concealed carry. My friends on the big city police force, experiences in Vietnam and children of my buddies who served in Iraq and Afghanistan, for the most part, feel the same way…rookies carrying guns can be very dangerous. Big city cops hate going into a bars, like in Cleveland, Ohio, where people have CC licenses. They feel surrounded. The same is true in battle, until the newbies get some experience under their belts they are a danger. One of my best friends was killed by a green Marine as he came back to our fire base. I am not against CC but thinking it is advisable for bars and college campuses is asking for trouble.

  33. I have gotten several emails about knives, but all of them are about knives with stainless steel blades. Some prefer carbon steel. Can you find a fixed blade carbon steel knife for us?

  34. In your opinion, besides a gun, what is the next best self defense weapon that a woman can carry with her at all times?

  35. I’d like to know what’s the best form of empty hand combatives training for civilians and is there any places close to my home to get myself and family members signed up. I’m in SC just south of Charlotte NC .