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Have a question for Dale Comstock? Get it answered!

Hey Hotlists Members!

We have Dale Comstock (retired U.S. Army Special Forces Operator) flying into our studio this week to shoot some instructional material for a very exciting new product that we’ve kept under the wraps during the research and development phase. I really can’t talk about it yet, but I think you all will be very interested in it once it is launched. And of course, you guys will be the first to hear about it.

Anyways, I wanted to give you guys a chance to ask Dale some questions while we have him at our studio for a few days. I hope we’ll have some downtime where we can do a nice interview and let him answer a few questions from the hotlist.

If you do have a question for Dale please leave it in the comments section below. We will be picking a few of our favorites and have them answered. We’ll post the answers in a future post. Looking forward to your responses.

Take Care!

P.S. Thank you for all the responses from the previous awareness/suicide post. I was a bit hesitant to share the story since this topic can be very sensitive. However, based on the overwhelmingly positive response we’ll be doing more of these real-life stories in the future. We truly appreciate our Hotlist and are very proud that we rarely have negative or trashy comments like some other sites. You guys are top-notch and we hope you feel the same about us.

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406 thoughts on “Have a question for Dale Comstock? Get it answered!”

  1. Have 357 mag revolver, what is best stopping bullet? What do you think of a wad cutter? Have 2 boxes of hollow points.

  2. Dear Dale, Hi ! My name is Janet Cruz I am almost 70 yr’s old , and I live alone . I have come up with some noise making set ups . Just in case someone tries to get in the house. I have also gotten some rope kind of stuff . I have set a bunch of metal folding chairs in front of the front door. I also came up with a rope affair for the back door into my washroom with bungee cords and some wire . However I have a sliding glass door from off of the back patio. . How would I go about securing that door? thank you very much. Janet Cruz

  3. I have several skylites in my single story house…what do you recommend to keep burglars from busting in? I have thought of metal bars being installed but that option is not very esthetic…any suggestions?

  4. If approached on street by one or more and feel/know that you are going to be physically attacked, how do you determine which defensive technique(s) the best to employ? You only have one chance to get it right the first time.

  5. Hi: my name is Henry and my question is this; in a grid-down situation in a community, what would be your first step in the gathering of intelligence for your area, and how much of a perimeter would suffice for your community for safety.

    Thank You

  6. Does Dale have any advice on stressful situations? What would be his advice on handling stressful situations in the workplace and in the world. How do you stay focused in a very stressful situation?

  7. Mr. Comstock,
    What is my best first defensive move in surprise close contact with someone bigger coming at me? I am 5’7″, 160 lbs. It appears hand-to-hand – I see no weapons. I carry no weapons. I am a veteran. I thank you for your response.

  8. Mr. Comstock,

    How is it that you are still alive?

    I used to do the same sorta stuff, for The Corps (A very long time ago).

    I stayed alive by lying, cheating, pay-offs, stealth, and being able to hide in plain sight in broad daylight.

    As well as being able to call in CAS anytime I got ascared. Which was a close to permanent condition.

  9. Having trouble getting 40 grain hollow point and regular 22 LR ammo. Were can you direct me to get best deal?

  10. Top of the day Dale!

    I’m a 29 year veteran with the Los Angeles Police Department. I’m 55 years of age and will be retiring in about a year. I’m always looking to improve my knowledge with regard to personal protection tactics and off-duty situational awareness tactics. Do you know of any schools that I may be able to attend while I’m still a full time police officer? Also what is your hand gun and shot gun of choice? Thank you for your response.

  11. Dale, I have a remote cabin in the Gila Nat’l Forest in New Mexico and it’s totally off the grid. All power is solar, generator or propane. There is a small water supply there and I harvest rain and haul potable in twice a month. If AHBL all that will go away except what I have on hand. My biggest concern is the water. Food, fire and protection can all come from the land or what I have accumulated and learned. Water filters will eventually not be useful so I need to know what the best long term solution is to acquiring and storing a safe supply of drinking water. Can you help??

  12. I’m a 64, almost 65 year old female with no self defense training at all. What do you recommend for someone like me? I’m sure I’m not the only single older female concerned about self defense. Oh, and I’m currently unemployed so I have a VERY limited income. Thanks.

  13. Hi Dale, my question to you is about evasive egress from electronic surveillance etc. My brother is a pilot for the police dept.
    in our county, and has given me the $10 tour of the features and capabilities of their helicopter. He doesn’t see or fails to think
    about a SHTF scenarios that to a lot of us is inevitable. I also read and dig into military literature and discover press on the newest equipment for I.E. war on Isis etc. How would you escape or, defeat detection of , “INFRA RED”,” FLIRS” , and lets say , lumbering drones with their arrays of photo equipment and sensors. I could imagine going through forest if possible or mountains but, our forces in Afghanistan proved that, they are capable in that situation also.
    Thanks Dan

  14. Hi Dale- what is the best weapon ( guns aside) to have inside a home to protect oneself from a home invasion?
    Where is it best kept?

  15. What do you think about Dragonskin and was it used for special forces? And why didn’t the military buy it and fix the problems itself and/or have the company fix the problem and then buy it.

  16. We own 9mm pistols, 17 shot mags. and a 12 gauge semi auto shot gun for self defense of our home. I need a semi auto rifle for longer range self defense of home, hunting for food (FYI we do not hunt) or during a bug out. Do you recommend obtaining a .308 caliber or a 5.56 / .223 caliber. Looking for 30 round mags and use of long range scope setup with either caliber. Do you have a low cost recommendation for either caliber since I will purchase 2 guns, one for me and one for my wife as a team. I do not want to purchase one of each caliber due to my goal of building a large supply of backup ammo if we get into a SHTF status in this country. We are 64 and 60 years old and both are ex-military from the 70’s and good shots. Also what is your best recommendation for how much ammo we should build up to for the 9mm; 12 gauge and your recommended rifle caliber? Which one would be the highest priority to build up first? My thought on the ammo issue is we can not have too much. I can always use any excess for bartering for other supply’s.

  17. you discuss early warning – define early warning? Is it something that will break down in the economy, or political or the rise in civil discourse that has been popping up of late. The explosion of a single event is not what causes the event it is all of the little things leading up to it. What are those little things you see now.

  18. I have recently began taking Kung fu classes for self defense and I am not particularly fond of the long moves and forms. Do you have any recommendations for learning effective self defense tactics without all the long forms or should I just stick it out? At this point I’m about eight months into it but don’t feel I’ve really learned how to defend myself or my family any better. Thanks for taking my questions

  19. As a former soldier, I appreciate the practical application of hands on training. I have a training dummy for some hand to hand, my concern is becoming static in my movement. What are some suggestions on training without a live partner?

  20. First action after shooting an intruder in your home? And what to do if after shooting the intruder you find him unarmed?

  21. If an attacker comes at you with a knife in his right hand, is it better to step into the attach, use your left arm to sweep the knife arm to the left and deliver a hard blow to the liver or step back sweep the attacker’s right arm to the right with your left hand and then deliver a hard blow to the liver.

  22. I have an spikes tactical ar15.1in7twist 5.56nato.what is the best home defense ammo?also I am wanting a red dot scope but can’t afford an eo-tech.what do you recommend that won’t break the bank.Thanks Ivan

  23. Hello Dale. From one combat vet to another, thanks for what you are doing..
    What can you suggest as the easiest way for an elderly man to defend his family and home, if the door is kicked down at 3:00am,and there is no way to tell if it is drugged out hopheads, a gang of thugs bent on mayhem, or a SWAT team on an adrenaline high, with night goggles and weapons drawn, anxious to see action ? This is of vital concern to all families as our society unravels. Thanks again!

  24. It is my opinion, although I do not have military service, that the American military is made up of people like me, who believe in America’s greatness and freedoms, and that they would not take up arms against Americans who would revolt against a government that would disarm them, during this time of national and world strife. I believe if the Second Amendment were to be struck down by an over-weighted progressive Supreme Court, the Bill of Rights would be eliminated in short order. Or, am I wrong?
    If I am, I will still resist, with whatever is necessary.

  25. 1) With regards to AR rifle barrels, which is better for both distance and accuracy: 1:7 free-floating or 1:7 standard? Is there a better twist ratio to look for/have?
    2) Since twist ratios are typically built with a specific grain in mind, how can I find out which grain is best for my handgun?

    Thanks for any information you may provide.

  26. Hi, Mr. Comstock,

    For men who have little to no experience with guns or knives, or who are aging (and therefore facing decreasing strength and agility), what approach would you recommend for self-defense and survival preparedness?

  27. Hi Dale…Thank you for your Services !! With the crap going on Today… What would you do… If someone cut ya off in traffic.. and ya blow your horn at them..Not long ..just a WTF…and they brake and weave up along side of ya.. and start shooting…???? I Drive 200-400 miles daily….What are your thoughts…???

  28. Dale, should we be concerned about AK 47 weapon and ammo or just stay with the 223. I was told about 25 semis took AK47 ammo to the old Kelly field ammo dump.
    Air Force vet concerned

  29. Dear Dale: Are there any self defense training DVDs that are appropriate for senior citizens? (ages 74 +) and are there any Pressure Point training DVDs available that would be appropriate for senior citizens? Thank you for taking the time to read my email.

  30. what do you think about executive order 16303 declaring that the president can declare martial law at any time without going thru congress? this was recently passed by our president

  31. I am hearing impaired & senior citizen and limited fixed SS income, tight budget, live alone, I ordered online $14.95 sling shot with 50 steel ammo balls but I haven’t received it yet. If armed intruder either gun or knife enters my home, will this sling shot works with dead #675 hearing aid battery button instead of steel ammo ball to harms intruder’s head into the brain? I have my right to defend myself because I have no gun because of too expensive. My understanding that vertical position of the dead #675 hearing aid battery button works better than horizontal position or makes no difference? I think that #675 hearing aid battery button is slightly bigger than steel ammo ball. Please tell me. Thank you. Also, I plan to move from Syracuse, NY to Pahrump, NV but I don’t know when. I would like to move out of this ERIE program high rise apt building of Toomey-Abbott Towers asap because I don’t like it here or any city. I would like to live my own home or mobile home asap in a small town much safer. There are too many people got shot on the streets almost everyday. That scares me!

  32. Not much info need on firearms as they are mostly banned in my country. For city person only reason will get license is if member of gun club or if out of town a hunter or farmer. It is illegal to carry any weapon for self defense even at home loaded firearms are illegal and weapon and amo must be locked up in separate safes. Semi auto have been banned approx. 30 years since 35 killed in mass shooting but none have happened since then and do not have school shootings and as less then 1% of population are armed with a gun do not have unnecessary deaths like in states from people shooting at shadows. In latest poll most people were happy with our firearm laws and many wanted them toughened up even more. For me as a security guard am only allowed to use equal force and must first make an effort to escape before deadly force is allowed. Even to get a license requires an expensive course is needed then a police check and refresher course must be done every year otherwise license cancelled. Not to say we have no violence in Australia. Knife attacks, glassing’s and coward 1 punch usually from behind that causes head to hit hard object becoming more common fatal injury in every state. Knives more of a problem at schools.Glassings mostly at nightclubs and coward punches happening every wear but mostly near taxi ranks late at night so do find your articles about self defense very useful. So far have never needed to take on anyone with a gun or knife but always handy to know what to do to protect myself. As guns become more restricted each year is less of a problem having to face armed person but knives becoming more common and would appreciate more info on safe disarming of knife wielding person. Keep up the good work.

    best regards Bob Australia

  33. I’m a Vietnam era Veteran, wiegh 140 wet, haven’t fought alot. But we all know that the time will come, and it has, than I am the Tanzanian devil. I do what ever it takes to get away, no skill alot of determination. I am interested in some skills???

  34. How do you deal with the thoughts regarding people you have been forced to kill? How can we talk to the politically correct idiots who say that violence is not an answer? What is your best technique for an old guy to use to make someone leave them alone?

  35. Bob, Thank You for asking me to post a question to Dale Comstock, retired (US Army Special Forces Operator). Dale, first and for most let me thank you for serving our country I for one wish I could shake the hand of every man and woman that has served our great country in any branch of our military.
    My question is this, I would like to know this, what is your position on what should we do if ever the knock comes to our doors if the gungrabbers come for our guns? We need to know what to do if this day should come in hopefully the far off distant future and your position would be helpful knowing that you served your country.
    Another question is this, With the presidential election just around the corner who do you think would best suit our country in this soon to be here election? We have to bounce back from the destruction that obama has done to our country. Thank you again for your answers and especially your service. All of you men and women that have served this country are True American hero’s that have served and Honorably Discharged from your service.

  36. My husband and I are reaching 80 years old and handicapped.I often worry about our safety.What would be the safest way to protect ourselves.I worry because we could never bug out in a serious emergency.

  37. I live in a small house in the backyard on a hill in an urban neighborhood. Summer is coming ( in CA). And I love kee,ping my windows open since there is usually a good breeze. The window that is most vulnerable is my bedroom window as. It is easy to get into from the ground. How can I best protect myself at this access point?

  38. Dale my name is James Johnson I live in Brewer, Maine my question is what are the laws concerning carrying a knife that’s equipped with a belt clip if I hook it to my belt or pocket does this qualify for a concealed weapon or would I need to get a knife holster to hold my knife or carry my knife legally

  39. Dale,
    My first comment is to sincerely thank you for your service to our seemingly ungrateful nation. You sir, will be among the angels at the day of the last trumpet. God Bless you!
    Ok, let’s get to the point of my question(s). I would like an answer from your for all of my questions but I will leave it to you to decide
    which you might answer and which you might not answer.
    1. Survival knives
    a. I have the one I was issued by the USAF. It has a leather grip, a 5 inch blade ( I think). I have not taken it from the box I put it into when I shipped home from ‘Nam. You must have seen at least on of these knives in your career. If you can stop laughing long enough, please tell me what you think about it.
    b. I have another so-called “survival knife” that has an 8: blade, chrome plated, with a little kit in its hollow grip. Also there is a very
    small compass that keeps the hollow grip water tight. The blade is somewhat on the thin side and I am not sure that I could trust it in a
    serious survival scenario.
    c. I have seen so many others that I am tired of looking. What, in your professional thinking, do you feel is a good but somewhat inexpensive survival knife that would be worthy of the name.

    2.Home Defense:
    a. I have a 20 ga. pump shotgun by Harrington and Richardson that is supposed to hold up to 8 rounds in the mag. So far, I have only been able to get two shells into the mag. I have written to H&R with no results. Can you suggest a course of action for me in getting this shotgun to stand up to the manufacturer’s claims?
    b. I have a very small arsenal of other weapons that include a S&W 9mm with 2 mags that hold 8 rounds each; #2 is a Czonik 9mm that will hold 18 rounds in its mags. Both of these weapons are in excellent condition and I take them to the range 2 – 3 times a month to keep my eye in place. I have just purchased a Taurus small, lightweight .38 spcl. 5 shot revolver. I plan to have a professional firearms instructor teach her to shoot. She absolutely will not listen to me! 😉
    c. If you have the time, please evaluate my choices of weapons for this important part of survival. I will appreciate your help.
    3. I feel that I need a rifle along the lines of a Winchester 70 or a Remington 700 bolt action rifle, a 4 – 9 power x 30 or 40 mm scope and chambered for .308 ammo. Please tell my if my thinking here is on target or so fuzzy that I cannot see the target.

    Once again, let me thank you for your service. As for me, I spent 31 years in the USAF, starting as an airman basic and finally retiring as a field grade officer. Major!

    Dale, thank you for your thoughts on what I have accumulated so far. Perhaps we will meet someday and swap “war” stories.

    Grady W. Phillips
    Phone: 252-652-4326

  40. Hi Dale,
    I’m a 62 old Marine which most people think I’m in my early 50’s. My question is in self Defense. I carrier a 325S TACTICAL SURVIAL knife with me at all times. I also have 4 boys who also carries the same knife. We all have our CCW and carry most of the time. Question: What type of situation would it have to be to use one or the other? My boys always choose their pistol all the time. What’s your thoughts?