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My Wife Thinks I’m Crazy for Doing This…

Am I losing my mind?

Maybe… But I sure as hell never want to be caught without a knife. That’s why I recently started carrying two of them, every day. Why two knives you ask? Here are just a few reasons:

For Everyday Use

Pocket Knives
Photo by: Alexander Rushing

First, I use a knife every day for utility purposes. By carrying knives with different sizes and blade shapes it’s more likely that I will have a better tool for the job. I can also carry one knife that is my “beater” (The one I don’t hesitate to get muddy, sticky, or greasy).

For Self-Defense

Next, in a self-defense situation you never know if the knife kept on your dominant side will be inaccessible. Perhaps an attacker has you pinned against a wall, has control of your arm, etc.

Also, if forced to stab an attacker, it is very possible the knife will be difficult to recover, a grisly thought but it is a real problem (Muscles tend to clench around the blade). If there is a second attacker you’ll be glad you brought a backup.

Self-Defense Situation Number 3 (okay, my overactive imagination is probably the real reason my wife thinks I’m crazy): Carrying blades on different portions of the body can be an advantage if you are taken to the ground. This is a great reason to carry a boot knife. I can keep going with the self-defense scenarios but I think you get the point.

As a Survival Tool

A knife is also one of the two most critical survival tools we have (a fire source being the second). As the old saying goes “Two is one, and one is none.” You can expect that if the SHTF you’d immediately drop your one and only knife into a mud hole, or it would fall out of a pocket in the dark. A backup is just common sense.

Okay, you can see that there are a lot of good reasons to carry two knives. Even so, some people may question my logic by saying that if this were the case we may as well carry two of everything—two sets of keys, two wallets, two cell phones, etc.

Here’s the Thing

It’s possible for us to take preparation to such an extreme that it becomes impossible to lead a normal life. The difference, especially with knives, is the relative ease of carrying two. With so many knives on the market it is easy to find a backup that is inconspicuous, small, and comfortable. What I’m trying to say is that the downside is so small and the upside so large that it’s simply a no-brainer, at least for me.

So what do you think?

Am I the only one who carries two knives? Let me know in the comments below!

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1,264 thoughts on “My Wife Thinks I’m Crazy for Doing This…”

  1. No, you’re not. I routinely carry two knives and at work, three to four. A concealed belt knife is normal, and a folder in my right back pocket.

  2. I don’t think so. My family always on me about my knives. They are my pride and joy . If you can’t find me in store shopping for girly crap. Family always knows to looks where there’s guns knives or hunting/fishing. When I’ve got a little extra money…. well I usually spent it on another knife

  3. My EDC set is three knives. I have my Hoffman-Richter folder clipped in my left, front pocket. I also carry a Leatherman Squirt (the old one) and a Swiss Army Classic. When my wife and I are out and I can’t concealed carry, I add my Gerber boot knife. So, no, you aren’t the only one to ensure preparedness. Oh yeah, the boot knife grip is wrapped with 550 cord. Blood is slippery!

  4. I’m of like mind with you. I actually carry three, one is a fairly heavy duty lock back with have serrated blade my main beater work knife, carry it on my dominant side. number two is an extra sharp buck folder from NRA with clip. I carry that as my money clip left the front pocket, somebody wants my cash, pull it out and open while flashing the cash, you know the rest of that story. Number three is a three blade smaller Case that was my Fathers, use it for delicate cutting. Please keep up the good work You do.

  5. I have carried 3 knives for over 40 years. Reasons are same as yours, also as a BOY SCOUT (EAGLE attained 1968) a take the motto ‘Be Prepared’ to extreme.

  6. I am thanks to you I started carrying a knife, and feel a lot more safer and secure with a knife as you say it has many uses, and maybe needed to come to your defense,One a bad ass hardhead comes your way, thanks Bob for all that you doing for self-defense regards Jeffrey Smith

  7. I usally carry three one multi tool a lock blade and my utlity knife that has disposable blade

  8. I carry one on a pocket clip, one on my belt every day. One in my pack when I go hiking and I also have a 18″ fixed blade attached to the pack.

  9. Dear Bob – I find any kind of self defense info interesting on your site. I have several knives my boys have given me and I’ve given them at least two from your site . But how can a woman carry a knife for protection on her person (not purse) without detection. I often wondered about this and what type is ideal for a woman to carry. Thank you for any help in this direction. Mary Lavenburg

  10. Not sure is you are crazy for carrying two knives it makes sense, I always carry one knife inside my waistband for self-protection only, not a box cutter or utility knife, self-protection only. Additionally, I also carry the Spike, for the same reason. If I can figure out how to carry it I also have a 26-inch collapsible baton.

  11. I have already purchased 2 knives from you. I especially like the tack knife, comes in handy in more ways than one and gives me a feeling of security. I know it is a false feeling, being 5’7″ and 125 lbs., but it is better than nothing! I am putting in for a handgun permit but that could take upwards of a year to process. What I would really like is a course on self defense for women. That would fantastic! You do not know what you are capable of unless you are challenged, taught and showed techniques. Once shown, you will automatically “do” in a situation. Not shown, you do not understand what you are capable of, even with knives. Knives are a skill, just like any other.

    I am well skilled in saving lives, not so much in defending my own. A bit unfair, don’t you think?

    After 9/11 I don’t know what is legal, nor do I care. I have the right to defend myself. I love NYC. I was forced to leave due to medical reasons and rent hikes. I miss it every day!!! I want back in SO BADLY, but I will never be able to afford it now. I left my heart there. I live on LI now. A beautiful place for sure, just not for me. I grew up here, couldn’t wait to leave to NYC. Now my dreams are dashed. I can barely get thru a day.

    We have stupid, useless gang activity out here. CRring a couple of knives I believe is prudent for survival. I will continue to look at and purchase knives as I see fit. Thank you.

  12. I have had two knifes on me for over thirty years and more than once it has paid off. As for most wives they will think we are crazy no matter what we do. So to you I say carry on

  13. I almost always have at least two knives and three blades (MULITIBLADED multitool) Right now I am on vacation in California 3000no away from home and have no knives because of flying and I am feeling solo naked.

  14. I ALWAYS carry a knife in my pocket and often carry two on my person. I agree with you…two feels better than one.

  15. I carry 3, 2 folding knives and my fixed blade. 1 for play, one for work, and one for self defense….. maybe I am the crazy one….

  16. I’ve carried one small automatic Pro Tech blade for over ten years now. It’s even street legal in LA where I bought it. But rather than carry a multitude of knives on me, if I feel the need for more protection, I’ll either carry a pepper spray pen or get a CCP for a small but effective firearm. Have been considering the Taurus Curve lately. America is still free – thank God! The choices are many.

  17. Traditionally, some Native American Tribes would have carried up to 7 on them ( like the Apache). Sikhs are always to have at least one kirpan (short dagger).
    have some Swiss but really love my Leatherman!

  18. Not not at all have bin carrrin 2 for a while now . One clipped to my pocket usually cold Steel or spyko . An the other could be any were usually an esse izula . Two hands two knives . Good sharp blades are a must have
    These days . I teach martial arts an knives are a big part of my system .
    If you do carry a knife orTWO learn a little about the use of a bladed weapon .
    Knife vs knife very rarely happens .
    Learn to deploy your blade .if you have it an can’t get it it becomes useless ..

  19. I’m with you one always on me and one in one the two cars that we drive because is always better to have and don’t need than need and don’t have

  20. I carry two knives with me all the time. You’re not the only one haha. One is my bigger serrated multi gadget one, something similar to what you were showing previously (but it’s blue and not black). And I carry a smaller more simpler knife. And that I have for backup and immediate use. It’s not serrated so I can use it for something smooth. (Hint hint). Not to mention I carry a Leatherman multi tool on my belt. As I believe, “better safe than sorry”.

  21. I almost always have two knives on me. Like you say, there are plenty of other reasons for the
    wife to think we are crazy, but, for some reason they feel some degree of security and continue
    to hang around.

  22. I have 3 knives on the pull out with my keyboard 2 throwing and a fold up , and 3 in my purse 4 counting the credit card one , and my pistol is also in my purse. I know your wife would think I’m crazy lol.


  23. Hi there, what a great article. First off your speaking from your heart and actually not trying to sell something with in the same article which makes me believe you really want to get the point across for why to carry to knives. I’m a female who has bought many of your items as well as my boyfriend. I always carry a knife (one I bought from you) in my right pocket and added the spike recently for around my neck. I never thought of the situation that if I were held in a position to not access my right pocket and how much more added protection having a knife in my left pocket could benefit. Thank you for the article and safety tip as I will now add a knife to my left pocket and what woman doesn’t love to shop? So now I can browse your knife options and don’t feel pressured as I do on some other emails I receive. Your wife should not think your crazy when it comes to protection. I look forward to more articles that are short and sweet like this one and not 10 pages long yet have great ideas without the selling pressure. Thank you

  24. I carry two knives on my person at all times. I also have 4 knives in my vehicle so no matter where I am in the vehicle there is at least 1 razor sharp blade within easy reach but out of sight. I also have two in my bug out bag.

  25. Not alone, I also believe that two knives should be carried. I work alone at night and carry multiple weapons on me at all times. Thanks to you guys I carry 3 different types of knives and weapons on my person. God help any man that makes the mistake of coming after me

  26. I love this! Especially the ladies! Bravo!!!
    It should make all of us feel safer…. knowing that anyone of the poeple around us at the bank or gas station could jump in to help, if things go terribly wrong. I will !!!

  27. Nooooo. Two is not crazy at all Bob. 4 or 5 might be. My military mindset has always been, one is none, two is one. But I also keep one in each vehicle and my loved are also equipped. So I’m a little touched in the head. But I have to be ready, always.

  28. I carry 3 stingers and 2 others on my belt, also 2 boot knives, all of them from you, keep 2 in my car, one is on my seat belt strap
    where I can reach it in case of an emergency. You’re not crazy.

  29. I carry one of my left pocket to my right pocket plus a necklace knife and sometimes one in my back left I see nothing wrong with being prepared because you never know what you might need I also have several in my vehicle

  30. I have 15 knives from the Buck 119 fixed blade outdoor knife to my Dad’s Buck pocket knife #305. I don’t necessarily prefer Buck knives they just happen to be my largest and smallest. And, the Buck 305 was the fourth pocket knife I bought for my Dad which he invariably tried to use for other applications like turning screws or prying something open which resulted in a broken knife.

    I usually carry the small Buck and a spring-assist quick opening blade,the 325S Tactical for self-defense if I can’t get to my pistol in time.

    So yes, Bob, I carry two knives when I’m out and about.

  31. Not at all, I carry two knives, sometimes three. Refuse to get on a commercial airline since knives are verboten and will never visit European countries again that have ridiculous knife laws.

  32. You are entirely on point. I too,have a “Beater” knife. And carry 3 others on me. All differnt blades, one doublebladed.I keep them clean,oiled and sharp. You are not crazy. Tell your wife.

  33. No sir you are not.
    For the last seven years I have always had at least three to four knives on me at all times.

  34. Not at all. If you only wear flip flops or slippers as they are called where I live where would I put my boot knife? Not kidding, I never wear real shoes. Mahalo nui loa. Cheryl

  35. I carry a Gerber tanto folder on the lhs pocket, a DAW aluminium lightweight folder on the right, a bear claw on my front lhs on the belt, a small leatherman juice multi tool in my back pocket, a titanium tactical pen in my breast pocket and a bulldog looking abs type plastic knuckle duster key ring clipped to my belt with my keys. I have a m-tech faiburn sykes look alike in my boot.
    On the plane the knives and multitool go in the cargo hold luggage and the tactical pen and bulldog travel with me. I have never been stopped at the airports. I travel internationally. I also have a credit card type survival tool in my passport that i put back in when i arrive at my destination. Just in case you have to hoof it. I also used to make knives 91-2003, so am never without a blade. Even my bikes have blades. If i leave the house on the bike or in the car my cz75 goes with, 33 rounds plus 50 in the pack. That plus my get out of jail training in the military is what i rely on. So, no you not crazy. Been there, done that, got the T shirt. Keep up the good work.

  36. I have always carried 2 knives, one has a blade that I use to scrap anything like metal parts and as a screwdriver, to open things, to pry, etc. The other, in a second pocket, has a very sharp blade and I use to cut anything. Several years ago, I started carrying a knife with a clip,has assisted opening with a very sharp blade to use as a tactical knife for anything defensive.

  37. Hey Bob, I totally agree with what you wrote in your blog but I live in the UK where there is an automatic Five year sentence for carrying one knife in a public place let alone two but when I go camping in the north of Scotland with my son and grandsons, I tend to have three, one machete in the pack, a good strong beater in my pocket and my backup in an inside pocket and my son does the same(the kids only get them under supervision) but I believe should the worst happen then be prepared. BTW my wife thinks I’m nuts too!

  38. Negatory, I carry two every day. Both of which I bought from y’all. One throwing stinger, and the 325S.

  39. Well you got me hooked on 2.
    Have one of your throwing knife (3 knife set) in a boot case, an you 5 in 1 tact knife in pocket.

  40. I love the idea, however, as a woman who likes to wear dresses, and candles in the summer there is no way I can carry two knives, though don’t get me wrong I think its a great idea. I, however, can only manage to get 1 in my wrist handbag because I like my hands as free as possible. I don’t think your crazy for wanting to carry two. I have one in my car, one in my boyfriend’s car. And if I could carry two on my body, I would, definitely. 😉

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