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My Wife Thinks I’m Crazy for Doing This…

Am I losing my mind?

Maybe… But I sure as hell never want to be caught without a knife. That’s why I recently started carrying two of them, every day. Why two knives you ask? Here are just a few reasons:

For Everyday Use

Pocket Knives
Photo by: Alexander Rushing

First, I use a knife every day for utility purposes. By carrying knives with different sizes and blade shapes it’s more likely that I will have a better tool for the job. I can also carry one knife that is my “beater” (The one I don’t hesitate to get muddy, sticky, or greasy).

For Self-Defense

Next, in a self-defense situation you never know if the knife kept on your dominant side will be inaccessible. Perhaps an attacker has you pinned against a wall, has control of your arm, etc.

Also, if forced to stab an attacker, it is very possible the knife will be difficult to recover, a grisly thought but it is a real problem (Muscles tend to clench around the blade). If there is a second attacker you’ll be glad you brought a backup.

Self-Defense Situation Number 3 (okay, my overactive imagination is probably the real reason my wife thinks I’m crazy): Carrying blades on different portions of the body can be an advantage if you are taken to the ground. This is a great reason to carry a boot knife. I can keep going with the self-defense scenarios but I think you get the point.

As a Survival Tool

A knife is also one of the two most critical survival tools we have (a fire source being the second). As the old saying goes “Two is one, and one is none.” You can expect that if the SHTF you’d immediately drop your one and only knife into a mud hole, or it would fall out of a pocket in the dark. A backup is just common sense.

Okay, you can see that there are a lot of good reasons to carry two knives. Even so, some people may question my logic by saying that if this were the case we may as well carry two of everything—two sets of keys, two wallets, two cell phones, etc.

Here’s the Thing

It’s possible for us to take preparation to such an extreme that it becomes impossible to lead a normal life. The difference, especially with knives, is the relative ease of carrying two. With so many knives on the market it is easy to find a backup that is inconspicuous, small, and comfortable. What I’m trying to say is that the downside is so small and the upside so large that it’s simply a no-brainer, at least for me.

World's Fastest Drawing Knife.

You wanna try out the fastest drawing knife on the planet? Good. Because here's your chance to get it for FREE.

It even comes with a video showing you exactly how to draw this folder from your pocket (one-handed) so that it snaps open and is ready for action in the blink of an eye. (Your buddies are going to be sooo freaked out when they see this).

>> Your Lightning Fast “Striker” Here. <<

So what do you think?

Am I the only one who carries two knives? Let me know in the comments below!

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1,264 thoughts on “My Wife Thinks I’m Crazy for Doing This…”

  1. Knives are such a valuable tool, that it pays to carry more then one. Particularly when a weapon for close hand to hand combat is necessary. Placing knives on different parts of you body is an excellent way to insure they are readily available to use in an emergency situation. An interesting fact I learned a few years back is that native american apache warriors carried as many as seven knives on them when engaged in tribal warfare.

  2. Your not alone. I carry two knives as well. Thanks for the comment of a knife under the pillow. I will do that also now, Ted.

  3. After reading some of the comments. My original coment still stands but I own some where of twenty or more knives I collect them. I also have four swords.

  4. Yes 2 are normal one in front and 1 rear in case your attacked from behind have till you can’t think if front pocket blocked use rear opposite side stab backwards fast they will release tell them at same time you hit an artery run forward don’t look back. Will save your life ,taught in knife fitting classes for defense.

  5. I personally carry 8 knives and a gerber multitool for every day carry so
    You’re not crazy! I think you are sane in a crazy world! Stay safe

  6. Back in 2005–2009 I were selling knives at the flea market back home. Fair in Tennessee I’m so close to Smoky Mountain knife they have just about every night you can imagine. It’s a huge building with dealing with me. I guess they have some real nice ones but I was going to sell but when I moved in Tennessee my godson’s mother was trying to make it and so I gave her a box of all kinds. I had a couple of Yamaha that they will work about $400 a piece and that was my cost. Her stupid husband Danville wine most all of the knives at $5 a piece. The yellow house$100. When I found out I can tell him I have so much money tied up in the knives and showcases and everything else I was doing pretty good my back home and I know that they are done there was close to the Smoky Mountain Knife. Bakery in Stone Mountain Knives and got them bills caught up that they would not do move. Patty had warned him but I probably paying a lot of money of that. I have known her over 38 years our son is my godson. I’ve always helped her.


  8. Right now I carry my knife in my purse. I don’t know if my town relegates knives to a certain size. Soooooooo……..

  9. I carry my knife in my purse for now. I still have to find out the rules in our town concerning the size. I feel pretty good about carrying a knife since I don’t have CCL yet but even if I’m able to get a license my knife will always be with me, no matter what.

    Stay safe from (one of the guys)

  10. I carry two. one protection knife, and 0ne magiver which is about a half dollar, but is a folder up Swiss army style

  11. When it comes to a good knife, there’s NO such thing as having too many… I carry two besides my utility knife. Most people don’t think twice about seeing a utility knife on my belt (I’m a contractor), but might be a bit nervous if they knew what else I was carrying or was within easy reach (truck or home).

  12. I carry two every day and have for years. I keep a flip knife for protection, I have a retail store. When I have to fly I feel naked with none.

  13. Hey Fight fast , I was looking at the knifes that was on the front page, in my opinion those knives are to small for my taste, I also carry two knifes but I prefer to have “Cold Steel” Vaquaro knifes. When I pull them out in self defence people just turn around and run, that and being a bounty hunter works for me,

  14. i love knives and i carry one in my front right hand pocket one eight inch sheath above my right ankle and one nine inch switchblade in my left pocket .the switchblade when it makes an appearance is all i have ever needed. i not only carry knives i practice with them all the is fun and may save your and your families wife thinks i am crazy also but i think she feels safer when we are out among all of nuts in the city

  15. I have a swiss army knife attached to my key chain so I never leave home without a knife and I’ve been carrying your 5 in 1 edc knife it’s nice have a light and fire starter glass breaker and a good knife on me gives me that piece of mind that I like thanks.

  16. Everybody should have a primary and secondary blade, I’ve lost quite a few secondary blades in fights by getting someone down and out of nowhere someone is on my back trying their sleeper hold. A quick stick in the fore arm and I’m on my feet with my primary blade in hand and his less than enthusiastic buddies all of a sudden realize this dog loves to hunt!

  17. I have commented on this subject before and I presently grab one knife that I keep with me all the time, but once I start to create kits and possibly stash a few items in strategic locations, keep some items in the car and so on, I plan to carry more than one knife. It’s so easy to do so and you forget you even have them on you. Since laws can really restrict us from reasonable preparations and behaviors, it might be a problem to carry knives as one wishes and to this day I have yet to design a pair and/or a plan for the specific use of knives in self defense scenarios. I need to figure what I can do legally first.
    Whatever the law allows, I have and will always carry a knife and extras as well or even a set for defense. I don’t want to be the guy who could have survived, but rather a prepared individual.

  18. A real knife nut would collect switchblades and other types of knives. Your collection looks like a Boy Scouts collection or a collection a church pastor might collect if he were a pastor that had a bit of a dark side.

  19. I usually carry one on the left, gun on the right. When not carrying a gun, will hang The Spike from my neck. Sometime- all three. Stay Safe-Stay Free-Stay Sane.

  20. Totally spot on!

    The knives I have on me;

    One on my key chain

    One in my wallet

    One in my pocket

    And one on my belt

    Will not even go into how many are in my truck or around my bed!

  21. Bob:
    Only since I met you and Fight Fast have I become a more fervent knife nut. I have always collected knives of all shapes and sizes. The knives that FF has come up with great additions to my collections. All I need to do now is get them from my sister’s house in Las Vegas. You see, I live in Brasil. You cannot mail a knife to Brasil or it will be confiscated when the nosy feds open the package. Or they will charge me an import fee of four to five hundred reais for the knife. Just some passing thoughts to let you know I’m in your corner.
    Most sincerely,

    zeke abrams
    American in Brasil,
    trying to get home

  22. I carry 2 – 3 knives depending on what purse I use, where I am going, what vehicle (4 wheels or 2), and a Taser.

  23. I carry 1 knife, practice with both hands retrieving, deploying , accuracy . Same with a flashlight, sturdy ink pen, etc. Use as a strike tool. I have spares in each vehicle and various locations around the the house. Better to have and not need than need and not have

  24. Ex driver, close protection and general bad ass. 5.10, 200lbs and ginger, love your site but I live in uk so have to rely on basics. Respect to your values my wife is a southern girl. J

  25. More is always better. It’s better to have a planned throw away than to lose a favored blade. Multiple knives allow a knife for each hand, which can also provide an additional psychological advantage. Few people are prepared for the double assault. Just make sure you can use both at the same time.

  26. Just a suggestion. I recommend you spell Crazy, Krazy
    The difference is between being at the “Apex” of Self Defense Teaching or being mistakenly viewed as a member of the Criminally Insane Teaching a Primo Self Defense course, as viewed by your listening public who have never met you and you have yet to be captured.

    Those guys and girls of the armed forces, former Special Ops, Delta, Seal, Rangers, are imprisoned three miles below selected Nuclear Power plant locations as to their inability to conceal their serious anti-social behaviors applied on the Battle Field to the Civilian sidewalks, cafe’s and mega malls when discharged. If at all.

    My favorite hospital is the Chattahoochee Florida State Hospital for the Criminally Insane.
    It also has a vast community of the Mentally Ill patients whom are eligible within six months of starting their treatment, for an Week End Pass. You and your wife will be walking from the early morning Denny’s back to your Scheduled Self Defense Conference, and will just casualy happen by a guy or a girl,
    who seeing you will come right over to you, and take out card to show you. It’s going to be their weekend pass from the slammer, and they are going to say this to you and your beloved.
    Hi. Look, I’m ok. See ! Here’s my pass ! Then they will amble on down the sidewalk looking completely amazed with their surroundings and ready to offer up their pass to whomever is next.
    Cheers on that !

  27. i dont believe it to be crazy,somtimes ive been known to carry 3 knifes plus my leatherman you never can be to prepared…

  28. I’ve always carried three knives. Normally the Benchmade 940-2 for utility, the Benchmade Infidel for defense, and the ColdSteel Super Edge on my keys left side (weak side). Sometimes I also carry a small multi tool.

  29. No, you are not the only one. I, too, am a knife connoisseur. I carry one in my bag, two on my person, one in my grab bag, and another in my fire kit. Thank God. have never had to hurt anyone with my blade, but I have carved some rather impressive figures from wood. I use my knife to start campfires, or fire for cooking. Most of all, I use it for wildcrafting foods and medicinal plants. I have a beater blade I use for digging purposes, mainly because the knife is very old and does not hold an edge. It is great for digging, though.

  30. When I had my drivers license, inside the vehicle,trunk, and one (always) on me. My imagination runs wild as well.

  31. I carry your EDC five and one knife everywhere I go to bed with on my person 24 seven it never leaves my person I love it I have knives in my reach everywhere I go in my home in my car it does not matter I will turn you in a human sushi in nothing flat if need be I used to live in Detroit and had bad experiences no more never again that was then this is now I am a 4 /9 95 pound woman tell me I didn’t have a problem oh yeah no more

  32. Hi Bob, West Midlands Police do NOT like knives, too many young people are getting killed by blades, and they are trying to stamp them out, understandable if you ever was a victim, especially if you were a dead victim, or had a life changing injury, I do NOT like knives, I am totally against them, I would sooner use my fists, but the younger generation are knife carriers. So if you also have a knife, it might just save you having a confrontation in the first place.

  33. 2 Knives at a minimum Bro ! ! !… one is the utility but function and fighting or defense style is built on the type of blade you carry. I used to never leave without a Karambit….really one of my total favorites…but I am past that ….remember two is one and one is none ! All the Best. Lastly fighting with two blades is like having two pistolas….extreme force in several directions, :>! Truly I like knives better than guns….Guns are just are great but more of just a necessary evil to be able to project force at a distance…. Knives Baby …… The Cutlery ! ! !


  35. if your nuts than I’m straight crazy. I generally carry 3 knives. I carry a clip quick draw on my left side, one in my right pocket and one more in my cargo pocket. I’m a tad more paranoid than most. I’m handicapped, so I feel like everytime I park in the spot, it’s like I’m carrying a sign that says jump me.

  36. Sir,
    #1- You are not crazy for carrying multiple knives .
    #2- Might I suggest to you that you explain to the Mrs. That the reason for multiple knives is that you have every intention of coming back home to her should you have a violent encounter. I think she would then understand and appreciate you for it.
    That being said, I also carry multiple knives as my EDC. I also carry a multi tool on my belt plus also carry a belt buckle knife if I ever find myself on my back and pinned down. At any given time when I’m on the street, I will have at the minimum of 5 blades on my person. The only one visible is the multi tool . Your not crazy sir…. you just want to have the Mrs. collect on your life insurance policy in an untimely manner !!!

  37. Mate, in Australia sn individual cant ‘have a knife in a public place’ (unless its secured / locked away) – even a pocket knife in an unlocked glove box of your car gets you fined!

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