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My Wife Thinks I’m Crazy for Doing This…

Am I losing my mind?

Maybe… But I sure as hell never want to be caught without a knife. That’s why I recently started carrying two of them, every day. Why two knives you ask? Here are just a few reasons:

For Everyday Use

Pocket Knives
Photo by: Alexander Rushing

First, I use a knife every day for utility purposes. By carrying knives with different sizes and blade shapes it’s more likely that I will have a better tool for the job. I can also carry one knife that is my “beater” (The one I don’t hesitate to get muddy, sticky, or greasy).

For Self-Defense

Next, in a self-defense situation you never know if the knife kept on your dominant side will be inaccessible. Perhaps an attacker has you pinned against a wall, has control of your arm, etc.

Also, if forced to stab an attacker, it is very possible the knife will be difficult to recover, a grisly thought but it is a real problem (Muscles tend to clench around the blade). If there is a second attacker you’ll be glad you brought a backup.

Self-Defense Situation Number 3 (okay, my overactive imagination is probably the real reason my wife thinks I’m crazy): Carrying blades on different portions of the body can be an advantage if you are taken to the ground. This is a great reason to carry a boot knife. I can keep going with the self-defense scenarios but I think you get the point.

As a Survival Tool

A knife is also one of the two most critical survival tools we have (a fire source being the second). As the old saying goes “Two is one, and one is none.” You can expect that if the SHTF you’d immediately drop your one and only knife into a mud hole, or it would fall out of a pocket in the dark. A backup is just common sense.

Okay, you can see that there are a lot of good reasons to carry two knives. Even so, some people may question my logic by saying that if this were the case we may as well carry two of everything—two sets of keys, two wallets, two cell phones, etc.

Here’s the Thing

It’s possible for us to take preparation to such an extreme that it becomes impossible to lead a normal life. The difference, especially with knives, is the relative ease of carrying two. With so many knives on the market it is easy to find a backup that is inconspicuous, small, and comfortable. What I’m trying to say is that the downside is so small and the upside so large that it’s simply a no-brainer, at least for me.

So what do you think?

Am I the only one who carries two knives? Let me know in the comments below!

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1,264 thoughts on “My Wife Thinks I’m Crazy for Doing This…”

  1. I live in the UK and you can spend 6 nights in jail if you have a pen-knife in your pocket if the blade is longer than 3.5 inches !! Carry 3 knives and you would be inside for a maximum of 6 months. There are many cases where a fisherman has left his knife in his car and has been prosecuted for carrying an offensive weapon.
    Which country has the lowest crime violent crime rate? The UK.
    Perhaps there is a lesson to be learnt here, that violence only breeds violence. That said, I practice martial arts any wouldn’t hesitate to deck some fool who threatened me or my family. Unfortunately, there is an increase in stabbings in the UK, but nothing compared to other countries.

  2. I always carry a blade and I always make darn sure that it is darn sharp.
    After reading your article I now carry no less than two, and always hidden.
    Thanks for the point of view. Paranoia well appreciated.

  3. Additionally, you should carry the knives in different pockets. If one knife isn’t available, e.g., back pocket and you’re being pushed backwards against a wall.
    Also, it is good to develop skills with both hands in case you’re dominant hand is unavailable – due to injury, being restrained, protecting someone you love, etc….

    It’s also good to know how to use knives with both forward and reverse grips. You just never know how your weapon will be available to you.

  4. Former LEO, have always carried at least 2 good knives in different pockets. Now that I’m a civilian I still carry 2 knives, 1 in back pocket & 1 in boot.

  5. NO your not crazy,i might be.I carry two folding knifes,one I got from you.TheTactical Survival 325S one in each front pocket.I carry a fixed blade on my right side,K-BAR.I have a pull apart cane with a blade.I did have a pin knife that I had gotten from you,but lost it.Would like to be able to get another one if possible.I also have throwing knifes and know how to stick them.Plus I carry a couple guns.So i’m ready for any dumbass on the street,you always need to be ready, these days you never know when things might go south.Thanks guys from FIGHTFAST.

  6. I normally carry at least 2 blades {easy open/thumb button}. Many times, especially if I am possibly going to be out after dark, I will carry three and maybe 4 blades; all of the easy open type.

  7. I plan to go bowhunting, my state laws prohibit firearms while bowhunting. Any thoughts on knife Bowie or machete vs. dog pack?

  8. I carry a OTF switchblade in front right pocket. Also carry a large assisted blade in the left pocket. Then a smaller assisted blade knife in my change pocket if wearing jeans. If wearing cargo pants like in summertime I’ll keep a knife generally in 4 different pockets. Then on top of that I carry a large Neck knife with the curved long 4 inch blade and also a smaller either straight blade or the finger blade neck knife as well. So it’s not unusual for me to have like 6 knives on me at most times. Oh and I almost forgot I also keep one maybe two credit card knives in my wallet and also have a small fold out I think it’s about a 1 1/2 inch knife on my keychain and also have the SOG keyknife which I really like cause it comes in handy for small stuff I need it for and it is really sharp as well. I’ve got a couple knives coming soon in the mail that are 24k gold and will keep one on me just for looks and to use if needed and put the other in my collection cause I think it’s just neat to have a 24k gold knife. Now I won’t even get into what I carry when I go camping or I’m in the woods for any reason. That’s a whole new ballgame and I have them everywhere. Probably a lil bit overkill but I like to be prepared. Thanks for the article and chance to share.

  9. A neck knife on paracord does not look safe even if nobody chokes you with it there is the possibility of it catching on something and choking you. Jeff Anderson does show how to tie a long piece of paracord into a harness that moves the knife to under your arm, and the paracord away from your neck, but still hidden by a tshirt.
    For a sheath with a loop on the bottom I use about six feet and tie a blood knot (very secure fishing knot) to form the loop. Wedge the knot into the loop.
    Knife under either arm behind your back make one twist. Nothing crosses your neck, both arms go through like a vest. The knife stays in place!

  10. A knife is a necessary tool for every day carry I carry several myself, and have a collection of over 200 or so

  11. Anyone that has worked in construction, knows that you should have a good screwdriver, and a beat-on screwdriver. The same is true with a knife. You should always have a very sharp knife on your person, that is accessible to either hand. This can be done with just one, but, like the screwdriver, it’s a good idea to have one that is only used for a specific purpose. Because, if you are ever in what could be a very bad situation for you or a loved one, you will need a very sharp knife. If you have used your knife that day for work, it may not be able to do what is needed to get out of that situation. I have always believed that it is better to have, and not need, than to need, and not have.

  12. You are not the only one to carry 2 knives.
    I usually carry 3, sometimes more. Never can be too safe. I do a lot of hiking and can never be sure of what you’ll encounter. I dont think I will have to use them for defending myself against wild animals , my walking stick and the fact that im human usually take care of that. Im more concerned with who I might run into on the trail.

    You never know.
    Always be prepared


  13. I only carry one knife at the moment, and it would be difficult to get at if I was attacked. Only one under my pillow as well. Your point is well taken. I would never be without a knife. Time to go through my collection and pull out a couple more. A single lady, even in Canada needs to be careful these days.

  14. I’ve always carried 2 knives, 1 is my normal EDC knife that I use for everything my other is a large extremely sharp Cold Steel that I hope I never haft to use.

  15. NO YOUR NOT CRAZY,YOUR JUST CAUTIOUS.i have 3 on my person at all times .one is a 325S TACTICAL ,and two of the thin creditcard types. Who knows WHEN YOU MIGHT NEED THEM. and i might be carrying 4 yahoo.comcause i just received a new 5N1EDC plus my colt 380 at times so i’m ready 4 anything

  16. I am a late seventies lady and I love knives too. My grandson likes to say “if my Nannie is dressed she’s armed”.

  17. I carry more than one as well. Like you said you never know what could happen and I rather have them than not. I’m looking for a great neck knife just for the next extra back up.

  18. I have carried a knife since I was about 10 years old. Now 73 I keep 3 in my car a big hunting knife under the seat.

  19. Yes I carry two knives,two fire starters and, two sets of keys, couple of carabiners and some paracord, they are carried all over the body to not draw attention or be bulky.

  20. I carry 4 knives one one each pocket one on my belt and one in my boot strap,and of course my 9 mm,got to be vigilant these days.keeping up with the times..

  21. i have knives in my truck & 1 in my pocket–some of yours. Meat knives are for meat. Utility knives are for utility. Steve


  23. A man needs an everyday utility knife for boxes, bindings, and just for the feeling of it in his pocket.
    I also carry a pair of throwing knives, a Survival knife, a fillet knife, a hatchet, and a machete in My Van at all times.
    I have made a pair of sheaths for a pair of stingers that are always attached to My belt.
    So if I had to bug out or protect Myself I have a blade for all occasions.

  24. I carry 2 knives every day, everywhere I go, and I do mean EVERYWHERE, even to church!!
    I can think of a whole lot of things that I can survive without, if lost, damaged or forgotten, things that are in my bug out kits, several of which are duplicate kits, stashed strategically, in different places, to make sure I can retrieve at least 1of them, if scrambling…..
    Things in those kits are for fast access, and initial survival, and all of the items in those kits are considered “top priority survival equipment,” but truthfully I could do without every piece of gear in them if I absolutely had to, every single piece except my knives.
    I carry several, and each one is responsible for performing several different functions, but only 1 of them can do it all, and THAT is the 1 piece of gear that I would be in some serious trouble without.
    So, I am very much like everyone else that is not going to be caught with their pants down when the shtf, I carry a knife or two everywhere……always.

  25. I don’t think you’re crazy at all, as a matter of fact I carry (4), four knives at all times. First, I can’t even count the number of times I’ve been out with friends, or even one friend, or just with my wife, and have had to slit something open, either for them or myself. Every year at Christmas someone gets a gift that requires a little knife work to get it open. Three of the knives I carry are old, I mean actually old. I’ve bought them at garage sales at bargain prices, but they are great knives. Two of them only have two blades, for the most part are meant for cutting string, rope, cardboard,etc. One of them has a blade that has been either worn or ground down to a much smaller version of it’s original size. That one I use for removing slivers, mine or anyone who can hold their hand dead still while I dig. I’ve sharpened it down to a very small point, and being also very sharp, it allows me to cut the skin, often quite caloused , so as to remove the sliver. The last one only has one blade and it can come out very fast. It’s one of the knives that you give away for free, the 325S Tactical Survival knife. It’s also razor sharp, and as yet I haven’t had to use it on anyone or anything very hard, but I’m pretty confident that if I should have need of such a thing it would be ready for action at a moments notice.

  26. Bob, No you are not CRAZY for the past 60 years I have carried two to three knife’s on my person one in each front pocket, one on side or in boot. Each has the correct feel for my hands and use as needed. Chant one is zero & two is one. A wee story for you it was my wife’s birthday so I gave her the flat of my hand on her bottom WELLLLL that did not go as plan’ed she said if you ever do that again I will take a flat iron to you when you are asleep well thought that would hurt so I went out & bought the biggest meat cleaver I could find and gave it to her. When she wanted a gun took her to gun shop and had dealer set out six guns then blindfolded her and placed each weapon in her hand and told her to take a sight picture in her mind well after twenty some odd weapons later she said this one it feels right it fits & I have a good sight picture that was the Sig we bought for her.

  27. I have 11 knives on me right now, I usually have at least 4 at all times. I was shot in the head while leaving for work the person was never caught. So I’m still a little paranoid. Well take care.

  28. First I don’t think you are crazy, I am a big fan of blades, however I also know that bringing a knife to a gun fight is just bad news. That is why I carry three blades and a firearm. Stabbing is a last ditch defense unless there is no other way, quick slashes to the forehead just above the eyebrow will effectively blind an adversary and render him ineffective, if more than one it will even the odds pretty quickly.

  29. If I’m wearing a belt I always have a knife as my belt buckle is a knife. I always carry 2 pocket knives on each side. Not just for self defense but also a car accident as they both have the seat belt cutter and window break. When I leave the house I have 3 in my car and the 3 I already mentioned but then also strap on at least 1 of my throwing knives and I also have one that is sheathed under my shirt by a lanyard. I was attacked by some kid on the road. After walking him back to his car with 1 of my knives he hit me in the back of the neck with something he threw. I turned around and him and his buddy were approaching so I turned around and put the knife through the hood of their car and told him to take 1 more step. Still waiting to get it back from the police but it saved my life, especially as I had just had neck surgery a month prior.

  30. Makes sense if you live in a place like Detroit, I’d be armed to the teeth not only a couple of knife’ but a gun aswell as a couple extra clips. But I don’t live in a place where you always have to be looking over your shoulder for trouble. So my spider Co knife is fine and in my town that’s plenty! But not a bad idea when venturing into urban areas!

  31. They only think you are paranoid or crazy until an attack happens or they are the ones being victimized. It is easy to live life with your head in the sand but it changes your life forever when you are attacked. I am at home right now and I am carrying 4 knives hidden on me and a tactical defense pen (and yes that is at home in a place I feel safe). Not to mention that I have at least a dozen more combat capable knives easil;y within reach and a tactical hammer. I don’t think you are crazy or paranoid. It is better to be prepared and have tools accessible than it is to be caught off guard and not have those tools. Everything is a tool that could become a weapon if necessary. I hope using them never becomes necessary but I will be prepared to protect myself and those I care about if it ever does go sideways.

  32. My wife thinks I’m crazy too what are you going to do with all of those knives you never know you never know when I might need one of them I have three of every folding knife that you’ve ever offered me and all the little multi knives she thinks I’m crazy I have ordered so many that your website wants me to prove that I’m not a computer what a hoot

  33. I must have two knives,at least two,one must be a lockblade,the second a throwing knife don’t have to get too close

  34. I carry two knives on me at all times during the day. Plus I have one in the car. You never know when you will have to use it. I am hoping that I will never have to use them against anyone,but it’s better to be safe than sorry.

  35. Nope I carry one in my purse, one in my pocket! Never know when you are going to need a sharp knife!

  36. Wow, I must have OVER 300 knives, I carry three at all times,, I have a belt with atleast 15 knifes on it, (all atleast 8″inch Blades or longer), That’s my Grab and go belt, and next to it is my side arm, locked and loaded. If I have to go I grab those Two belt’s and my B.O.B.. I always have one in my boot,, a set of 3 throwing knives on a strap on my forearm,,, and of course my pocket one. That’s everyday Carry.

  37. I too carry not 2 but 3 knives everywhere I go, and I too mean EVERYWHERE. I’m Ex•Military with special skills, we are living in barrow times, there were time i could trust my neighbors, my friends, and all of this has changed as the World to has changed as well. I hope it could go back the way it was but i believe this is going to be the new norm of living. God have Pity on our souls??