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Fight Deception: The Art of Being First

James “Smokey” West Here

Have you ever heard the saying, “the punch that gets you is the punch you never see?” I have recently been asked questions about how to get to your opponent or attacker without getting hurt. It’s a great question and it involves closing the gap or distance between you and your opponent. If you don’t do a lot of reality-based fight training, this concept will be hard to master or even conceptualize. If a fight or a self-defense situation is imminent, things can get crazy in a hurry. You’ve got to face the situation, even though you (and even seasoned street fighters) are concerned about getting hit first and taken out.

Control the Altercation

I realize there are some genetic freaks out there who are simply hard to hurt, making it even more difficult to beat them. To do so, you have to be deceptive, fast, and first. You may have to sucker punch a guy as there is much to be said about getting off first to win.

Once an altercation has reached critical mass and can no longer be avoided, it is vitally important for you to minimize the damage you take, while maximizing the damage you deal to the would be assailant. Your ability to avoid getting hit is based largely on your movement. This starts with controlling the distance between both of you from the onset, always knowing where you are in relation to your opponent.

Mitigate Attacks

If, for example, you feel like your opponent may bull-rush you, there are a few simple tips you should keep in mind to help minimize the initial rush and impact.

  • You should align yourself just out of the attacker’s reach and on the side furthest away from their power hand or side.
  • If you feel they may lead with a bull-rush or that they’ll strike you first, then you want your feet about shoulder-width apart with your lead foot pointing at their lead foot and you want to have your weight shifted slightly forward about 60% to the front leg and 40% weight to back leg. Your knees should be slightly bent. This will enhance your ability to ride the punch or bull rush without getting your weight locked down on your back heel, immobilizing you. Also, do not let your opponent get their hips lower than yours—gravity counts.
  • Get your hands up close to your shoulders and keep your lead hand between you and your attacker.

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Striking First

If you feel that your best option is to hit first, don’t worry about being judged because you sucker punched some AH who wants to beat your ass. Just let it rip. It’s a great idea, but not always effective.

  • You have to practice hitting hard from many different angles. This is best done on heavy bags.
  • You want to hit the guy in a way that attacks their vulnerabilities and maximizes your punching power. This is never going to be the same for every situation or person.
  • If you can freeze your attacker before you punch by creating a distraction and then hitting him, this is better for you. Fakes and feints work well here. It’s like punching out in front of him.
  • Zig/Zag foot work is a method of closing that may work well, especially if your attacker has tunnel-vision and is fixed on their target and the outcome they desire. This happens when you push/slide very fast, first to the left or right as you close the distance between you and your attacker and then immediately do the same in the opposite direction, all-the-while continuing to close the gap. This may make your opponent miss you or at least have to readjust their footwork and stance, confusing them and getting them off balance and taking the power out of any strikes.

This zig/zag footwork came in handy for me many years ago when I took out a 6’8″ aggressive attacker in the streets one night.

Here’s The Story…

I was stationed at Ft Bragg NC in the 7th Special Forces Group at the time. Two of my martial arts training partners and I were out and about one night having a few adult beverages. Like many young Green Berets, we stayed out until the bars all closed down. As a result, we were not feeling any pain and had also made the natural assumption that no one would screw with us.

Little did we know how quickly things would go south. We went to an all-night breakfast restaurant and it seemed all the other hungry drunks had done the same. Long story short, an all-out brawl broke out and people were slugging it out all around us. We decided to get out of there before the police arrived.

As we were walking to the car through the parking lot, I notice a huge guy heading straight for us. He was about 6’8″ and had very long hair and was wearing a long winter maxi coat. He also had his girlfriend by his side. My internal alarms started going off because he was not only staring me down, but was making a B-line directly at me.

Things Went South Quickly

Of course my mind was going, “Holy shit, WTF?” I figured he didn’t want to talk, so I was thinking of what the best course of action I could take was to avoid getting my ass whooped by this big AH.

Just as I thought things couldn’t get worse, the guy reached into his mouth and pulled his dentures out. Now, I’m thinking this is going to get real and bad in a hurry. Keep in mind that all of these thoughts are racing through my mind in a matter of seconds as this guy is about 25 feet away and closing.

He, however, clearly didn’t have a plan of action and his internal alarms were obviously turned off. As he closed in on me, he accidentally handed me the answer to winning and not losing. He took his dentures and started pushing them down into his right pocket. As he was shoving his dentures into his pocket, I thought to myself, “there is no time like the present and this may be my only chance to take advantage.”

A Brutal Ending

When he was about 8 feet away with his hand stuck in his pocket, I did a quick zig/zag first to his left in a sprint-like motion, rapidly changing directions and zagging back to his right as if I were running past his right side. I reached behind his shoulders and grabbed his long hair and kept running behind him, forcing his weight back on his heels. As he was attempting to play catch up and regain his balances, I pulled him over the hood of the nearest car.

As he fell onto the hood of the car, I slammed his head into it. He tried to get up and I continued the flow and hit him in the face with an elbow strike as hard as I could hit him. I had nothing but my survival and bad intent behind the elbow strike.

As his head bounced back up I hit him a 2nd time with a flush forearm to the face and then immediately stuck my right index finger knuckle-deep into his right eye. This seemed to do the trick. I don’t know medically what nerves are connected to what in and behind the eye ball, but this sure had a negative effect on him. I kept my finger in his eye socket and kept digging my finger into his eye.

Every time I pushed down on my finger, his right leg would straighten out. That was very interesting.

At this point a bunch of bystanders and his girlfriend jumped on me and pulled me off of him. So, we got in the car and drove away with no other involvement from the police or anyone else. This is a neat case where if you know a lot and use a little (i.e. the zig/zag footwork), you can overcome bigger, stronger assailants with little to no real plan.

Closing Thoughts

When your brain goes into survival or self-defense mode, you will stay relaxed and make faster defensive choices without hesitation. I remember when I was training with Joe Lewis he said, “the toughest thing a fighter has to do is to make critical decisions while under fire.” Ain’t that the truth.

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242 thoughts on “Fight Deception: The Art of Being First”

  1. Thanks for the self-disclosure. I’ll think a lot about what you said. Because even me, a 65y/o can do some of that. Believe it or not, but I went to a bar (that I thought was a small corner restaurant) when visiting my adult son, who has worked in restaurants all his life. This was 3 years ago, and the first time I had been in a bar for about 20-30 years. I mention that because “bar life” can change a lot over a span of 20-30 years.

    When I was in college I went to an old downtown dive bar in a college town; and the owner said, “over time, nothing changes, only the faces”. He had been at the bar since the 1940s. I was there in the early 1970s. And I thought what he said was insightful. But what a dummy I was to be at about 62y/o and to be talking with a younger gal (20s) sitting to my right, with my son sitting to my left. I wasn’t drunk, but I was moving in that direction, when I heard my son say to the gal (at what I thought was a restaurant), “Hey, I apologize. My dad (me) has not been in a bar for decades and he doesn’t understand what is going on right now.”
    Well, I did not like hearing that at all. But I did conclude that, while I was trying to be decent and hospitable, I was actually being a freaking nuisance for not understanding the place the out-of-state place that I was in.

    My own conclusion to this story as a young 60s old-timer, and in a 3/4 restaurant & 1/4 bar is that good intentions can go wrong (even when you do not realize it because of drink and newness of the environment). You cannot taking anything for granted (when dealing with younger generations: you had better not be “fatherly”, or whatever). Anyone who sits upon a bar stool alone has an agenda, and it is not (per se) to quence a thirst. Nor will a 20y/o female seek to strike up a conversation with a 60y/o stupid fart, even while she is waiting to be picked up, or waiting for someone else.

    Plenty of “self-defense orientated” Prepper Educators say, “Steer clear of bars”. It certainly wasn’t that way when I was young(er). But even a 20y/o female co-worker at work told me last year that she wouldn’t go into bars in our small town of 35K because on one night, every single bar in town had a fight.

    When I was young (1960s) old people wanted peace and security; young people didn’t care much about that even though their “outings” were filled with plenty of both. Old people need to grow up and avoid presuming that the peace and security that has surrounded them all their lives, is still in play. It may not be at all.

  2. Scary. Don’t want to have to do that. Zig-zag, project forward, pull’in hair…. mmm does move a person backwards, hank yard. Elbows close to the side and knees bent. Remember in a split second! Thank you.

  3. Do not get hit first. Opponents long hair is a great tool for you to use. You control thier head. Do not get hit first.

  4. well, I’ll tell ya my version is I want that “Big AH” to give me the advantage of the hood? Not being really big at all 5’6″ on a good day. so when these big AH pitch me around and for some? the reason they will all cause of the difference in size. and they ALL DO IT but when on the hood is when I put the boots to Mr. AH. then I will choose hurt, gut shot. mame hard as I can muster center of His chest, will inflict a great deal of confusion. really stop Mr. AH under the chin throat- chin area? funny for just a quick minute He is confused, Hurt, mostly Imbarised! when that little guy Mr AH was NOT Expecting any resistance from a Small Guy. KICKS Mr AH into submission, BUT only With His help. No kidding try it every one of the “BIG” guys will pitch a small guy around, so You pick the spot sure as I sitting here they will have a show of strength and pitch us, little guys around SO be ready to fly? and turn the tables it works for me I do USE it

  5. Hi self defense is all good but what if the person knows your intentions I’m not much of a stand up fighter but I am comfortable on the ground I know someone in my workplace who needs a smack in the mouth how would I make my first approach?

    P.s I have tried other ways to stop these arguments but there’s only one way he’ll learn. I go back to work in a couple of weeks I plan to settle it then.

    Thanks Shannon

  6. I always enjoy any and all survival tech . I had some situations similar, who hasn’t . If you ha e amymore technical fighting techniques I would enjoy hearing about them.

  7. Great advice. Thanks very much. Always appreciate any advice, especially in today’s mad, mad world! Also, I think it would be helpful to give some tips on how to recognize and avoid potentially violent groups of people, (walking through a neighborhood and confronted by a group of 5 to 15 or more suspect individuals). I understand avoidance is best but if you happen to round a corner in downtown Baltimore, (near where I live), and you come face to face with a group of hostiles, what now? Especially if I have my very petite wife with me? Any advice is welcome.

    P.S. I noticed that a lot of the violent “antifa protestors” in Charlottesville were armed with bats and other weaponry. Any advice on dealing with a situation like that if you just happen to get caught in the middle of it?

    All The Best,

  8. Good tip on pointing the lead foot towards the opponents’s lead foot. I hope I remember this if I need to use it. I always thought that speed of reaction and maneuverability was a tool or strategy of smaller, slower and somewhat weaker fighters.
    When people comment that training is a waste of time because you might forget everything in a fight or it takes “too long” to “become any good”, I always point out that they sound lazy and forget that in everything, commitment and practice yields better results and in the end or down the road, those skills will be cherished. You can’t learn anything overnight and be the best you can be without time.
    I think concentration and the ability to remain calm is what often gives the good guy the advantage if he or she dedicates time to those facets of self defense and not JUST the mechanics. In any crisis, a cool head can sway the outcome in your favor.

  9. Outstanding, I’m a retired marine, I came from a mother and father that we’re marine’s. I was taught, if you can’t avoid it, take it to the bank, and don’t hesitate. Good advice.

  10. Thanks for some awesome knowledge. Im a 5’1″ 49 year old female & self preservation/protection can be tricky 🙂 good job n ill be practicing..

  11. Always enjoy these neat little tricks this happened to me once my assailant managed to get on top me with my back on the ground I did a double thumb strike to both eyes at same time it ended the fight instantly a winner

  12. good message and story. fully agree that when it finally gets to where “avoid” or “escape” is no longer an option, the the best defense is a vicious, violent, and unhesitating response. thanks!

  13. Thanks, I’m not considered a big guy. 5’7″ 180lbs. I’ve always had something inside pushing me to strike first once the no return point is rached. I avoid at all cost as health issues have arisen with me. Good to hear im doing things right….thanks…..
    Richard !!!!

  14. I am a small guy and was always getting picked on. I learned quick to hit first and don’t let up till he is done for. After a while I wasn’t getting picked on much.

  15. Very well writtrn. Was an Infantry Marine (0311) and a Combat Intelligence Analysts (0231) for seven years in the FMF and was taught the “three to five” second first strike philosophy. It works. Word of warning…once an assialant is down and not…not a threat back away never turning your back on the person or persons down. The law is clear on this fine line on being in the “defense” versus ” the “offense”. Yes…you can go to jail if you step over that line. The key to any situation is this…never “panic”. You have a quick choice to make…either you control it or it controls you. Conttol it.

  16. Been in similar situations… but a couple back fired… you’ll have that… For the most part —yes— always be 1st… 2nd place is no place to be!!!

    Thx I agree with ya..

  17. Hi James,that sounds a very interesting confrontation,you made your move while his hand was in a pocket,smart!
    I was very interested to see you actually trained with the Great Joe Louis?
    One of the best boxers of all time!
    You must have had some very interesting stories from Joe?
    Good to see you are helping the many thousands of guys with your experiences.
    Thanks and good luck to you.

  18. I find this very informative. I am 80 years old x navy and caint run and zag like that so if I see I caint get out of a situation I get as close as I can and hit up with my fist, this will cause him to bite his tongue or enough time for me to make a getaway.

  19. Alright James greetings from the UK very good tips much appreciated.
    Have you got any pointers on defending yourself with 1 arm I was in a motorcycle accident and have nerve damage left arm and can’t raise it many thanks craig.

  20. Hi Mr. West,
    How are you? I love your articles, and advice, and have not only used your teaching to help others, I have also sent them directly to FIGHT FAST to sign up. I’ve been in a wheelchair for around 12 year as a result of an accident, where I ran my scooter into the side of a Cadillac driven by an old lady who was in a hurry to get a jar of peanut butter before the store closed. And all I got was a wheelchair every 5 years. Lots of people like to pick on people who they consider to be HELPLESS. Your training has helped me a LOT. Thank you for your service to our country, and your service to HOTLIST members.

  21. I probably shouldn’t say this but, here goes. My daughter has 3 kids. A few ppl were over visiting her last night. A girl, who is 17 has been living there with my daughter, she is on the school registry as living there also. Her mother has all but given her up, and also does meth. Every now and then the mother stops by, walks into my daughters home, as if she owns it. I have only witnessed this happen twice.Last night they were all sitting around the table, and I happened to pull up right after she had gone in. I knocked on the door, and my grandson answered,crying. I asked him what was wrong, he said that this 17 year old girls mother was in the kitchen yelling at his mother, and at the 17 yr old. I had your spike on me, also my Ruger.380. I did not want to shoot anyone,nor use the spike in front of these ppl,my daughter, and grandkids. This lady had her back to me in the kitchen, with her daughter in front of her yelling all kinds of obsenities at her,calling her own daughter names that would shock even God. My daughter wants to take this girl in to finish out her last year at school. And I stood there and listened to her daughter say, enough with the threats.Ifollowing you are going to punish me, punish me now, do wait. All along I was looking around the kitchen, I knew that the knives were right behind the 17 yr. old. Everyone was in the kitchen, a small room with a big table.I whispered to my grand kids to go upstairs.That’s when my daughter turned and noticed me.I motioned with my eyes to get away from her. And she pulled back her friend with her. Now there were 3 ppl that I had to watch out for. The woman sitting at the table who was just stuck in her seat in pure panic,the 17 year old, and myself. This lady was saying that she was going to take her out of school,just b/c she wanted to make her daughters life a living hell. Then she called her daughter a name that no woman ever likes to be called. So, I didn’t whisper, I yelled out her name. She turned and looked at me, I said leave her alone. If my daughter can’t adopt, then my wife and I will. Man, this woman was tweeking,her entire head kept twitching, and she talked so fast that you really couldn’t understand what she was saying. She turned, and came at me, stood over me with her mouth about an inch from mine. And pointing down at my face. Before this had all happened,I looked over the place, as I said.Made sure where everything was, got the kids out.My daughter, a friend of hers, and my grandchildren were the ONLY ones that knew I had my pistol. I finally decided that the SPIKE was the best thing to use. When she got in my face, and started screaming, I thought about what you had taught, NEVER LOOK THEM IN THE EYE. Yet, I had the SPIKE in my left hand,with my thumb on the end ready to use it. However, that small trick of not engaging,or looking them in the eye, worked tremendously.I was rather surprised at how calm I was and alert about everything around me. And to think that I had just received the SPIKE one day before this. When she saw that I wasn’t afraid of her empty threats, she left. The 17 yr old had to go with her,but my daughter is having papers drawn up. The one thing is, this lady didn’t know just how close she had come to actually being put in the hospital. Thank you, for not only shown us how to fight, but how to de-escalate a fight should one pop up.

  22. Thank You! interesting about the 60/40
    I just turned senior citizen and still remember everything taught me from days/ years gone by
    movement has always been key.
    You do not want to be or become a stationary target.what worked for me was attacking when being attacked, i.e using their ownweight against them along with the eight weapons we have at our disposal. Jabs, headbutts, elbows, forearms,leg kicks to knee,groin and so on as a given situation calls for. Thanks

  23. Hey, just wanted to say thanks for the info. I have been in similar situations and just wanted to add, with multiple attackers, I think the surprise of your first strike is a definitive physical and psychological advantage. When the mob mentality hits, people think they’re invulnerable. When you attack the mob and one goes down, they realise different.
    Again, just wanted to thank you for a great informative piece. When we stop learning, we die.