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Do You Have Bad Intentions?

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Jim West was recently at our studio to provide some expert instruction on a few new weapon projects. As expected, we had a great time. Jim has a way of tossing out nuggets of combat wisdom in passing that really stick with you. Here’s one thing he brought up that many of us don’t give enough thought to:

World's Fastest Drawing Knife.

You wanna try out the fastest drawing knife on the planet? Good. Because here's your chance to get it for FREE.

It even comes with a video showing you exactly how to draw this folder from your pocket (one-handed) so that it snaps open and is ready for action in the blink of an eye. (Your buddies are going to be sooo freaked out when they see this).

>> Your Lightning Fast “Striker” Here. <<

“Bad Intentions”

Jim pointed out that in a life or death self-defense situation, you MUST have bad intentions. If you aren’t mentally prepared to hurt your attacker, you are much less likely to survive. The survival mindset is an aggressive one.

For Jim, it’s about flipping the switch from polite citizen to “ass kicking” mode as quickly as possible. How fast can you make the switch? Seriously, think about that for a minute…

Most of us grew up being told we have to be kind to others… and we should. Most of us were scolded for hitting others at a young age… also a good thing. Because of our parent’s strong values and guidance we developed into kind and respectful citizens.

Here’s the Problem…

If kindness and respect are your norms, how do you “flip the switch?” For some, it’s very difficult and can take a second or two. For others, they just can’t seem to make the switch. Why is it so difficult for us? We are conditioned to be non-violent. Criminals expect good victims, and for the most part, people are. The criminal’s instinct is to take what they want through intimidation, deception, and violence. Ours is to earn what we want through honest, hard work.

In the critical few moments leading up to physical contact, most of us are looking for ways to de-escalate the situation, or are simply paralyzed by fear (or an ingrained hesitancy to hurt another human being). All this works to the criminal’s advantage.

So You MUST Be Proactive

If you wait for a life-threatening situation to decide what to do, you are leaving too much up to chance. You must decide ahead of time where your “line in the sand” is. And if it’s crossed, how far will you go?

Ask yourself the following questions:

  1. How dirty will you fight?
  2. Are you out for blood?
  3. Will you wait to be hit first?

World's Fastest Drawing Knife.

You wanna try out the fastest drawing knife on the planet? Good. Because here's your chance to get it for FREE.

It even comes with a video showing you exactly how to draw this folder from your pocket (one-handed) so that it snaps open and is ready for action in the blink of an eye. (Your buddies are going to be sooo freaked out when they see this).

>> Your Lightning Fast “Striker” Here. <<

Don’t Get Me Wrong

I’m not suggesting you fly off the handle at the slightest chance of a conflict. But when trouble comes knocking, you’d better be mentally prepared to take care of the problem and resolve yourself to do what you think is necessary.

Keep in mind hundreds, if not thousands of people have been killed with just one punch. So, as far as I’m concerned, there are no “little scuffles” in the street. This isn’t the playground. A grown man trying to hit me IS life threatening, every time. When you engage you must truly intend on hurting the person. You can’t fake it.

Aggression and self-preservation are basic animal instincts. Use them. If you are simply defending (as in, only using defensive moves) your attacker will likely keep at it, until he has worn you down. Your defense has to hurt him. It must have those bad intentions.

The Reality Is This

With the exception of a skilled counter-fighter, aggressors control the encounter. If you willingly let the attacker maintain his role as the leader in the encounter you are leaving too much up to chance. Hoping he’ll give up, hoping somebody will come to the rescue, hoping he won’t hurt you too bad, or hoping he’ll leave your family alone.

Don’t hope… ACT. We’ve talked about mindset before and this won’t be the last time we talk about it. But I think Jim West has a unique and valuable way of looking at this issue, that may resonate in a different way than some of our previous articles.

What Do You Think?

When trouble comes, will you have the strength to flip the switch? Let me know in the comments below!

For a safe life…

Dean Horine, Special Projects

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696 thoughts on “Do You Have Bad Intentions?”

  1. I’m 65 and these are the worst times of my life. A man of my age is “supposedly” easy prey. I even use a cane​ to walk with. I must be prepared to defend myself and my wife. Your videos and products are essential to me in keeping the bad guys away.

  2. So true. Raised kind and polite, hard to flip a switch, yet when it does flip the tendency is to be more aggressive and destructive than the criminal, that prey on the vulnerable or inattentive victims, could ever have imagined. The natural instinctive reflexes of self preservation and defense is what occurs. In a group, being accosted, the one who knows inside that they, at that terrible moment of a violent attack, are willing to lay down their life for their friends, and step up to the plate and lock horns with evil, by far are the greatest of the best people in this world.

  3. No turning the other cheek. When you are confronted by a goblin wanting to take something of yours, your wallet, jewelery,or your life, you make the fight or flight decision. I chose to defend my self and family. Your videos and blogs help immensely. Keep up the good work!

  4. I understand and agree it’s hard for me to display that kind of mindset in training I try to jux focus and relax during training hoping it will carry over into a life or death situation ,this topic is something I’m happy you brought to light thank you guys I will focus on it more, part of me kinda knows when the bs you’re not allow to walk away of run lol seriously you have NO choice I been on the receiving end ,event after event and beleave me when I tell you I’m tired of being the victim!

  5. Very good. Like old saying, “Better to be judged by 12 than carried by six”. Many bad actors like to get in your face which gives them an advantage when initiating an offense. A basic lesson of martial arts is maintaining
    a safe buffer zone which allows some reaction time.
    It is amazing what a good stick (cane) can do.
    Remember us oldsters.
    USN Ret.
    Black belt, karate, 1973.

  6. Hi

    I have been in over 100 encounters, some with knife wielders, sometimes 2 to 3 people and sometimes in a bar they just liked to take turns. I did get a black eye once and a lot of sore hands but never lost a fight. My best defense was always a fast offence. U.S. Army Retired, Viet Nam Vet.

  7. As an 83 year old male, 6’8″ tall and weighing 275 pounds I have NEVER believed in the absurdity described as a “proportional response”. It doesn’t work for nations and it doesn’t work for individuals. By the time a situation escalates to a physical confrontation I have no compunction to avoid maximum retaliation. I have NEVER understood why anybody would hesitate to kill an adversary who is trying to kill you. It would be my intention to inflict maximum pain or death if necessary upon ANYBODY male, female or teenager who threatened my life or physical wellbeing. Involve a family member and I would gladly dispatch any miscreant to the hereafter.

  8. being a vet, I have no intensions of being hit first because I am too old to stand there and go toe to toe. I will break something on the other person first and deal with questions later. I have learned body language and know what to do.

  9. I couldn’t agree more. To paraphrase Mad Dog Mattis: “Be professional, be polite, but have a plan to kill everyone you meet today.” After ten years on the ground in Iraq and Afghanistan, not in uniform, it’s the only response I know.

  10. Very cool. It’s a sad situation that moves/techniques like this are necessary, but, they are. Thanks!

  11. This is so true, years ago I was attacked by 4 Big guys, I knew I was about to be attacked and managed to take out one before getting bashed by the other 3, (I was 15 years and 9 months old, a junior recruit in basic training at the time, some of the locals did not like the military) by the time I hit the ground I was seeing my attackers hitting the ground beside me. ( I was thinking WOW I really kicked so butt) NO not me.
    An SAS instructor just happened to be on the other side of the road. within seconds he had taken them all out and was carrying back to base.
    As it turned out he instructed us in self defence that week. Using me as an example: with the odds against you with no place to run, with your life in danger, you must stand and fight, give it your all and never give up. You only have two choices, to survive or die.
    Lesson learnt, When you feel you’re, in danger your are. take them out before they take you out.

  12. Yes all very true along with a few miss conceptions on how one has been raised. Kind and polite is one thing defending your family from a violent perpetrator is another. Thank you for the article enjoyed reading it.

    A.S. (American Steel)

  13. Most of us are programmed to be non violent and for myself it will take a serious brain shift to become the aggressor, but when push comes to shove I hope I can do it. Definitely food for thought!

  14. Any good defensive moves against a attacker trying to knock you down with a straight punch or right hook? After all, this is a common scenario in most attacks.

  15. One time, some guy pulls a knife on me in the street. I punched him in the side of the face. Problem solved. However, if I hadn’t been able to make the switch, then he probably would’ve mugged me. I know some people can’t make that switch like I can, so this blog is really nice to have.

  16. Good article with attitude.
    I have trouble keeping the switch OFF.
    But then again, I live in a violent world on the African continent where there are no rules of engagement.

  17. As a retired police officer, I can say that in order to protect yourself you much turn defense into offense quickly. You will be second guessed by every political idiot, lawyer, and flying, honking hippo. The
    aggressive Dockdren will be used against you. You must be aware of when self defense stops and aggression ns, Worrying about what could happen down the road will get you dead. think be prepared, survive.

  18. Good article, as a woman it is good to read articles on self defense. Now I know my intention if attacked has to be about survival. Keep “”em coming

  19. Great advice and 100% true .
    Thank you for this website because it actually does have some really good tips .

  20. Hi Dean
    I am really enjoying your tips. They seem simple as they are performed by expert ass kickers just wonder if I could do it as effectively
    Heres one situation i play act in my mind
    Angry guy comes at me and without warning launches a punch at my face. I am 66 and reflexes aren’t as good as they once were any ideas
    Kia Kaha ( Maori for no fear)

  21. I agree with the mental attitude, honestly I built a long fuse for myself because of what I was taught & drilled into mein the Marine Corps. I’m not a badass by no means but the attitude turned me into a fighter to the death!!! PERIOD!! I’m not proud of what happened! It literally scared the hell out of me. I nearly killed my oldest son because of that attitude. All things are good with us now. I’m trying to get back to this point you’re talking about. This is why I have joined this blog to help me get back what I lost. I live & work on the road and have to venture into areas that is sometimes a little hairy. Thanks for all that you are doing.

  22. I thoroughly enjoy your website and tips…..
    I am a disabled veteran, soon to be 60 years old, that is partially paralyzed from the waist down from a rare neurological disorder. I do manage to walk with a cane but have very little leg strength so walking is a bit of a challenge at times……
    I’ve inquired into adaptive martial arts and have watched some classes but two things, they just aren’t what I’m looking for. I’m not looking for ways to perform all the throws and tosses and the competitions and testings for the different belts, plus, the closest studio to my town is nearly an hour away.
    With the tips that you provide, you have given me some thoughts and ideas of ways to defend myself if I were ever put in a situation where it would be needed.
    I hope that I never need to use any of the kick ass tips that you’ve provided, but I am glad that I have had the chance to read about them.
    I just wish I had someone that I could spar with so that I knew that I was performing the maneuvers correctly,
    Again, I appreciate all of your tips, videos, website…etc and look forward to each new one.
    You are showing me the exact types of things I am looking for…..nice quick effective ways to disable an attacker and not have to rely so much on my legs, plus I can use my cane as a weapon if need be.
    I also run a support group on Facebook for my disability and your techniques are things that I want to make my group aware of because I’ve had some members ask about martial art self defense techniques and I truly believe what you offer is much more along the line of what my members would be looking for.
    Keep kickin’ ass….!!!!

  23. Thanks Dean…..Jim’s words of combat wisdom are right on. A person has to train them selves to be able to klik instantly into survival, aggressive mode. I was able to learn this back in 1967, in my early 20’s living in Ocean-Brownsville section of Brooklyn, NY. This was a real tough “hood”. You “grew up” in 2 weeks or you were a statistic. You never went out at night without your stickball bat slid up your sleeve. It wasn’t until a few years later when studying martial arts that I was able to refine the “aggressive mode” even further. As I’ve gotten older you have to continue to practice that mind set because you encounter environments that are safer…….than others………..Thanks again for the excellent “heads-up”……Be…and ride safe folks!!!!

  24. As you stated in the blog, most of us are raised as law abiding citizens. The rest are taught not to let the other guy get or have something they want, so TAKE it from them. My time in the service taught me to make a decision, am I going home, or is this piece of crap going home. I am going home, not him, or whatever it is that is in my way. Well, I’m home. It’s a difficult decision the first time, but it gets easier when the situation comes again.

  25. I agree, in a situation where it is kill or be killed. You can’t screw around with moral absolutes, will I or won’t I mind sets or thoughts.
    You really should have a predetermined mind set of I am going to live, no matter what the cost or what I have to do. Except for combat vet.’s and individuals who have very specialized training. The average citizen(unless your a psychopath) has been taught all their life that to kill another human being is wrong. It is part of social character and make up in the country’s educational system. This why in boot camp(basic training) these moral ideals are challenged, broken down, and replaced. Dead Soldiers don’t accomplish shit!
    Remember the old proverb “prepare for the worst and hope for the best”. Also their are no Marcus of Queensbury rules(boxing) on the street. You put your attacker down, and keep doing it over and over till they can’t get up. AND YOU DON’T QUIT, GIVE UP OR SURRENDER!!!! The welfare, well being and life of your family may depend on it. You need to stay focused, determined and alert. And be ready to Kill if necessary, maime (brake bones, shatter ribs, knees, jaw,etc.) or cause serious injury- strike throat, dislocate limbs, etc. And utilize anything you can pick up as a weapon for attack or defense as needed.

  26. I like it…makes sense to be very aggressive and not passive when defending yourself and your family… Smoke em if ya got em….

  27. If I let my temper control my time to respond
    (Not my actual response, just WHEN) then I respond
    WHEN I need to !
    THAT is why the information from Mr.West can be so
    crucial to my continued good health
    (or even my existence) ☠️

  28. Being an Ex-Marine MOS 0331 serving in
    Nam on-the-ground kinda changes you)r
    perspective on a lot of shit but most
    specially what You & Your fellow
    U.S. (combat) Troops feel is
    Right or Wrong !
    If you had the luck to talk to a CLOSE
    relative who served in combat in WWII
    you would have learned that THEY
    learned it a lot harder & deeper than
    lots of us did !
    I’LL shut up now ?

  29. I worked in a violent maximum security prison in Africa for fifteen years. A scumbag remains a scumbag and will not hesitate to maim or kill. The best defense remains offence. I never saw anybody win by retaliating. The attacker ALWAYS had the advantage. Hit first and don’t stop until they are incapacitated. y the way, great blog.

  30. Interesting and really enlightening, you are correct in your evaluation of how we normal people usually act in a dangerous or confrontational manner that could be life threatening. It sounds like to me you are thinking that basically all of us must have the instincts of a police officer when caught in these life and death decisions. I am afraid it is coming to that when you read that a professor at Texas A&M had a class on “When it’s okay to kill a white person.” We even have a US Senator saying we should have rules on diversity in the Senate, that there are too many white men there. When it depends on the color of the perps skin as to when the public is outraged. We are facing a time like no other in my life time (68) We are a divided country and I am afraid that one day we will hear that it has come to shots fired, people killed and it will be Americans killing Americans

  31. At 14(1972), I found myself in “Gladiator School” , and then at 16, started playing with the big boys, in the “Big House”! Luckily, I got my act together in my early 20’s! I was in the top 1% as far as athleticism goes, in many sports! Being Canadian, hockey and lacrosse were at the forefront! My kids(3), all followed closely as athletes. Thank God, they’ve have never been in trouble with the law! I taught them from a very early age, that when confronted, never answer a challenge with your mouth, you’re already aware of the other persons intentions! Strike first, strike hard, and hopefully you won’t have to cripple, or kill!

  32. I’m so thankful to everyone at fight fast for all the work they put into every facet of what they offer, From equipment, weapons, blogs, videos. I could go on and on but I just want to shoot “Thank You FightFast Fast” for all your help in keeping me and mine sage and secure. I love you all!

  33. Before my instincts were if confronted or in a fight was to hurt him bad so he’ll remember. Not to mess with me again. To think twice before opening his mouth. Not to under estimate his opponent. I was a real BAD ASS.I hurt them really bad and one time I had no choice but to break bones. I don’t regret that, but it changed me inside, whereby I don’t want to hurt or do the kind of damages I’ve done in the past. About a year ago I was confronted in a bar with a guy who was high but not yet drunk and I tried to avoid a fight, but somehow it got escalated and I took a hit on my cheek. It didn’t hurt at all. I told him you hit like an old lady!!! LOL !!! And that my grandma could hit harder than that and she would whoop his ass!!! LOL !!! Well, guys in the bar grabbed him and me and they escorted him out and let me stay in the bar. The guy that grabbed me was a friend so I didn’t want to hurt him to get to the guy, you know what I mean??? Since then my way of thinking has changed and I’ve gotten soft. But I believe if the SHTF I would be able to change my mental attitude with NO PROBLEMS!!!

  34. Hello I am Alphonso from South Africa – Thanks for all the great giveaways and Great HoT tips to survive.

  35. I’d like to hear more about how to hit that switch. I have a friend that used to teach martial arts describe what it’s like, but not how to do it. I know I have the switch because it has been flipped when my family was threatened, but I don’t know how to do it myself and feeling threatened alone usually won’t put me in that place the way having my family threatened did.

  36. Hit first ask questions later. There’s not going to be a chance for the attacker to get his bearings. There’s no such thing as a dirty fight. Objective is to win by any means it takes.

  37. As a woman I had encountered a situation where another female, being the aggressor, violently threatened me and as I ‘switched’ I quickly stated to her “if you fight me, I will win”! Not knowing I had a glass filled with sand behind my back she came at me with rage and I immediately clocked her over the head with just enough force to completely defuse the attack yet not cause damage. Startled she looked at me and I asked ‘Would you like more?’ As I picked up something bigger…it was over at that point. That was in my early 20’s
    I am kind and polite and always will be BUT, do not mess with me.
    In these times we all must be aware of our surroundings and do our very best not to find ourselves in a place or situation that may turn dangerous.
    Truth is … if your in a Forrest, be PREPAREDto face a bear!!! THANKS TO YOU ALL for the great tips

  38. I can and have flipped the switch. I am polite but ready for situations when I would need to be mean.

  39. As the Commandant of the Marine Corps recently stated, “Have a ready plan to Kill or Disable any Enemy you encounter!” Or something like that.

    Ralph Hanline-“Once a Marine, Always a Marine.” Retired Copper, Retired Private Investigator.” OOH RAH

  40. Awesome! I am naturally gentle and always trying to understand why people do the hurtful things they do from a compassion viewpoint. Plus I’m a woman… My children say I walk “aggressively” (LOL what ever that means). But I’ve never been confronted, and I teach my kids this same kind of thing to which they always sigh and roll their eyes, but I know they get it. In my “what would I do if…” daydreams I flip the switch. I hope if ever needed I will in the moment as well. I’m a trained CCW holder – and not afraid to use it!! Thanks for all you do!

  41. If it is going to be me or them ,it will always be them. I can flip the switch at the blink of an eye.

  42. Even in my condition, I would have no problem of sticking somebody or shooting them. I have had a couple of times that I had to pull out my 38. That put a big change in them real quick.