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Do You Have Bad Intentions?

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Jim West was recently at our studio to provide some expert instruction on a few new weapon projects. As expected, we had a great time. Jim has a way of tossing out nuggets of combat wisdom in passing that really stick with you. Here’s one thing he brought up that many of us don’t give enough thought to:

World's Fastest Drawing Knife.

You wanna try out the fastest drawing knife on the planet? Good. Because here's your chance to get it for FREE.

It even comes with a video showing you exactly how to draw this folder from your pocket (one-handed) so that it snaps open and is ready for action in the blink of an eye. (Your buddies are going to be sooo freaked out when they see this).

>> Your Lightning Fast “Striker” Here. <<

“Bad Intentions”

Jim pointed out that in a life or death self-defense situation, you MUST have bad intentions. If you aren’t mentally prepared to hurt your attacker, you are much less likely to survive. The survival mindset is an aggressive one.

For Jim, it’s about flipping the switch from polite citizen to “ass kicking” mode as quickly as possible. How fast can you make the switch? Seriously, think about that for a minute…

Most of us grew up being told we have to be kind to others… and we should. Most of us were scolded for hitting others at a young age… also a good thing. Because of our parent’s strong values and guidance we developed into kind and respectful citizens.

Here’s the Problem…

If kindness and respect are your norms, how do you “flip the switch?” For some, it’s very difficult and can take a second or two. For others, they just can’t seem to make the switch. Why is it so difficult for us? We are conditioned to be non-violent. Criminals expect good victims, and for the most part, people are. The criminal’s instinct is to take what they want through intimidation, deception, and violence. Ours is to earn what we want through honest, hard work.

In the critical few moments leading up to physical contact, most of us are looking for ways to de-escalate the situation, or are simply paralyzed by fear (or an ingrained hesitancy to hurt another human being). All this works to the criminal’s advantage.

So You MUST Be Proactive

If you wait for a life-threatening situation to decide what to do, you are leaving too much up to chance. You must decide ahead of time where your “line in the sand” is. And if it’s crossed, how far will you go?

Ask yourself the following questions:

  1. How dirty will you fight?
  2. Are you out for blood?
  3. Will you wait to be hit first?

Don’t Get Me Wrong

I’m not suggesting you fly off the handle at the slightest chance of a conflict. But when trouble comes knocking, you’d better be mentally prepared to take care of the problem and resolve yourself to do what you think is necessary.

Keep in mind hundreds, if not thousands of people have been killed with just one punch. So, as far as I’m concerned, there are no “little scuffles” in the street. This isn’t the playground. A grown man trying to hit me IS life threatening, every time. When you engage you must truly intend on hurting the person. You can’t fake it.

Aggression and self-preservation are basic animal instincts. Use them. If you are simply defending (as in, only using defensive moves) your attacker will likely keep at it, until he has worn you down. Your defense has to hurt him. It must have those bad intentions.

The Reality Is This

With the exception of a skilled counter-fighter, aggressors control the encounter. If you willingly let the attacker maintain his role as the leader in the encounter you are leaving too much up to chance. Hoping he’ll give up, hoping somebody will come to the rescue, hoping he won’t hurt you too bad, or hoping he’ll leave your family alone.

Don’t hope… ACT. We’ve talked about mindset before and this won’t be the last time we talk about it. But I think Jim West has a unique and valuable way of looking at this issue, that may resonate in a different way than some of our previous articles.

What Do You Think?

When trouble comes, will you have the strength to flip the switch? Let me know in the comments below!

For a safe life…

Dean Horine, Special Projects

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696 thoughts on “Do You Have Bad Intentions?”

  1. Great input, i was instructed many years ago to do everything in my power to stay out of fights. but if it had to fight like it was your life or theirs. That piece of wisdom came from a WWII hero during the 60’s. It held true then and even more spot on today. Fight to KILL if you must and do it without hesitation.

  2. I learned long ago that when you have to “get nasty”, you go from 0 to MAX in half a heartbeat. Any longer and you are behind the power curve!

  3. Unfortunately times have changed not for the better.As Society as a whole slowly, realises that RESPECT/NORMALITY IN SOME CASES HAS GONE OUT THE DOOR.For instance for those whom work a Secondary job in the Hospitality Industry Woman/Men/Youger Generation /Licensee/Manager’s/Security can attest that the SO CALLED COWARDS ? Here in Australia is in the media a lot.Security/Innocent bystanders alike a ALWAYS CAUGHT UP IN MIDDLE.THE LAW’S are OUT OFF DATE.AS VICTIMS & FAMILIE’S ARE LEFT DUMBFOUNDED DUE TO THUG/THUGS HAVE MORE RIGHTS THAN THE VICTIMS.EVERYONE WHOM WORKS IN THE HOSPITALITY/SECURITY HAS THE RIGHT TO COME HOME TO THEIR FAMILIE’S/AND PROTECT THEMSELVES AT ALL COSTS .

  4. As a retired combat vet it is easy for me to flip the switch. Someone comes at me and says they are going to kick my ass l just invite them to try and l tell them that l am going to hurt them very bad. Then l hurt them. I believe in due diligence and in the interest of fair play l only hurt them if they try to be a bad ass. I am a bad ass and at 6’6 and 265 lbs with my training Bobby Lasley would be my bitch as well as Brock Lesnar if l wished it so. They are trained ass kickers. I’m a very well trained killer. That’s what I do. A very large ass kicker will run away from someone smaller than themself if they believe you are going to hurt or kill them. Do not try to bluff though as this will get you hurt or killed. You have to go all in and use any tactic to win. There is no such thing as a fair fight.

  5. I grew up exactly as you said, resolve by talking. I did that once and I got pummeled by 5 attackers all at the same time. It happened not once but twice. I really don’t know how I survived the physical ambush. I even got king hit from behind and lived to see the next day.

    I decided that enough was enough so I attended martial arts classes to learn how to not only defend myself but to help others that are vulnerable, Karate, Tae Kuan Do, Kung Fu, Chuan (a form of fighting Tai Chi), Bruce Lee philosophy’s, Wing Chun. I spend years studying the science behind the arts and its striking complexity to suit real life moments. I researched and practiced the arts for hours, days, months and years. I took the parts that I thought was more effective in real situation and practiced them, taught them and trained them practically so it all becomes instinctive. I studied pressure points technique and how to bring them back as a precautionary measure.

    I 100% agree with you, know what you need to do in order to survive and do it. The unpredictability of the aggressor is determined by your perception of the height of your criminal intent (JTS). When I speak like this to the normal Joe they look shocked, so I asked them a question, “do you want to live” ” yes”, “do you want your kids to grow up without a parent “no”, so what is the problem, “I don’t want to kill anyone”. I explained that would it rather be the stranger that wants to take away your dignity, your life, your family? “No, I wasn’t brought up to hurt anyone”.

    I paused and told them it may never happen in your lifetime, but if it does it will only be that one time and it will only take one time and you are gone forever. I explained that it is important to not live in fear of what may happen or never happen, but the most satisfying thing is to feel confident when you are enjoying time out with your family and friends.
    Thank you to your Good Life and Safe Health.
    John Sekene

  6. Hi Bob,
    I appreciate all of your offers and information! I’m retired now but teach advanced pistol technique for the NRA. Never without a firearm, knife, light, and your great fighting techniques! Living in Albuquerque, murder and armed robbery capital of the US.
    John B.

  7. Interesting! Looks like my kind of place!
    Many talk the talk but few walk the walk! Succinct and concise seems to be the way here.

  8. Dean.thanks for the blog.realy good stuff..Idone boxing for a couple of years and that was good but now at 70 i
    Feel that i am getting a.bit slow are kick starting me with all this information and im back.ready to go again..keep it coming mate realy good stuff

  9. the message I left was left years ago, tells me, what to do but it; don’t tell me the choices I make to get there. if so, the letter would be there with you already as I wrote it now.

  10. Thats good advice , it took me years to understand the level of aggression you need to be able to instantly turn on , couple that with some strength and speed and you’ll pull through just fine even without the advanced hand to hand skills , basics are fine and good to learn from you guy’s n gals world wide.
    Best regards to all similar minded
    James from leeds england

  11. spend time reading about body language clues. There is now way to always know someones intentions however it is possible to be better at reading another persons body language and hopefully defend your self , or at least move a few feet back in order to give your self time to react.

  12. This is great advice and I understand how necessary it is to have these “bad intentions” I have always wanted to protect myself but was afraid of accidentally hurting or taking the life of the perpetrator, but when I saw what’s happening in the world these days, and me as a girl who travels alone should learn to protect myself, I knew I should push those feelings aside and do everything I can to protect myself even if I have to hurt someone. When I saw the fight fast ad on my phone I immediately clicked to learn more, but my only regret is not being able to get that survival knife due to some… issues.

  13. Good article. Wish you could have gone further and given some pointers on how to develop the switch to be the aggressor in the situation that requires it.

  14. Thanks for spreading this truth. As an ex-law officer, I learned years ago that most of us, while we have been taught to be polite and mannerly, too many others have only been taught to be mean and to take what they want by force. I was taught to be a gentleman and a sportsman, to always give someone the benefit of the doubt, and not to hit first. I have seen some bad guys tuck tail and run, but I have seen others that even after having a gun shot out of their hand, they still tried to pick it up and continue the attack. That’s when I learned valuable lessons. When it gets to that point, all of the “nice” rules go out the window. Just like the old adage that a lock only keeps an honest man honest, “nice” only applies when dealing with nice people.

    We hope and pray it never happens, but if and when it does, you have to become “junk yard dog mean” in an instant. I have so often counseled others that you HAVE to be able to turn on the bad intentions without hesitation and without thinking. We always have to consider the consequences of our actions, but we can’t take too long to do that, or the bad guy will have you where he wants you. This is where solid training comes into play. Most of these thought processes should already be done ahead of time.

    Many of these bad people are cowards at heart and some will cut & run at the first sign of them possibly getting hurt. But some are just plain mean and are used to having their way. Again, you may have to consider some consequences of maybe over-reacting, but the long and the short of it is, I want to be the one that goes home alive and well. I don’t want to be the victim. Neither do you.
    Thanks for these tips and the videos. Please keep them coming.

  15. For me the ‘Fight Fast’ website and blog has been the best thing I have come across for self-defence as a woman.

    I would like to share some personal experiences that actually support all that I have learnt so far on this website and blog:

    I had originally learnt a bit of Karate for self-defence purposes, so when I was attacked and grabbed by the head downwards, I gave a great kick but the only problem was that I was so used to kicking above the belt in karate that I missed the perfect target of kicking in the groin. So this kick just ended up being useless! And while he had me by the hair with my head facing down to the ground, I could not work out what my next move could be. But now after seeing that ‘finger magic’ on the website, I know I could probably have broken his thumb, and broken loose.

    The blog also provides crucial information for the correct frame of mind while fighting for your life!

  16. This a extremely important mindset to develop . And I don’t think that we can hear it enough.
    Thanks for the info. When training with Joe Lewis , 5x heavy weight world champion, he spoke of red light, and Green light when fighting, and turning on the switch.
    I’ve never forgotten about that.
    Thanks again, Jeffery L. Walke U.S.military ret
    In memory of Joe.

  17. I honestly believe Jim is right here in what he is saying. You have to be able to take stock pretty quick and act on it.
    Here in the UK we are curtailed quite a lot. If a person attacks us in the street. and we retaliate , and he gets seriously injured then we can be charged with gbh and serious assault.
    But on the other hand if we are in our own home and someone breaks in and threatens me or my family with a weapon. I can use similar force and weapon if one is handy. if the end result is he is killed
    then it is self defence. In the states you can have hand guns as long as you have a permit and carry knives. over here both are totally forbidden. If you get caught with a gun it’s 10 years and a lock knife
    is 5 years. But on the whole bob i am a pensioner but still fit enough and i am enjoying the reading and videos. you have produced here. And i am quite confident i will use your teachings at some point.

  18. I’m an old Marine be polite to everyone but plan on killing everyone! As far as the switch goes every individual is different be alert stay alert Act Fast die last

  19. I agree wholeheartedly with this post. In the time of need, when being confronted by an aggressor–it is time to go Violent. If someone is willing to do harm to you you must be willing to do harm to them in self defense. You must be willing and able to do what it takes to protect yourself and/or your family/friends. But i believe that’s why we are all here, am i right?

    Stay diligent, stay alert and aware, stay alive.

  20. My CCW instructor taught me to always be aware of your surroundings. Kinda like being in a “code yellow” situation and be ready to jump into “code red” at a moments notice. I may be a senior citizen, but I will do what I have to in order to protect myself and my family.

  21. Jim’s remarks are so true, fear can make you freeze if your not mentally prepared. Thanks for the great advise. Old Marine here, it’s great to remember that old war cry is still deep inside.

  22. How true. But the decision must be made in advance. You wont have time to decide it when things happen. The threat must be incapacitated.

  23. There’s a thin line an I feel before you actually strike or engage with someone you have to be sure that they’re a threat to you or a loved one but if that’s the case were they’re are then you pounce!

  24. One thing I would like to say is the DVD you sent me was great. I not going to describe it here, but it was a terrific DVD. I am practicing some of it and it is great. Now I’m 77 and I can still do some of it, so that is what I practice. Thanks for the DVD . Sincerely Lhshtr.

  25. Thanks for the input. I have been in defensive training most of my life and I can flip a switch. Hopefully I never have to, but if the time comes I will be positive and do what is required. Thanks for all the info I receive from this association.

  26. I appreciate all the knowledge passed down through these emails. This one I found particularly important. Thank you and keep up the great work.

  27. You and Jim West are right. If you’re not willing to take control of the situation, immediately start kicking ass, you will not survive the incident. If your loved one(s) are also involved, they will have to endure what happens to you and themselves / not survive as you don’t.
    Be ready to kickass without second thought or have your ass kicked without a second thought from your aggressor(s).

  28. Somehow my comment got posted just before I was done.
    I’m a retired U.S. Army Senior NCO. As others have stated, be in the mindset, kill or be killed.

  29. Here in the UK it is illegal to carry a gun or a knife. Penalties are harsh for offenders. I have learned to turn everyday objects like keys, pens pipe stems etc into what I believe are effective weapons. Have you any tips and hints for using things like these to maximum effect?

  30. I was physically and psychologically abused by step dads and step brothers growing up. Was kicked out at age 15. My step brothers were older, larger and involved in criminal activity. I escaped the violence by going to church every time doors opened and found jobs that kept me busy and away from tormenters.
    I joined military and found a “new family” of friends. Now, at aged 60, I still encounter younger bullies and bigger people pushing older people around. Happened on my 60th birthday . A fellow over 300 pounds approached me (I weigh 155) yelling and huffing about backing on the edge of his lawn. As soon as he got too close, I took both fists and thrust them same time into his solar plexis! Surprised the shit out of him, and me! He turned around and left hurridly. First time I flipped the switch
    This is reason I read your stuff. Older I get, the faster I want to end a fight. No matter how much I avoid trouble. If it wants, trouble will find you…I need to be attentive and ready.

  31. I was in the 173rd Airborne and in Vietnam flipping the Switch sometimes comes to easily turning the Dog’s of War Off is the Problem!!

  32. The last fight I was in I was in the 10th grade and now I am nearly 64 yrs old with 3 back surgeries ,right hand and right arm surgeries ,left ankle reconstruction and finally 18″ colon taken out!!
    I will not fight I would have to up the game because I am in enough pain 24/7!
    But I do like learning what is possible to win without going to prison!
    I used to workout weight lifting so I gained some size back in the day bench pressing 400lbs and curling 240 lbs, but now with all work related injuries I am slow ,fat 268 while in my prime 195 at 5′ 10″ I do my best just to do my thing and leave everything else to work themselves out!
    regards john

  33. yeah I fully agree with you on this. Personally, I don’t think I have any bad intentions if it’s a matter of getting out of situation. If it needs me to’flip that switch’ yeah, why not? I’m just trying to survive

  34. I’ve heard this from the Chief of Police of one of the rural towns where I studied lethal weapons training. He taught the same principle only he referred to it as the “bad woof (wolf)” inside us. In polite society we always want to be the good woof. Even the police that protect us we want to be good woofs, until they come across a bad criminal woof. That’s when we want our police to be the kind of good woof that can flip the switch to become the big bad woof and take the thugs out!

  35. I have seen and been in many violent situations and I don’t ever want to go there again but if needed I will infect maximum damage. You can never let your guard down criminals count on you be off in LA LA land. My problem is not turning it on but turning it off. If the fight goes down I can’t stop until someone stops me, so I just hope I never have to get to that point again. If you can get a conceal carry permit get it. There are crazy times approaching fast. The life you save may be your own. GOD BLESS AMERICA isis and terrorist will be defeat by the hand of strong Christians and the help of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.
    Start stocking food,water,guns,ammo, first aid,medications and pray for out Nation.

  36. I was a kick boxer but lost confidence then one night i was jumped by three paid attackers they almost killed me because i forgot ……the best defence is offence..go for the kill

  37. It is true.. we are not taught to fight but to love.. and it leaves a paralizing fear of not how to protect yourself.. when been attacked!!

  38. Nothing but the truth I couldn’t live life as a victim. . You feel like that human learn to protect you and yours lively you will be the victim all ways take care …tucker

  39. You are correct you must have bad intention when attacked. You need to turn your fear into aggression. And be the one who is on the offensive not defensive.

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