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Bad News: Most Criminals Get Away With It

Does Crime Pay?

Polite society likes to ignore some simple facts associated with crime. Take this one for example; We are raised hearing the mantra that “crime doesn’t pay.” Wrong. Crime does pay. It pays pretty well too.

Some might say it’s one of the best-kept secrets in personal finance, except it’s not a secret. It’s just a fact that makes a lot of folks uncomfortable, so they pretend it’s not true. So what’s my point? Don’t worry, I’m not suggesting you quit your day job and go knock off a liquor store.

Here’s The Real Lesson

If every criminal got caught the first or even second time they committed a crime, we would very quickly have them all locked up! The reality is that only the bad or unlucky criminals get caught and locked up, and many of those that do get locked up use prison as a place to hone their skills.

Once they’re back on the street, they are even more skilled. That means that if you are targeted by a criminal you must assume you’re going up against a pro. You are more than likely NOT their first victim. They have a plan, they know how to get what they want, and they even know how to get away with it.

They Feed On Our Fear

Frankly, they’re used to winning. Most people shrink when faced with a hardened criminal (or any criminal for that matter). Fearing for their safety, they nervously give the criminal what they want. Criminals thrive off the fear of violence. Violence is their business and they know it pretty well.

If you are reading this then this probably isn’t new information, but it’s easy (even for those of us who aren’t naïve about crime) to get lulled into a false sense of security. The completely naïve think that they are pretty much safe all the time.

Overconfidence Can Work Against You

Others think that because they are aware of crime and have thought about what they would do (maybe they even carry a self-defense weapon) that they are prepared. I’m not here to pass judgment on anyone, but there is a fine line between confidence and a dangerous level of over-confidence.

Remember, many criminals are very good at what they do. You need to train to survive a confrontation with a pro, not a beginner. You have to train to beat the best, so take your defensive training seriously.

Ask Yourself This

If you carry a weapon, when was the last time you trained in drawing and deploying it? Weapon or not, when was the last time you threw a few punches? Do you know how to transition from a weapon to bare hands in case of a malfunction (for firearms) or loss of control of an edged or blunt-force weapon?

Even masters have to go through the motions to keep their skills sharp, so set aside some time each week to practice. Keep your skills sharp, because when it hits the fan you never really know what you’re going up against. You could be facing anything from a rookie who’s all talk or a seasoned pro, and you definitely do NOT want to find out which you are facing the hard way.

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435 thoughts on “Bad News: Most Criminals Get Away With It”

  1. I have actually seen and heard criminals talk about how they like to go to orison and honetheir skills to become more skilled at fighting just so they can take on anyone. I have heard them brag about how it takes 6 or 8 police officers to take them down in a fight because they think police officers are a bunch of wimps! And can’t fight.

  2. In some countries and especially in mine South Africa the laws support the criminals rather than the law abiding citizens. If they break into your property or home and you shoot them even if its in self defence they open a murder case against you. Nevermind they are uninvited. Nevermind they shot at you. The criminals are in jail two minutes and out in no time. It’s a pathetic joke but a bad one……

  3. Rural Grafton, New Hampshire life means that we already know all of our ‘dirtbags’. Yeah, they are potheads, pill users and heroin users but they are predictable and number less than 40 including the neighboring towns. And, after me near gut-shooting one of the bar room brawlers, I get wide berth. I’d as soon kill them as suffer a crime against me or the other guys that live in my cluster of RVs. I’m not alone in my attitude and the elected Police Chief has my 6.

  4. I used to work in a prison as a lecturer and as time when by I was told the following story by one guy who was short. I used to drink in a pub, and two big guys used to push past me to get to the bar and buy beer. Then they would insult me in public. So one day I took a hammer and waited for them to leave the pub. As they walked out I ran and leapt at both of them and could feel their skulls smash as the hammer went through. But after this they carried on laughing and walking towards me for several paces, before suddenly dropping down dead!. I was told by my brief (barrister) to plead not guilty to murder but to plead guilty to the lesser crime of manslaughter. That way I got 8 years, but I should be out in less than 5 for good behavior. That was 30 years ago since I last taught there! Since then the prisons have got even more crowded in the UK and crime has become far more violet due to uncontrolled immigration of muslims from all over the world. Since that time, the UK has become drug country and now more people are caught under the influence of drugs than drink driving! The only thing that the prisoners hated back then were police dogs – or German Shepherds – they used to surrender straight away if the police brought dogs in to chase them. So maybe keeping a large well trained dog is part of the answer for some of us?

  5. Very true I personally carry a 5mW projecting taser very ready to use when I know what environment I’m heading into also a can of police grade pepper spray. I’m currently enrolled as a Krav Maga student ( which I love ) . And am considering carrying 2 milano stilleto knives. Sincerely and Safely TD.

  6. Great advice on subjects that have never crossed my mind.
    They say the truth hurts well you advising me on the truths of criminals is a real eye opener.
    Can’t thank you enough for all I’m learning from your correspondence

  7. Eye contact. I spend a lot of time around people that have shady backgrounds, the one thing that keeps me from being a victim is eye contact and even a greeting where I engage them first. Then again, I’m a big guy!
    I have a CPL, but mostly I look imposing…criminals are in business to make money, not get hurt in the process.

  8. Hello Bob. I appreciate your valuable information. I am a 66 year old and need all the help I can get. I live in Australia, where the street violence is growing out of control. Australia has very strict laws regarding knives, martial arts weapons and guns. This is why I cannot by your products.
    Thank you and regards.

  9. I really need what advice and or training I can get I work at a convenience store and was robbed at knife point a few weeks ago and now I have a ex-boyfriend that is stalking and threatening me I’m scared to death I desperately need help I’ve never had to fight off a man before and I don’t know what to do

  10. As far as rants go, this is quite gentle. It also states the bare facts of which we should all be aware. In the uncertain world we are looking at today, we should all give thought regarding what we should do when Mother Nature spanks us or even worse IF Kim Jung Un decides to send a few missiles tipped with EMP warheads our way. Electronics would be fried, power grids will shut down meaning we’d have no way to access basic necessities we take for granted today. Necessities such as automobiles that run, running water and being able to pump fuel at filling stations; just to name a few. All three of the mentioned necessities run on systems based upon computer controls. Think about it for a few minutes.

  11. keep head up and scout all the time and watch your six. Loud and clearity say don’t come any closer, if so be first to take your ground back and bring him or her in close. This helps to man handle the perk.

  12. Hello Bob
    I think that the inhabitants of the same neighborhood (men and women) should get together once a week, in a house big enough, and pay togeteher a self-defence Coach, who would gradually teach them how to deal with stress. aggression, and then to neutralize the aggressor.
    This looks like a Tupperware meeting, but for something far more important : saving their lives, their property, their children.
    What do you think of it ?

  13. I am 72 and live by myself and get around with a walker because of a broken back years ago. I keep myself armed and I watch your website to pick up on a few things that I can do to defend myself. I practice and it has paid off a few times. I have had to pull my gun a few times but have never had to shoot anybody yet. I want to thank you for your site.

  14. I live in one of the highest crime areas of New Orleans. I indeed see crime day in and out. I’ve actually seen two thugs bleed to death in the street since I moved here because of affordable rent and no pet restrictions .Not many places allow pets these days, much less a 80 lb German shepherd and a 100 lb wolf hybrid . I do indeed understand enough to present to them a swagger of an “ol school gangster” that after three yrs here none whatsoever has done me anything and several of the local gang has granted me the dubious honor of the alias “moms”,I am a white grandmother of nearly 60 yrs . I actually grew up walking distance from here when this was a working class average neighborhood. I do retreat instantly when other gangs or even a few stray thugs are around because this is when bullets fly and people die, including a small child I heard about that lived two blocks away. All this to say that it is indeed truth that what I see are designer clothes, new cars, gold jewelry such as regular people only iseeimly during their lottery fantasies. They buy plate lunches for some of the children that do not attend real school in favor of learning to be the next generation thugs . These children get gold teeth, new shoes and whatever they wish as they accomplish the skills that are their stock in trade, slinging drugs, assessing the true value of stolen items and how to get best profit from said item ect. The actual cash flow in this low-end area must be beyond many people’s imagination. These people must seeimly understand that not many of them will ever see any age near mine to take in trainees as young as some I’ve seen. The truth is unbelievable to many. Crime Is a real dollar making industry as I’ve personally seen but does also come with some potentially fatal risks

  15. Awareness of the environment you are in and a straight back is always my first line of defense. You project an animal sense of being prepared and so not one to be taken for granted. If you can deter an attacker before a punch is thrown great,if not there will be a price to pay and the attacker will sense this.

  16. Your videos are excellent except for one thing, you never show the countermoves a person can do while fighting. An example is your going to kick someone and they can pull your leg up, like how do you get out of that. For every move there is a countermove and the videos should show how to get out of them. Carjacking how to get out off should be taught. I know there are a zillion different ways of getting out of any situation with the thugs. You should always be alert to your surroundings and walk normally, and be very aware of everything going on at all times. This way they will go to an easier target or what they think is an easy target. Police know all the defense moves but aren’t allowed to use them on anyone and they should be allowed to. It is always good to be ready for an attack if needed to be and the attacker knows if they attack anyone they will be scared, but if person being attacked isn’t scared and really goes after the thug the thug will go running.

  17. I think, that you are right. Every Mondt I train my (kick) boxing skiles, but I am 74 years old. Soms I do not think I have a Change against young and faster criminaliteit. I am an artist and not a real fighter. Anyway I like your blogspot. Give some spirit??

  18. Having been a victim of assault and robbery when I was younger and naive about life I started carrying and working with knives until I can honestly say that I can be dangerous to someone who has bad intent towards me now. I’m silent…. quiet…. unnoticed . Only armed with one of my various FightFast/TRS lock blade knives (the 325) at this writing and the Spike. The DVDs that come with the various products are filled with self defense info that would be difficult to find elsewhere. All I wanna say is I feel a bit more confident when I’m out and find myself in a questionable situation. Today’s world is way too violent to not carry some sort of protection and we all know it’s gonna get worse. All of us who are like minded about survival need to pull together when/after the SHTF. Just remember this…. It’ll be ” US AGAINST THEM “.

  19. An attack may come as a surprise and at a time least expected. Agree 100% that one should set time aside to go through your moves and awereness skills
    Thanks for making people aware of this crucial fact.

  20. Stay sharp, no crack head or mugger will even approach some 1 who is confident of thier abilities. Remember ” Practice makes perfect” guys

  21. I agree with all you’ve said from my own unfortunate experience too. I’ve had a couple of run ins with the ‘bad guys’ and it’s just like you say there is no place for politeness nor trying to look the other way. The gentleman’s way of settling a dispute or getting out of trouble is unfortunately history now.

  22. Excellent article. Unless you have been in a violent confrontation before you do not know how you are going to react.
    In times gone by soldiers have been trained for battle but when the real thing has happened they have run in the wrong
    direction. Maybe their training had not prepared them for the reality of the real thing. The fear factor is not introduced and
    not made aware how their body is going to react to fear. For instance adrelanine dump, and legs starting to shake violently
    preparing you for ‘flight or fight’,

  23. Fight or flight… it’s human instinct to do what it takes to survive. But I can’t emphasis this enough, training,training ,training . If you gonna go “practice”. Practice how you train and train how you practice. It takes the body doing the same motions over 95 times before it start to become muscle memory. Then it becomes more natural. The more natural the movement the faster you can react.

  24. Your ending statement is very impacting on one’s thinking. Thank you. I have heard these words before from administration of justice instructors. I needed to hear them again at this time. God bless .

  25. More people need to hear and be aware of this ; even if just to realize their need for preparedness. Thank you for all you info and advice , and weapons to assist in being prepared as much as possible.

  26. I’ve watched most if not all of your fight training videos and while they are very informative, most don’t show us how to apply the different moves. What I would like to see is more training drills. Muscle memory is the key factor in learning any drill, from playing the piano to kick boxing. As well, some people might have a friend who is willing to let them practice their fight skills but I don’t, so drills that could be performed alone would be helpful.

  27. So true… I agree with what was put forth as fact. To fill you in just a bit … I too am considered a criminal. Not only because; I from time to time exceed the posted speed limit… and it’s not just because that fast yellow got me and I received a photo enforced ticket. ( breaking the law is a crime… and i know who commits crimes [criminals]) That said … I was not hardened when I was in the penitentiary. No sir … I realized I was out of place. With Gods Grace only I have not been back. Thank You Jesus! To agree with everything you said… I do! But there is a much worse scenario out there. And I’m talking about trained fighters that could take out multiple victims… shoot or more. Believe it, the attacker,”criminal” jacking your wallet with thousands of dollars in it. May be trained. Choose your battles wisely. May the Force be with you Batman!?

  28. I agree with one of the commenters who suggested we could use drills that can be practiced without a partner. I also don’t have someone to practice various self-defense moves with and something like this would be very welcome. A lot of people, especially older folks, are very timid or meek about dealing with issues of self protection. I play keyboard instruments and know how essential “muscle memory” is. It’s like instinct. You just automatically know exactly where to move to get what you want done. You never get better without practice, never. How about some DVDs just for seniors or people with health issues or disabilities? These folks are often irresistable targets for the worst among us.

  29. You can watch all the videos you want But if you really don’t have a partner to spar with to learn these things on a regular basis you have nothing most times you need a partner that’s hard to come by someone you can trust believe me I know I can go through the Exercises till I’m Blue in the face but I need a partner Or it won’t do any good without one most of them you need a partner to practice when you can trust ha good luck with that

  30. Awesome read Bob, yes there are those out there that think they can get away with anything, I have had many a confrontation with guys on drugs, drunk or just plain dicks.I am a guy with a disability, busted back now turned into a disease, however I am confident that practicing the skills I am learning from fight fast are a damn sight easier than 2/hours of training martial arts 3/days a week, and the techniques shown here would destroy some of the over confident guys I have trained with.thanks regards Justin

  31. This is an excellent article which mightily brings out the importance of cooperation between individuals who are not criminals. A quite poignant truth is that so much importance is attached to individuals being tremendously independent that we have substantially lost sight of the reality that cooperation is absolutely crucial to combating evil. Thus, there is an ever so poignant respect in which countless many individual who are morally decent have have unwittingly given criminals a tremendous advantage. In combating evil, cooperation plays a very significant role. That truth needs an ever so profound moral and psychological reinforcement.

  32. From all that, I got a reminder, that by practicing what can/will one moment,oneday,night happen to you out late,unfamiliar territory,… we can have a better chance to defend ourselves,others along w/us at that confrontation , by simply practicing these vital short cut straight to the point of serious business. Your methods, I can visualize me in a scenario, and using these e-z to learn down right no rules, no back up,just animal instincts to be able to at least survive the ordeal. By the way y’all. Momma says hello and get some practice… Michael from Atlanta.

  33. Good blog. Going to share with daughter-in-law who lives across the street. She and her husband (our son) had a rude awakening last week. Their adopted son has developmental problems and moved into an apartment by himself. They have exhausted every form of help. Our son was out of town last week when their son called his mom asking for some money because he and his pregnant girlfriend were out of food. Truth was, they wanted to buy more drugs. His Mom refused the request. He said he was coming over later anyway and bringing his friend. That “friend” is a low level drug dealer and known to be armed. The daughter-in-law called me to brief her on how to use the handgun locked in a large floor safe. The gun was empty and the two magazines were also empty. She changed her mind quickly about how to defend herself at home. I offered to spend the night in the living room, but she insisted she would be OK. (I still stayed up until 3am, ready to intercept anyone appearing to enter her house.) Like you, it has always baffled me how people will stick their heads in the sand and assume someone else will keep them safe. Bill

  34. I am a 53 year “old man” who has been around drug addicts and thieves my whole life. I enjoyed hanging with the biggest and meanest crowds. I weighed 152 pounds until I was 35 years of age but have never met anyone who cannot be brought down. With 8 years of tae kwon do to my credit and countless encounters with hard training and bar fights witnessed, you need to stress the need for body preparedness. Back in the day, my training partners would stand with arms overhead while being roundhoused in the stomach region (at the time I was doing two sets of 1000 sit ups and running three miles along with four days of class) we also took sticks or octagonal nunchucks and bashed our forearms and shins to toughen them for elbow and knee strikes. we beat our knuckles “the first two with wrist locked in position” for brick breaking To this day I can convince the young ones of my capabilities just by pushing on my knuckles as they are very malleable. Of course I no longer hang in the bars and such as I am a grandfather and father of small children. but thanks to fight fast, I have returned to working out and my health is greatly improving. My point is that one needs to stress the importance of core body training and the ability to avoid direct hits along with using one’s size against them. ( I have studied many arts along my journey and the techniques of judo and jujitsu are equally valuable). The tips and instructions you show are invaluable but the above points are most important to surviving an attack. Sometimes one must hit hard and flee the scene saving confrontation for another day

  35. What I have noticed is that physical training, both exercise-wise and for self-defence, somehow also has a good effect on the mind for developing mental tactics for self-protection. I have also read somewhere, that if one is physically and mentally (including emotionally) adept, people are less likely to try and take you on.

  36. That is so true. TRAIN every day. Visualize in your mind the outcome when you have no physical training partner implant it deep. Use physical motions and practice. As in any situation where in you sense a confrontation be prepared for the unexpected and prevail.

  37. Keep a criminal’s training where it belongs, in prison. One strike of anything connected with a violent crime and you’re in for life. Let the country know it. Then build more prisons ( not country clubs with game consoles, descent meals, and workout yards etc.). Sell drugs, life. Rape, assault, Rob,burglarized, steal; life. Enter into the world knowing if you screw up,life. Go and do wrong, and know that life behind bars is your future. Put our tax dollars to good use. Want cops to respect you,don’t piss them off. Don’t help them help you get a permanent prison apartment. I’m in my sixties with some martial art training, and I carry a weapon. My odds are not good that I will prevail an attack. In fact, I think I need to worry more about getting arrested than my attacker does if my split second choice to defend doesn’t sit well with the anti gun, anti violence crowd. Let’s simplify good peoples lives.. Put the bad ones away, for life.

  38. It’s really an eye opener to hear that criminals are rotated in and out and become more dangerous. And of course due to the sissy liberals that can’t seem to leave their college days behind them many of our leaders, live in a cloud of smoke. People who can quote laws and know who’s who in politics, but never take the time to do any research or acquire life experiences that would provide a different point of view than the propaganda they are fed teaches them, are not aware of the realities of life. We are mislead by their double talk and rhetoric. It’s what they don’t say that often harbors the truth.

    I believe that the laws governing personal protection and the definitions of self defense need to be more closely evaluated with extreme scrutiny. The fear of citizens using too much force is valid, but having to prove you needed to use a stick, a gun or martial arts training versus, I don’t know what, a silly little slap, is unfair and leaves the innocent at an unfair advantage.

    The fear of prosecution means nothing to a person who is angry, hateful or just looking to be a macho jerk. Sure, afterward they are all sorry or upset they have to do jail time, but that doesn’t protect any of us from being hurt, maimed or killed at the time of an assault or attempted rape.
    Maybe it would be more humane to pass quicker sentences and even put more prisoners to death than to keep them locked up and frustrated and angry and turning them into worse criminals before they are released. That’s not fair to those who commit nonviolent crimes some will say. Well maybe then a good ass whopping and jail time in the infirmary followed by hard work will be seen as a better scenario and help motivate them to straighten up…. or get beaten up and “motivated to fly straight” again when they are released. Punish the criminals, not the citizens.

  39. I live in a high crime area so i see all the stuff these thugs do.they know im watching and that im not running from them.i practice my self defense everyday outside and most of these men know i have weapons ranging from swords to guns and that i know how to use them as well as my also referred to as the neighborhood police officer,which im not.i learned along time ago after being stabbed while i was pregnant to defend myself.street fighting and self defense classes really pay off.

  40. True,it is a great idea to keep your skills sharp by training on a regular basis,i carry a gun everywhere i go,i always carry 2 guns anyways and sometimes have a 3rd in the vehicle,the other in my bag,and the other on my belly or hip. Its been about 6yrs since my last fist fight though and havent done any training at all for a fist fight,i guess ive came to depend on a gun and a blade since ive had kids. I have recently started working out again though and trying to get back into shape and i have lost around 30 lbs in the last 3 months and do feel much better and sharper but i would hate to have to scrap being in the shape im in at the moment because if i didnt end it within the 1st 15secs i would be spent. Everyone here that has been in a fight knows what im talking about with the adrenaline pumping you tend to burn alot of energy and breathe much harder without realizing it when your in shape it doesnt bother you as much but when you havent ran in 6 or 7yrs it hurts to walk up the stairs. But like i said its been 6 yrs since i got out of the Army and havent done shit as far as exercise since then until a few weeks ago after i lost some weight and got a little motivation to even feel like doing anything extra. Please dont let yourself down like that,i did and alot of phisical and mental problems comes along with it. Try to stay in shape,stay sharp,and stay focused on whats ahead and give yourself some credit,it helps keep you motivated. Look at yourself in the mirror and say damn im looking better everyday and feeling better also. Boost your confidence and walk around like your a damn Viking and shit will get better for you in all aspects of your life. Forgive me if i got off topic,im a thinker and took a good blow to the head about 7yrs ago and would have to read the entire topic again to even know what we were talking about.

  41. Hi Bob, you are so right, to many immigrants from Europe have come into the UK as refugees, and a lot of them, and I am NOT being racist before we go any further, but a lot of them think crime is a way of life, when some get caught, they wonder why they are under arrest, “What have I done?” some ask the police that caught them in a stolen vehicle, or in a van with a load of metal they just nicked from a scrap yard, they seem to think it is okay to do this, well this is also a message to them, it IS NOT OKAY, and we will not tolerate it, behave yourselves, or I say if they commit a crime after we have accepted them into this country, then they should get sent straight back to wherever they came from after they have paid for the crime they have committed, including any family members that came with them. IT IS NOT THE WAY TO BEHAVE IN A COUNTRY THAT GAVE YOU THE CHANCE TO LIVE A BETTER LIFE.

  42. Yes they do THATS a fact am very untrusted as I have survived so much bulls*** and I have seen my friends and family all turn your RIGHT scared pepoel do stupid s*** .I’m getting old and YOUR RIGHT a little knowledge can make the diff I’m in a great local could bug out and dissapear in my back yard lived threw the mobs ,have had to fight every day for my freedom from a SYSTEM GONE amuck were the truth DON,t MATTER the words going down hill and I got away from the big city they will become insane and s*** happens so I’ll set up a pay pal later today and give it a try and everyone thinks CANADA is nice and safe how little they know kevin

  43. If a situation is arising, just walk away. Don’t let them hear your voice. To win an argument you say nothing and let them have the last word. If interviewed on anything do not admit anything do not give any evidence remember instructions to the police ” I do not remember” If someone is clearly going to cause you trouble. Handle him alone from behind in the dark. Say NOTHING. There are probably ten people he might suspect more than you of doing it. Don’t help him by giving him a clue. There are probably ten people who he would suspect before you of doing it to him. A post above mentioned 8 years for hitting someone with a hammer. Had a friend that had the same problem. Use a wooden bat to distribute the load better and less lethally. You can still give someone a nasty limp and make them a bit more respectful. It spoils it a bit if they find out who they need to be respectful to.

    I’m a great believer in escalation. Breaking a window leads to theft, leads to B and E, leads to assault, leads to GBH, leads to even worse things. The sooner good people go bad for a few moments and fight back, the sooner the cycle can be broken.

  44. You are absolutely right! When you first started your job, you were probably inexperienced and not that efficient. But, as time went on, you got better at it. You got that necessary experience and instruction from others that knew how to do it well. Then you learned the ” tricks of the trade. Now, you’re an expert and can do a great job. And make good money doing it… The criminal world is identical, and jail can be the training and networking Headquarters or “Trade school”. Criminals are, more likely than not, Pros at their profession. They also, usually, have an added motivator: addiction. Which, by itself, can be the most powerful driving force in someone’s life. Even more so than family or loved one’s. Therefore, we must be vigilante and understand our enemy. As stated in the Art of War- know your enemy!

  45. Years ago, there was a place in town which our children called, “The coffee shop”. It is just a small place where Christian kids get together to fellowship, and have a good time. Anyway, my daughter was in her teens, and I was on my way to pick her up.I had parked just down the road from this place. Suddenly, the was a loud explosion. Kids came running out of the building in terror,bumping into each other,some fell on the pavement.You could hear the cries of horror from other parents as they ran up to these kids, yelling out names,trying to find out just where they were. Meanwhile, I had found my daughter, and her friends. By this time, the police had arrived,and the fire trucks were in place. It turns out that there was a Meth lab operating on the 2nd floor of the building just 2 doors down from “The coffee house”. The explosion had blown out 3 windows in the front of the building.There was glass all over the road.One of the father’s that was there said he saw it happen. First came the ear popping explosion, and he looked up. He said it looked as though everything had happened in slow motion. He said after the explosion, the windows stated to bend out from the center, then they just shattered.I sat on the curb as the realization slowly set in. 3 huge windows had just turn to splinters, with plumes of fire were shooting out of them. I though, my daughter could have been walking under one of those. This was on the main street of the town I used to live in. And METH, this junk could have been made by anyone, and the worse thing is. These ppl will just move there lab somewhere else.And probably learn from there mistakes. The point being? That no one is safe while METH is around.I have seen what it does to families, how it rips the children apart. This was over 10 years ago that this happened. How anyone can say “GUNS DON’T KILL PEOPLE, PEOPLE KILL PEOPLE”. I would say that they are probably right. Then again, in the BIBLE ,the first murder was not done with a GUN,now was it? Remember, CAINE WAS ABEL. Able to what you might ask? He was able to kill his brother with whatever he saw around him. He didn’t use a gun, a rifle.Perhaps it was a rock, or maybe his bear hands. Cars kill ppl,but I don’t see anyone taking them off of the road. Let’s see, if you had a choice, which one would you rather die with, a bullet, or a 2 ton automobile? Hard choice,isn’t it? I guess what I am trying to say is that “WE THE PARENTS” have somehow lost our children to AC/DC, PINK, QUEEN,SPONGE BOB SQUARE PANTS, and the idiot shows they have on now.They are lost in the computer.In a world of there own. I know that what I saw isn’t anything compared to what these seals have endured,but this is what good ppl of America have to put up with.My daughter is now 30,with 3 children of her own.I know that I have gone way off of the topic sir. I would just like to ask, am I the only one out here that feels this way? When I drive through town, you can see these ppl tweek. With the quick jerking of there heads, when they speak, it is so loud,some keep repeating themselves. It is as if they have no control over there own body.Then, they would disappear, sometimes for weeks or months. And there they are again. When it come right down to it, my question is, why are democrats trying to take guns away from good ppl who are registered? When it is plain to see that laws are already on the books that might control this, but have never been implemented?

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