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Open Quarters VS Closed Quarters

A Nautical Perspective

Today, a wee bit of history from the days of Fighting Sail and then we wade into how we might learn a thing or two from these 18th & 19th century sailors. Picture, if you will, a wooden sea vessel.

Make it a swift sailing sloop or a heavily armed man-of-war or whatever vessel floats your boat. Conjure up images of the ships seen in any of the Pirates of the Caribbean flicks, or better yet, Master and Commander. Ok, got those images in mind?

How To Pick Locks. (Who Needs Keys?)

You may find this shocking, but picking open a standard "tumbler" lock, (like the one on your front door), is pretty damn easy when you know how it's done.

And in a "meltdown" survival situation, (once the smash-n-grab crowd has stolen everything not tied-down), the food and water and secure shelter will all be behind locked doors, (which explains why Special Forces are often trained in lock picking... and why they carry a set of lock pics with them).

It's a lot of fun learning this skill, (it doesn't take long)... and kinda nice to help out that buddy locked out of his house after the wife discovered what really happened on that "no money down" real estate seminar in Vegas.

>> Check Out "Lock Picking Kit" Here. <<

Open Quarters Combat

Now picture the superstructures on the main deck. For all you landlubbers out there, a superstructure is any structure/cabin rising above the main deck. On larger ships there were typically two superstructures – the forecastle and the after-castle.

Got that? When any such ship was engaged in maritime battle with another vessel, they would often draw themselves broadsides to allow cannons loaded with a variety of mayhem to do damage to the ship itself (aiming below decks to sink the ship and above decks if they intended on capturing the vessel).

At this point in the battle the ships are engaging in open quarters fighting.

Closed Quarters Combat

If/when a boarding by an enemy vessel seemed inevitable, the vessel that feared boarding would close a series of doors/shutters that ran along beams or supports bridging the superstructures. The crew would then retreat behind these barriers which were called, yeah, you guessed it – closed quarters.

Now, just because the quarters have been closed does not mean we are engaged in actual hand-to-hand closed quarter fighting as we commonly envision it yet. There are a series of loopholes (small openings) for musket and small arms fire.

If/when the marauding vessel’s crew is finally able to board and breech the closed quarters barrier, the one-on-one melee began with combatants wielding boarding axes, pistols, cutlasses, dirks, and perhaps a musket or blunderbuss here and there.

Okay, What Are You Getting At, Mark?

The point of today’s little historical aside is twofold:

  • One: To illuminate the origins of the phrase closed quarters and…
  • Two: Most importantly to allow the historical use of the closed quarters strategy to inform our modern self-protection thinking.

Self-Defense Applications

99.9% of the time (okay, this is a fake but representative figure all the same) when talk is made of real-world self-protection or street-defense, we move directly to the assumption that the predator has breached our closed quarters status.

Yes, I am aware that we do not walk this earth with doors and shutters ready to be closed at the first sign of trouble on the horizon, but more often than not we spot a bit of trouble before it actually reaches us, forcing us to engage in what we now call a closed quarters battle.

This earlier awareness can be thought of as the beginning of our open quarters status. It is during the open quarters phase that we must assess whether the enemy is too heavily gunned to engage and thus we must set sail, or whether to pull broadsides and begin firing with cannonade.

This is the nautical equivalent of fight or flight.

How To Pick Locks. (Who Needs Keys?)

You may find this shocking, but picking open a standard "tumbler" lock, (like the one on your front door), is pretty damn easy when you know how it's done.

And in a "meltdown" survival situation, (once the smash-n-grab crowd has stolen everything not tied-down), the food and water and secure shelter will all be behind locked doors, (which explains why Special Forces are often trained in lock picking... and why they carry a set of lock pics with them).

It's a lot of fun learning this skill, (it doesn't take long)... and kinda nice to help out that buddy locked out of his house after the wife discovered what really happened on that "no money down" real estate seminar in Vegas.

>> Check Out "Lock Picking Kit" Here. <<

When Escaping Isn’t An Option

Open quarters weaponry, in the modern sense, should always err on the side of flight, but…but we must never assume that flight is always an option. There are times when flight is simply not possible and engagement must be made. But even in these circumstances modern self-protection trainees must alter how we think of our open quarters weaponry.

We cannot and do not have the option (in most cases) of leaping immediately to our own personal cannonade (in my case a .357 Magnum) nor should this be our first response in what is still an open quarters situation.

We must defer to our prevention, our awareness, our decision to remain vigilant no matter how calm the personal seas may seem. In most situations this persistent scouting for an enemy flag on the horizon will serve us with all the self-protection skills we’ll ever need.

When To Engage

If our vigilance does lag, if we are blind-sided even after spotting a threat, we may sometimes find our initial flight options sparse to none. At this point we need to employ open quarters tactics.

This can be your own personal cannonade (if warranted of course), be it your personal firearm, a blade, or designated weapon.

We absolutely do NOT want to get into a closed quarters fight from the word go if at all possible. Closed quarters battle assumes that we may have been less than vigilant in our scouting and less than diligent in our open quarters preparation.

Closed quarters battle in the days of fighting sail was the last ditch effort (to mix military metaphors) at survival; the tactical fall back for when our earlier strategies and tactics have failed.

How To Pick Locks. (Who Needs Keys?)

You may find this shocking, but picking open a standard "tumbler" lock, (like the one on your front door), is pretty damn easy when you know how it's done.

And in a "meltdown" survival situation, (once the smash-n-grab crowd has stolen everything not tied-down), the food and water and secure shelter will all be behind locked doors, (which explains why Special Forces are often trained in lock picking... and why they carry a set of lock pics with them).

It's a lot of fun learning this skill, (it doesn't take long)... and kinda nice to help out that buddy locked out of his house after the wife discovered what really happened on that "no money down" real estate seminar in Vegas.

>> Check Out "Lock Picking Kit" Here. <<

Final Thoughts

It seems to me that we spend more time in this modern era pondering and training closed quarters tactics than we do open quarters tactics. We use No Second Chance Book of Drills to rectify this strategic inversion and return the primacy of open quarters battle to the top of the self-protection food chain where it should be.

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100 thoughts on “Open Quarters VS Closed Quarters”

  1. I love your close quarter instructions I already have the KravMaca, of course I love the free offerings, a lot of your self defense I can’t afford right now, some day though. Thanks

  2. Thank you for the history lesson and another tool for maintaining our situtational awareness for the environment in which we now live.

    Be safe and locked and loaded.

    Barry B

  3. Totally agree with the blog. I learned from an early age, due to an older sibling who had an uncanny knack of attracting trouble and mayhem to my parents house, that scouting everyday social situations and interactions with other people would be invaluable to progress safely in life, and apart from a couple of small incidents that were dealt with in the appropriate manner. I have used the skill for most of my life now and I taught my kids the theory to keep them safe as they grew up and I’m now trying to teach my grandkids the same thing, I also coach them in some martial art techniques but in all honesty I would rather they didn’t have to resort to violence to keep themselves safe and used their heads first before they use their hands.

  4. I appreciate all the info, and agree 100%. One thing most people don’t give any thought too, restraint. Police use this quickly, before perp has time to think. I carry a 357 magnum. I also carry cuffs and know how to quickly use them. I had a situation where home invader gave up while looking down barrel. 2 seconds later he was cuffed while call was being made. You also have to be ready to contain perp if they give up. If given time and opportunity, you will get your head beat while trying to make call. Never give perp time to think. P S, large zip ties work if you don’t have cuffs.

  5. Thank you for the information, as was pointed out, very few of us know the history behind the terms that we use.

  6. It be harder to fight and have a higher chance of getting kill because you are fighting in close corners. But I am not an expert but hand to hand combat is less close and more safer because you can do more. how ever both you still can die. super good advice. keep it up you are protecting more people each day.

  7. Was not aware of the origin of those terms – thank you for that history.

    Initially, I was wondering why you were using “closed quarter battle” instead of the expected “close quarter combat” we typically use today – Now I know what you were doing.

    Always good to learn something new.

  8. I always find these articles enlightening from a historical perspective, and also as a reflection on the needs and requirements in our modern and personal world for constant vigilance and self preservation. Thank you.

  9. I loved (yes, I’m indeed female, and a very fit and able one for 75, but never hand to hand able,) flight was always to my advantage, having been a trained and successful competitive swimmer, and an equine rider, my mindset was quite different. My newly honed disgust of guns, disallows owning one. My house had four green roofs, so boiling oil is a possibility. My hands and wrists have undergone four serious surgeries, my shoulders are soon to face complete reverse replacement, so opioids might be a tempting offer for disablement. Our four 40’s aged sons are well trained and classic fencers, meaning very able with almost any knife to large swords, and more than able with hands, should they be home, or I in theirs and they would take such a situation as practice. However, it’s more than likely my husband and I would head to the underground food cellars. We’re both used to settlement through words. Etc. Silly, no!? In general, I’ve not a chance, except our woods, but I’d probably do nothing, or use a fire extinguisher, and die laughing after spraying one with either. As for the methods of historical ships and crews, I did enjoy that as it seemed pretty accurate. I’m partial to Viking vessels and tactics, and more educated as to medieval tactics. The hand to hand tactics of the “long ago”used many less combative means, many poisons and fires, even strangles and disablement. I can only imagine that. Much can be learned from old paintings and arts.
    I have thought this through, and would do nothing, I learned how little I could actually accomplish long ago, when a man I refused to date broke into my apartment and raped me. Two days before, I had stopped into a local bakery where two local “officers of safety” were chatting over coffee, and were talking about young women in the early mid sixties and claimed they “asked for whatever ….” and I realized there was no safety anywhere. I replaced my locks and had my phone reconnected, and poured something in his gas tank when parked where he worked, and ruined his car. Your articles bring out the chatty worst in me. I’m figuring I’ll live til I’m 100 as there’s a bit of that in my family, and my amazing and creative mechanical and thermal engineer husband’s as well. I’m a fine arts historian and artist, and there are materials that can be dangerous, flammable even fatal, but my nature is adverse to adversity at this point.

  10. I absolutely agree. Being vigilant is key. It’s rather the same principal as never letting yourself be taken away from public awareness. Never let them get you into the car. Always be aware of your surroundings and what may be coming down the road. It is much more comforting to keep it at the perimeter and be able to assess the situation without the surprise.

  11. The historical insight to the terms is very interesting.
    Paying attention to your surroundings is first line defence and should be done in all situations. Has enabled me to avoid some potentially bad situations simply because the element of “surprise” was removed.

  12. Prevention is always better than a cure. Being aware of you’re surroundings gives you a chance to be a step ahead of any mug who wants to cause you harm. My mam taught me at an early age to be aware of what surrounds me.Mam was so insightful. Thanks for your insight.

  13. Thanks for reminding me about the difference between closed quarters and open quarter situations. I’m definitely prepared for open but my family would go for the closed quarters. I think they need to be reminded about the difference and how to proceed.Ty for the lesson and keep up the good work.

  14. Very interesting historical background to the term “closed quarters”. However, I think it also demonstrates the difference between certain types of combat (gun will generally be open quarters, knife/hand will be “closed”). Awareness and preparation are vital in all circumstances, and the article highlights the different mindsets that apply in each case. Many thanks. Food for thought!

  15. Thanks for the interesting lesson. It’s always a good idea to plan how not to get hurt. And have a plan B, C, etc…

  16. -Nicely done. Brought back thoughts from the distant past, but so appropo to situation that can arise anytime. Keep it up.

  17. It seems to me that we as a society have become so afraid of upsetting this or that group our “open quarter battle “has fallen by the wayside to the point of closed quarter battle has now become our default way of thinking.

  18. Great analogy. The author puts into perspective how important situational awareness is and being capable of controlling the flow of the encounter thru
    knowledge, practiced skills, and a must win

  19. We should always be aware of our surroundings. Not just visual. But more so our environment on the internal feeling. Always a warrior for the family. Always protecting them when they aren’t even aware. Preparation for battle comes with much thought. I will always win. Never lose. When CQC arises the element has gained ground. A CQC action should be completed in 20 seconds or less. If not the enemy may have reinforcements and your chances for survival have dwindled. Always keep yourself from CQC. One shot one kill. Become an expert with your rifle and side. Know what to use. Tactical action. Think three responses ahead. Plan,plan,plan. 0321

  20. One of my instructors once told me “If you can talk your way out in of a fight, talk. If you can walk away from a fight, walk. If you have to run away from a fight, run. But, if you can’t walk, talk, or run away … Then you don’t stop until they’re out, or dead.”

  21. Interesting article. As a US Navy vet, I should have known this already, but carriers don’t get involved in closed quarters situations. I prefer to stand off and let my 1911 handle things, myself.

  22. Yesterday,as I was coming out of a gas station after breaking a $100 bill for $10 of gas. As I walked out, I was folding the cash and putting it in my front pocket. A panhandler said, Can you spare a buck, from off to my side. I ignored him until two steps later I hear” You C@ck S@cking, Mother Fer. I immediately stopped in my tracks. Turned around,took his picture and said “Excuse Me? Did I just hear you correctly?” I started dialing law enforcement to report this very aggressive pan handler. He then closes the gap between us from 30 feet to 8 feet. I stearnly said Stop! While pretending to be video recording him with my cell phone,. Then I put the phone to my ear, ( I really was calling police) and he took off walking down the street. As I thought about the situation, I realized just how powerful a quick snap of a picture and call to police may have helped me avoid Close Quarters combat.

  23. You are absolutely correct that we engage closed-quarter tactics in our training far to easily and readily, but there are too few books or mentors that tout the other tactics.

  24. Like your videos but i am old school don’t believe you get anything 4 free, but i like your short fighting videos

  25. Yeah, I agree with your final thoughts, and….I did not know it’s origins, and that there is closed quarters and open quarters. It’s actually got thinking about it deeply now. I was always made to assume that, but not anymore. I know that’s not right. My flight isn’t my only option and it isn’t the first thing I should do. Sometimes you gotta do what you gotta do in certain situations, but knowing what to use at the right moment is important. Hmm, I guess you could say it’s attributed to media has been feeding us for years, in my opinion…..This was an interesting read, thank you. Now I’m thinking of pirates Ha Ha

  26. Thank you for the educational reference. Intellectually stimulating & good food for thought. I accept every situation will be different which will determine my choice of action. At the core of who I am, may the constant reminder of what I value make that choice for me. I agree with the comments made by “Sixx Razr.”
    Can’t have more than enough marbles in my bag to play a good game. Including a good mind game.

  27. Good comment, too many folks are afraid to run for fear it will make them a “pussy”. Sometimes this is the best option, at least you should still be alive!

  28. Well said. Being a Navy vet, a destroyer (DD 933) sailor, I appreciate all that you’ve said here. And I’ve also seen all of the Pirates of the Carribean movies as well as “Master and Commander”. Just as an aside, there are also some great sea batlle scenes in the epic Academy Award winning movie “Ben-Hur” starring Charleton Heston. Thanks for your great training tips!!!

  29. I agree. Today it seems like people WANT the close quarter scenario rather than observing the situation and looking at other means to handle situations. People have watched movies and shows and try to apply that to daily experiences which lead to unnecessary injuries,confrontations, fights and unfortunately deaths

  30. Interesting story on closed quarters combat. Personally, I do not go for open quarters combat. I close the gap as quickly as I can because I do not know if my adversary has had any training in fighting. When inside my adversary’s personal space I go by the old adage, “where the head goes, the body has to follow.” I can also stop him from hitting me, kneeing or kicking me. To me, the closer I am to him, the safer I am.

  31. I liked your article. Size up your environment. Humans are the only animal that puts off running until they actually see the lion. All the others take off if they even sense one is there. The sailors knew a fight was coming sooner or later. I do my best to make it as later as i can, since there will always be another lion you couldn’t avoid or didn’t sense soon enough.

  32. Oh, well yesterday something like that happened. A shady walk up beside me and my brother(No I’m not making this up) I had no idea what he was going to do, but he looked dangerous to me. However, I couldn’t act since he didn’t give any red flags. At best he looked intimidating. He kept my eye on him for any signs while we waited for the light to change. Then a second guy of the second caliber shows up (Did they get their clothes and winter gear at the same store?…) And I was even more on alert because they were giving the same level of shadiness. I admit, it was enough to make me, at the very least, unstrap the holster that held my stingers (I love these things). So I waited for that flag, while waiting for any possible attack. Honestly, they look like they were waiting for me to drop my guard, but I wasn’t sure, so I couldn’t attack. Those guys gave bad vibes and with crime spiking here, even more, it was only natural. Regardless if they were illegal or not. Luckily the light changed and I as I was observing them, it looked like they turned right as were going to cross the street. I lost sight of them, but everything seemed calm as tge light changed and we crossed the street. Gotta watch out for cars too. Almost got hit on two occassions. We were lucky. Mainly because on the first they stopped for whatever reason (It made me angry though) and the second time because I was able to warn my brother to stop. I’m trying to get him to work on situational awareness. (If he could put the headphones down) Well, this article gave me better understanding since I kind of did this without thinking. I do want to make a note, these guys, it’s like they were making it hard for me to spot a red flag or even their intentions, but I sure as hell didn’t trust them. Anyway, going to take nap. Stay safe.

  33. In the last couple of years I have aged into arthritic stiffness that makes physical anything more challenging. Hence proper planning is waaaayyyyy more important than ever, more so all the time. We live in a rural area, but I still keep arms at hand, as in I can’t take more than about 10 steps without putting my hand on a loaded gun or a big knife. Makes for interesting preparation for the rare moment when kids visit!!! But I really appreciate an article like this that keeps valid defense concerns in the forefront on one’s thinking. Much better to reach out and touch an adversary than to let them get close. Thanks for the great info!!!!

  34. Enjoyed the history lesson. Trained in closed quarters combat. Agreed fully with tactical awareness spoken of in the article. Always instructed my sons(3) and daughters(6) to constantly be aware of their surroundings/environment. In one instance number 3 daughter, in a heated debate with her husband, put him on the floor hard. Sons-in-laws have each thanked me for the way their wife was brought up. Tai chi, tai quon do Karate and pressure points were in the mix for closed quarters combat. The training has served us all well. Thanks for your stimulation of my memories.

  35. Much appreciated and very informative. I enjoy all the teachings I get from the videos, and like the products you offer. Although I’m unable to afford a lot of the products, due to a low paying job, and trying to save something for retirement, hopefully in another year.
    I’m not a violent person, but I have always been able to handle myself in a situation when the need arose and I can say that I’ve never lost a fight. Nowadays I just want to protect my family, as well as myself. Thank you much for what you do.