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Happy Veteran’s Day From A Fellow Veteran

Hello Everyone!

As the newest member of the FightFast team, I have the unique privilege of sharing with you a very special THANK YOU to our great nation’s military veterans. From the moment that this country was born (and before) we have had brave men and women fight for our freedom at home and overseas. It’s an honor to be addressing so many of you today!

While we sometimes think it’s all men who do the work, I’d like to bring to light the contributions that women have made to our military. We often forget about the mothers, sisters, daughters, wives, girlfriends, and friends who stay here, supporting and waiting for their sons, daughters, brothers, sisters, fathers, mothers, husbands, wives, boyfriends, girlfriends, and friends who go to war. The support that these women show our military is unparalleled. Women’s maternal instincts feed into the need we all have to have someone care for our well-being.

Women In The Military

And women are not just staying at home anymore. Rereading some of our military history makes my heart swell with pride for my gender. Before World War II, women were only allowed to serve as nurses and support staff, washing laundry and the like. World War I was actually the first time a woman could officially join the military. According to and, of the 33,000+ women who served in World War I as nurses and support staff, 400 died in the line of duty.

The second world war brought with it the ability for women to join in other helpful roles such as mechanics, test pilots, administration, and ambulance drivers. Even though women were still not in combat, 88 of them were captured and held as Prisoners Of War. Shortly after WW2, Congress passed the Women’s Armed Services Integration Act, which allowed us permanent military status. For the first time, we were able to receive the same treatment and veteran’s benefits as men. This was also around the time that racial segregation ended, allowing the first African-American women to enlist.

In 1967, the cap on the number of women allowed to serve was repealed, along with the highest rank that a woman was allowed to achieve. This opened up the remainder of history for women to break boundaries and achieve things that had NEVER been possible.

Women have been POWs, been covered in blood that was and wasn’t theirs, and died in the line of duty right alongside the boys. They’ve also lead soldiers into combat, piloted combat missions and space shuttles, commanded ships, squadrons, hospitals, schools, and bases, healed, helped, and done a damn good job if it!

Words From A Fellow Veteran

My personal experience in the military was one that I cherish with all my heart. The people I met and places I went will stick with me until the end. I met so many amazing men and women during my service, and I keep meeting these incredible veterans even four years after receiving my DD-214.

When I was 19 years old, I felt stuck and unhappy. My older sister had joined the Navy as a corpsman, and while thinking about my future, the feeling that I could do that too just wouldn’t leave. I talked to my sister and really considered all the benefits and consequences for a whole three days before going to a recruiting office and getting my paperwork. Less than a month later, I was on my way to boot camp!

My rate (job) was Aviation Machinist Mate, working on aircraft engines. That would have been IMPOSSIBLE 75 years ago! I have so much pride for how far we’ve come!

And there are so many veterans out there who need to hear how proud of them you are and how much you appreciate them. We cannot forget that there are still veterans taking their lives every single day. Veterans who feel that their disabilities hinder them from being contributing members of society, or who don’t feel like they can live with the things they’ve had to do. These men and women need to hear that they matter and are appreciated and loved by our nation, TODAY.

From the bottom of all our hearts here at FightFast, THANK YOU FOR YOUR SERVICE!

Very Respectfully,
Dorothy Nelson (ADAN)

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467 thoughts on “Happy Veteran’s Day From A Fellow Veteran”

  1. Thank You Dorothy for your service, and a belated Happy Veterans Day. God Bless all our vets.

  2. From one fellow Veteran to another. I personally wish to THANK YOU! for your service to our country. The sacrifice that all service men and women make to, and for our country. At times is measured in blood, sweat, and tears all to often. So always remember this little saying.
    “For those who have never fought for it. Freedom has a taste, the protected will never know” I bid you peace.

  3. Yes we have come along way as a nation and we have even farther too go today and tomorro. You are welcome for my service and I thank you for your service!

  4. I join the Navy the Navy Reserve when I was 17 My Father had to sign some papers of consent. After two years I wanted to go Reg. Navy.
    I did do so & they sent me to Great Lakes Navel training Center. There they found out I had a hearing problem! A day or two I was sent
    back home with a Medical Discharge! It broke my heart!I have an older & younger brothers & they both served in the Navy. My older brother was in WW2 in the Navy.He was on the uss.Corinthian.My younger brother was on a Sub. I forget the name of it?


  5. GOD BLESS AMERICA. All our Vets, thank you for your service. I went to the Persian Gulf when the Iranians took the embassy and the hostages. President Reagan showed our might with out firing a shot.

  6. I thank you very much for your service , I spent 20 years in navy mmc(sw) also worked in different repair ares, but I want to tell you my best by far was a young woman,what she said was wrong belive it Robert Aldridge (mmc(sw) &DOT I an a young fellow just past 3/4 of a centry + 2 may GOD BLESS & keep you safe

  7. Thank you for these words, & your patriotism that runs deeper than just
    words, your willingness to serve
    Our country. God bless you.

  8. As a veteran myself, I respect, and appreciate all those who have served their country honorably. I believe it is the greatest act of devotion to their country. I to am a veteran who has certain disabilities that wear, and tear caused by service bring about. I’m currently having those conditions evaluated, and hopefully corrected. I don’t want any disability to hinder me in anyway. I expect to be treated with the same respect, opportunity, and benefit’s that everyone else is entitled to as a American.

  9. My name is Jeff lance lance am an American born citizen .I am a proud husband and father of 5 wonderful children. Our way of life as Americans depends on our military. I personally. Love and thank each of you selective service members (active or non active for your service and sacrifice, to this great nation of ours. Our nations military hold s in check our lives our freedom and our liberty. No other nation on earth, that I know of has it as good as we do .from the deepest part of my heart I thank you and personally I love you each and everyone.You are and always will be my brothers and sisters (family). Sincerely your brother and friend. Jeff lance

  10. Thank you for your service and support. I served in the U.S. Navy from 1974-1984. I had the honor of being one of the first female CTT’s (Cryptologic Technician Technical) to serve in the Cold War. My time of service also coinsided with the end of the Vietnam War.

    I would like to let all my fellow female Cold War CT’s that even though we will never be recognized for our sacrifices, we played an intrigal part of keeping our nation secure. No can ever take that pride from us.

    To my male and female Cold War CT’s we know in our hearts and souls there will never be a memorial or wall to recognize our sacrifices. We won’t even have stars placed on a wall like the CIA operatives, we will carry our accolades in our hearts and souls. However, this to me is one of the greatest sacrifices ever.

    Thank you. I salute each and everyone of you.

  11. Believe me, I do not discount women at all. I was a sniper, a loner. If I was in a foxhole, I can think of a few I’d like to share it with. One of my stories (I try not to tell them much because it bores people) the woman who was to become my wife waited a few years for me. To me that was astounding! I knew that she had seven others, but I was her choice. Although the Marines were going to be my career, we married when I returned from in country.

  12. Whe I was in Vietnam I became very ill with a fever of on know origin I was hospitalized for 10 days but I was unconscious for 4 days. When I came to I didn’t have any memory of that ,but the wonderful nurse that we’re taking great care. Of me.they tried to explain too me what I had and how they were treating me and how the long term effect it would affect me later in life.this was in 1971 .ill never forget the great care they gave me thanks for all tue great care you gave me I’ll always remember it

  13. A call out to all Veterans. IF you feel down, do not act on it. Call for help – call anyone that you can. And do not take negative input, hang up and call 911 if you have to. You just need to hang on until we can help you. I have my own issues but I will still help a fellow Vet. OR Go to your local VFW or Masons lodge. They will help you. Yes, at the VFW there will be some just staring into their drink. Ignore them and go to someone who is talking. The ones staring just have not realized THEY need help yet. OK, So I have not taken my own advice, I am not having that problem. My issues are something else entirely. Did you know You can get PTSD from your childhood? I didn’t but am a walking example now. It will take a long time to fix (45 years of backlog) but I am working on it day by day. So do like I am and hang in there. And Yes, Writing this is one of the ways I help myself. Getting it out matters. And yeah, I’m crying as I type this, Oh Well. No-one is giving me crap about it so I’m good. For most of my life I was trying to be like Spock so I have a lot of stored up pain to vent. Thankfully all the anger has settled into sadness. Now I scare folks if I’m excited because I never learned how to control my emotions, I just shut them off so now they are Massive. And now I’m running on about it. Time to shut up and get on with life.

  14. Thanx to all veterans and to y’all for what you do!!
    Freedom is not Free as all Gave Some. Some Gave All!! Thanx again D.Bell USN Disabled Veteran

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