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Happy Veteran’s Day From A Fellow Veteran

Hello Everyone!

As the newest member of the FightFast team, I have the unique privilege of sharing with you a very special THANK YOU to our great nation’s military veterans. From the moment that this country was born (and before) we have had brave men and women fight for our freedom at home and overseas. It’s an honor to be addressing so many of you today!

While we sometimes think it’s all men who do the work, I’d like to bring to light the contributions that women have made to our military. We often forget about the mothers, sisters, daughters, wives, girlfriends, and friends who stay here, supporting and waiting for their sons, daughters, brothers, sisters, fathers, mothers, husbands, wives, boyfriends, girlfriends, and friends who go to war. The support that these women show our military is unparalleled. Women’s maternal instincts feed into the need we all have to have someone care for our well-being.

Women In The Military

And women are not just staying at home anymore. Rereading some of our military history makes my heart swell with pride for my gender. Before World War II, women were only allowed to serve as nurses and support staff, washing laundry and the like. World War I was actually the first time a woman could officially join the military. According to and, of the 33,000+ women who served in World War I as nurses and support staff, 400 died in the line of duty.

The second world war brought with it the ability for women to join in other helpful roles such as mechanics, test pilots, administration, and ambulance drivers. Even though women were still not in combat, 88 of them were captured and held as Prisoners Of War. Shortly after WW2, Congress passed the Women’s Armed Services Integration Act, which allowed us permanent military status. For the first time, we were able to receive the same treatment and veteran’s benefits as men. This was also around the time that racial segregation ended, allowing the first African-American women to enlist.

In 1967, the cap on the number of women allowed to serve was repealed, along with the highest rank that a woman was allowed to achieve. This opened up the remainder of history for women to break boundaries and achieve things that had NEVER been possible.

Women have been POWs, been covered in blood that was and wasn’t theirs, and died in the line of duty right alongside the boys. They’ve also lead soldiers into combat, piloted combat missions and space shuttles, commanded ships, squadrons, hospitals, schools, and bases, healed, helped, and done a damn good job if it!

Words From A Fellow Veteran

My personal experience in the military was one that I cherish with all my heart. The people I met and places I went will stick with me until the end. I met so many amazing men and women during my service, and I keep meeting these incredible veterans even four years after receiving my DD-214.

When I was 19 years old, I felt stuck and unhappy. My older sister had joined the Navy as a corpsman, and while thinking about my future, the feeling that I could do that too just wouldn’t leave. I talked to my sister and really considered all the benefits and consequences for a whole three days before going to a recruiting office and getting my paperwork. Less than a month later, I was on my way to boot camp!

My rate (job) was Aviation Machinist Mate, working on aircraft engines. That would have been IMPOSSIBLE 75 years ago! I have so much pride for how far we’ve come!

And there are so many veterans out there who need to hear how proud of them you are and how much you appreciate them. We cannot forget that there are still veterans taking their lives every single day. Veterans who feel that their disabilities hinder them from being contributing members of society, or who don’t feel like they can live with the things they’ve had to do. These men and women need to hear that they matter and are appreciated and loved by our nation, TODAY.

From the bottom of all our hearts here at FightFast, THANK YOU FOR YOUR SERVICE!

Very Respectfully,
Dorothy Nelson (ADAN)

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467 thoughts on “Happy Veteran’s Day From A Fellow Veteran”

  1. Thank you to every Veteran for your service. I am so thankful for the freedom I and my family have every day. God bless each of you.

  2. Thanks Dorothy,
    Your words of encouragement will go a long way for the women who feel they don’t measure up to the stereotyped soldier and feel they will only be laughed at and not make the grade. It doesn’t matter what you will be in the military whether its combat or a cook. Your giving to this country and to another so we can all live free. Thats a gift comparible to none.

  3. To Dorothy and the Fight Fast crew what she has said is music to my ears .I am 57 yrs. old and was not in any of the military Due to some Birth defects that did not allow me to join, although I really wanted in the Air force most of all. I did however become very adapt at skills that I can still use today to Help PROTECT THOSE THAT CANNOT PROTECT THEMSELVES .I Admire her writing skills as I could not have said It any better GOD BLESS ALL OUR MILITARY WOMAN AND MEN and with GODS SPEED I TRULY WISH THAT ALL OUR MILITARY TO BE BROUGHT HERE IN THE USA TO HELP PROTECT US FROM WITHIN OUR OWN BOUNDRIES OUR FORCES SHOULD BE HERE IN AMERICA WHERE WE BELONG close to the loved ones we cherish so much and will always protect GOD BLESS OUR VETRANS AND protect them as they have HAVE PROTECTED US.

  4. Dear Vet.,I personally would like to congratulate you & a really big thank you for serving & protecting our great nation ! I salute you.

  5. Thank You for your service, it is truly a pleasure to have the women of the military in our Country. I feel like whether we served during peace time or war it is a great honor to have had the opportunity. Today we will all stand together as one!! God Bless America and God Bless our women and men who fight for the freedoms we have.

  6. Today more than days past women play an increasing role in the defense of our country. As a veteran of the United States Army which I served for, and as an E-8 First Sargent, the privilege to lead; I cannot express the level of respect and gratitude that I have for women who have/are serving in our armed forces; and this goes without saying to all vets. I had the privilege to lead many brave and courageous men and women in my time and especially in the theatres of Kuwait and Panama .

  7. People in my family have fought in nearly every war since World War 1 and I appreciate all veterans that stand up for this country the love and the hardships that we go through Carhartt but we must believe in this country and his Constitution and God bless America and you ma’am and all service people we must keep this Republic free

  8. Thank you for your review of how far we have come in integrating both women and others into our military and basic economy. One thing we all learned during our military service was dedications to county, respect for authority, and tolerance. It is too bad and many of our countrymen and women have not also learned those talents. Those that gave our county, not government, but our county our blank check, asking only that we be given important contributing work to support the cause, now have a problem understanding certain current behavior of our countrymen and women. I wish that all American citizens would be allowed to obtain these wonderful talents. I feel proud of my limited service to this county, even though it was in peace time, and I feel blessed to be counted among the veterans that served much more than I did in areas that I did not have to serve in, encountering risk and hardships i can only image.

  9. Thanks for your message to all of us.

    Thank you for serving and sacrificing for our freedom, our country.
    Thanks to all out veterans for preserving our freedom and our way of life.

  10. Dorothy,

    Thank you very much for your service. Service to our country can be very fulfilling, but can also be very horrifying. Sometimes we do terrible things because we have to. Sometimes because we are scared stiff, and sometimes because at that moment, we think we want to. These things will be with us as long as we live. They do not make us monsters, only human. No other person has ever walked in our boots, nor can they. When as young men or women we go into Service, we are often brash and callow. In war time, that does not last long. Our experiences change us.

    When we come back we are different in ways our loved ones cannot always understand, but they still love us! It is hard to accept their love because they do not see us as we see ourselves. It is important to understand what we have gone through so we can understand ourselves.

    Stand tall and proud, Veterans! We are worth this day! We have done what we could to protect our Country and our Loved Ones.

    Happy Veterans Day!!!

    Johnie (Navy ’65)

  11. I am all for women being a large part of our military…but have some fears, Women are not men and they are not built for the hardships that war demands . But since women are so determined to compete with men , I only hope that they know, that they will die on the battle field just like men.. But if women who are willing to fight and die for our country…. then I tell all of our brave young women …and u go girls and show us that women can be a tough enemy…and you don’t want to make her mad! Eileen

  12. I can not be more prouder of the wemen and men that served in the military. I was in a Militaey Police unit in 1956 till 1962. I can not a veteran. There was a fire were they kept the Military records and what was burnt was the years of 1942 to 1967. All that time I was waiting from some one from my unit to call me so I called them and all they could tell me is that they would call me to stay near a phone or some one near the phone in case they would call. But know one ever called. But I did get a call before all this and it was to report to fort ore and I did it was for basic training. I can tell you I was not proud it heart me very much and I am sill very inbarest. Good for you that you are a veteran. Thank you for listening to me. I uphold and am very grateful for the men and wemen that went to Veitnam and for the ones that made it back to a country that did not honor them and the help they did not get and are still not getting. God bless all of them. From Joe Silva Jr.

  13. THANK YOU for serving your country Dorothy, and your pride is evident in your writing and company you keep. As a fellow vet (NAM) I have witnessed first hand the contributions women have made in our armed forces, and with the pride they showed in their work and camaraderie. It didn’t matter if they were wavs, wacs, wafs or bams , the women stepped up to the plate and knocked it out of the park. GOD BLESS THEM ALL !

  14. I appreciate all of the vets & currently active military for their sacrifices. Also a thank you to all of their families.

  15. I am very proud of every woman who puts it on the line for our country,lets hope and pray they don’t have to do it here because of a narcissistic nincompoop who conned his way into the white House and currently threatens democracy.

  16. First off, thank you for your service to this country and our Armed Services. Without young people like yourselves sacrificing your time and energies to our military we wouldn’t have the military we have today!
    Secondly, thank you for your heartfelt statements. As a veteran myself I remain very proud of this country and our military and what they accomplish on a daily basis.
    Again thank you for your service and good luck to you on your future endeavors.
    God bless you and God bless America!!!!

  17. Thank you for your service, Women in are Military deserve the Top honors they work for, Keep up the good work, i am proud to say i worked with women in uniform. (staff Sgt TLB Ret)

  18. Bob, Dorothy, and all of our Fight Fast teammates,

    As a senior leader still on active duty in the combat ranks of our Army I want to thank you and especially Dorothy for reminding us of where we came from and where we are.

    As we all know the Constitution that we swear to support and defend gives our Legislative Branch the responsibility to maintain our Armed Forces. That means they set the rules for who serves, how they serve, and what they get for serving. It’s up to those of us who serve to enforce and operate within those rules they set. For me, as a senior leader, i’m proud to stand beside anyone who has the guts and physical fortitude to take up arms in defense of our country and our way of life. I’m glad to see that we as a nation have gotten over our issues with race, creed, gender, or any other discriminators for service. What matters is your commitment, courage, and professionalism.

    Thank you Dorothy for your service, your courage, and your commitment. We are all greatfull.

    “All it takes for Evil to succeed is for good people to do nothing”
    “Freedom sleeps easy because a handful or well trained and rough (people) stand ready to do violence on its behalf.”

  19. Many thanks to you and all our Vets Women and Men alike for keeping our country and its people safe and most of all FREE.

  20. I love it! THANK you so very much for your service to our great country! My father is also a veteran and I offer ALL vets my utmost admiration and respect! GOD bless you, Dorothy Nelson!!!

  21. I once saw a t shirt that said. lf you can read this thank a teacher. If you can read this in English thank a veteran. Thank you to one and all of our veterans .

  22. As always I thank god we have so many brave man and woman. To serve our country. I cherish all the freedom I have. And thank our service men and woman for it. Truly from the bottom of my heart I thank you all.


  23. Muchas gracias. Un abrazo a todos los que piensan que no sirvió de nada todo su sacrificio.
    Sirve todos los días y gracias a eso puedo escribir esta nota.

  24. For all the men and women who haved served and to all the men and women who still serve and their loved ones. . .thank you so much. To the author: thank you for a wonderfully written reminder of women’s contributions to the history of our military.

  25. Great essay, we do forget that women through out history
    Played a big part in our military on the front lines and in support of fighting troops.

  26. thank you Dorothy for YOUR SERVICE, women are a great asset to the could not do with out them,they were a large factor to all branches of the military I am happy you were one of us, G B JAY SUTER aka JBIRD

  27. A very heartfelt message. Although I’m not a veteran my father and uncle both were and are now buried in los Angeles veterans cemetery. I thank you and all the veterans for your service and our freedom

  28. Thanks. As 3rd Member of My Family to serve I would like to (also) say Thank-You to You as well, and also to ALL of the Veterans that have given, and preserved Our Freedoms in the Great UNITED STATES OF AMERICA. May God Bless America.

  29. I want to thank you for all your service to this country. As a Scoutmaster of a Boy Scout Troop, I constantly tell the boys about our military personnel and the sacrifices they make for us. Thank you once again for all you have done for this country.

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