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Happy Veteran’s Day From A Fellow Veteran

Hello Everyone!

As the newest member of the FightFast team, I have the unique privilege of sharing with you a very special THANK YOU to our great nation’s military veterans. From the moment that this country was born (and before) we have had brave men and women fight for our freedom at home and overseas. It’s an honor to be addressing so many of you today!

While we sometimes think it’s all men who do the work, I’d like to bring to light the contributions that women have made to our military. We often forget about the mothers, sisters, daughters, wives, girlfriends, and friends who stay here, supporting and waiting for their sons, daughters, brothers, sisters, fathers, mothers, husbands, wives, boyfriends, girlfriends, and friends who go to war. The support that these women show our military is unparalleled. Women’s maternal instincts feed into the need we all have to have someone care for our well-being.

Women In The Military

And women are not just staying at home anymore. Rereading some of our military history makes my heart swell with pride for my gender. Before World War II, women were only allowed to serve as nurses and support staff, washing laundry and the like. World War I was actually the first time a woman could officially join the military. According to and, of the 33,000+ women who served in World War I as nurses and support staff, 400 died in the line of duty.

The second world war brought with it the ability for women to join in other helpful roles such as mechanics, test pilots, administration, and ambulance drivers. Even though women were still not in combat, 88 of them were captured and held as Prisoners Of War. Shortly after WW2, Congress passed the Women’s Armed Services Integration Act, which allowed us permanent military status. For the first time, we were able to receive the same treatment and veteran’s benefits as men. This was also around the time that racial segregation ended, allowing the first African-American women to enlist.

In 1967, the cap on the number of women allowed to serve was repealed, along with the highest rank that a woman was allowed to achieve. This opened up the remainder of history for women to break boundaries and achieve things that had NEVER been possible.

Women have been POWs, been covered in blood that was and wasn’t theirs, and died in the line of duty right alongside the boys. They’ve also lead soldiers into combat, piloted combat missions and space shuttles, commanded ships, squadrons, hospitals, schools, and bases, healed, helped, and done a damn good job if it!

Words From A Fellow Veteran

My personal experience in the military was one that I cherish with all my heart. The people I met and places I went will stick with me until the end. I met so many amazing men and women during my service, and I keep meeting these incredible veterans even four years after receiving my DD-214.

When I was 19 years old, I felt stuck and unhappy. My older sister had joined the Navy as a corpsman, and while thinking about my future, the feeling that I could do that too just wouldn’t leave. I talked to my sister and really considered all the benefits and consequences for a whole three days before going to a recruiting office and getting my paperwork. Less than a month later, I was on my way to boot camp!

My rate (job) was Aviation Machinist Mate, working on aircraft engines. That would have been IMPOSSIBLE 75 years ago! I have so much pride for how far we’ve come!

And there are so many veterans out there who need to hear how proud of them you are and how much you appreciate them. We cannot forget that there are still veterans taking their lives every single day. Veterans who feel that their disabilities hinder them from being contributing members of society, or who don’t feel like they can live with the things they’ve had to do. These men and women need to hear that they matter and are appreciated and loved by our nation, TODAY.

From the bottom of all our hearts here at FightFast, THANK YOU FOR YOUR SERVICE!

Very Respectfully,
Dorothy Nelson (ADAN)

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467 thoughts on “Happy Veteran’s Day From A Fellow Veteran”

  1. Hi,
    First I would like to say Thank You for your service.
    I am a Bosun ,US Merchant Marines , Ret. I spent 30 years going to sea. One of those who also went to war , but are not considered as Veterans. (Desert Storm, Desert Freedom, Just Cause). My fellow shipmates and I have worked closely with the military in any and all time of need. On one ship I spent six months in the Ready Deployment Fleet in Diego Garcia out in the middle of the Indian Ocean on a ship full of supplies to keep our soldiers in the fight.
    We would have sailed in convoy to wherever we were ordered to go and done so gladly!
    Our ships aren’t armed and at the most we get minimal small arms training nowadays on certain ships and missions.
    Since June of 1775 the U.S. Merchant Marines were the country’s first Navy taking action against the British warships and as blockade runners and smugglers bring in necessary goods and supplies to assist the ground war effort in our fight for independence.
    I fully agree with your article and ask that you also remember the rest of us working hard behind the lines
    Again Thanks to all of you who have served and are currently serving our Country. SALUTE!

  2. Thank you Dorothy for your service. Not everyone is willing to serve. It says a lot about you that you did.
    Fair winds and following seas.

  3. I have a great respect and appreciation for all veterans alike. America has benefited greatly from all the sacrifices. No words could ever match this level of patriotism. GOD please comfort and reach these honorable veterans. Thank you very much.

  4. Thank you for your service and thank every woman who has ever served!! Thank you each and every family member and friend that supports our military.

  5. Dorothy,

    You’re awesome and thank you also for your service.
    A lot of people don’t know veterans day is also the Navy’s birthday as well , yesterday was the Marine Corps birthday.

    Semper Fidelis
    JP Moreno

  6. Thank you, all veterans, that have served to make our nation the greatest in the world!!!! We all need to not only thank our veterans one day a year but to take part in the many programs that help support our veterans year round. What makes us the greatest nation in the world is the willingness of people to help others!!!! As a nation we have millions of people that were willing to put their life on the line to protect our freedom and to help the oppressed around the world. It should be our desire and duty to support those that have risked so much for us.

  7. Thank you so much for your service! I only wish I could count myself among you. I was born long enough ago, that the recruiter I spoke to actually patted me on my head, told me to find a nice boy and get married and have babies. It makes me proud to know how far women in the military have come!

  8. You honor me by allowing me to say THANK YOU! It is because of you and all of our military that we are allowed to live free and prosper in the greatest country in the world.
    Thank you again and may God bless you and America!

  9. I spent 3 years in the Army’s 101st Airborne back in the mid-seventies and met quite a few women that I felt were just as tough as the guy’s. Thank you for your informative blog.

  10. Thank you and all those who have served and sacrificed for our wonderful country! God Bless America and God Bless Our service men and women!!!

  11. As a Navy Gunnersmate (68-71) I loved what you wrote. My navy had no women on ships. New navy has all people every where(seals not yet). I worked 40 years in refinery where women be came large part of work force. Many were outstanding. Few not so good. Just like the men. I am ALL vets can come together this day. God bless America and all who have served her. My God bless your life.


  13. AMEN!!!, well said Dorothy.
    You are spot on, we need to put our Veterans in a higher category than we do, I remember after the Vietnam war the poor Vets were scrutinized by the protesters after they came home, many were wounded physically and mentally, the draft was enforced and many did not believe in that war and had there lives changed forever.
    There is the feeling today that Veterans are more appreciated and respected than back in the Vietnam era, thank you for serving, GOD BLESS!
    Happy Veterans Day
    Gary Machafo

  14. Thank you for your report which no doubt came directly from your heart. I am a veteran of the Korean area and I’d like to add some information about women that probably is not known by many people doing war war two. When are young men were drafted and sent overseas the women left behind became one of the best world producers of military support materials. This was one of the first steps that are country made and given recognition to the importance of women instead of just being barefoot and pregnant in the kitchen cooking and sewing. Thanks to all of the people who did create this wonderful image for the women in the United States I am happy to read your report as I combine this knowledge above what your report presents to us. With loving kindness to all veterans, Bob cheek

  15. Many thanks, Dorothy Nelson, for what you so eloquently penned. May you enjoy the benefits of this day and may you have a wonderful, long and fulfilling life.

    Petrotta, George I.

  16. Thank you for your service Dorothy! My wife also served, in the Army Nurse’s Corp during desert storm. It was memorable experience for her. She is a Captain and out ranks Me!

    From a fellow vet

  17. I just want to say that as an American, I am very proud of what you were able to accomplish as a soldier and a woman. God Bless You for your service and your sacrifices for our country and our constitution. Please accept my heartfelt Thanks as you celebrate this day to honor you.

  18. Well life as we know it may have been very different if not for your hard work and sacrifice. As civilians we all know that and dont always now how to say or show it. Thankyou for your service to our country and God Bless you.

  19. Dorothy,
    Having been a unit commander in the air force, I always respected the job our women did in aircraft maintenance. One young woman stands out in my memory to this day. We had to evacuate our B52s because of a typhoon and one aircraft had a engine problem. This young sargeant, worked in pouring down rain and wind to fix the problem. The wing commander was yelling to get a more experienced man to fix the problem. I had great faith in this lady’s ability and told him she doesn’the need a man’s help to fix the problem. She did her job!

  20. As a Veteran my self. THANK YOU DOROTHY. and all the women who served. Your story hits home to me as I to was very young. I didn’t do anything special in the Army but get injured in training. I didn’t get to achieve my goals I had dreamed of. I wasn’t popular with some of my fellow soldiers because my views of women in the Army . I would point out their great abilities to those who apposed women as soldiers. Especially to the men who just barely qualified on the range. I myself grew up shooting and got expert first time on range. And as we watched the young woman do the same as I had , I would point that out to the young men who didn’t believe in the lady soldiers and laugh at them. That along with my statement that I rather have those young ladies backing me up. That didn’t make me very popular with only those few. But being the way I was and still am I didn’t care. As a matter of fact, A young Lady specialist whom had served 4 year’s was a great help to me after boot in my classes. Academics was not my strong suit. So I have always been grateful to her and always will. And I extend that gratefulness to you and your service. Again, A big Thank you again Dorothy and all the women who served and still do.

  21. Thank you for your service. And thanks to all our service men and women who make our country a safer place. I also served in the Navy in the early 80s

  22. Thank-You so much for saying thanks, Dorothy! It is especially meaningful when someone who served says thanks. I spent 10 years in the Navy navigating 3 submarines. Even though each of us may contribute in very different capacities, we each also have that “understanding” of what it means to serve. Thank-you for protecting our country as well as your sister. Happy Veteran’s Day to all who have and all who still are protecting this great country. Former QM2/SS, USN.

  23. Thank you Dorothy and welcome home!

    While deployed during OIF-II (Dec 2003-Feb 2005) just north of Baghdad, I was part of a crew that Medevac’d a young female Blackhawk pilot who lost both her legs to an RPG that had ripped through the floor of her aircraft. Dispite her devastating wounds, she was able to land the aircraft saving the lives of everyone onboard. Her only concern the entire time during the evac was the status and safety of crew. AmazingI This young pilot was one of the bravest warfighters, man or women, I’d ever had the pleasure of serving with.

    Fast forward almost 12 years to the day she was wounded and she’s still fighting. She fights every day for the safety and security of her brothers and sisters who served, are serving, or will serve. On November 8th 2016 this amazing warfighter and champion of veterans was elected to the United States Senate. So, if you happen to see her, Please tell Senator Tammy Duckworth congratulaions and Welcome Home! “Hooha” and God Bless America!


  24. God Bless you Dorothy and all those who have and are currently serving this great country. Also as you mentioned God Bless the families that are home keeping things together and counting the days till their loved ones return. I personally believe The bible speaks of ya’ll in Romans 13:4.
    God Bless America and God Bless our troops.

  25. Thank you for your service. I know many men who also served doing the same type of work. You all deserve more than we e can give. May God richly bless you. Keith

  26. With out the work and sacrifice of all the men and women through out the years, we would not enjoy the freedoms they earned for us with there blood sweat and lives. God bless the veterans.

  27. Thank YOU, Dorothy “DJ” for your service. Thanks, also to the men & women that will read your post AND have served in the military. I am now and have Always been so very proud of our military and the sacrifices that they make to wear the uniform, take the oath to support and defend the Constitution of the USA.

  28. Thanks first of all for your service. Proud to have you on board.
    Second, thanks for the history lesson on women in the service of our country. Much information that I thought happen years before!
    Again, thanks!

  29. As a Vet I I would just like to say THANK YOU to all the other Veterans and to the men and women that are serving now and to those that will serve in the future.
    With out you this country would not be what it is today, and we would not have the freedom that we all take for granted.


  30. Dorothy, Thank you for your service, I am a Vietnam veteran, My Father served in the Navy, Sea Bees, Army Air-corp and the Air Force, he served in WW II, Korea and Vietnam and retired after 29 years of service, I think of him daily and I miss the towering man that has always been my hero, gone from us but not forgotten I remember the pride and sense of honor he instilled in all 5 of his children. My father and I both know how extremely important women have been and still are to our military, from the stay at home Mom or wife, to the brave women who serve in combat zones in the name of freedom. We must always remember and be diligent in telling everyone who doesn’t know or realize that since the early 1970’s we have had an ALL VOLUNTEER military, therefore all who have served in more than 40 years have CHOSEN to serve and protect, yes, even those who would speak ill of us and call us names, we who were sent or those the brave who chose to join, stand united in saying “GOD BLESS AMERICA” . Remain calm and return fire !
    Thank you,

  31. Dorthy, Nothing warms my heart any faster than to hear that there is respect for the veteran. You were out there some place serving as I have served. I am retired Military; Things were not always this way. There was once a time when we got very little respect. We lost allot of men In vietnam! We gave an oath you and I!We are brothers and sisters, we survived. Even if you did not have to fight the way some of us did. You stood proud and strong. Of late? it appears that we of the oath? will again be tested! I pray for you and all the others who will stand up, There are 22.5 Million of us who will, Afflicted in someway or not,? wounded or not, carrying Toxins of “agent orange” or not, this older generation, ‘bound by oath’ will fulfill that oath against all enemy’s foreign or domestic! I am proud to be your Brother in arms. “May God bless and keep you ” Amen!