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The Noyau and Territorial Aggression

…The What?

The word “noyau” may be as unfamiliar to you now as it was to me a mere six months ago, but once we understand the word and its wider meaning, we begin to recognize its explanatory importance in both global/local matters and in conflict resolution. Before we get to the definition of the concept, let’s first ponder this quote (keep this in the back of your mind as you read through this article):

Antagonism must have some value to living things: why otherwise would evolution have tolerated so much of it?

The Territorial Imperative

In 1944 a German ornithologist by the name of Dieter Burckhardt offered up the observation that each species of bird seemed to have an “individual distance.” That is, a territorial divide within a larger shared territory.

A beach seemingly crowded willy-nilly with swarming emperor penguins is actually adhering to species-specific rules regarding nest positioning and the permitted distance between individuals; what appears to the human eye as nothing more than crowded chaos actually follows a set of unwritten rules that direct avian society.

“Individual distances” vary from species to species, from tight quarters for some nesting shore birds to miles between for nesting/hunting territories for birds of prey.

Let’s also observe that it is not only birds that obey the “individual distance” rule. We see reptiles, amphibians, and, of course, mammals all staking out nesting and territorial distances, and what is intriguing about all of these is that each individual species seems to have an upper limit of toleration. Meaning that specific distances between nests/dens/homes must be observed and…there is also an upper limit as to how many of the same species will be permitted within a given hunting range.

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Emperor Penguins

For emperor penguins, there is an instinctually defined distance between nests, but there is also a somewhat static limit as to how many emperor penguins overall will be tolerated on a given beach.

The permitted/allowable/tolerated load of species in a given range is the noyau. It can be loosely defined in human terms as a neighborhood. Once this upper-limit has been defined, a curious thing occurs. Within the noyau we may witness numerous individual spats and territorial signaling. While these can take on an aggressive tone at times, they are for mostly non-violent– more noise than actual physical encounter.

Now, let’s say members from another noyau (we’ll stay consistent and say visiting emperor penguins from the other side of the island) arrive and attempt to stake out nesting sites on this beach, something mighty interesting occurs. Even if the out-noyau penguins obey proper nesting distance rules, they are subject to aggressive confrontation by the original noyau birds. These confrontations can turn physical and we often see birds that had spatted within the noyau (and they very well may do so again tomorrow) join forces to expel this “threat” to the noyau.

Mighty familiar, huh?

Humans, being animals with our own complex noyaus, seem subject to similar population pressures. We can live peacefully in neighborhoods, but allow one neighbor to start parking his car in our spot, or to let his grass grow too high, or some other such thing that seems trivial to an outsider, and it is taken very seriously by those inside the noyau, similarly to how penguins take nesting distances seriously.

Just as with the penguins, these petty slights seldom turn violent within the neighborhood, but neither do they go unnoticed and rarely do they go without remark. Penguins squawk, humans bitch and litigate.

Neighborhood Dynamics

Now, for a thought experiment, let’s picture a neighborhood with all of its concomitant petty gossip, tiny “They leave their Christmas lights up too long” beeves, and picture another neighborhood two blocks away. For some reason they decide to show up in the original neighborhood to seize a portion of the playground.

Once this happens, just as with the penguin noyau, humans in the “invaded” neighborhood shed the petty grievances and unite as a veritable unit to repel the invaders, whether it be with physical action or community petitions and appearances at the local city council meeting.

In a nutshell, the noyau concept states that within a noyau, individual species will be subject to petty aggressive acts that are rarely more than territorial signaling. But anything outside of the noyau that threatens the whole of the noyau is a spur to form a unified front.

After The Threat

Terrible events like Pearl Harbor, 9/11, the Paris Attacks, and natural disasters make us all one. At least temporarily. Once the initial threat has been averted or placed in the rear view mirror of time, we separate into noyaus yet again and get back to passive-aggressive toleration of one another.

Let’s recall the opening observation from Robert Ardrey: “Antagonism must have some value to living things: why otherwise would evolution have tolerated so much of it?”

Chances are, this antagonistic streak in surviving species indicates that a certain amount of combativeness is necessary to protect the self, the brood, the noyau. In times of actual strife this penchant for aggression is a boon, but when times are easy—as it is for most of us 21st century pampered gods—this antagonistic streak does not bode well for good cheer and contentment.

If it is an instinctual part of our being it will never be quite tamed, nor would we want to tame it as it is a necessary spur to action when the chips are truly down.

Resisting Petty Antagonisms

I think we can all agree that petty antagonisms that intrude into daily lives (or “micro-aggressions”) that have no real world import do not add to the quality of life. We may never quite kick this superficial “Hey, I saw that parking spot first!” behavior to the curb as it is part of our make-up, but perhaps an awareness of why it’s there in the first place can allow us to stand down just a bit in some cases.

When we feel that twinge to bark over what is essentially a nothing “offense”, we might call to mind “Oh, I was getting ready to squawk loudly like a territorial penguin at someone I consider to be an OK human being for the most part. Perhaps I should take a breath here.”

Our inborn antagonism is and was meant for actual threats and not to continually intrude into daily bland life, but it does. Knowledge of how the noyau works can also allow us to reason through how some real world confrontations might go down.

The Noyau Bolsters Defenses

Animals that defend their noyau almost invariably fight more aggressively and successfully than invaders. This biological observation is important. It’s easy to imagine that we would fight harder to repel an invasion on our shores than one across the pond. Food for foreign policy thought.

The more distant from the noyau a species travels, the less investment we see. If I were a penguin (or a human) I would fight hard to protect my nest and I would come to the aid of my neighbor and fight hard (but perhaps without the same investment as for my own nest) to help him defend his nest, but the guy’s nest who lives in Saskatchewan, well, he’s on his own. Sorry, Saskatchewan guy.

The noyau concept says we will defend our own nest to the utmost of our ability. It also says that we might be full of petty gripes about those in our noyau but when the chips are down we will unite to repel a threat.

It also suggests that if we are the aggressor for some reason, the further we can lure the target from their home territory, the less defensive-alacrity we may see in the confrontation.

Tangible VS Abstract Noyaus

The problem with humans is that we also allow abstract ideas to become noyaus. Some of us will defend the home and an abstract noun with the same fervor — it all depends on how much we have allowed the idea/ideal to become a part of our “identities.”

In the concrete world such things as “honor”, “patriotism”, “the best chili ever!” simply do not exist except as constructs in our minds. And yet, these concepts and many other non-concrete “things” do settle into human skulls and can raise ire as much as an actual brick through a front window.

With the human penchant for creating noyaus out of abstracts in mind, it is wise for the individual who is interested in self-protection to be aware that the same proximity calibration takes place in the abstract world as in the physical. The closer we come to invading/encroaching on the abstract noyau the more resistance we can expect to encounter.

I may simply decide to make no comment on your prized “Star Wars” t-shirt, or offer a low-key “It’s not my thing, glad you like it”, and so far so good. But if I trip into “That shirt looks like s### and Star Wars is for losers” well, then it just might be on.

Final Thoughts

Penguins and humans, we’re not so different. We can’t consciously change our response to noyau encroachment, but with a bit of self-knowledge we might mitigate it when we are in meaningless spats and save up some of that survival energy for real-world threats, and at the very least get a handle on why this species can be so damn touchy at times.

The truth, it seems, is that we have evolved to be that way. A buncha crowded penguins on a noisy beach squatting over our nests for dear life.

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129 thoughts on “The Noyau and Territorial Aggression”

  1. Loved the article, haven’t watched film yet. I am a girl that believe in self defense. I was raised by my father who believed, demostrated, and practiced self defense. Just having lived in a house and taught respect for guns taught all six children to take care of and love the family.
    My grandparents had the same view points in 1800 and 1900s, which they taught respect for man and animals with a gun.
    Since we lived in forested area, we were very aware of animals that might be in woods. People that need protection from animals have a very different view about guns than people that were raised without them.

  2. While it may not quite be the exact same theory, I have always believed that we all “want what we want” and just because we “feel attacked” doesn’t mean our perceived aggressor is trying to be a threat. ( to our noyau )
    We can, as you say, save our energy for more relevant threats by identifying our aggressor as probably selfish or without thought and realizing they are more than likely irrelevant to our existance.

  3. I love the products YOU offer as well as the training videos continued success in all your endeavors and ingenuity!

  4. I appreciate all what you do for all of us. God bless!

  5. My wife and I migrate back and forth from upstate rural New York and the SW coast of Florida. In Florida, as I have come to understand it, if a squatter trespasses on my property, breaks in and enters my Florida residence and uses or misuses my property (such as electricity and furniture and stored food) when I return to our Florida residence and find these trespassers I have to pursue eviction proceedings and find another place to stay while that process is undertaken. They have committed at least three felony or misdemeanor offenses and I have to pay a lawyer to get my abused property back. I also understand that some other states follow the same squatter rights.

  6. Wow! Brilliant article, thank you. Really brings clarity to why we need to maintain a 1.5M distance with this Wuhanvirus as well as explaining the dynamics of aggression & it’s role for survival. Again thank you

  7. Very good! If we have to protect and fight over anything, let it be important. Don’t be such a wussy, and so sensitive. Thank You Mark!

  8. What an insightful view of society! I appreciate the view of someone who has knowledge that I never considered. The thought that I am very like a penguin takes a bit of getting used to. But, upon continued rreflection it makes me feel better about myself. I respect people who defend in their lifestyles. I like to think I’m one of them. I might be very willing to give you something of mine, but I’d fight you with tooth and fang if you tried to take that very thing from me.

  9. A very good analogy with thought and study . Interestingly enough if we were to take this out to animals of prey that have the ability to do real harm to one another you find that the distances increase exponentially and the number of individuals decrease down to a single entity ( or two if it is a particular time of year ) . SO the most dangerous someone is the the great the chance that they are a ‘ lone wolf ‘ or a hermit . But being the social spirits that we are we do need a noyau even if it is a small one to keep us somewhat sane if that can even be considered at this point and this times we live in today .

  10. When I was in high school, I attended a presentation on ‘Natural Spacing’ at the University of Washington. Part of the presentation was demonstrated by ‘birds on a wire’. They were spaced so evenly you’d think they were able to measure. Another demonstration was what we thought were two poles of a magnet underneath a piece of cardboard with iron filings showing the lines of force, but it was actually an areal photo of two hot dog stands on Cony Island, and the iron filings were people.

  11. Great read. The correlation between the penguins and humans was dead on.

    You guys bring science, psychology, and sociology to the table. You are open to new ideas and always willing to share and help others.

    Job well done.

  12. Very good analogy and analysis of the nature of the human condition. Very insightful and well thought out. Some concepts I have not heard for a while and practices I can make more use of in my daily life as like water off a ducks back. I agree that deep to the root of our human nature we would rather live a copacetic life with our noyau yet due to the constructs of our daily lives don’t have opportunities to release or balance our true nature and wind up in undue confrontational situations. Gave me a good many things to ponder and practice, thank you.

  13. Great article Mr Hatmaker…I tended to understand this behavior from life and study of sociology but the way you took it to the “abstract” was an eye opener!!

  14. Sometimes the simplest analogies help explain the the complexities of the “new normal” world we live in. Hence, the penguin mindset. Tolerance becomes harder these days, be we penguins or humans. Penguins are cute, but know to stay out of my yard. Carry on Mr. Hatmaker

  15. This article is dead on with the crucial difference between our abstract, perceived threats to our “identity” as opposed to a true existential threat to our existence! As tolerance is the en vogue word of the day in our society, it’s ironic how rare true tolerance is to things we might not agree with or understand. It seems that those who seem most prone to violence are those who have never experienced a life or death threat. They equate their propensity for violence to being a real bada$$ when nothing could be further from the truth. Thank you for the very thought provoking article. I look forward to future insight from you, Mark.

  16. This article is food for thought. It kind of goes along with the saying “don’t sweat the small stuff”. Save our energy to deal with important issues.

  17. Good insight. I enjoyed the breakdown of physical territorial boundaries and how abstract ideas and concepts can be territorial imperatives as well.

    Thanks Mark

  18. I read you article and it sure gavee some food for thought for I haven’t realized what you have said but reflection I am able to understand it much better now.thanks very much