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Derek Smith: Multiple Opponents

Dealing With Multiple Attackers

I’m not going to lie and say I’ve fought multiple attackers many times, but there have been a few. In this article, I’m going to share how I dealt with a couple of those attacks and how you can save your life should you run up against multiple attackers.

True Story

The first time it happened I was a young thug living in Chicago. I was going to a local corner store on the south side where I lived when three guys approached me. I knew it was going to be trouble because me and my thug friends had an ongoing battle with these guys.

It was really stupid because I cannot even tell you why we fought or why we hated each other so much. It was just one of those neighborhood beefs. We had two ways of handling these beefs and we usually did both.

We would play sand lot football against these other blocks. These games would be the meanest, toughest you would ever see. We would play full tackle against without any gear, and then the game usually ended not based on the score, but on when we got tired of hitting, shoving, elbowing, biting, punching and shit talking each other and someone got punched in the mouth leading to a frenzied melee, the second way was an all-out street fight.

The Warriors

Me and about 13 of my buddies made up the Warriors (named after the “Warriors” movie, which we all saw together and thought was the best movie EVER made at the time). We had black t-shirts produced with the word “Warriors” prominently displayed across the back in white iron-on letters.

I mostly stuck with Little Daryl, who was a street gymnast, Tank, whose real name was Kenneth, but he was built like a tank at the young age of 17, another Ken who was a couple years older than us, but was also very muscular and on his high school wrestling team, making him a general bad ass, and Pookie (whose real name was George, LOL) who was a brown belt in Karate and was also our “club” Karate instructor (I say club because we did not want to call ourselves a “gang”).

Back To The Story…

These three punks were coming towards me, and when they saw me alone (we usually traveled in packs) they began to smile and speed up their pace. When they got to me I was confident because I knew I was ready.

Pookie had been teaching me Shotokan Karate for quite some time and I was one of the best students at it. So, although I was scared as hell, I put a wall behind me and prepared myself to take out my three opponents with lighting fast karate kicks and punches.

When they reached me they surrounded me, one in front and one kind of to each side of me. They started talking shit of course and saying how bad they were about to kick my ass.

There was a stoop (which is a few stairs made of cement leading into a store) next to me and there was a wine bottle sitting upon it. One of the guys reach to get the wine bottle to hit me and I knew that was going to be bad so I punched him first.

A Brawl Breaks Out

This is when the shit hit the fan. The other 2 guys started throwing punches. Thank goodness the guy forgot all about the wine bottle at this point and instead concentrated on how bad to kick my ass. Each time I tried to turn to face an attacker with my karate the other two would punch me upside my head. I would turn to face another one and then wham, wham.

Luckily, it was winter in Chicago and I was wearing a very bulky parka, so I just covered my face and let them wail on me. The coat prevented them from doing much more than punching me in the arms, which did not do much damage and lucky for me they were not trained fighters so they did not try to punch me anywhere else but in the arms which covered my head and face from damage.

It probably would have been much worse, had one of my five younger brothers and three other “Warriors” not come around the corner, see this happening, and intervene on my behalf, beating and chasing these guys off me.

In this fight I did not use one karate technique nor any kicks. I had no time to try my best, but woefully poor, karate moves, and I was afraid to throw a kick, one because they were so close to me, and two, because I was afraid to lose my base by taking a leg off the ground and ending up on the ground.

Fast-Forward to the Upper Peninsula of Michigan…

I was an undercover agent on a drug operation working for the Air Force Office of Special Investigations. I was in a perp’s house when the shit hit the fan. The guy I was supposed to be buying crystal meth from got pissed about something and decided he and his two buddies were going to kick my ass.

By now I had years of real training and black belts in both Tae Kwon Do and Combat Hapkido, as well as training in multiple other arts including jui jitsu (BJJ) was not big at this time. I also had a government issued 9mm Beretta at the small of my back and an ASP baton in my right coat pocket.

The drug dealer and his buddies were on me quick. I’d like to use this story to demonstrate how to defeat multiple opponents. Let’s get started.

1. Deliver A Preemptive Strike

In my case I did not REALLY strike preemptively. The drug dealer got pissed about something we were arguing over and he tried to “steal on me” throwing a quick jab at my eye. I was already waiting for it and I parried him with my left hand and hit him with a short elbow strike to the left side of his head.

It was not hard but it was enough to distract him. The preemptive strike is very important. To take out an opponent, especially if bigger than you, you need to strike first and hard. There are no cheap shots in a fight. You either hit first or get hit. It’s best to hit first!

2. Hit The Leader First, If There Is One

In my case the leader had thrown a punch at me so of course he was the guy I hit first with the elbow strike. Often when attacked someone is going to emerge as the leader. He is probably the one doing all the shit talking. Take him out first and hope that the others stop at that point. However, I doubt they will.

Unlike in the movies, they will probably try to defend or get payback for their friend and will begin their attack right away, so be ready for it. Even if it is not the leader, attack first. It is nearly impossible to defend from multiple angles; you need to be the first to act.

3. Always Know Where All The Attackers Are Even If You’re Fighting One Of Them At A Time

In my case when I elbowed the drug dealer his two buddies who were sitting on the couch playing a video game quickly started to rise. It is very cold in the Upper Peninsula, especially in the winter so I was wearing a heavy coat and could not easily get to my gun, and actually things were happening too fast and I did not really want to have to shoot these bone heads anyway, too much paperwork, not enough return.

I was wearing what we called a “panic button” taped to my left arm. The purpose of the button is to let my handlers, who wore outside in vehicles and a van, know I was in trouble so they could rush in. As they rose from the couch I pushed the drug dealer into the one sitting on the left of me, pressed the panic button, and executed a front push kick with my right leg to the one on the right, pushing him back onto the couch.

You should know where the other opponents are and be ready to deal with them as soon as you need to. Don’t do like most people and just blindly fight without observing your surroundings, or you’ll be cold-cocked in the back of your head and probably knocked out.

4. Keep Your Opponents In Front Of You

Pushing them all onto the couch allowed me to keep them from flanking me and my being in a situation I would have a difficult time dealing with, if at all. Try to keep your attackers in a line if you can. Keeping them in a line (e.g., by backing away from them for example) can allow you to attack one person without being exposed to attack by others.

5. Use A Weapon If You Are Skilled With It

Before my attackers could rise from the couch I whipped out my ASP baton and without even opening it first I began to swing, knowing it would open while in flight. It did striking the drug dealer on the ass, whoever it did not lock out on that first strike as I hope it would, so I swung it to lock it out and then I just commenced to wailing on all three with the baton as they ducked and dodged while squirming on the couch.

As law enforcement we are trained to strike fleshy parts of the body with our batons as to not break joints or kill the person, which looks bad on the news and in court, so I avoided their heads and kept hitting their arms and thighs. By that time my backup came bursting through the door and went for my attackers quickly subduing and cuffing them. Unfortunately, my cover was blown, but I was safe. I was happy they had arrived because even with the baton, I would probably only be able to control all three for so long before they found a way to get past my baton. Drawing a weapon may end the fight before it begins and it’s a great way to equalize things against multiple attackers. I warn you, however, that if you are not skilled with it, the weapon will probably be used against you.

This is how where my scenario ended, however I have a few more tips for you:

How To Pick Locks. (Who Needs Keys?)

You may find this shocking, but picking open a standard "tumbler" lock, (like the one on your front door), is pretty damn easy when you know how it's done.

And in a "meltdown" survival situation, (once the smash-n-grab crowd has stolen everything not tied-down), the food and water and secure shelter will all be behind locked doors, (which explains why Special Forces are often trained in lock picking... and why they carry a set of lock pics with them).

It's a lot of fun learning this skill, (it doesn't take long)... and kinda nice to help out that buddy locked out of his house after the wife discovered what really happened on that "no money down" real estate seminar in Vegas.

>> Check Out "Lock Picking Kit" Here. <<

6. Be Strategic With Your Defense

Try to avoid being caught in a triangle between multiple attackers like I did in my first scenario. Even with my back to a wall, punches came from many directions and I could not deal with them. This situation almost certainly means you will lose, and fast. Plan to go on the offensive aggressively and commit to fighting. Follow through and look for your first chance to escape.

7. Use Objects Around You To Ward Off Your Attackers

I was once fighting a guy and I flung a chair at him. As he moved to avoid the chaired I was right behind it to attack him. With multiple attackers throwing a chair at one opponent, for example, while turning around to fight another opponent, can hopefully by you some needed time.

8. Keep Moving

Because if you are planted in a location your attackers can easily surround you. Use your footwork, stay agile, and keep moving around a little. Hell, run if you can.

9. Strike Decisively

You need to put your attackers down as quickly as possible. Target weak spots such as the temples, groin, knees, and solar plexus. Even the nose can be useful because hitting it will blind and disorient your opponents for a moment.

10. Use Cheap Shots

I told you before there is no such thing as a cheap shot anyway so it is really just a decisive blow. In a fight I have no qualms about biting, pinching, scratching, or jabbing eyes. Against grapplers I demonstrate how easy it is to bite them. Pride will cost you your life. Don’t be afraid to kick your opponent in the balls, to pull his hair, or to scratch his eyes.

11. Don’t Allow Yourself To Be Flanked

If your opponent gets behind you, or have you surrounded as I described in my first scenario, you are in big trouble like I was. Remember step 8 above and keep moving, and punching. If your attackers get their hands on you, you have a grappling situation, and with multiple attackers that’s just bad.

12. Finally, Escape As Soon As You Can

You are NOT likely to win a drawn out battle against multiple attackers. You have to get away pronto! If there are not any close escape routes, then follow my bonus step below.

Bonus Step: Where To Attack

In a life or death situation, which I consider any street situation, but especially one involving multiple attackers, there are no rules. Just as I teach in my Special Agent Combative Course, take out their eyes, break their kneecaps, jab them in the throat; do anything you can to win the battle. Your goal is to finish your attackers by any means available and necessary for your survival.

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116 thoughts on “Derek Smith: Multiple Opponents”

  1. Good info. I learned a long time ago, there are no rules in a street fight. That’s for a boxing or MMA fight. YOU DO WHAT IT TAKES TO WIN, and get out safely.

    Thanks Wade

  2. I grew up in a tough neighborhood in KC Mo and my father told me one time when I came home from school with a broken nose, black eye and 3 cracked ribs from the school bully and his buds kicking my ass to get the two dollars I had that I had best go back and teach them a lesson as he handed me the tire thumper. That is a small baseball bat used to check your truck tires.
    I had it stuck in my belt in the small of my back when I went to school the next day. I was approached by them in the hall but they couldn’t get close to me because as soon as They neared me I pulled the thumper out and hit the biggest one in his ribs as hard as I could muster, I then went after the bully and cracked him in his knee cap breaking it. As he went down I watched 2 of his ”buds” running around the corner ”away” from the fight. The one I hit in the ribs ended having 3 cracked ribs and one broken. The ”bully” ended up being kicked out of school and his buds were suspended for a month. It turns out that a school board member witnessed the fight.
    I was 12 yrs old then, today I am 55 and still remember what my dad told me when he came to the school to pick me up because I too was suspended for two weeks. ”Son, you have made me proud today. Remember, when you are attacked, get back in the fight and never ever stop.” My father is a Korean War vet with 2 Purple Hearts, a Bronze Star and 3 Silver Stars. He was also put in for the Medal of Valor by his Captain.

  3. Thanks for the instruction Derek, very informative. I’ve never been in quite the same situation, but as a little guy, I know that when you have go in, you go in hard. And you don’t stop till you can. Thanks again, this was great.

  4. Thanks for showing us this very important lesson that when it’s not even in numbers, it is a life and death situation and your safest option is to not be in it.

  5. I agree with all the advice. I have been in many fights and have lost a few. When approached by a crowd of thugs the first one I nail is the one that gets in my face first. keep in mind this guy would not confront you by himself . and when you knock the living daylights out of him he will most likely never confront you again- even if you get your butt kicked you will gain respect from them and may even become casual friends- if so, they will listen to you when you tell them to leave the next guy alone. This may sound strange but when you’ve been in as many fights as I have, nothing is strange!

  6. The Warriors that was a great flick. Me and my “gang” adopted similar personas. I like how you explain about having all your attackers in sight one way or another. That’s how I’ve always fought when it was me against multiple attackers.

  7. Thanks for the great tips. I agree that you must be pro-active and make the first move and attack weak spots and try to break away if you can.

  8. Good info. I have always believed that a fight is won before the first blow is ever thrown and if I recall back, those teaching’s came from some where on here sometime ago and I have lived by that ever since. Thank You; Respectfully;
    Norman C. Luczak

  9. Brutal reality is hard to face or put out. These orientation exercises help a lot with people who have little or no experience.

  10. This is all very true and valuable information for those who have not been there thanks for your words of wisdom. I’ve found from my own experiences that it is best to do as you said. Move about keep your enemies in front of you and i’ll add by saying to use them as weapons and shields in order to gain a escape route or advantage. Depending on the situation.

  11. Good stuff, one must keep this type of attact is very possible. Stay on guard and try to stay out of the kill zone.

  12. Hi, I just want to Thank-You not only for your products but your sound advice. It truly helps me every time I read it.

  13. Excellent info bub. As ya said, there’s no such thing as a “fair” fight, it’s a “root hog or die” thing. Loved to fight as a young man so I wasn’t a cherry but I always told my opponents that I’d hoped they brought a lunch. Lost my share for sure but even when it happened, I made sure that whoever I fought NEVER forgot that we’d “talked”…ever! As long as ya can get your hands on someone, like ya said, make it count. There are ways to remove chunks of flesh with the right grip n twist and very little effort. MAKE IT COUNT!!!

  14. Haven’t been in any multiple attacks, just hope I don’t freeze if it comes my way, but reading these advice tips from experienced fighters hopefully will help if it does.Thanks Derek.

  15. These instructions, at least, give you some ideas and some tentative plans if you have to face multiple attackers. So, these ideas may help balance the situation by giving you a little edge in that you at least HAVE a plan, which may be more than your opponents have. Thank you for these ideas, and I enjoyed reading about your adventures.

    I boxed some as a kid, and then studied Shorin Karate, and some smatterings of BJJ, Jeet Kune Do and Kali, but now that I am 75 and a little gimpy from arthritis, I just carry a Sig.

  16. All good info if you are mobile. As for me I have a bad back and it limits any movement. There is no running even if I want to.But I can guarantee you one will go down, the first one close enough will get everything I have. I never go anywhere without being armed with something. I, like you, fight to win and that means alls fair in war. I do not fight clean, I fight to WIN.

  17. Everybody wants to be pc and not fight dirty. Im a fat white chic and was taught to do anything and everything to survive. Taught my daughter the same. Thanks for the info on moves ive not used.

  18. Great stuff! You are right in that most thugs will attack in a group but not as inclined when alone. I am older now but still practice “ situational awareness “ as I believe it to be what will give me the most time to act. Thankful we have you guys out there on the front lines today. Semper Fi !

  19. In the words of the famous wrestling manager “Bobby The Brain Heenan” Win if you can, lose if you must, but always cheat.

  20. That was good stuff! There are no rules in a real fight! If i had to, i would bite someones ear off and throw it at him! Very good reading! Thanks Derek!

  21. Good,sound reasoning. Hardly ever get a one on one. Always helps to have an Ace up your sleeve. This is one case where cheaters win.

  22. All very true. Especially the moving. Don’t be a sitting duck. Stay on your feet and move.
    Attack with vigor.
    I learned all of this and more from this website! So informative and truly helpful.

  23. Great advice Derek! I used to box as a kid and they teach you to fight clean. You learn quickly when fighting outside the ring that fighting clean will get you ass kicked in a hurry!

    In a street fight with multiple attackers it’s no holds barred, you do anything that you have to to win.
    Like you said, go for areas on the body that will take them out with one or two shots.
    Never let them get behind you or you’ve lost the fight.

    Thank you for your service and advice from another Air Force vet!

  24. I used to think rage would give me an advantage, wait a minute, my attackers have rage too. As time has marched on, I now realize that knowledge and tools are much better. Nice guys don’t attack you, no need to fight fair or worry about there injuries, they are attacking you.

  25. Great info. I appreciate you educating us guys. After 22 years in the US Army, I wish I had known you and your advice a lot sooner. Keep up the good work.

  26. At last, real info from someone that has “been there and done that”. Want to kill a snake? Cut off the head. That is the basis of get the leader and fix him first. Move, hit, move hit, run like the devil was after you. Again, in the street, all bets are off. Do what ever you have to to survive.