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Is Facebook Killing Your Motivation?

The Answer Probably Won’t Surprise You

Several studies have shown an overall decrease in the participation of team sports, civic activities, club memberships, and other similar participatory activities. Keep in mind that these are overall trends/numbers. Not everyone is opting out—raw numbers in bulk are doing less, but we must not mistake the exceptions for the rule.

Some studies are also showing that (aside from the depressive effect that increased screen times have on the average person) we are seeing the decline of cognitive load/ambition due in part to the phenomenon of “vicarious experience”. That is to say, some self-report that watching videos or reading posts of people doing certain activities gives them a similar experience to doing the activity themselves.

You read that correctly. Viewing, in the eyes of many, is the same as doing.

…But That Doesn’t Make Any Sense?

Photo by Max Pixel

When we analyze that statement further, we realize that it is absurd on its face. Watching porn is not the same making love and viewing MMA from the safety of your couch is not the same as getting punched in the face. The man who climbed to the top of the mountain is in no shape, form, or fashion US. That experience belongs to him and him alone.

Then Why Does This Happen?

The cognitive load/tension within becomes lighter when one “Likes” or “Shares” such videos or posts. It is assumed the mechanism of adding this wee bit of physical action (the click or swipe) lightens our “willpower/ambition” burden and gives a brief illusory burst that one is somehow, in some minuscule way, a part of the “Liked” or “Shared” activity.

How To Pick Locks. (Who Needs Keys?)

You may find this shocking, but picking open a standard "tumbler" lock, (like the one on your front door), is pretty damn easy when you know how it's done.

And in a "meltdown" survival situation, (once the smash-n-grab crowd has stolen everything not tied-down), the food and water and secure shelter will all be behind locked doors, (which explains why Special Forces are often trained in lock picking... and why they carry a set of lock pics with them).

It's a lot of fun learning this skill, (it doesn't take long)... and kinda nice to help out that buddy locked out of his house after the wife discovered what really happened on that "no money down" real estate seminar in Vegas.

>> Check Out "Lock Picking Kit" Here. <<

Your Brain Is Playing Tricks On You

Again, absurd. This is nothing more than an illusion—our brain is playing tricks on us. “Liking” porn is not even remotely similar to a light kiss on the cheek (nor does it bring us any closer to such an experience), “Sharing” a fight video is nowhere near the same as stepping foot into the gym or onto the mat, and posting a “funny” video does not mean that you have a funny bone in your body.

Only activities in which you are an active participant are actual accomplishments. I’ll say it louder for the people in the back. Only activities in which you are an active participant are actual accomplishments. “Liking” and “Sharing” are merely polite acts of encouragement we direct toward others—a kindness, of which I am of course not opposed.

Any assumption of association with the accomplishments or doings of others is a delusion.

A Legend’s Perspective

Let’s allow the following observation from a legendary doer and his explorer compadre to drive the point home.

This insight comes from the National Geographic article titled “To the Depths of the Sea by Bathysphere” by Jacques Cousteau dated July 1954. It tells of Cousteau and his team plunging to an unprecedented 4,000 feet beneath the Mediterranean Sea. In the below extract, an observer asks why they risked their lives instead of allowing the automatic camera aboard the experimental craft to do the dangerous work.

Skeptical, one observer on board asked me if I really expected to see anything that 10,000 photographs failed to record. “Of course!” I said, “A direct look is something else again.”

“After all,” added my friend Dumas, “the eye is closer to the brain than the lens. The eye knows how to select.”

Two Phrases To Keep In Mind:

  1. A direct look is something else again.
  2. And: The eye is closer to the brain than the lens.

Might I amend to that, “the eye is closer to the brain than the screen.”

How To Pick Locks. (Who Needs Keys?)

You may find this shocking, but picking open a standard "tumbler" lock, (like the one on your front door), is pretty damn easy when you know how it's done.

And in a "meltdown" survival situation, (once the smash-n-grab crowd has stolen everything not tied-down), the food and water and secure shelter will all be behind locked doors, (which explains why Special Forces are often trained in lock picking... and why they carry a set of lock pics with them).

It's a lot of fun learning this skill, (it doesn't take long)... and kinda nice to help out that buddy locked out of his house after the wife discovered what really happened on that "no money down" real estate seminar in Vegas.

>> Check Out "Lock Picking Kit" Here. <<

Wrapping Things Up

I offer these observations in the hopes that we can all (myself included) start looking at “Liking” and “Sharing” the activities of others on social media as an inspiration to go out and achieve great things ourselves, not as a subconscious excuse to let ourselves off the cognitive-accomplishment hook.

Otherwise, we end up having done nothing more than exercising our clicking finger while convincing ourselves we’ve checked something off our bucket lists. In reality, the only thing we’ll have accomplished is giving a big thumbs up to someone else’s progress on their bucket list. I know I want more out of life than that, what about you?

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87 thoughts on “Is Facebook Killing Your Motivation?”

  1. Oh my word!
    Am I old school or what… The word SOCIAL implies to mix with others socially face to face and to rub elbows with family friends, colleges and even strangers.

    Not too sure if Face Book, Twitter and the other so called social media outlets meet those requirements when they are merely a means to chat to one another and share PDF’s, MP3’s, MP4’s and a host of other files.

  2. If I watch a video that intrests me, I like to try it. One case is punky wood fire tinder. I had to find some and try it. Another I am still looking for is fatwood tinder. I could go buy some but still want to find it myself. Tarp shelters may not be something I use but still experiment with on a lazy afternoon.

  3. Agree to many keyboard warriors around! And Facebook, or faceless book as I call it just full of people bitching ,showing off and gossip, hate it, never used it, like my privacy 👍 R.F.

  4. I do believe you are right. Have for sometime. To take it farther Hollywood makes it even worse. Except for the additional “propaganda” value. I believe that intelligently crafted games/movies could be used to discourage unwanted activities. I feel that the “cool” factor crafted into games/movies adds to and propagates unnecessary violence, drug use, drinking etc. I think it could be used to change unJackwanted behaviors also. Many of the”snowflake” generation get their idea of cool from these venues.

  5. What’s it cost to learn something as to doing it
    I used to do full contact ma
    Very expensive and money came first
    Ma second so I moved to aikido
    We’re a new world for me opened up
    I suppose people look for the price
    And then decide to Watch it instead of practice

  6. I could not agree more, I am 78 years of age and weigh in at 102 kg, and I still play and enjoy Badminton, which is called a young persons game, well phooey to you I always play to win in my mind there is no other way to play……….. In fact my partners in doubles love to play with me because we rarely lose, I am not capable of playing the shot called a smash because I had my right arm very badly dislocated when I was only 20 with the resultant that if I try for a smash my right arm comes out of the socket, I developed a series of exercises that would build extra muscle on the outside edge of my shoulder which would allow me to hit almost as hard as a smash, I do not use it too much as the click/clack of the joint upsets my partner…….

  7. As far as I’m concerned Facebook could be closed down today and I wouldn’t be happier. All you say is so true, people are wasting their lives on Facebook, especially the young. They would sooner be with someone on the computer rather than be out doing something together. It is also known that Facebook can cause some to become depressed. Thanks for posting!

  8. I couldn’t agree more with the article in fact I would argue this applies to life in general in these unsettled times. Society hates individual thought I would argue this applies to most of us on this and other similar websites. We are the threat think about just a generation ago who would have thought collectivism would be in vogue. Facebook and other social media platforms are the new pacifier.

  9. I don’t tweet, facebook, or get involved in social media. I actually didn’t want to comment here, but I’m a new member to fight fast and I enjoy it. I’m motivated and I want to thank all involved. Always do your own research. Stay informed.

  10. I understand the point but I disagree. When I’m liking and sharing posts I don’t find myself living through other people’s videos and posts. Its because I’m very individual in my life so i don’t find that to be true for me.

  11. Sir, you are brave, courageous and scholarly beyond the comprehension of the masses! Thank you. I wish i could post this article on the facebook login page or startup(most people likely never log out) and force all users to read it before allowing them to participate in facebook. each and every time…

  12. Thanks for the terrific message! Your two points to remember are so appropriate, especially in our point and click world.
    Remember the “Tommyknockers”?!!!

  13. I understand the point but I disagree. I don’t find myself living through other people’s videos and posts. I am very individual in my life so I dont find that to be true for me. It is a big problem on Facebook though

  14. Another insightful post, with a quote from a childhood hero of mine, too. Keep up the good work, best wishes from England.

  15. Thank you Mark for your article.
    I realized that I do not need 50 emails a day on trading options in my inbox.
    [I kept just two – – for variety 🙂 ]

  16. Agreed that viewing is clearly not doing. Maybe though by viewing you have removed the curiosity, wonder or even the anxiety of attempting an act. So it’s now less appealing. Or maybe it does the opposite and convinces you that it can’t be done.
    Fascinating stuff. It could be discussed at length. Maybe on Facebook? lol

  17. I gave up facebook 6 months ago. I have not regretted it. Kept getting my feelings tromped on. People will say things on facebook that they wouldn’t dare say to your face. My stress level has gone down tremendously. Fake fake and more fake!!!

  18. Howdy, Mark! It’s not only ‘FakeBook’ but also video games & cell phones taking the place of
    what used to be Normal Activities.” Thanks for your write-up.
    I am an over 60 USAF veteran who had a Marine D.I for AF Basic Training! However, I haven’t gone
    to scratching my ass & yelling at kids to get off my grass yet!

  19. Very well put, another definition of the “intentional” dumbing down of anyone in this world who relys on “social media” to express themselves solely. nuf said…

  20. Thanks for caring enough.

    It’s about having a balance life which in turn leads to a happy one. I may love a particular food that happens to be healthy, but if I eat it too often and to much in one meal, it’ll make me sick. I bet none of those people mentioned that all the watching another eat their favorite food ever kept them from eating eat too. It just can not taste the same when you’re just watching someone else eat it. Not to take anything away from studies showing that visualization can be effectively used to enhance, for example, athletic performance, but the catch being that the visualizer must also be the performer (inside mind) rather than just an observer of another. I like watching American Ninja Warrior, but it inspires me, and fuels me to be more active rather than less. Tv, Facebook,or whatever are just tools to be used with self control and therefore properly. Studies often do not take enough factors into account, especially as relates to who are the participants. Do we know if most of the participants involved with Facebook are people that before Facebook came along (as applicable to those older) were already TV couch potatoes. In other words had established behavior patters of inactivity. Those held by such patterns will always find one or another thing (excuse) to be less body active and mentally passive.

  21. You are correct likeing and sharing on any type of Media platform does nothing to improve the experience of of going out and getting involved in life. The only way to accomplish something is too go out and get it done. Not in a day but sometimes it takes time to accomplish. Like learning to defend yourself and your family. Can be an excellent example.

  22. I am 75 years old and I am active in my Church. I also have many siblings and I communicate with them regularly. My problem is that I do not get out like I used to. Right now I have a cold but I am staying away from people so as not to spread it. I appreciate the information you send. Thank you.

  23. I personally feel that sending a video, nice article or fancy greeting card made by somebody else counts far less to the person receiving it than a much simpler message written personally by yourself. I tend to summarily delete most emails or whats up that was not personally created by the sender.