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5 Tips to Surviving in the Urban Jungle

Have You Ever Heard This Term Before?

In the military (and sometimes in law enforcement) we use the term “combat arms”. Have you ever heard of it? Many have not, but because you are a loyal reader of the Fight Fast blog, you probably have.

This is not a term you often hear being used in casual conversation. It’s actually the term used collectively to refer to the military troops who participate in both actual and simulated land-based warfare as well as the planning and implementation thereof.

Combat Arms in the Army

In the Army, for example, the main folks to whom this term refers are usually the infantry which consists of soldiers who are trained to fight other soldiers face-to-face. When I was in the military this term was also used to refer to the unit who helped with the transporting, loading, and firing of weapons such as cannons (artillery) and referred to firearms instructors as well.

How Does This Discussion Help You?

Well, there are several factors that contribute to one’s survival such as personal skills, the armor provided, the weaponry, the aiming skills, the reflexes, as well as the speed and the agility with which a person can move about.

In this article, I am going to give you five combat arms tips taken from combat that will increase your chances of survival should YOUR shit ever hit the fan.

1. Always Be Alert

The first skill you need to develop is the ability to be totally alert. You would not believe how many unalert people are walking around this earth, especially with the abundance of mobile devices. I see them in cars causing accidents, walking down the streets and falling into open manholes, on the bus, in restaurants, and the list goes on and on. If you want to stay alive in an actual combat scenario, you cannot be one of these people.

By not being aware of what’s happening around you, you face the risk of not being ready and making the wrong moves (if any moves at all) in times of danger. You will not only get yourself hurt or killed, but if you are in the company of others, especially other combatants, you put their lives at risk as well.

2. Stay On The Move

My next tip is to not stay in one particular area for too long. In the military, we only hunkered down if we had to. When we were on the move, we moved. An enemy can come along at any time and kill you, and you won’t even know what hit you. It’s essential that you keep on the move.

I am not saying to jerk around and act like an idiot. Just be alert, vary your position a little and keep your eyes open and senses up, especially if you are in unfamiliar territory. Mobility gives you the opportunity to evade enemy fire, helping you avoid getting killed in the process.

3. Keep Your Guard Up

I don’t want you to be completely paranoid, but a good combatant always has a certain level of paranoia. The truth is that if you are caught off guard, whoever surprises and confronts you has the opportunity and possibly the ability to kill you. Your best defense is to be alert and ready to take measures that will allow you to kill the enemy instead. Remember, I use the term “kill” because I am comparing you to a combatant soldier.

How To Pick Locks. (Who Needs Keys?)

You may find this shocking, but picking open a standard "tumbler" lock, (like the one on your front door), is pretty damn easy when you know how it's done.

And in a "meltdown" survival situation, (once the smash-n-grab crowd has stolen everything not tied-down), the food and water and secure shelter will all be behind locked doors, (which explains why Special Forces are often trained in lock picking... and why they carry a set of lock pics with them).

It's a lot of fun learning this skill, (it doesn't take long)... and kinda nice to help out that buddy locked out of his house after the wife discovered what really happened on that "no money down" real estate seminar in Vegas.

>> Check Out "Lock Picking Kit" Here. <<

4. Talk Your Way Out (If You Can)

If you have to, be prepared to talk your way out of a situation, or at least talk to distract the enemy until you can strike. While talking you want to get to the point real quick and then move quickly. The movement may be to strike or simply to run safely from one point to another.

5. Learn to Use Concealment and Cover Effectively

My last tip is that you should learn to walk, crouch, and run alternatively with your combat arms. Among the skills needed for survival, speed is one of the most important because the speed with which you are able to move safely will determine how quickly you can get from one point to the other without being detected.

When shooting we often say, “smooth is fast.” So yes, move with speed, but move smoothly. This will prove extremely useful when used in combat maneuvers. In general, you want to present the smallest target possible, and you want to duck and hide behind concealment and cover. By the way, here’s a quick little lesson for you.

There is a difference between concealment and cover. Concealment is just something that hides you from your attacker, like a door or wall. It will not stop a bullet from hitting you. Cover, on the other hand, will stop a bullet. For this, you get behind the engine block of a car, or a steel or brick wall.

Final Thoughts

Knowing the dangers that await you during a disaster is half the battle. Preparing your response is the other half. Learn how to hone your survival skills to protect yourself and your family.

How can you use these tips to prepare yourself and your family to survive a disaster scenario? Let me know by leaving your thoughts in a comment down below!

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