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Special Agent Spy Tactics: Effective Gadgets for Home Security

When you watch a James Bond movie, you often see him using some pretty cool spy gadgets specifically tailored to whatever mission he was on. These movies and their gadgets sparked the imagination of countless fans from across the world desiring to possess some of these cool toys, including me. As a real counterintelligence agent for the Air Force Office of Special Investigation and also for Army Intelligence, I got to experience and use some pretty cool “toys” in real life. Some straight from a James Bond movie.

For the average citizen, there are some pretty awesome tools you can get to protect your home or business on the market. Many of these technological developments have transcended the boundaries between fiction and fact by making available some pretty amazing spy gadgets that folk thought existed only in the movies. These contraptions are currently available and can be used for a variety of applications to include espionage, surveillance, monitoring criminal activities, and gathering evidence.

While spy gadgets are excellent for use for the activities I just listed, they can also be beneficial for providing added security for your home or business, if you own one. These tools and gadgets can easily be incorporated into your do it yourself home security project, and I am going to share some tips with you in this article to show you how.

How To Pick Locks. (Who Needs Keys?)

You may find this shocking, but picking open a standard "tumbler" lock, (like the one on your front door), is pretty damn easy when you know how it's done.

And in a "meltdown" survival situation, (once the smash-n-grab crowd has stolen everything not tied-down), the food and water and secure shelter will all be behind locked doors, (which explains why Special Forces are often trained in lock picking... and why they carry a set of lock pics with them).

It's a lot of fun learning this skill, (it doesn't take long)... and kinda nice to help out that buddy locked out of his house after the wife discovered what really happened on that "no money down" real estate seminar in Vegas.

>> Check Out "Lock Picking Kit" Here. <<

Using Spy Gadgets for Home Security

Protecting your home and property is probably very important to you. We install fences and assorted locks to protect us from intruders, but fences can be scaled, and locks can be picked leaving us vulnerable to intrusion and possibly assault in our homes and businesses.

Using devices for deterrence like locks and fences are good protection against trespassers; however, you can strengthen them by installing a few good spy gadgets. These tools can help you monitor suspicious activity and give you the time you need to take action if you have to. And if bad guys manage to break through your safety measures and perhaps steal your property, spy gadgets can help you identify these culprits and have ample proof for evidence.

Here are a few spy gadgets you can include in your home security projects to effectively protect your home and property:

Camouflaged Spy Cams

I have security cameras on all four sides of my house. I bought mine when our entire cul de sac had every car broken into one evening. No one heard a thing. My wife was afraid and pretty much demanded I get the cameras, and I am happy that I did. Security camera systems are good security tools and can allow you to surveil your home, especially when you are not there. I can receive an alert on my phone if my property is disturbed.

However, these cameras are installed in plain view. Ingenious burglars can work their way around these cameras or maybe disable them to prevent any evidence from being captured. So, to make cameras even more effective, you can use masked spy cams that can be placed inconspicuously inside a room, garage or hallway without trespassers knowing about it.

Camouflaged cameras can come in the shape of clocks, radios, plants, smoke detectors, and any other standard appliance or devices in a home. Intruders will probably not notice them and therefore not disable them. Plus, they will allow you even to monitor the activities of others besides intruders. For instance, you may want to see what a babysitter is doing when you are not there.

One of my police buddies had his duty weapon stolen by his cleaning lady. Now how she thought she would get away with that one is beyond me. Or you could be like me. I have 12-year-old twin girls who are about to be teenagers. You best believe I will have a few well place spy cameras around the house keeping an eye on them when I am not around. Below are several varieties of camouflage spy cameras to include a smoke detector, motion detector, and alarm clock.


I mentioned that I worked in “counter” intelligence. That means I was spying to counter the spying activity of others. So, if you are using technology to protect your home or business, you better believe that professional criminals also use technology also.

With that in mind, as a countermeasure, you may want to have a jammer to block their signals. They work for wireless phones, Wi-Fi, or radio signals that these wise guys use to watch and track your movements in your property. The photo shows what a High-Power Handheld Cellular Phone & Wi-Fi Signal Jammer looks like.

Night Vision Cameras

Most criminal activity happens in the night so a night vision camera should definitely be on your list of must-have spy gadgets. My cameras are night vision ready and use infrared light to capture video in even in minimal or no light situations. You will be able to catch intruders creeping in the dark unaware they are being recorded.

Motion Detecting Cameras

These cameras are very good for long term security surveillance and are turned on whenever motion in a particular coverage area is detected. The motion sensors activate the camera to start recording, and some models would send out signals through GSM or Wi-Fi and immediately communicate with your mobile phone alerting you of intruders or with your security coming so they can send police to investigate.


You can bolster your security cameras with audio recording devices to capture snippets of conversations that can also be used later to prosecute perpetrators. Or you can simply use them to keep an out on anyone you suspect of dubious activity including a spouse or teenager. These devices come in many shapes and forms, including that of a Voice Activated Spy Wall Charger GSM GPS Tracker Audio Ear Bug Listening Device as seen in the photo.

Wireless IP Cameras

Wireless cameras are great alternatives to wired camera installations as they do away with the complex wirings and circuitry used for wired cameras but are more difficult to hide. Without the wires, wireless IP cameras can be installed almost anywhere giving you better vantage points of specific areas in your home or business.

Pinhole Cameras

Another type of spy camera you can deploy is a pinhole camera. Technology has become so advanced that top quality cameras can be built at pinhole sizes permitting them to be placed secretly in weird places where traditional CCTV cameras with wires could not be placed.

Where To buy Spy Gadgets

How To Pick Locks. (Who Needs Keys?)

You may find this shocking, but picking open a standard "tumbler" lock, (like the one on your front door), is pretty damn easy when you know how it's done.

And in a "meltdown" survival situation, (once the smash-n-grab crowd has stolen everything not tied-down), the food and water and secure shelter will all be behind locked doors, (which explains why Special Forces are often trained in lock picking... and why they carry a set of lock pics with them).

It's a lot of fun learning this skill, (it doesn't take long)... and kinda nice to help out that buddy locked out of his house after the wife discovered what really happened on that "no money down" real estate seminar in Vegas.

>> Check Out "Lock Picking Kit" Here. <<

Now that you’ve seen how it’s possible for you to employ spy gadgets to beef up the security around your home or business, the next step to take is to know where to get these items. Everything I have described and much more can be found on the internet. Just make sure you purchase from a reputable company because I have bought some junk in my day. Use companies you can trust and if you find one with good stuff, keep using them.

If you desire to add a little more security and peace of mind to your home or business, then some of these tools may be just what you need. In future articles, I will share some additional spy tools with you.

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