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Man Skills: Silly (dangerous) myths from the neighbor…

Jimbo here, sheltering-in-place inside my California bat-cave (which is a little dank and damp, but thankfully has a convenient power-outlet for my laptop).

I’ve got some coronavirus myth-bustin’ tips for you.

Because anytime there’s an emergency, there’s also lots of amazing “insight” spread around by guys like my creepy neighbor Ralph, (secretly working for the CIA and the only living person who knows “the real story”).

Let’s see what kind of nonsense Ralph is spreading around.

  • Weather And Temp: This has nothing to do with anything.
  • The Mosquito: And other ugly myths too.
  • More Dumb Ideas: Like bathing in alcohol.

The Weather And Temperature:

Hot and Humid Regions Safe… Right?


As much as residents in Florida and Mississippi would love this to be true, hot and humid climates are NOT “safe zones”. (Which reminds me, I better inform my shriveled-up brother-in-law who’s been huddled in a steam room for the last week).

Also… on the flip side…

…cold weather and snow do NOT kill COVID-19 either, (it seems weird that it couldn’t kill this tiny little critter when those Wisconsin winters nearly killed me, a whole person).

In fact, if peak influenza activity is any kind of an accurate measure, (which kinda seems like it could be), flu viruses typically prefer a climate that’s either cold-and-dry or humid-and-rainy.

That’s according to an article published by the Center of Infectious Disease Research, (just so you know I’m not getting my facts from Ralph).

At this point though, there’s nothing to indicate that any climate on Earth will effectively wipe-out COVID-19, (although Mars is another story).

Seems that as long as you have folks standing close enough to cough and sneeze and swap gob-droplets with each other, it doesn’t matter much what type of climate it’s happening in.

Hot Baths:

Another thing… there’s also a rumor that taking hot baths will either prevent you from being infected with the coronavirus disease, or actually cure you of the infection, (a rumor no doubt started by the bath-oil industry).

The twisted logic is that a hot bath will raise your body temperature to a level that will either prevent the infection or simply kill-off any virus that’s already inside your body.

This is also NOT true. Even if you threw yourself into a tub of scalding water (don’t do that), your internal body temperature wouldn’t fluctuate much, (unless that scalding water killed you. In that case your body temp would definitely fluctuate).

The Mosquito:

Are bugs spreading this too?

According to the WHO (the World Health Organization, not the awesome 70s rock group), there is NO evidence that coronavirus can be transmitted through mosquito bites.

Coronavirus is a respiratory virus that spreads primarily through nasty gob-droplets sprayed from an infected person who coughs or sneezes… or through droplets of saliva from a close-talker… or snot and other gross discharge from the nose.

The most effective way to prevent getting infected yourself is to stay at least 6 feet away from people.

Another way to pick up the infection is by touching a surface that was spewed with droplets by an infected person, and then touching your eyes, mouth or nose. It’s important to remember that this virus has no wings or legs or arms or any way to crawl or move around.

It depends on people to move it around.

So protect yourself by frequently slathering your hands with an alcohol-based hand rub or by washing them with soap and water.

Oh yeah… and stay out of packed mobs fighting for toilet paper. Consider buying a newspaper instead.

Hand Dryers and UV Light:

Here’s another rumor that’s got Ralph chapping his hands and turning his skin beet-red.

Hand dryers are NOT effective in killing the coronavirus.

Also, there’s no evidence supporting that UV light can effectively kill-off COVID-19 — so you should forget about using ultraviolet lamps to sterilize your hands, (or other areas of your skin). The only proven thing a UV lamp will do is cause “skin irritation”, (or a little something called sunburn).

More Dumb Ideas:

Alcohol and Chlorine.

What if you spray-down your entire body with alcohol or chlorine bleach? Surely that will cure you of this dreaded infection.

Well, while these can be used to disinfect surfaces, surprisingly (at least to Ralph) neither alcohol or chlorine will “cure” someone who’s already infected with COVID-19, even if they soak themself in a relaxing bathtub full of it.

(Watch the scented candles and incense. Alcohol is flammable. And setting yourself ablaze can’t cure you either).

Pneumonia Vaccines:

Alright, so there are already vaccines against pneumonia, like pneumococcal vaccine and Haemophilus influenza type B (Hib) vaccine.

Surely that’s gotta protect people.

Not bad, I like your thinking. But sorry… yet another strike. Vaccines that provide protection against pneumonia will NOT protect you from coronavirus.

This bug is so different and so unique and so sneaky that scientists will need to develop an entirely new vaccine specifically for COVID-19, (oh yeah… and that’s not easy. But I hear that Ralph’s working on it in his basement).

Vaccine testing has actually started but, according to Annelies Wilder-Smith — a huge-brained professor at London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine — “Like most vaccinologists, I don’t think this vaccine will be ready before 18 months.”

And that’s assuming nothing will go seriously wrong, (because so far, everything has been going so right).

But there is some good news, (yes, finally).

Since COVID-19 attacks the lungs, doctors say that getting vaccinated against respiratory illnesses can at least protect you from getting a lung disease, which would compound your health problems if you ever were infected with the coronavirus. (Okay, it’s not much, but it’s something).

Rinsing The Nose:

What about those whacky machines that flush saline solution through the nose, also known as “home waterboarding”? (Also an effective method for parents to coerce kids into revealing if they’re smoking pot or having sex).

I’ve seen the commercials and am thoroughly impressed that the actress remains smiling while water blasts into one nostril… through her sinus cavity… and out the other nostril. (Golden Globe stuff there).

Anyway… sorry again. The WHO reports, (and interrogators at Guantanamo Bay confirm), there’s no evidence that flushing out the nose can protect people from getting infected.


Alright, so what about eating garlic? Ralph swears this has been protecting him from the coronavirus, (perhaps because his breath holds people at least 15 feet back).

Well, while garlic may indeed offer some health benefits, it also will NOT protect you from getting infected.

Can young people get this?

You also may have heard that young people cannot get coronavirus. Wrongo. Under the right conditions, (or perhaps I should say the “wrong” conditions), folks of all ages and races and hairstyles can be infected.

The concern is for older folks or for those among us with pre-existing medical conditions like asthma, diabetes, and heart disease. They are more vulnerable to becoming severely ill with the virus since it targets the respiratory system.

So at this point, here’s what you should do:

  • Stay out of crowds and keep a distance of at least 6-feet away from other people.
  • Wash your hands with soap and water, (actually more effective than just using hand sanitizer).
  • Don’t touch your face and eyes and keep your fingers out of your nose, (and other people’s noses too. Yeah, I know, it’s difficult).
  • Disinfect your hands with sanitizer when soap and water are not readily available, (unless you’re able to carry around a working sink with you).
  • Decontaminate your shoes with a disinfectant spray before entering your home, then leave them by the door.
  • If you suspect you’re infected, stay home. Call the hospital or your doctor before going anywhere. Wear a mask to protect others. Throw away any snot rags as these are infectious.

Here’s the thing: It’s going to get worse before it gets better, (how’s that for a positive attitude?), so you should prepare yourself.

Right now jails around the country are releasing inmates and law enforcement is cutting back services everywhere.

The Philadelphia Police Department, for example, will no longer be arresting people for burglary, vandalism, prostitution, stolen cars, narcotics, fraud or bench warrants.

This is a great day for criminals everywhere — all being done in the interest of the “safety of the officers”.

Remember the good ol’ days when cops showed up at a crime scene? That’s about to disappear, (just as Soylent Green makes its debut).

Very soon it could be every man for himself. So it’s probably the right time for you to learn some simple skills to defend yourself and your loved ones.

Because I’ve always said, your own protection is up to you, not the cops. It’s never been more true.

Simple (and brutal) ways to defend yourself HERE.

Stay Manly,

Jimbo, Editor
Man Skills

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