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Man Skills: Being the ‘Road Warrior’, (and lovin’ it).

Hey, it’s Jimbo here, (on behalf of Bob Pierce and the entire crew), bringing you more man-skills than you can shake a stick at, (which is also a very manly thing to do).

Today let’s talk about how to drive like a freakin’ maniac, wiping out bad-guys with devious pit maneuvers… hammering through roadblocks… and generally turning the roads into your own personal playground of death and destruction, (in other words, how to drive like my brother-in-law on his way home from the company Christmas party).

Considering what’s happening out there… and that the word “meltdown” is no longer the exclusive vocabulary of “dem crazy preppers”… this is an important skill to know.

To help out with this newsletter, I drew on the assistance of a certified high-speed technical driver, (that’s really a thing). This dude also happens to be a hardened combat vet who used these bad-ass driving skills in combat, often under enemy fire.

  • The Road Warrior: Your vehicle in combat.
  • Pit Maneuvers: You spin me right-round baby, right-round.
  • Breaching Road Blocks: Hollywood got it wrong (again).

The Road Warrior:

Next Stop: Enter The Thunderdome.

So it hits the fan and you’ve officially landed in a kind of Water-World apocalyptic hellscape. (Minus all the water. That would be weird since I’m teaching you tactics for a land vehicle like your car or truck. We’ll cover jet skis some other time).

If the zombies are active and your home becomes indefensible, you’ll have to get out and hit the road to a safer location. If you have a hide site already chosen, cool, you’ve got a safe destination. If not, just pull over and join the zombies.

Preparation could make a huge difference. Have stuff ready to go in your bugout-bag. MREs, a water filter, medical supplies, survival gear, and of course all 10 volumes of the Survivalist Series Saga, (you’ll need a mule for this).

Have your weapons ready. Ammo too.

Make sure your car is prepped. A working jack, a good spare tire, a tire iron (that actually fits the lugs), the key for unlocking any security lugs, (been on the wrong side of that a few times), a tire repair kit, a can of Fix-A-Flat, a small and fully-charged instant battery jumper.

When things begin to unravel, get your go-bags and gear loaded up in your vehicle, include water and extra gas… and then get that urban assault vehicle on the road, (we’re going for a hell ride big daddy).

The Combat Team:

Working As A Unit.

If you’ve got a few people, you’ll be better off. The “Lone Wolf”, (while it looks cool in the moves), is actually at a disadvantage since that means you’ve got to drive and pull security.

So get your family trained up, or plan on working as a combat team with a couple of buddies.

The Driver: His one main job is to control the vehicle, (duh).

As the combat vet who helped me with this particular newsletter points out, it’s practically impossible to drive with an AR-15 strapped across your chest… so the driver’s main task should NOT be security.

He recommends wedging your rifle between yourself and the driver’s door, muzzle down (with the shoulder strap pinched inside the door frame for greater control if you want), and a 45. chest rig so you still have immediate access to a weapon while driving.

As the driver, if you’ve got to bail out, the AR is right there for you as you exit the vehicle.

Couple tips for a driver who’s bailing out in combat.

  1. Place the vehicle in park, (double duh). Okay, sounds silly, but our seasoned combat expert said it’s shockingly common in the heat of battle to forget this and have the vehicle simply roll away, leaving you either chasing it on foot or standing there exposed without cover, (which can be embarrassing).
  2. Leave the car running for a fast escape, and open the doors for concealment. If firing from inside the vehicle, roll down the windows (if you can) to save your eardrums and prevent the inevitable confusion and disorientation that comes from shattering glass and firing a weapon inside an enclosed vehicle. (Oh yeah… and rolled-up windows won’t protect you from bullets either).

The Front “Shot Gun” Passenger: This person is responsible for spotting forward threats… for navigation… and for right side security. This is a critical position that provides vital intel and support to the driver and overall right side vehicle security, (so know what you’re in for when you call “shot-gun”).

The Rear Passenger: Responsible for covering the drivers-side and rear security. This person is typically facing the rear of the vehicle with their head on a 180-degree swivel covering the back and the entire driver’s side.

For this to work, all the players must be clear about their responsibilities, including who will grab what in a bailout situation.

Each person should have a blow-out bag at the ready. This builds redundancy and means you’ll probably end up with at least one bag to share food, water filtration, and medical supplies with the group. (Because sharing is caring my friend).

So assign tasks ahead of time. Who grabs the water, the extra ammo, and most importantly, that 10-volume set of Survival Skills.

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Pit Manuevers:

Spinning Out The Bad Guys,
(And The Annoying).

A pit maneuver is the act of using your vehicle to send another vehicle into a tailspin.

It works because a car is really only holding onto the road with four small patches of rubber. Any kind of shearing or sideways pressure will instantly cause enough friction to liquefy the rubber and create a slick surface that suddenly releases the tires from the road. (By the way, “liquid rubber” is now my favorite phrase to shout at random people).

So let’s say you’re driving down the street and some idiot starts waving a gun at you. Or it hits the fan, (a riot, a financial collapse, a run on toilet paper), and goons want your vehicle, (unless it’s a ’92 LeBaron, then you’re okay, because nobody wants that)… the pit maneuver is a simple way to rid yourself of these dangerous fools with little or no damage to your own vehicle.

Here’s how it works:

The idea is to line up the front quarter panel of your car with the rear quarter panel of the other vehicle, (i.e., the bothersome sap you’re about to wipe out).

At that point, it’s just a matter of moving over and nudging the other car. There’s no need to smash into the other vehicle with any great force as you’ll only risk damaging your vehicle, (because in a Mad Max world, there are no decent body-shops).

Just takes a gentle push to unlock his wheels from the pavement and effortlessly send him sliding off on a film of “liquid rubber”, (Wow, I just spontaneously shouted that out-loud again).

The other car will spin off into the weeds. After that, you can (and should) accelerate and get the hell out of there, (or you can stop and remind him why it’s a bad idea to flip-off strangers who understand pit maneuvers).

Point is, it’s relatively safe and easy to spin him out with very little danger to yourself — as long as speeds are around 45 mph.

Above that speed, (especially at 75 mph and above), it’s likely that both vehicles will get stuck in a kind of T-bone position with the other car sliding sideways in front of you.

If that’s what happens, do NOT accelerate and continue to push the other vehicle — it will almost certainly flip in front of you and take-out both vehicles, (which would be bad for you).

So at high speeds, perform your pit maneuver, get him going sideways, and then quickly get off the gas and allow his vehicle to spin-off into bye-bye land all by itself. This way he isn’t a direct threat to your own safety.

Here are some more useful tips:

  • If another car is “chasing” you, do not get suckered into accelerating up to Steve McQueen speeds. You’ll only risk losing control and crashing. So stay cool, keep a safe speed and choose to use a pit maneuver before engaging in a high-speed chase. Remember, the proper speed for a picture-perfect pit maneuver is 45-55 mph, (although granted, it’s a damn boring speed that’ll get you zero gonzo-points in the Thunderdome).
  • If possible keep the threat behind your vehicle by cutting him off, blocking him, and not allowing him to get around to the side of your vehicle, (much like that slow-poke who hogs the left-hand lane).
  • If he rams into the back of your car, don’t panic — he’s only going to damage and probably disable his own vehicle. If he gets around you and smashes you side-by-side, this makes for great action films, but if you keep your head, it won’t run you off the road either.

On the other hand, what you DO have to be concerned about is if he gets into a position to pull a pit maneuver on you.

Be prepared for that.

If he gets around to the side of your vehicle, it’s time to pull the “Counter Pit Maneuver” out of your bag of tricks, (muahahaha).

Counter Pit Maneuvers:

Okay, so the bad-man is chasing you. You’re blocking him, but he finally gets around your rear bumper and into a position where he’s able to perform a pit maneuver on your car.

You must act fast at this point, or you’ll end up in the weeds.

So hit your brakes just enough to turn the tables and get his vehicle into a position for you to perform a counter pit maneuver.

The trick is not to slam your brakes so hard that he blows passed you. Instead to do something called “Threshold” braking — hitting the brakes just enough to switch positions, get your front quarter panel lined up with his rear quarter panel to quickly counter him with a nudge that sends him into a tailspin. (Well played Holmes. You’re good… very good).

You can actually practice the pit maneuver in real life on the freeway.

Of course you never actually touch or nudge the other car, (unless it’s my annoying brother-in-law who I once pit-maneuvered into an awesome wreck. He’ll be fine when he wakes up).

Just practice the proper line-up. When it’s safe to do so, pretend a car who’s lined up on your rear quarter panel is trying to spin you out and practice a threshold brake to turn the tables and get yourself in the position to pull a pit maneuver.

You may get a couple of odd looks, but keep it safe and get a feel for it. When the time comes, you’ll be ready.

Breaking Road Blocks:

Not Quite As Cool As Hollywood.

Another thing that’s common during meltdowns and crisis situations is the good ol’ fashion roadblock. This ain’t your friendly neighborhood watch, (“Hola. Just stopping folks to see if they needed anything. You guys okay?”).

Most likely it’s unsavory goons looking for food, booze, weapons, and “woman-folk”.

First, see if you can find a route around the roadblock. If not, you’re going to want to break through it — but not like in Hollywood.

Flooring the gas pedal and blasting through in a blaze of glory will only damage your radiator and battery. Your airbags will deploy and after-all-is-said-and-done you’ll probably end up in the hands of some very pissed off thugs. (And here you thought it would be more fun than that).

So here’s what you should do.

First of all, it’s common for roadblocks to be made by rolling a couple of vehicles together. Look for the smallest car and line up to the trunk — which is the lightest part of the car.

The engine block is too heavy and difficult to move, so that’s not where you want to target your efforts.

Aim for the wheel-well. Slow down to 5 or 10 mph, line up with the wheel-well, then push the car out of the way. Again, I know it’s tempting, but don’t ram it at high speed.

Once your car is actively pushing — accelerate and don’t lay off the gas. Keep at it until you’ve pushed through and are free of the roadblock. If you take your foot off the accelerator and lose momentum during the push, you could get hopelessly stuck.

If the roadblock is a pile of debris instead of a vehicle, the same concept applies. Look for the lightest and weakest spot in the roadblock and push your way through.

Your team should be ready ahead of time to engage in armed combat with any “guards” manning the roadblock.

Also, don’t cross your hands over the steering wheel. Keep them on either side of the wheel because, even at low speeds, the airbag could deploy. Having your hand crossed over the wheel could mean an instant knock-out shot from your own arm, (okay, who hit me?).

If there’s advance warning and you have some time to prep your vehicle, you may consider disabling the airbags.

Alright, I’m just scratching the surface here.

There’s a lot more about tactical driving and some rather intensive military-grade training for working as a combat unit… tips for fighting from your home under SHTF conditions… urban combat… armed withdrawals… creating an escape plan… the whole works.

It’s some rather intensive material taught to you by the same seasoned combat vet who helped me out here. There are few guys outside the military who understand this material with the depth of insight you’ll be taught.

This training is now available to you and other civilians right HERE.

And so the big wheel keeps on turning. It’s always a pleasure to share with my hotlist. More to come.

Stay Manly,

Jimbo, Editor
Man Skills

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