10 Tips To Increase Your Personal Safety
As I peruse the various social media sites, read the paper and watch the news, I hear people commenting on their concerns about “what the world has come to.” Battles are raging across the world; we STILL have soldiers dying overseas and here on our own streets. It appears the number of people looking to the government and police to make them more safe and secure is increasing. I don’t know why because as a former law enforcement officer and current reserve officer, I know that the government and police show up too late after the deed has been done. We show up to basically clean up the mess.
As harsh as that may sound, it is the hard truth. When it comes to self-defense and so-called “homeland security,” the responsibility for your personal security and safety rests with YOU! – NOT with the government or the police.
Sure, the police would love to be proactive and stop crime from happening BEFORE it occurs… much like the police in the movie The Minority Report, where PreCrime, a specialized police department, apprehends criminals based on foreknowledge provided by three psychics called “precogs.” But that just isn’t where we are right now. AND it did not even go well in the movie. The police would be at my door every day if they are basing it on all the crime I think about doing, LOL. Anyway, the government and police spend so much time on being reactive that it leaves very little time to be proactive.
While we, as citizens, can do little more than show our support for the thousands of troops fighting our country’s many battles around the world, or for the thousands of law enforcement officers patrolling the streets trying to combat crime, we have to take a more proactive role in dealing with the hostilities and assaults that are going on all around us right here at home. In this article, I am going to provide you with a list of 10 tips you can use to make yourself safe and secure, regardless of whether they’re traveling or staying at home.
Tips for Increasing Your Ability to Survive Danger
- You must first open up your eyes and actually acknowledge that danger exists in your world and has the potential of touching you or someone that you care about. Many people think that violence will never happen to them or that they live in a safe neighborhood where these things don’t happen. Well, let me tell you that they do. And if you think this way you won’t be prepared to deal with the situation. I live in a great suburban neighborhood, but five days ago, about five minutes from my house, a 17-year-old child stabbed his 62-year-old father to death while he was driving, causing a crash. The kid then dragged his father’s body into some bushes in a failed attempt to hide it. Ignorance, when it comes to avoiding and escaping from danger, is not bliss.
- Stay informed about the types of dangers, including criminal activity, prevalent in areas where you find yourself. I don’t watch the news much anymore because it is always bad news. My wife complains that I don’t know what’s going on in the world every time she asks me about some event that occurred. Perhaps she is correct. However, I do try to keep up with what’s going on in my neighborhood. Knowing what you’re most likely to face is the first step to being able to handle it should it happen.
- When I was an agent, we were taught to establish multiple routes to and from the places we frequented the most. This was especially relevant during desert storm when I was stationed in Turkey doing counterintelligence work, and people were getting shot and blown up left and right. Now, even here at home, I offer you the same advice. At a minimum, everyone should have at least two routes to and from home and work. This makes it more difficult for you to be pinned down by someone who knows your routine.
- Acknowledge that it’s your responsibility, not that of the police, to keep yourself safe. As a former police officer, I know that the police cannot keep you safe from anyone who truly wants to harm you. Realize that you, and you alone, will be the first one “on the scene” of the assault or other danger and responsible for dealing with the attack. So, train, read my blogs and prepare yourself to deal with whatever comes your way.
Learn a few tactics for effectively avoiding or escaping from danger that do not require physically fighting with your assailant. Danger and the unexpected are a natural part of life. But, what would your life be like if you knew what to look for or do too quickly, simply, and easily prevent or escape from most of these dangers?
If your attacker:
Can’t HIT you… he can’t HURT you…And… if he can’t HURT you… he can’t BEAT you!
You need to spend some time learning things such as:
- What to look for in a restaurant and other buildings to be able to escape or hide from danger;
- When and how you’re most vulnerable when driving so you can react at a second’s warning of trouble;
- How to escape from buildings in an emergency so you won’t make the mistake that prevented you from escaping with your life;
- Why you should disregard most of the emergency procedures on airplanes and other public transportation – information designed to make you a compliant victim rather than a true survivor;
- What the most common danger signs are when spotting potential thieves, muggers and other assailants so you can get out of there with your skin intact
- Move away from dangerous areas. I know this is not as easy as I make it sound, but If you work or live in or near a high-danger area, you are more likely to be the target of an attack, and therefore, you should remove yourself and your family away from such a situation.
- Establish or get involved with a neighborhood watch program. There is truth in the “safety-in-numbers” philosophy, and criminals will almost always seek out easier prey instead of risking being caught in the act. There a small pond right behind my home, and it became a popular spot for youngsters to hand out to smoke weed and conduct other nefarious activities. When my neighbors and I started covering each other and calling the police, things quickly got better.
- Of course, I am going to recommend that you at least take a class or course in basic self-defense. You don’t have to earn a black belt, but at least know how to protect yourself with some basic moves. When choosing an instructor, make sure that you check his or her credentials as many self-defense instructors have no real-world self-defense experience. EVERY instructor here at TRS have plenty of real-world experience, and we will not teach you the crap that most people do. Also, a trophy or black belt are no indicators of someone’s experience in this area.
- Have escape routes set up for evacuating your home or workplace should it be invaded. There should also be a safe room designed where family members or employees can secure themselves should they not be able to get out of the building. I talk about how to build a safe room in another of my articles.
- 10. Finally, I urge you to take the concept of self-defense very seriously. Remember that every victim, regardless of the danger they succumbed to, had the same thought before their ordeal. They all once thought, “it will never happen to me.” And well… They were wrong!
In Today’s often violent world, self-defense is no longer a choice – it’s a responsibility. Accepting the reality that, with the addition of terrorism to the ever-present threat of gang activity, drug wars, and the myriad of other crimes of violence, it’s your responsibility to be personally capable of defending yourself and your loved ones should the unfortunate need arises.
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