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How to Obtain Emergency Survival Food from the Land

Finding food is one of the most essential survival skills you can have.
Even though many of you are living snugly inside your home, when disaster strikes, there will be a lack of many things. This includes food shortages people, without the proper training and skills, are left hungry to fend for themselves. However, you can avoid excessive hunger by learning some basic survival skills for living off the land.

How To Pick Locks. (Who Needs Keys?)

You may find this shocking, but picking open a standard "tumbler" lock, (like the one on your front door), is pretty damn easy when you know how it's done.

And in a "meltdown" survival situation, (once the smash-n-grab crowd has stolen everything not tied-down), the food and water and secure shelter will all be behind locked doors, (which explains why Special Forces are often trained in lock picking... and why they carry a set of lock pics with them).

It's a lot of fun learning this skill, (it doesn't take long)... and kinda nice to help out that buddy locked out of his house after the wife discovered what really happened on that "no money down" real estate seminar in Vegas.

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When a disaster strikes, you should know how to gather emergency food supplies from the land, forage, and have supplies to evacuate if necessary. In this article, I am going to share some tips with you that can help you prepare and could be as simple as merely planting the right things in your garden. I will touch on a few foraging techniques and techniques for collecting water.

Let’s assume that there is an emergency in your area, such as earthquakes and mudslides, and no help can get to you. There is no rescue helicopter in sight because this was “the big one” and the earthquake devastated a 5-state area. Help may not be able to get to you for weeks, and depending on where you are and what condition your shelter is in, you will need to act fast. You will need to quickly gather your family, initiate your plan (you should already have a plan by the way), and set rules for safety.

Begin by counting your food supplies and budget it to last for at least two weeks. All humans need food, shelter, water, and safety, no matter where you are. In an earthquake, animals’ sense something is wrong and flee with all their might, but humans are left behind. However, even though you cannot sense earthquakes coming, you can better prepare for the aftermath. This includes having an emergency food supply list, supplies stashed away in an accessible area (preferably a shelter), and previous disaster planning to help facilitate the quick evacuation or restoration to normalcy.

Ensuring safety for you and your family is one of the significant steps you need to take for any disaster scenario. You will need to avoid broken things, glass, debris, or even ruptured gas lines. Even if you have emergency supplies buried under the wreckage of your house, do not enter to retrieve it unless you know the area is secure and no gas leaks are apparent.

Emergency Survival food is meant to last for only a short time and depending on what you have packed away, and it may last as little as a couple of days to as long as a couple of weeks. Survivalists recommend that you have at least a two-week supply of food and water stashed. But there will come a time when that food and water will run out, and you will need to be able to live off the land and collect water.

One method to collect safe potable water is to use a tarp to collect condensation from the air. The tarp will collect condensation in the air if you stretch it over a hole in the ground, and it is exposed to sunlight. Water from the land and air will condense on it, and if you put something to catch the water underneath, you will have some safe water to drink.

Another simpler method is if you have a water filter in your supply kit. You can use it to filter water, but make sure to boil the water first because many filters aren’t rated for biological contaminants.

How to Forage

You should also learn to forage. For example, do you know that you can eat dandelions? Dandelions have excellent edible qualities. Not only are the young green leaves delicious raw or cooked, but they’re easily cultivated and found everywhere. Harvest dandelion greens before they flower, or after the first flower, because dandelion greens will become more bitter as they grow. If you are not accustomed to bitter foods, they can be a real shock to the palette. However, understand that they can sustain you.

You should also learn tips for foraging in the right areas. Suburban lawns are treated with lots of chemicals, so you may need to think twice before plucking up dandelions there. Also, don’t forage near highways or other polluted areas, because the plants will not be safe to eat.

You also need to know what wild foods around you are edible and worthwhile to seek out and harvest. If you’re going to be foraging for emergency survival food, you should focus on expending the least amount of energy, finding the most food when the situation is the most ideal. For now, while conditions are safe, spend some time looking up more information on foraging, because every environment is different. You might even consider contacting a local foraging expert and asking him or her how to forage properly.

Here are some more essential skills you should know.

Along with understanding the limitless amounts of food you can find in the wild, you need to know how to store your found emergency survival food. One way to preserve plant foods is to can them. Canning is the process of sealing foods in a glass jar with high amounts of heat in a boiling water bath. This will stop the food from decaying in a sterile environment.

Canning needs to be done in an immaculate area because you can get very, very sick from bacteria that populate in canned foods. Depending on the kind of jars and foods you’re canning, it’s a good idea to learn the specifics before you try canning them. An excellent way to start is to try making your own pickles. There are plenty of recipes on the internet you can try, and canning supplies are easily found in most grocery stores these days, especially in the fall season.

You can try just about anything, especially fleshy vegetables and fruits. Berries are easy to find, and you can turn what may be a very sour and not very palatable berry into a delicious jam with enough sugar, canning it for later use. Crabapples are excellent fruit that are great as preserves or as a jam. Currants, gooseberries, mulberries, raspberries, blackberries, blueberries, cranberries- almost any kind can taste wonderful canned with enough sugar.

These are just a few tips. Survival is in our nature, but most of us are unprepared for any kind of disaster. Hopefully, these tips can put you on the correct path to learning how to survive.

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